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Dragon Dreams- The Complete Shifter Collection

Page 61

by Leela Ash

  Dakota was his Mate. He loved her, no matter what she’d done.

  He forgave her.

  But did she forgive him?

  His heart urged him to join her in her bed. Safe in his arms, curled against him, no evil spell could touch her. That was where a Dragon’s Mate belonged: curled up with her Protector.

  He couldn’t, though. Not after he’d rejected her so harshly this evening. Instead, Michael pulled two chairs together in front of the door, blocking it. “I’ll sleep here tonight, if that’s okay.”


  She watched him warily, out of the corner of her eye. Weighing him.

  He had put this doubt in her, this hesitation. His wounded pride. Shame filled him, and his Dragon keened softly. Although she was threatened, his Mate did not turn to him for defense, as she should.

  Yet as that thought gnawed at him, Dakota straightened. She faced him, chin rising, and in a calm voice said, “You don’t have to sleep there unless you want to. You’re welcome to join me.”

  Now it was his voice that grew rough. “You’re not angry? Because I… because…”

  “Michael.” A hint of tears sparkled in her eyes as she took his hands in hers. “You have every right to be mad at me. I hope you’ll forgive me. I pray you will. And, if you do, I want you to be my Mate. Fully and truly.”

  “I forgive you,” he whispered, drawing her close. “And I want that too.”

  “Then come to bed.”

  That was all the invitation he needed.

  He slipped his shirt off and tossed it aside. Dakota paused in mid-turn, mesmerized by the sight of his broad, tanned chest. Her brown eyes traced his pecs, lingering over their sharp lines. Michael felt his manhood stir beneath the naked lust that lit her face.

  This was his woman, his Mate. She wanted him. Wanted his body, his strength, and the fierce, dangerous power of his Shifter soul. Pride and desire burned in his heart as his Dragon roared with delight.

  Slowly, he slid his hand inside his pants. Dakota’s lips parted, sending another flush of pleasure through his groin. His finger stroked his cock, just enough to tease it awake. Then he unzipped his pants, freeing himself from their constricting bonds. They slipped to the floor, sliding down his hard, muscled legs. Her eyes followed them, devouring him with a hunger that sent blood singing through his body.

  Mesmerized by his naked body, she stilled, her fingers still wrapped about the forgotten buttons of her own shirt.

  “Here. Let me help you with that,” he said, his voice rough with his thirst for her.

  One by one, he unfastened the buttons of her blouse. Each release revealed more of her gorgeous body. The smooth curve of her throat and collar. A lacy bra, teasing him, hiding the glory of her breasts. The smooth skin of her belly and underpants that dipped low, hinting at the mysteries they concealed.

  Her lips – full, warm, enticing – seduced him. He leaned close to kiss her. Lightly, at first, savoring the electric tingle that the touch of her mouth summoned. Then firmer, more demanding. Her nearness, the heat of her body against her, drove the flames of his lust higher. Soft and silken, her bra brushed against his chest. His Dragon urged him to sweep it aside. To take her, seize her, this very moment. Why should it wait to claim its own?

  Because I want her to know joy. To feel the fullest ecstasy. She’s my Mate. She deserves as much.

  Even his impetuous Shifter soul saw the wisdom in that.

  Still joined in their embrace, he stroked her delicate chin, her slender throat, sending her blouse fluttering to the ground. Dakota twined her arms around his neck. Her soft curves pressed against him, awakening every inch of his skin. With a tug, he unzipped her pants and slipped his hands within, he squeezed her buttocks. His caresses sent the last of her clothes falling to join her blouse. Bra followed, and underwear… the final scraps of cloth that separated them.

  At last, they stood naked before each other. Man and woman. Dragon and Mate. Two halves of one whole. United, now, in spirit – and soon, in body.

  Michael swept her into his arms and lowered her softly to the bed. Clasped to his chest, he felt the beat of her heart. Strong, rapid, racing with need.

  A need he intended to fulfill.

  He joined her, kneeling between her welcoming legs. Desire lit her wide brown eyes. Her breath quickened, sending shivers through the delicious mounds of her breasts. Michael bent close, felt heat blaze between them as their bodies drew near. His cock swelled, eager to take her.

  Instead, his lips closed upon her nipples. Kissing them, sucking them. Dakota moaned. Her back arched, offering her body to his hungry mouth. Her sighs, the desperate shudders that shook her body, inflamed him.

  Quickly, he slipped lower. Kisses flowed down her chest, her stomach. Gliding closer to the heat of her sex. As his breath stirred the delicate fuzz of her nether hair, she moaned. An aching, animal cry that sent his manhood surging. Fingers closed in his hair, urging him downward.

  Michael pressed his mouth against her damp sex. His tongue flickered out, slipping between the folds of her skin to find the slick, eager nub of her clitoris. He sucked greedily at it and was rewarded by a sharp gasp of delight. Dakota shuddered beneath him, maddened with lust by each lash. Wrapped in his locks, her fingers clenched, locking them together. Inflamed by her desire, he felt his cock stiffen. Each shudder of passion that shook her frame drove him to the edge of collapse.

  Before they lost themselves in that pleasure, he pulled away from those delights. Their eyes met. Hers sparkling with the wonder of his love-making; his set afire by the touch of his Dragon soul.

  “Now,” she panted. “Please, now.”

  Her word was his command. Michael rose above her, basking in her need, the open yearning that filled his lover’s body. Then he surrendered to the unstoppable fire burning and drove into her welcoming sex.

  Dakota cried in ecstasy, her eyes closing in bliss. As he felt her body, warm and wet, closing tight around his shaft, his own cry of joy joined hers. Each stroke sent waves of delirious pleasure coursing through his body. Her moans grew louder, more needy. Long legs wrapped around his hips, urging him on.

  Suddenly, Dakota’s cries rose to a sharp wail. Her body shuddered, arched, as she came. Her pleasure, her climax, pushed him over the edge and he felt his seed burst within her, filling her. For one moment, bliss held them, woven together. Then Dakota collapsed, panting. Michael dropped to her side, shaken by his own unsteady breath.

  Curled against each other they lay. The demands of their passion faded into the soft glow of fulfillment.

  “There.” Michael gave her a slow, loving kiss. “I hope that shows you how sorry I am.”

  Dakota wiggled closer to him. “I thought sex was supposed to be an act of joy, not an apology?”

  Ouch. He had said that, hadn’t he? When he blew her off.

  Seeing his frown, she laughed. “I’m teasing. If that’s your idea of saying ‘sorry’, you can apologize any time you want!”

  Chapter 13

  By the next morning, Jamie Wolfe had arrived. Their little band, now one stronger, gathered in Dakota’s room over a McDonald’s breakfast. She wasn’t sure that a dozen Egg McMuffins would fill everyone up. Mostly because of Walker. Rats, it appeared, were hollow and could eat forever.

  Jamie looked like Owen Jackson’s brother. Lithe, more slender than Michael, with rakish brown hair and emerald eyes. If he was injured, she couldn’t tell. He moved with a Dragon’s preternatural grace and ease.

  “Well,” Tess said, “can we do anything with the curse tablet now that we have it?”

  “No,” Dakota replied. “We tried last night. I can’t contact Megaera through it. Seems like she’s fully in the world now.”

  “And devouring the rest of the Flight.” Michael tossed half of his sandwich aside. Immediately Walker pounced on it and popped it in his mouth.

  “I do think Maya’s right: we can call her off. When I spoke to her she considered it – but got ticked
off because I didn’t bring her any gifts.”

  “Presents it is, then,” Michael said. “Okay, new plan. Tess, you need to grab more wine and, uh, Twinkies.”

  The Adanai saluted. “Warrior Shopping Princess, at your command!”

  “If we can’t contact Megaera out here, we have to sneak into the Wellspring this morning.”

  Walker, busy scraping cheese bits off the sandwich wrappers, paused long enough to protest. “Easier to sneak at night.”

  “The Flight may not live that long.”

  “True,” the Rat sighed, “and there ain’t no use ‘rescuing’ dead people. But Dragon’s don’t sneak well, neither.”

  “Jamie and I won’t be sneaking. We’ll be attacking the Fangs at the Stiles’ Farm.”

  Tess pursed her lips. “I thought we agreed that wasn’t a good plan.”

  “It isn’t.” Michael’s grim smile sent a chill down Dakota’s back. “But it’s a great distraction. We should be able to draw everyone away from the Wellspring.”

  He was willing to be a ‘distraction’? To trust others to do the true work? Dakota’s heart swelled with pride. That was the mark of a real leader! “While you do that, I can talk to Megaera in safety.”


  And, just as quickly as that, he booted her off the team. “What! Why? No, don’t tell me. I know.” Her cheeks burned as she rose to her feet. “You still don’t trust me.”

  “Dakota, wait.” He caught her and pulled her close, his strong arms wrapping around her. A prison she neither could (nor wanted) to escape. “I do trust you. But it’s too dangerous.”

  “It’s my fault. I need to fix this.”

  “You’re my Mate. You can’t ask me to send you into danger. I should be protecting you.”

  Tess watched them, eyes sparkling. “Okay, hate to break up the cute argument…” Michael’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “…but who else can do it?”

  “Walker is our best spy.”

  “Oh hell no!” the Rat wailed. “Tell me we ain’t goin’ back to the ‘send the Rat in’ plan.”

  “He’s also a man,” Dakota countered, “and Megaera focuses on women.”

  “Not exclusively. She also avenges wronged families.”

  “And you lot ain’t my kin!” Walker squeaked. “I am no relation of Dragons!”

  A point that even Michael couldn’t argue against. “Tess then. She’s a woman.”

  “Michael.” Dakota hugged him back, laying her cheek on his shoulder. “Megaera knows me. She called me her ‘petitioner’ and volunteered to avenge my death. We don’t even know if she’ll talk to Tess.”

  He stood silent, refusing to melt in her embrace.

  “We only get one shot at this. Let me do it.”

  “Dakota, you’re my Mate…”

  “We’re a team. We should work together. Besides,” she squeezed him tight, “if something happens to me, you’ll know. And you’ll be close.”

  Despite all her logic and persuasion, the urge to protect her was too great. His Dragon simply would not let him allow her to take this risk. Light burned in his eyes, an angry, fiery blaze. Yet as he gazed down at her eager face, Michael sighed and shut his eyes.

  When he opened them again, that light had vanished. He, not his Dragon, was in charge.

  “Okay. Jamie and I are the bait. Tess, you’re with the Wellspring team in case we don’t pull all the guards away. Walker, can you get the women to the Wellspring safely?”


  “Probably?” he rumbled. “That’s not good enough.”

  “Awright then.” The Rat snorted. “Kin I git them in? Hell yeah! No problem whatsoever.”

  “That’s better.”

  Walker rolled his eyes. “Sorry, boss. Didn’t realize I was supposed to be lying there.”

  They all laughed. Even Michael smiled reluctantly.

  Chapter 14

  Sitting beside Walker’s pickup, Dakota did a quick inventory. Gun from Tess? Check. Bottle of wine with a screw-top cap? Check. Twinkies? Yup – along with one of every type of sweet, cakey thing that 7-11 sold. A whole bag of junk food sure to please any malevolent Greek demi-goddess.

  Michael paced nearby, disturbed but silent. Having made the decision, he wasn’t backing out. But she could see how much it pained him to let her face danger. In his relentless pacing. In the twitch of his head and the way that he muttered to himself. In the light that burned in his eyes.

  Yet he trusted her. He trusted all of them to save his Flight. A human and two of the ‘lesser’ Shifters. He, the Dragon, the great Protector, would lure their enemies away so that the ‘weaker’ members of his team could deal with this threat.

  How much must that sting her proud Dragon? Dakota’s heart burned with pride for him.

  “Ready Walker?”

  Sitting behind the wheel, the Rat spat out his window. “Guess so. Much as I’ll ever be.”

  Tess hopped into the truck bed as Dakota gave Michael one final kiss. He hugged her tight, almost painfully so. “We’ll be fine,” she promised.

  “You have to be.”

  “I’ll send you a text when we’re in place.”

  Reluctantly, he let go of her. “Give us five minutes after that to hit them. You should be able to hear the noise of the fight.”

  As Walker drove off, she watched Michael recede in her mirror. Standing on the edge of the road. Unwilling to turn away until they disappeared from view.

  The drive was uneventful. Walker parked close to where she’d ditched her stolen car. Keyed up and frightened, she expected the hike in to be pure torture. But, again, it was freakishly placid. The Rat would hide her and Tess behind some deadfall or bushes then scout ahead. Once he knew the path was clear, he escorted them to the next hiding spot. They crossed the woods quietly, slipping from cover to cover like mice.

  Or Rats.

  On the last trip, Walker was gone so long she feared he’d been caught. When he finally made it back, he hunkered down beside them. “Call yer man. That ridge up there? That’s the Wellspring. There’s a dozen Bears, Wolves, ‘n’ mercs sittin’ round with their thumbs up their asses. They gotta be pulled off ‘fore you head in.”

  “Before we head in,” Dakota corrected him.

  Indignation lit the Rat’s eyes. “Woman, I ain’t gittin’ no closer ‘n’ this! I done my part.”


  “No! Damn near got my fool self shot last time I tried to help you. Ain’t happenin’ again.”

  Tess laid a hand on her arm. “It’s okay. If Michael and Jamie do their job, we won’t be fighting anyone.”

  True. She still wanted all the back-up she could get. One look at Walker’s pinched, angry face, though, persuaded her that the Adanai and she were on their own. Sighing, she sent the text.

  We’re here.

  Five minutes. Michael replied. Wait till you hear us.

  Then time did slow to an agonizing crawl.

  Where were the Dragons? She checked her phone. Only two minutes had passed. Another eternity crawled by. Still, the phone insisted they were just shy of five minutes.

  She would not check again! She would not… for at least a minute…

  Off in the distance, a deep roar shattered the morning stillness. A second joined it – then the chatter of gunfire.

  Heavy gunfire. Aghast, she turned to Tess. “Is that a machine-gun?”

  The Adanai didn’t exactly answer. “They’re Dragons. They can take care of themselves. Let’s do our part.”

  Automatic fire rattled on, without a break. In a freakish way, it was almost comforting. If guns could easily bring down a Dragon, after all, this fight would have ended quickly.

  Up at the Wellspring, men shouted. Their cries quickly faded off in the direction of the farm.

  So far, so good. The two women inched their way up the slope.

  Beyond the trees, little had changed. Megaera’s pillar of darkness loomed a little taller. The Dragons seemed paler, sma
ller. Tess winced at the pain in her Mate’s face. Then, teeth gritted, she turned to Dakota. “You’re up. Start petitioning.”

  Clutching the bag of junk food, Dakota scrambled to the edge of the cyclone of shadows. She knelt, ignoring the flurry of black feathers whirling inches away from her face, and set a Slurpee cup on the ground.

  Let’s hope this ritual doesn’t require fancy dishes!

  Half the bottle of wine fit in that thing. Well, at least nobody was going to accuse her of skimping on the offerings! Dakota arranged four Twinkies around the cup then raised her hands to the skies. “Um, Megaera? A petitioner comes before you.”

  A voice woven from rage and darkness sighed. “Petitioner, I know you. And your hands are not empty.”

  Score one for the Twinkies.

  “Megaera, I withdraw my charge. I was wrong. Please let these Dragons go.”


  And with one word, all their plans came crashing down.

  More forcefully, she repeated her demand. “You have to. I withdraw my charge! You have no charge to enforce!”



  Begging and desperation didn’t even earn a denial. Dakota glanced back at Tess, and her spirit sank at the despair in the other woman’s face.

  “Dammit, I withdraw my charge! Go away!”

  “No. Not until your sister is avenged.”

  How dare this creature pretend she cared about Cally? “I don’t want your vengeance,” Dakota screamed. “Vengeance sucks!”

  With a howl, the tornado collapsed, slamming onto the ground in front of her. Feathers boiled, shreds of darkness ripped past. Then a figure appeared in the midst of that chaos. A crouching woman with staring eyes and snakes for hair. Her arms, pencil thin, clawed into the damp earth. Rage, fury, and madness filled her face. Dakota felt it tearing at her mind, threatening to drag her down into that maelstrom of hatred.


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