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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

Page 9

by Gerald J Kubicki

  “So, you think the chest is still intact?” Banyon said as his enthusiasm grew.

  “It is right on the edge of one of the anoxic zones. We should easily reach it in scuba equipment.”

  “Well hang on, I’m going to consult with an expert,” Banyon threw out. “Wolf,” he yelled out. “Does this chest still exist?”

  “Yes, it most certainly does,” the voice replied. “I’m looking at it right now. It’s half buried in sand, but they should find it easily. Colt, please talk to me later, I have news to tell you,” Wolf added.

  “Well, I guess we are going on a treasure hunt,” Banyon cheerfully announced to the group. They were all jumping up and down now, clapping hands and hooting.

  Suddenly serious, Previne cleared her throat and spoke. “Only Loni is going, Eric is staying here with you.”


  “You see, Eric can’t get caught in that part of the world. He will never make it past immigration. His face is on record, so he can’t go,” Pramilla said.

  Banyon looked to Eric. “That’s true Colt. This area is off limits because of some things I did when I was a SEAL. It was secret government stuff, you understand.”

  “And we need four people to sail the boat,” Previne informed him. “So, Loni needs to go with us on this treasure hunt. Don’t worry I know the area, she will be safe.”

  “It’s up to her,” Banyon looked right at Loni as he said it.

  “What is the weather like?” Loni asked. “Just so I know what to pack.”

  “It’s summer there, so lots of bikinis,” Previne responded with a grin. “It will be a mini-vacation for just girls.”

  Banyon suddenly had visions of all four women, in small bikinis, prancing around the deck of a sail boat in the hot sun. He wanted to go too.

  “But it’ll take me more than two hours to pack,” Loni said nervously.

  “Well, you better get started,” Banyon joked.

  “Sweetie, just pack your essentials,” Previne told her. “We will land in Odessa around mid-day. We can’t board the sailboat until the next morning. I believe Colt could spring for some new outfits. Can’t you Colt?”

  “I’ll buy all your outfits,” Banyon announced.

  “That won’t cost you much,” Previne replied sexily. “We plan on being nude most of the time.

  Chapter Twenty

  It was well after midnight when Banyon finally sat down in his great room and prepared to contact Wolf. He mixed himself a stoli and tonic to calm his nerves. He also placed a pen and paper on his knee.

  The last hour had been a whirl-wind, with Loni packing, unpacking and repacking one small suitcase many times. Her clothes were strewn everywhere in the bedroom as she discarded what she decided she didn’t need. Banyon chuckled to himself. Elizabeth would have a lot of laundry to deal with in the morning. Pramilla finally had gone in the bedroom to help her pack. Maya and Previne continued to chat about their upcoming adventure at the kitchen island. Eric had gone to watch TV. Banyon could see Eric was dejected over not being able to participate. He felt dejected too, but knew the girls wanted to do this on their own. Along the way, it was decided that Eric would stay at Banyon’s house so he went back to their house and returned with a suitcase of his own. When the girls left, he told Banyon he was going to bed, leaving Banyon alone to talk to Wolf.

  “Wolf, are you out there?” Banyon started.

  “I am here,” the spirit replied.

  Not sure where to start, Banyon decided to ask Wolf about old business first. “Did you find out who from Washington was calling the drug leader in Cancun?”

  “It was Werner Klotz,” Wolf quickly replied.

  “That’s interesting,” Banyon said. “He is on my list of people for you to find. Who is he?” Banyon asked.

  “Werner Klotz is a long-time lobbyist in Washington D.C. His offices have represented several administrations since he started the firm in the nineteen-fifties. He is a member of the Effort and a good friend of Paul Slezeck. He currently lobbies for organizations who want to ban guns in America.”

  “But that sounds so opposite of Nazi beliefs, doesn’t it?”

  “On the contrary, Colt,” Wolf replied. “Remember the long term goal of the Nazis, now the Effort, is to take over America. Without guns, how will people defend themselves against this menace?”

  “Now it makes sense,” Banyon realized as he made some notes. “So by appearing the opposite of the Effort, he is actually helping them,” Banyon speculated. “But why would he call drug dealers in Mexico?”

  “It is part of a bigger plan.”

  “Explain the plan would you?”

  “The Effort now realizes a political takeover of the government is many years away, maybe decades. So, they are concentrating on fixing what they feel are problems they can actually influence. They are Americans, after all. They want the best for their country. It’s just that they go about fixing things brutally and ruthlessly.”

  “So, why, kidnap the President’s granddaughter?”

  “They want to put pressure on the President to make him so upset he makes a mistake,” Wolf replied.

  “What do they want?”

  “Slezeck wants the President to sign a new executive order. It would beef up Homeland Security. The new order would nearly double the size of the agency, especially the Border Patrol, and would give them powers to clean up the illegal alien issue while wiping out the drug cartels. America has the technology and the intelligence to do it.”

  “Wolf, I kind of agree with doing that. Why won’t the President sign the order?”

  “The order gives Homeland Security too much power. Under the proposed guidelines, no one would be safe from the agency. While they will be able to fix these current problems, they will also eliminate anyone that stands in their way. Remember, collateral damage means nothing to these people.”

  “So, the plan is to force the President to give Homeland Security more powers, is that right?”

  “Yes.” The answer sent chills up Banyon’s spine. His experience with the secret agency had not been good in the past. They already had the ability to take over any investigation without passing any information back. They also had the Patriot Act, to arrest anyone they chose, and a fast attack small army with extreme powers. They controlled TSA, the Border Patrol and even the Coast guard. They were pretty powerful already.

  “What else do they plan to do?”

  “You know I can’t tell you that Colt. But I can tell you what they have already done. It is very damaging.”

  “What else has happened?”

  “First, Klotz has leaked to the Mexican President that Americans were responsible for the takedown in Cancun. The Mexican President is furious and is considering an act of war against the U.S. But there is more.”

  “So, now both Presidents are upset,” Banyon noted. “What has happened since?”

  “A few hours ago, a group of men, dressed like the Mexican military, broke into a TV station in Laredo, Texas and killed all the news people — on air. They also made the anchorwoman read a statement. It said the drug cartels intend to do more violence, even kill more people, if America doesn’t stop the war on drugs.”

  “My God,” Banyon muttered. “The President will want to know who did that. Can you help?”

  “I can help, but it’s already too late. The damage is already done,” replied Wolf. “A video disk is currently on the way to the White House. The disk was shot from a hidden camera in a drug cartel safe house in Mexico. The FBI knows about the house and has it in their records.”

  “What’s on the disk?”

  “It clearly shows the men who invaded the TV station. Just as they are celebrating and taking off their masks, several men in American SWAT uniforms break in. They executed the men. All were made to kneel and were shot in the head, just like they did to the news people. The SWAT team speaks English. It looks like pure retaliation.”

  “Is it?”

  “No, it
was all arranged through Werner Klotz, to make it look like America is as ruthless as the cartels.”

  “It sounds like a ping pong match across two borders,” Banyon muttered to himself. “So the ultimate goal is to get the President to sign the executive order, right?”

  “Slezeck has scheduled a news conference early tomorrow morning. He intends to tell America they have the ability to stop the killings, but the inept, ultra-liberal, President refuses to sign the document.”

  “Will it stop the killings?”


  “But if I tell the President that Werner Klotz is responsible, won’t he stop Klotz from implementing more of the plan?”

  “That is exactly what Slezeck wants. He is not above sacrificing Klotz to further his agenda. When the President signs the order to take out Klotz, Slezeck will blackmail him into signing the Homeland Security document. Everybody will have blood on their hands, including the President.”

  “So, what should I do?”

  “Tell the President he cannot know who is arranging the killings because it is a trap. Get approval for using some of the Dewey & Beatem people to take Klotz down publicly. You and Eric need to do this.”

  “Wait a second,” Banyon said as he backed up to something Wolf had already said. “You said Slezeck knows I will tell the President about Werner Klotz. How does he know that?’ Banyon felt fear growing in his throat.

  “You heard correctly,” Wolf calmly answered. “Slezeck knows about you and your team. He also knows that you can help the President, but doesn’t know that we are on to him. In fact, Klotz has contracted for a group of killers to eliminate all of you on orders from Slezeck. The killers will be arriving in Chicago tomorrow. They intend to hunt each of you down, which is why I got the girls to go out of town.”

  “You arranged that?”

  “I gave Maya a little nudge to look more closely at the ledger. Don’t worry; no one knows where they have going. They are very safe, but you and Eric are not.”

  Feeling more stress than ever before, Banyon asked. “So what do we do to protect ourselves?”

  “Go to the office tomorrow, take Eric with you. They can’t get to you there. Hire some body guards from the staff. After work, get on a plane and head to your condo in Las Vegas. It will take the hit men time to find you. Take the bodyguards with you. I will arrange for some of my other friends to watch your place until you get there.”

  Banyon knew Wolf could talk to other people who worked on different projects for him. Some of them had helped protect Banyon during other mysteries. “So you want me to run and hide?”

  “You need time to figure out how to take down Klotz and also Slezeck. This buys you the time. We will take on the hit men on our terms.”

  Banyon realized that Wolf was right. He needed some time to figure out what to do about the Efforts plans. He did have one more question. “But Wolf, what about the other name on the Maya’s list, Bernard Schultz?”

  “He can wait,” Wolf replied.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  While Banyon prepared for sleep knowing it was probably a fruitless effort, Werner Klotz was still at his desk, in his office, near the White House. Despite being over ninety years old, he still often worked late, especially since he didn’t want anyone in his office to know about his work for the Effort.

  He had just received notice from his contact that the Mexican hit team would land in Chicago and begin their killings by the mid-afternoon tomorrow. He didn’t know why Slezeck wanted these people dead, but he knew there must be a reason. It also meant Klotz would have to travel to Chicago in the morning. He didn’t dare send the photos and information about people he wanted killed over the internet. He needed to meet the hit team in Chicago to give them the information.

  He made arrangements to leave at ten o’clock in the morning. He would take a private jet to Chicago, hand out the information and make the payment at a car rental agency parking lot near Midway airport. He would then return home. As he looked at their pictures he wondered why Slezeck would want to kill all these beautiful women. Why not just take them and use them for fun, he thought. But he knew better than to question Slezeck.

  Werner Klotz had spent the afternoon at a lovely state luncheon at the White House, where he planted some damaging information. It would send the government into panic tomorrow morning. When he was satisfied he had caused enough damage, he returned to his office to create more mayhem.

  During the evening, from his office, he had arranged for more killings. He contracted for a man to drive a car filled with explosives up to the main border-crossing checkpoint in Laredo. The man would approach from the Mexican side. The plan was to have the man leave the car right under the police overhang. Another man would detonate the bomb by remote control, from across the river, in Mexico.

  This would cause the border to be closed along its entire length. Trade goods, people, and even drugs would be prohibited from passing through. Soon, there would be discontent, even riots on the bridges. Immense pressure would be put on the guards on both sides of the border. No one would take credit for the bombing which would add to the confusion and growing anger. The Effort’s plan was working. The President would be under a huge strain.

  He had more mayhem to schedule, but decided he wanted to be awake to watch the drama unfold in the morning at 9:00 A.M. Eastern Time. So, he closed his light and headed off to bed, chuckling to himself.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The President was woken at 6:30 A.M. It was one hour after the White House staff had received the special delivery disk which had been sent by private messenger. He had gone to bed contemplating what to do about the massacre of the American news people, but now had to switch gears in an attempt to deflect the damaging video. The very reputation of the United States was on the line. He charged into his office and found the DOJ, Marlene Moore, standing there, right in front of his desk.

  “Swear to me your people didn’t do this, Marlene?” he ordered as he plopped into his executive chair.

  “We did know about the safe house, but have never crossed the border with any force, sir,” she quickly replied. “Why would someone try to pin this on us?”

  “That is the same question I am asking you, goddammit.”

  “We have to call a news conference and deny it,” she reasoned.

  “I have to give the public more or we will just look like school children caught with our hands in the cookie jar,” he replied.

  “The Mexican President has already said as much in a news conference he gave late last evening. He got a copy of the video, as well. He has also put his military on high alert.”

  “How long ago?” the President showed sudden interest.

  “He held his special report at two o’clock in the morning, Mexico City time.”

  “Well, let’s figure out a way to spin this,” the President said as he pressed a button on his phone. “Get the usual crowd into my office, now,” he ordered his secretary.

  The secretary quickly replied. “Ah…Mr. President the Director of Homeland Security is here. He says he needs to see you urgently.”

  “Send him in,” the President ordered. Within seconds, Paul Slezeck burst through the door, but hesitated as he eyed the DOJ standing in the oval office.

  “What do you want?” the President asked in a gruff voice.

  “This should be done in private, sir,” he announced as he stared at Marlene. “And she doesn’t have the clearance, nor should she,” Slezeck added.

  “The DOJ stays.”

  “Very well,” Slezeck conceded. He then continued. “It’s about the executive order we discussed several days ago.”

  The President didn’t like Slezeck, but he had been appointed by the previous administration. There was something about him that was underhanded and sleazy. The President did not feel he could trust him. “What about it?”

  “I think it’s time for you to sign it, sir,” Slezeck said. “Our borders are under siege. Americans
are dying. We can put a stop to the threat…if we had your backing.” He brought out a folder with the prepared document inside and attempted to hand it to the President.

  “Not now Paul. I’m in the middle of a crisis. Make an appointment for next week,” the President said off handily as he dismissed the Director.

  “Let’s hope it’s not too late by then,” Slezeck pouted as he left the office.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Banyon got up around 7:00 A.M. He showered and got dressed in business casual clothes. He called Elizabeth, the house keeper, and told her not to come in for the rest of the week, but promised a week’s wages anyway. She was delighted. He just wanted to keep her safe — in case some bad guy decided to come to his house. He then packed a small travel bag and went to wake up Eric. He told Eric he had to go to the Law firm with him this morning. He said he would explain everything in the car on the way. He had just finished making coffee when Eric entered the kitchen dressed in ripped blue jeans and a wrinkled shirt.

  “Eric, we are going to a Law firm, for god sakes. Now, go back and change into better clothes and shave. Don’t forget to bring your bag either,” Banyon reprimanded him, just like he had done with his own sons so many times.

  “But I want to wear these clothes,” Eric protested.

  “Not today. Now hurry,” Banyon ordered.

  While Eric went and changed, Banyon tried to collect his thoughts. He tried to figure out what he would tell Eric about the office staff at the Law firm. Eric would be stuck there all day as Banyon put his own plan in motion. He was still thinking when Eric returned in less than ten minutes dressed in respectable clothes, he said nothing as they started out for the office.


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