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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

Page 11

by Gerald J Kubicki

  “Your zipper is open,” Banyon noted dryly.

  “Oops,” Timmy quickly replied, zipping up his pants. His face was now the color of a fire engine.

  “You know,” Banyon said philosophically as he shook his head. “If you ignored her, you would have a better chance. Right now she is tormenting you and loving it. Take away her fun, let’s see what happens.”

  “Those are righteous words,” Timmy admitted as he bounced from one foot to the other. “I’ll try.”

  “Well, right now you are going to be very busy. I need you to do some hacking. I need it done quickly. It may not be strictly legal, as well.”

  “My fingers are ready,” he answered as he pretended to be working a keyboard. “Who is the chosen one?”

  “His name is Werner Klotz. I need you to dig up all you can about him, especially any contacts with Paul Slezeck. In addition, I want you to tap his phones, and to steal all his emails from the last six months.”

  “Those are some heavy dudes,” Timmy said.

  “I also need you to cut off communications between them as soon as possible. Any calls to each other needs to be routed to you and sent to a dead voicemail box. No emails or messages can go through either.”

  “Piece of cake,” Timmy replied.

  “I need it all done in less than two hours, too.”

  “Heavy,” Timmy muttered as he scratched is day old beard.

  “Can you do it?”

  “I’m not supposed to ask, man, but why these guys? It might help if I know what to look for. There will be a lot of data.”

  Banyon thought for a second and decided the Timmy would be more useful if he knew what to look for while sifting through the data. “Do you know about the crap going on with Mexico right now?”

  “Kind of scary, huh, dude?”

  “Well, these two are responsible. We’re going to take them down, but we need to connect them together. You will be looking for proof of their conspiracy. We also need to know why they are doing it. I have a good idea, but I can’t prove it yet. That will be your job. Can you handle it?”

  “You’re talking to the best hacker in the world. Of course I can do it. I’ll be back in two hours with some information.” Timmy stopped moving and asked a question sheepishly. “How much are you paying me?”

  “Don’t know yet. But it will be more than enough to get you some new clothes,” Banyon hinted. He was sure Timmy had noticed Mandy’s new attire.

  “Awesome,” Timmy quickly said and pumped his skinny arm like a quarterback that had just thrown a touchdown. “Maybe she will notice me then?” he exclaimed. He turned on his heels and jogged out the door.

  As Timmy left the office, Eric laughed and suddenly yelled out. “I’ll bet he is your hacker, right?”

  “How did you know?” Banyon responded.

  “No social graces,” he replied and chuckled. “He also dresses worse than me.” Eric then got up and closed the office door. He resumed watching the big screen and the recuse efforts from the explosion in Laredo.

  Banyon knew there was something he had to do, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Before Banyon could tell the knocker to enter, Eric bounded off the couch and opened it. He stepped back in horror.

  Sister Teresa smoothly glided into the room looking very angel-like. Her hands were steeped in prayer, her dimples showed on her smiling face. She turned to Eric and said softly, “Hello, I’m Sister Teresa.” She then bowed slightly.

  Banyon could see that Eric was in complete panic. He suddenly crossed himself and looked at the floor without moving. Banyon knew, like himself, Eric had been raised a Catholic. Growing up, Catholic children were required to take religious lessons. The nuns usually ran the classes. They were generally very tough on children who didn’t know their lessons or were disruptive. Banyon recalled one of the nuns carrying a wire hanger up her sleeve. If he didn’t give the correct answers, she would whack him on the hands with it. Banyon lived in fear of the nuns, and apparently so did Eric. Sister Teresa looked at him expectantly, but remained as calm as a windless pond.

  “I’m Eric Grey,” Eric finally responded like he was in a lineup at a police station. He didn’t raise his head.

  “Please to meet you,” the nun cheerfully countered as she held out her slender hand for him to shake. Eric reluctantly took it, shook it once, and then dropped it like a hot potato. It was clear to Banyon he was very uncomfortable around Sister Teresa.

  “Don’t worry, Eric, this is just one of her personas, she is not a real nun,” Banyon yelled across the room to him.

  “I am so,” Sister Teresa replied indignantly. “I comfort people,” she added as proof of her calling to a higher order.

  “What are you doing here?” Banyon asked her.

  “I am half of your surveillance team. The other half will be here in about ten minutes,” she told him.

  “You’re a nun that does surveillance on people?” Eric questioned in disbelief.

  “You would be surprised what I can hide under my habit,” she remarked. “And no one pays attention to a nun. Most people are afraid, like Eric here,” she nodded her head towards him as she spoke. “I am very good at watching people, Colt. I’m the best the firm has to offer,” she added as she posed with her hands on her hips.

  “Okay, I believe in you,” Banyon held up his hands in defeat. “We’ll start as soon as the other expert arrives. Until then, take a seat and wait.”

  She floated over to the couches and demurely took a seat on the edge of the couch. She sat across from Eric. She began talking to him in soothing tones. She looked like she was hearing confession from him. Banyon chuckled to himself. Eric had no idea what Sister Teresa was capable of doing.

  Just then, his eye caught movement out on the overhang balcony. There was a flash of light blue and a lot of leg suddenly leaping over the railing. She once again struggled with the big door, but within seconds Mandy was standing very close, right next to him, with her back turned towards Eric.

  “I heard you need a bodyguard Colt,” she cooed breathlessly as she crossed her small arms confidently. “I’m your guy.”

  This surprised Banyon. He also felt this was all wrong at so many levels. He struggled for something to say. “Well, I’m not the one doing the interviews for the job. Eric over there will hire the bodyguards. Also, Mandy, this might get very dangerous. Some people may be killed,” he reasoned.

  “I won’t let anyone hurt you,” she replied sincerely.

  “And you need an appointment with him, anyway.” He said to deflect her ambition.

  As he glanced over to Eric, he noticed Sister Teresa was now standing over him and he had leaned back on the couch. He had a grin on his face and he wasn’t watching the news. He was watching her hips pumping back and forth and her habit rising, just like she had done yesterday to Banyon.

  When he turned back to Mandy, he noticed the determined, pouty look on her face. He also noticed her finger tips were touching her very short, light-blue, mini-skirt. She had already raised the hem two inches and showed no sign of stopping.

  “But I have the first appointment,” she whined and continued. “But it looks like Eric is a little busy now. So I’m talking to you instead.”

  “You’re a bodyguard?” Banyon gasped, not believing her.

  “Look, Colt,” a suddenly furious Mandy uttered. “I am more physically fit then anyone here at the firm,” she sputtered. “I’m second in firearms rating in the firm, too. I’m faster and have greater reflexes then anyone alive. Yet I still constantly need to prove my worth to everyone. I thought you were different. I want the job,” she demanded and stomped her small foot.

  Holding his ground, but with more sympathy than a minute ago, Banyon said, “Well you are still going to need to convenience Eric.” He thumbed towards the back of the office.

  They both turned to look at him and saw Sister Teresa grinding her hips in front of Eric.

  Eric was now grinning ear to ear. It looked lik
e Eric wasn’t afraid of nuns anymore.

  Turning to look Banyon straight in the eye, Mandy said confidently. “It will be a piece of cake for me to convince him, don’t you think?”

  Not knowing what to say, Banyon turned to Eric and yelled out, “Your first appointment is here.”

  “I’ll be just a minute,” Eric replied in a husky voice.

  Mandy batted her eyes at the cowering Banyon. “Well, I guess we will have a little more time before the interview. Perhaps we can get to know each other a little more,” she breathed and raised her skirt and inch higher. Why does she keep tempting me? Banyon thought. She is almost one third my age.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The President cancelled all his scheduled appointments for the morning. He locked himself in the oval office, trying to make sense of everything that was happening. To him, it almost looked like someone was trying to discredit him and his administration. He wondered if it was some Arab terrorists, a Mexican cartel, the Chinese, the Mexican government, or was it people in his own country — like the Effort. Only one person could answer that and so far today he hadn’t called. Where was Colton Banyon, he wondered?

  The buzzer on his phone notified him his secretary was calling him. “I know you don’t want to be disturbed, but Kevin Davis is here from the Homeland Security office,” the President’s secretary spoke into the phone.

  “I’m busy, I don’t have time for anyone, including anyone from Homeland Security,” the President replied gruffly into the phone.

  “Sir, he says it is very urgent,” his secretary insisted. “He has a ‘President’s eyes only’ package with him. I think you should see him.”

  After a few seconds, the President acquiesced. “Very well, send him in, but tell him I only have a minute.”

  “Yes, sir,”

  The President was sitting at his desk, with his head down, pretending to be reading some news clippings when Kevin walked through the door to the oval office. He closed the door after him and strolled up to the desk. “Good morning sir,” he said.

  The President actually liked Kevin Davis very much. He had known him since he was a little boy. He came from a good family. His father was a General over at the Pentagon and Kevin, like his father, was a proud graduate of West Point. The Davis family had a long history of service to their country going back to the Civil War. He had gone into government work after he had fulfilled his obligation to the army. He was working his way through the bureaucracy of Homeland Security. He intended to, someday, become a leader of one of the divisions of the giant organization. The President trusted him. It was the only reason he agreed to see him now.

  “What’s so urgent?” the President asked as he looked up over his glasses.

  “I have a ‘Presidents eyes only’ envelope from the Director,” Kevin answered without hesitation.

  “But he was here only an hour ago? What’s in the envelope?” The President felt the Director of Homeland Security was sometimes a little overbearing and an alarmist.

  “I don’t know, sir. I was just handed the package a few minutes ago and was ordered to deliver it to you. Director Slezeck also made me promise to obtain your signature on the receipt,” Kevin said hopefully.

  “Well, let’s see what’s so important,” the President said with little humor as he stood up and made a hand gesture for Kevin to pass it over. He opened the package and looked inside without letting Kevin see the contents. He saw the personal letter enclosed inside and pulled it out dropping the package on his desk. As he read the letter, Kevin could see the change in emotions, on the Commander and Chief’s face. At first, he saw absolute shock; then he saw growing anger. The President quickly composed himself.

  “Kevin, you may go now,” he said quietly as he continued to stare at the letter.

  “But sir, Director Slezeck told me to come back with your signature or not to come back at all,” Kevin said with alarm.

  After a few seconds the President answered. “Yes, yes, I understand why he would want the receipt,” the now distracted President agreed. One of his top supporters was now the front running candidate for all the chaos that was happening to him and his country. “The Director of Homeland Security would want his ass covered on this,” the President continued.

  “Thank you for understanding, sir,” Kevin said with relief.

  The President picked up his pen and started to sign his name when suddenly, his private cell phone rang. He quickly grabbed it as he continued to write.

  “Hello,” he said evenly into the phone. Immediately his expression changed, He dropped the pen like it was on fire. He glanced at Kevin with a look of confusion and then stared at the letter receipt.

  “Hold on a second,” the President said into the phone. He covered the mouthpiece. To Kevin he growled, “Swear to me that you know nothing about what is in the package Mr. Davis.”

  Now nervous, Kevin quickly replied. “Sir, I swear on my family’s name. I never saw or was explained anything about what is in the package,” he replied with a cracking of his voice. “I was just told to get the receipt, or else.”

  The President quickly pressed a button under his desk and two secret service men suddenly appeared. “Have Mr. Davis wait outside until I call for him. He is not to have contact with anyone in the meantime.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Colton Banyon was the person on the other end of the President’s phone. He had suddenly remembered he had to call the President this morning. But first he had to get rid of the aggressive Mandy.

  “Why don’t you go over there and cut in on Sister Teresa.” Banyon pointed to Eric.

  “Cut in?” Mandy asked.

  “Yeah, tell her it is your turn. After all, it is your appointment time. She already has her assignment.”

  “I think I just might do that,” she announced as she steadied her gaze on the unsuspecting Eric.

  “You’d better hurry,” he pushed her verbally.

  “See you later, Colt,” she said cheerfully and waved.

  “Later,” he mumbled to thin air as Mandy was gone and already standing behind Sister Teresa.

  She tapped the nun on her shoulder and smiled. “Mind if I cut in, sis. This is my appointment time.”

  Sister Teresa was gracious as always. “Of course you can, my dear. I have comforted him enough. You’ll find that he is a fast learner.” She said it as she winked at Eric. She quickly dropped her habit, smoothed it out, and went to sit on the couch across from them. A smile never left her face.

  Mandy stood before Eric with her hip cocked. She said nothing for a full minute as she made sure that Eric had time to scan her body.

  “Hi,” he said through glassy eyes.

  “This morning you asked me how fast I was. Well, I’m here to show you,” she said in a sexy determined voice. She hiked up her mini-skirt, leaped onto his lap and went to work. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him close to her face. The whole process had taken less than a second. “Are we comfy?” she asked the much larger Eric.

  “You’re fast. Everything is just peachy.”

  “Let’s not talk about the color of my underwear,” she purred. “I have great credentials too. What to see?”

  Before he could answer, she continued. “Now, let’s talk about that bodyguard job, shall we.”

  Banyon watched the whole show and wondered if Eric would be influenced by her tactics. He then wondered about all the women at the firm. Is there something in the water? Are these women as sexually aggressive as they appear, or do I just see them that way and they were just trying to please me? He decided he had to think about it later. Right now he had to call the President.

  Banyon bent down to retrieve his cellphone from his bag and whispered. “Wolf, is there anything new for me to report?’

  “You have to stop him,” Wolf replied with some anxiety in his voice.

  “Stop who?” a confused Banyon whispered still bent over.

  “The President, that’s wh
o. He is about to put his signature on a document that would be unprecedented in the history of the nation. You must call him and stop him from signing the receipt, Colt.”

  “What are you talking about?’

  “There is no time to explain. The man is at his desk now and once he leaves with the signed receipt, the President will be compromised,” Wolf urged him. “The receipt is a trick to get the President to sign a termination order for one of his own people, only he can’t see the writing on the paper yet, it’s invisible. It’s part of the plan by the Effort. Call him and stop him before it’s too late,” Wolf ordered the still confused Banyon


  “Godamnit Colt, get your head out of your ass. Stop thinking about all these women and get your mind on the people that are dying while you are playing. Nero had nothing on you, buddy. It is all part of the Slezeck plan. Explain all that to the President.” Banyon hit the call button on the phone when he heard Slezeck.

  When the connection was made, the President said, “Hello”.

  Banyon quickly screamed into the phone. “Mr. President, don’t sign the receipt in front of you. It is a trick set up by Paul Slezeck. If you give me a few seconds, I can explain everything and can outline my plan to stop all that is happening. This is all a conspiracy set up by Paul Slezeck and also Werner Klotz,” Banyon babbled into the phone.

  The President said nothing for a few seconds. “Hold on a second,” the President finally ordered and then covered the phone.

  Chapter Thirty

  Meanwhile, it was early in the morning in Mexico City, the capital of the United Mexico States, the official name of Mexico. The President of Mexico was fuming with Latino machismo. He had been up all night because of the killings, caused by unknown persons, and now had to deal with the bombing in Laredo. But that was not why he was mad.

  His honor had been challenged and whenever that happened he would go on a rampage and things happened quickly. The challenge came from a communique he had just received from the Mexican Ambassador in Washington D.C. The communique had been listed as top secret, for the President only.


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