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Charming Fiona

Page 9

by Jessica Prince

  Man, I liked that. “Okay,” I continued to whisper.

  “And I need you to make the same promise baby.”

  “I promise.”

  Deacon’s mouth tilted into a full-blown smile, showing off his brilliant white teeth, taking him from handsome to downright sexy in a heartbeat. “This is going to take work,” he continued. “You and I might’ve been in each other’s lives as long as we can remember, but it was never like this. We’re both on unfamiliar footing, but if we’re honest with each other and put in the effort, I think this’ll lead to something really fucking fantastic.”

  Okay, it was safe to say I really liked that. “Deacon Lockhart, you just have the answer to everything, don’t you?”

  His chest shook on a chuckle, causing his skin to brush against my sensitive nipples. “Glad you finally clued in on that, baby.”

  I faked a scowl and smacked his arm. “No need to be cocky about it.”

  He let out a deep belly laugh before leaning down and brushing a kiss against my lips. “Speaking of cocky….” I rolled my eyes. “Time for you to get cleaned up. I’m in the mood to see just how delicious that pussy of yours is, and I can’t do that with my cum still inside you.”

  Ignoring the little shiver that shot straight between my thighs, I yelped. “Deacon! Don’t be crass!”

  His tongue snaked out of his mouth and ran along my bottom lip. “Don’t lie, baby. You love how I talk to you. I bet it turns you on.”

  No way in hell I’d ever admit it to him, but it really did.

  I wasn’t sure what woke me up, but when I opened my eyes to the darkness, it took me a few seconds to remember where I was and everything that had happened hours before. Then I felt Deacon all around me. His chest was flush with my back, his arm thrown over my stomach. Even his legs were tangled with mine, one over the top, the other nestled between my own.

  Taking a moment to think back, I realized that this was the first time I’d ever actually cuddled with a guy in my sleep. There had been times with my exes that we’d start off in such a position, but one or both of us always ended up rolling away, and I woke each morning on my own side of the bed. Deacon was different. He was a full-contact sleeper in the sense that every single part of him was touching every part of me. And I had to admit I freaking loved that.

  The unfortunate thing was that I was now wide awake, and I knew there was no getting back to sleep for me, at least not any time soon.

  A glance at his bedside clock showed it was only a few minutes past four in the morning. Not wanting to disturb Deacon’s sleep, I slowly unwound our limbs and scooted out of the bed, tucking the covers back around his body. I bent and grabbed my panties from the floor, sliding them into place before going back for the T-shirt Deacon had been wearing earlier and slipping it over my head.

  It smelled like him, all spicy, musky man mixed faintly with laundry detergent. I slipped my arms through the sleeves and lifted the collar to my nose, inhaling deeply. The shirt was so big on me, hitting just above mid-thigh, that it was almost as good as being wrapped in Deacon’s arms. Almost.

  Once properly covered, I padded out of the bedroom quietly, pulling the door behind me so it was only cracked open.

  When we first arrived earlier, we’d been so consumed with each other that I hadn’t had a chance between the trip from the back door and the bedroom to get a look at Deacon’s home. Now that I had a moment to myself, I used the moonlight filtering through the big windows to explore.

  To say his house was unexpected was putting it mildly. I knew he’d been there about three years, but he’d purchased it during a time when we weren’t exactly speaking, so I’d never been inside. The décor was masculine without going overboard into frat-boy-bachelor territory. The large dark blue sofa in the living room had a matching love seat, chair, and ottoman. I took a seat to test it out and sank into the cushions like I was sitting on a cloud. Hell, the couch was so comfy it was better than some people’s mattresses.

  A huge flat-screen TV hung above a beautiful stone fireplace. The mantel looked like it was made of what used to be a big beam that had been cut down to size. It was awesome. On either side of the fireplace were massive built-ins painted white to match the crown molding throughout the room.

  The house was open concept so, with the exception of the hallways that ran off the front and back of the living room, from where I was sitting I could see everything but the bedrooms and bathrooms. The kitchen had top-of-the-line, stainless steel appliances. The cabinets were all white except for the ones that ran along the back wall over the sink, which were glass-faced. The countertops were a dark stone, and the backsplash was a mixture of dark and white. It was a kitchen most women would die to cook in.

  The dining area was just off to the left, with huge bay windows and an attractive dark wood oval table with cushy chairs in a light cream fabric. Deacon’s place was the total opposite of mine.

  Where mine had very limited personality, screaming this place was a sound investment, Deacon’s said come in, take a load off, and make yourself comfortable. My place was a house. His was a home.

  I stood to get a better look around and noticed the picture frames littered along the built-in bookshelves. Moving closer, I picked up the one closest to me and smiled at the picture inside.

  Deacon and Grayson as little boys. They each had an arm flung over the other’s shoulders in what looked like a hug, but I knew better. They were both hamming it up for the camera while most likely trying to put each other in a headlock. Their parents, Nolan and Cybil, stood behind them. Nolan was looking down at his boys with an expression that held only mild annoyance and a ton of love. Cybil was gazing down with a beaming smile like the two could do no wrong.

  I set the frame back in place and reached for another, my heart lodging in my throat at what I saw. It was of me and Deacon, both of us in our gowns after our high school graduation. Deacon’s cap sat lopsided on his head. Mine was in my hand. He’d picked me up just before the picture was taken, lifting me right off the ground and into his arms. My legs were kicked out, the hand holding my cap extended behind me. My head was thrown back on a laugh, and Deac was staring down at my face, smiling like he had the most valuable treasure in his arms at that very moment. That was a look I’d seen on his face a million times, but until right then I never understood the depth and importance behind it.

  God, I was such a fool. I wanted to go back in time and scream at Younger Fiona, tell her to get her head out of her ass and see the precious gift that was right in front of her.

  On that thought, I let out a frightened squeak as a pair of arms circled me from behind and wrapped around my waist. “Shit, you scared me. I didn’t hear you.”

  Deacon let out a raspy hum as he used his chin to brush my hair off my shoulder. “Woke up and you weren’t there. What’re you doing, baby? It’s the middle of the night.”

  I set the frame back on the shelf and turned, twining my arms around his neck. “Couldn’t sleep,” I answered, appreciating how adorable Sleepy Deacon looked. It was a close second to the Post-Sex Deacon look.

  His eyes grew darker as his brow creased with concern. “Your head twisted again?”

  I couldn’t help but smile as I pushed up on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. “Nope. Head’s totally sorted. I just woke up and wasn’t tired anymore.”

  A sinful smirk tugged at his lips. He leaned in and nuzzled my neck, the bristles along his jaw scratching at my skin deliciously. “Well then, I’ll just have to make you tired, won’t I?”

  “Hmm.” I snuggled closer to his chest, loving the feel of being in his arms while I teased, “You up for the challenge?”

  “Oh baby,” he started, pulling back enough to look at my face. “I’m more than up for it.”

  Then, like the caveman he was, Deacon bent at the waist and tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of flour. Carrying me back to the bedroom, he commenced accepting my challenge.

  And he did it very well.

/>   Chapter Fourteen


  I was floating on a happy, rainbow-colored cloud the next day at work. It was total chaos between meetings, conference calls, and drama with the design team, but none of it could touch me. With every step I took or movement I made, I could still feel Deacon between my thighs, and that wonderful ache made everything else disappear.

  I finally had the man of my dreams. All the rest was inconsequential.

  The trill of my cell phone cut into my work-addled brain. I reached for where it sat on my desk, a riot of butterflies in my belly at the thought that it might be Deacon. Once I saw the name on the screen and got over the initial disappointment that it wasn’t him, I engaged the call and held the phone to my ear.


  “What the effing hell!” Daphne yelled so loud that I had to pull the cell away to keep from going deaf in one ear.

  “What the effing hell what?” I finally asked once she was done shrieking.

  “Oh, don’t you even,” she reprimanded. “When we talked last night, you were on the ledge about nailing your hottie when he had a girlfriend. Then he shows up out of nowhere, you hang up on me, and leave me hanging for hours? I don’t think so! What’s going on? What’s happening? I want to know everything.”

  I didn’t even bother to fight the smile tugging at my lips. “It’s…. We’re….”

  “Spit it out! I’m dying here!”

  “We’re together,” I answered in a quiet voice full of excitement.

  She let out a scream so loud it was a wonder the windows didn’t break. “You’re together? How did that happen? And don’t leave out a single detail!”

  The riot of butterflies in my belly was back. It had been so long since I’d started a new relationship that I’d forgotten how much fun it was to share in the excitement with my girlfriends. And since this was Deacon, not just some guy, it was even more thrilling. “Well, he showed up last night because he was pissed that I took off on him after… well, you know.”

  “You mean after he gave you the business in his bar?”

  “Yes, after that,” I answered with a roll of my eyes. “Anyway, he was seriously pissed that I bailed without giving him a chance to explain—”

  “Explain what?”

  A giggle burst from my throat. “If you’d stop interrupting, I’d tell you!”

  “Sorry, sorry. Continue. I’m all ears.”

  “He was mad that I didn’t give him a chance to explain that he’d already broken up with Leah before anything even happened between us on that pool table.”

  Daphne sucked in a gasp. “Wait. The pool table? You’re kidding! I knew that man was all man.”

  She had no idea.

  “So, he’d already broken up with Leah. He nails you into a pool table—which, babe, I have to tell you, that’s flipping hot. Then he storms into your office all pissed off, and now you guys are together?”

  It was ridiculous how giddy hearing someone else say that made me feel. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  She was silent for a beat, then “I’m pretty sure you’re holding out on some major details.” She wasn’t wrong. “But that’s okay, because I’ll get the rest out of you tonight.”

  I shot up straight in my chair. “Tonight? What are you talking about?”

  Just as she started to answer, there was a knock on my office door. I looked up and had to refrain from letting my annoyance show at the sight of Todd. I held up my finger in the universal gesture of just a second. Todd was a nice enough guy, but something about him had always rubbed me the wrong way. He was a few years younger than me, attractive, and totally knew it. But it wasn’t his ego that set me on edge, it was that he clearly had a crush on me, and despite me never giving him a single signal, seemed oblivious to the fact that the attraction wasn’t returned on my end.

  Daphne kept chattering away in my ear. “We are so having a girls’ night tonight. I’m telling Lola and Sophia everything. We’ll expect the full scoop from you over drinks.”

  “Daphne, now really isn’t a good time. Can I call you back?”

  “Oh no you don’t,” she argued. “You aren’t getting out of this. It’s happening. Tonight. Seven. We’ll meet you at Sapphire.”

  Once Daphne got something in her head, there was no talking her out of it. Those three were going to demand a command performance. As she talked, Todd just watched me in that slightly creepy way I’d come to expect from him.

  “Okay, fine. Tonight at Sapphire. I’ll meet you guys there.”

  “Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t, but babe, I have to go. Someone just walked in.”

  “All right, honey. See you later.”

  I disconnected and waved him in. He walked in with an air about him, like his shit didn’t stink, when in fact the cologne he chose to bathe in regularly was already starting to give me a headache.

  When he’d started at Prentice Fashion a few years before, I’d noticed him right away, even going so far as to toy with the idea of maybe asking him on a date. Then he opened his mouth and spoke, and all thoughts of Todd being handsome flew right out the window.

  That hadn’t stopped him from noticing me, however. The man was unrelenting, asking me out constantly in that first year. I’d made the mistake of using work as an excuse, claiming I didn’t feel right about dating within the company. Apparently to him, that meant I’d totally be down for it if we didn’t work together, when the truth was I’d rather get every hair on my body waxed off than spend more time than absolutely necessary in his presence. The dude was completely clueless.

  “What can I do for you, Todd?”

  Sitting in the chair across from me, uninvited, he started, “Just wanted to stop by and see how your morning’s going so far,” he said as his eyes scanned me lasciviously. “You’re looking lovely, as usual.”

  Yep, totally freaking clueless.

  Pasting on my own brittle smile, I replied, “Thanks. I’m fine this morning, but I’m a little busy right now, so….” I tried the best I could to clue him in without being too blunt. The last thing the founder of the company’s daughter needed was a mark in her personnel file that she couldn’t get along with her coworkers. “Is that what you stopped by for?”

  “That, and because I wasn’t sure if you’re aware that the design department is in chaos. The fabric that came in for the Spring line’s maxi dress is the wrong shade of teal, and the designs for the Milan show still haven’t been approved. With you being so busy and all, I just wanted to apprise you of the situation. I’m more than happy to contact our fabric supplier and finalize the designs if you’re too busy.”

  I couldn’t deny that, in spite of my personal feelings toward Todd, he’d always been a hard worker. He was good at his job and always offered to help. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that he did it simply to be a nice guy, but until he actually did something untoward, I was pretty much stuck having to remain pleasant with him.

  Wanting to get him out of my office as quickly as possible, I said, “That’s very kind of you, but I’ve already spoken with the fabric supplier. We’ll have the correct material by the end of business today. And seeing as I signed off on everything for the Milan show this morning, we’re all set. But I appreciate your concern.”

  He stood with a grin that might have made other women swoon, but had no effect on me. “Well, glad you have it all taken care of. I’ll just leave you to it.”

  My cell phone rang just as Todd left. I easily turned my attention from the unfortunate encounter to my screen, and those butterflies took flight again.

  “Hi,” I answered, my voice sounding way breathier than I intended, but Deacon just did that to me.

  “Christ, just you saying that one word makes me hard.”

  I choked on air as heat flooded my core. “I… uh… that’s… wow.”

  Deacon chuckled through the line, warming me from the inside out. “You’re even more adorable when you’re a stuttering mess.”

  Finding my tongue, I frowned and snapped, “I’m not a stuttering mess!”

  “There’s my Fee.”

  Oh damn, he was good. “You know, you’re pretty smooth, Lockhart. You make it almost impossible to get mad at you.”

  “Then my evil plan’s working.”

  God, I felt like a teenager again, all giddy and excited to be talking to a boy on the phone. “You on your way to work?”

  “Yep, heading to the bar now, but I wanted to call you first. You were gone when I woke up.”

  Leaving Deacon’s bed was hard enough, but leaving it with a sleeping, shirtless, impressive Deacon still in it had been damn near impossible. “Yeah, sorry. I left a note.”

  “I know. I got it. That’s the only reason I didn’t call you the second I woke up, pissed as hell.”

  I giggled at the image of a fire-breathing Deacon waking up, ready to tear into me. “You were sleeping so peacefully, and I know how late your nights are. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “I appreciate it, baby, but from here on out, when you wake up, you get me up too. Especially when you’re waking up to leave.”

  “Deac, I had to get up early to get to my car. Then I had to get home and get ready for work. The sun was barely up when I left this morning. That’s way too early for you.”

  “Babe,” he said in a hard, no-bullshit tone. “You wake up, you get me up. I don’t give a shit if it’s three in the morning.”

  Even when he was being a bossy pain in the ass, he still managed to make me melt for him. “Okay,” I responded softly. “If I wake up, I’ll force you to get up with me.”

  “Thanks, baby,” he said just as softly. Man, I was gone for this guy. It wasn’t the new honeymoon phase of a relationship that was making me feel like that, it was that he’d been my best friend through some of the most important years of my life and was now something so much more. I was seriously falling for him. And falling fast.


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