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Charming Fiona

Page 11

by Jessica Prince

  Deacon’s face split in a huge smile, showing off his brilliant white teeth. “I love you, Fiona.”

  Giddy at Deacon’s pronouncement of love, I launched myself across the couch and straddled his lap, peppering his face with kisses. Once my lips landed on his, he immediately wrapped one arm around my waist and tangled his other hand in my hair, holding me in place in order to deepen the kiss. When we finally broke apart, I was out of breath and unbelievably turned on.

  “So I’m taking it that this means you love me too?” he joked.

  “Around the world and back again,” I whispered, every bit of the love I felt for him pouring from those words.

  His hand in my hair clenched uncontrollably. “Say it,” he insisted on a gruff whisper. “I need the words, baby.”

  Cupping Deacon’s cheeks, I rested my forehead against his, looking him right in the eye. “I love you, Deacon.”

  Deacon’s eyes slammed closed. It was like hearing me say that lifted a weight from him. “To Jupiter and back, sweetheart,” he said, his voice gruff with emotion.

  A growl emitted from deep within Deacon’s chest, drawing my eyes up from what I was doing. The heat in his gaze as he watched me take his cock down my throat sent a rush of arousal between my legs.

  “Oh fuck,” he gritted, dropping his head back against the headboard where he sat propped on the pillows as I worked between his spread legs. His jaw clenched and his fingers fisted in my hair as his hips began to pump up, shoving him deeper down my throat. “Yeah, baby. Just like that. Take me deep.”

  I moaned at his dirty words, loving what they did to me, but loving what I was doing to him right then more even. The sheer power of pushing Deacon to the edge like I was currently doing was exhilarating. I couldn’t get enough. I was so close to coming simply from sucking him off.

  One of my hands wrapped around the base of him while the other snaked between his thighs to cup his balls. I gave them a gentle squeeze at the same time I swallowed, pulling a grunt and a rumbly “Shit!” from his throat. Deacon’s defined abs tensed and convulsed beneath his skin, his cock swelled, and his balls tightened.

  “Fee, climb on and ride me.”

  That caused another gush of arousal, but I was too far gone with what I was doing to follow direction. I wanted to watch him blow, wanted to experience the thrill that came with having a front row seat to Deacon’s orgasm. My head started bobbing fast, my fingers on both hands squeezing to apply more pressure.

  “Baby, now.”

  He fell from my mouth with a pop, and I started jacking him as I looked up at his face. “I want to watch.”

  “You can watch later. I want to come inside you. Get up here and ride me.”

  “But—” My objection was cut off with a yelp as he grabbed my hips and yanked me up to straddle him. I felt the head of him press against my entrance just as he thrust up and pulled me down, filling me completely.

  I had already been on the edge, so when he lifted me and shoved me down one more time, I started coming. Throwing my head back on a long moan, I started riding him with abandon as my release washed over me. “Oh God. Deacon, baby.” I moved faster and faster. My orgasm seemed to last forever as he pulled on my hair to lower my face to his.

  “You wanted to watch, sweetheart.” Just as he finished speaking, every muscle in his body tightened. He pumped up once, twice, three times before planting me in place and letting out a long, loud roar as his head fell back.

  Watching him come was absolutely spectacular, and the sight was so sexy it set me off again. My second climax had just begun to fade at the same time as Deacon’s.

  When we finished, I collapsed against him in a heap, pressing my face to the crook of his neck.

  Deacon’s fingertips skated along the skin of my back in soft, featherlight touches.

  “I love you around the world and back again,” I whispered.

  “And I love you to Jupiter and back.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Twenty years old

  It was officially summer break. But while most of my friends were celebrating the end of our second year of college, I was spending my time interning for my father at his fashion company. I didn’t consider it my dream job, but at least the work was interesting and kept me entertained. Every free moment I had was spent with Deacon, either over at the Lockharts’ or at my place.

  That day, I was heading over to his place to hang out by the pool and relax. Bypassing the front door, I went around to the back and found Deacon already in his swim trunks, lounging on one of the long cushy chairs that sat around the pool.


  His head lifted at the sound of my voice, his aviator-covered eyes homing in on me at the same time a big smile stretched across his face. He always smiled at me like that, like he hadn’t seen me in years when the truth was we hung out all the time. We even went to the same college, and made an effort to have at least one meal together every day.

  “Hey, yourself,” he said, sitting up and swinging his legs over the cushion so his feet were on the ground. “Why aren’t you in your suit?”

  The perfect view of his abs struck me momentarily speechless. The changes to Deacon’s body over the past few years weren’t lost on me at all. Hell, they weren’t lost on any female in a three-mile radius. That was why he always had a girl on his arm the past two years of college. He’d always been cute. Hell, he’s always been one of the best looking guys I’d known, but it was no longer in that boy-next-door kind of way. Deacon had grown into a man. He was taller, broader. He had taken to working out and running, and the effort he put into his body definitely showed. The muscles beneath his smooth, tanned skin stood out everywhere, from his biceps, to his chest and stomach, to his thick thighs.

  I shook off my stupor and did my best to stop gawking. “Uh, I left it here last time we went swimming. I just need to change in the pool house real quick and I’ll be ready.”

  But even as I spoke, I couldn’t make my feet move or keep my eyes from trailing back down to those abs. Damn, those abs.

  Deacon cocked his head to the side in curiosity. “You gonna change or keep standing there looking at me all weird?”

  I jerked out of my fog. “Change. Definitely change.” I wandered over to the pool house and entered, closing the door behind me without looking at Deacon in the hopes of hiding the way my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. By the time I got my bathing suit on and headed back outside, I’d managed to get myself under control.

  When I came back out, everything between Deacon and me was back to the way it had always been. But I couldn’t help but notice every move he made, and the way tiny beads of sweat were starting to trickle through the valleys of those freaking abs. Good Lord, when had Deacon gotten so hot?

  I took the lounger next to his and laid back, ready to soak up some rays when I heard the hiss of a bottle being opened. Lifting the sunglasses I’d slid onto my face, I looked as Deacon extended a beer my way.

  “Thanks.” I grabbed the bottle and took a sip, the cold liquid refreshing on such a hot day. “So where’s Rory?” I asked about Deacon’s latest fling in the hopes of getting my mind out of the gutter when it came to my best friend. I had no business noticing him the way I was, and if he knew what I was thinking, he’d probably freak right the hell out.

  He laid back, resting his arms behind his head. “No idea,” he answered nonchalantly.

  I let out a snort and flipped to my stomach, aiming my sunglasses his way. “You don’t sound like you give a damn about where your girlfriend is,” I pointed out.

  With a snort of his own, he replied, “Rory was never my girlfriend. She was just someone I hooked up with for a while.”

  I rolled my eyes behind my lenses. “You’re such a playboy,” I teased playfully. “Deacon Lockhart, the ultimate heartbreaker.”

  Deacon didn’t say anything for a while, and when he finally did, I couldn’t help but feel there was something meaningful behi
nd his words that I didn’t quite understand.

  “I’m not a heartbreaker. It’s just that none of them were the right ones. When I finally have her, I’ll treat her like a queen.”

  He sounded so damn certain. I hoped with all my heart that someday he’d find the girl to treat like a queen. I wanted nothing but happiness for my best friend.

  I broke through the surface and sucked in a lungful of air. “I totally beat you!” I shouted just as Deacon resurfaced. Brushing the hair out of my face, I grinned triumphantly as he scowled. “Suck on that, loser.”

  “You know, there’s such a thing as a poor winner,” he grumbled.

  Laughing brightly, I started climbing the stairs. “Says the loser. I’m getting a soda from inside. You want anything?”

  “Grab me one too.”

  Wrapping a towel around my waist, I gave Deacon a salute and headed into the house. I pulled two cans from the fridge and slammed the door shut, letting out a startled shriek at the sudden appearance of Grayson, Deacon’s big brother. “Damn it, Gray, you scared the crap out of me.”

  I’d grown up with both Lockhart brothers, but seeing as Grayson was a few years older, Deacon was the one I had a closer bond with. Also, there was the little fact that I’d had a teeny crush on Grayson for years that made it a hard to get closer to him, seeing as I couldn’t help but behave awkwardly. It was one of those unrequited, childish crushes that I never thought would go anywhere. I had relegated myself to appreciating Gray from afar until I eventually got over him, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t a stuttering, blushing mess whenever he was around.

  And it was only made worse by the fact that he didn’t seem to notice my existence beyond me being his little brother’s annoying friend.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you. I thought you heard me come in.” He smiled at me, his eyes trailing from my face down my body. It was only at his unusual gaze that I remembered I was only wearing a tiny bikini with a towel wrapped around my waist. I was suddenly very aware of how much skin I was showing, and the fact that it was much chillier in the kitchen than I’d realized.

  Crossing my arms over my chest to hide the evidence of the temperature, I cleared my throat and did my best not to stutter. “No, it-it’s cool. I mean, it’s your house, right? I just… didn’t realize you were here. I mean home. I didn’t realize you were home.”

  Gray had recently graduated from college, and word was he planned to spend the summer in Europe before coming back to start his new position at his father’s company.

  He came farther into the kitchen, which brought him only a foot away from me. Leaning against the closed fridge, he crossed his arms over his chest, giving me his complete attention. “I’m not leaving until next week.”

  “Oh, well….” I was forced to uncross my arms so I could set the cold-ass soda cans on the counter. “That’s… fun.” Jeez, I’m such an idiot.

  “Wow, Fee, how long has it been since we’ve seen each other? Months?”

  It was an odd question for him to ask. “Uh, I guess?” I had to give it some thought. “I think it was… wow, it has been a while. I didn’t realize. I think it was around Christmas.”

  Grayson did another full-body scan before declaring, “You’ve changed. Or maybe I’m just seeing you as a grown-up for the first time, I don’t know. But you look good, Fee. Real good.”

  I was pretty sure every inch of my skin was burning with a furious blush. “Um, I… well th-thank you.”

  The back door opened and Deacon came waltzing through.

  What’s taking so lo—” He jerked to a stop at the sight of Grayson and me. “What’s going on in here?”

  “Uh….” I wasn’t sure how to answer because I honestly didn’t have the first clue what was happening at that moment.

  “I was just telling Fiona that she’s grown up really well. Why didn’t you tell me, bro?”

  His gaze went back and forth between me and his brother. “Didn’t realize I was keeping it a secret.”

  “Hmm,” Grayson hummed thoughtfully. “Then I guess I’m an idiot for not noticing sooner.”

  Oh. My. Wow.

  I went from crushing on Grayson to immediately smitten in the blink of an eye. And when he asked me out shortly after, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. I wouldn’t realize it right away, but that was the moment when everything in my life changed, and not necessarily for the better. And it would be years before I got back everything I lost with that one simple yes.

  Chapter Eighteen


  While Fiona was cleaning up in my bathroom, I headed into the kitchen for a beer. I popped the top and was standing at the sink, staring out into the darkness of my backyard when her arms slid around me. Fiona’s tits pressed against my back made my dick respond beneath my sweats. When I turned to face her, leaning against the counter, I couldn’t help but notice how beautifully mussed she was. She’d slipped on the shirt I’d taken off earlier, only doing up a few of the buttons in the middle, so I had a perfect view of her sexy lace panties beneath.

  I’d have been happy with Fee wearing nothing but my shirts every day for the rest of my life. The only downfall for her was that she’d never be able to leave the house. Not as long as there were other men out there to admire her mile-long legs and all that silky hair and skin.

  She pulled the beer from my fingers and took a sip before passing it back and hopping onto the island in front of me. The childlike way she crossed her ankles and began swinging her legs back and forth, while also looking like a walking wet dream, only made her that much more endearing to me.

  I moved in her direction, setting my beer down beside her and placing my palms on her knees to spread her thighs wide so I could fit between them. I couldn’t get enough of her. If she was within sight, my hands constantly itched to touch or caress her. Finally having her how I’d wanted her all my life didn’t lessen my desire. If anything, knowing just how amazingly she fit me only made it that much stronger. I felt like I was finally whole.

  That was why I had a tendency to be pushy. I wouldn’t admit it to her, but I still had that niggling voice in the back of my head that this wasn’t going to last. When you spend so long craving a person, finally being with them is almost too good to be true.

  The feeling ate at me, but I couldn’t bring myself to discuss it with Fiona. I was too scared that she’d use my deeply rooted concerns to put that goddamned wall back up between us.

  But I had to admit, hearing her tell me she loved me went a long way in soothing my worry.

  Once more, she picked up my beer and took a healthy drink.

  I laughed and asked, “You want one of your own?”

  “Nope,” she responded with a huge grin. “Yours are better.”

  My chest instantly warmed. “Yeah? How’s that?”

  “Don’t know,” she answered with a shrug. “They just are.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. The playfulness melted from her face as she said, “I’m sorry for earlier tonight, when I got mad at you on the phone. I just… I was overwhelmed, and you were right. What that woman said really bothered me.”

  I slid my fingers up her bare legs and tensed. I hated the blame she laid on herself. Fiona was usually such a confident, caring person, but the shit that had gone down with us had dented her self-confidence. And I was to blame for that. If I’d been more of a man and hadn’t cut her from my life, not just once but twice, she wouldn’t question every one of her actions when it came to me.

  “First off, stop apologizing. Especially for being yourself,” I demanded. “If you ever feel like I’m running over you, I expect you to lay into me about it because that’s who you are, Fee. You stand up for yourself. I don’t want you to ever change that. If you change yourself because you think it’ll make me happy, I’ll be pissed.”

  I felt some of the tension seep from her body, and a sense of relief washed over me. “So does this mean you’re giving me permission to bitch you o
ut?” she teased with a small smile.

  I returned her grin and answered, “Hell yeah. If it means I get to see that fire in you more often, then have at it, baby.” My top lip quirked in that smirk I knew turned her on.

  It was easy to tell that she was getting riled up again, and I had every intention to act on that when my cell phone suddenly rang from the bedroom, interrupting the moment.

  “The hell?” I muttered, looking in that direction.

  Fiona followed my gaze. “Who could that be? It’s really freaking late.”

  I disengaged from Fee and started down the hall to the room. By the time I reached the door, the sound had stopped and started again. The hair on my arms stood on end at the persistent ringing. Pulling the phone from the pocket of the jeans I’d discarded earlier, I looked at the screen and my entire body locked tight. Two calls back-to-back from my brother.

  Sliding my thumb across the screen, I lifted it to my ear. “Gray? What’s going on, man?”

  “Deac,” he choked. “Fuck. Deacon.”

  My blood ran cold at the sound of his agonized voice. “Talk to me, brother. What’s wrong?”

  “It-it’s Lola. We’re at the hospital. She… she went into labor.”

  Oh shit. Oh no. It was too early.

  I raced through the room, grabbing whatever clothes I could find as I spoke, “Where are you? Tell me where to go.” From the corner of my eye, I saw Fiona rushing around, grabbing pants from her bag and quickly yanking them on.

  “Northwest. Just… Christ, I don’t know…. Just get here. I need you.”

  I couldn’t recall ever hearing my confident, fearless big brother tell me he needed me. “I’m coming now. Just hold on, brother. I’m coming.”

  Fiona whipped off my shirt and tossed it to me as I disconnected the call. “What’s happening?” she asked as she slipped on her bra and a T-shirt.


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