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Part-Time Lovers: Clare Chronicles, Book 1

Page 6

by Shelley Munro

  That wouldn’t happen again. He wouldn’t let his mother’s warped mind hurt Yvonne, and damned if he’d let Tyler disappear from his life either. Tyler might live in Auckland, but there was no reason he, Yvonne and the boys couldn’t visit.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “Just enjoying the moment,” he said, sensing if he spoke of what was really on his mind, he’d scare her. She didn’t trust him. He got her misgivings, even if his stupidity in letting the wall build between them pissed him off. He needed to work to restore their relationship, regain her trust.

  “There’s a bookshop,” Yvonne said.

  “The boys have lots of books.” He steered her past. “Why don’t you buy them a T-shirt? Or a model plane?”

  “Please,” she said. “Have you seen the instructions on those things? Besides, they’re too young.”

  “I’m sure they have models for all ages. What about a football or a game they can play outside now that the weather is warmer?”

  “Good idea. I like to tire them out so they sleep well.”

  Nolan tugged her close and kissed the tip of her nose. “I like them to sleep well too.” He’d like it even better if she let him stay the entire night instead of kicking him out after a couple of hours.

  Shopping for Yvonne’s sons proved more fun than he’d expected, and they ended up buying the boys a puzzle each plus a rugby ball and T-shirts.”

  Almost two hours later, Nolan knocked on the front door of Maxwell’s.

  Susan opened the door. “You’re here,” she said. “We’re in the middle of dance practice so I won’t hug you.”

  Nolan watched Yvonne’s curious face as they followed Susan into the club. It was a big room, but with its midnight blue walls and gold stenciling it looked nothing like a traditional strip club. Tables and chairs waited for the arrival of customers while the bar gleamed. Up on the stage about a dozen dancers went through their paces. Julia stood in front and gave them a wave.

  “We won’t be much longer,” Susan said and ran up on to the stage.

  The music started again.

  “This reminds me of my ballroom dancing days,” Yvonne said.

  “Were you good?” Nolan noticed her right foot had started tapping to the beat.

  “My partner and I won a few prizes.”

  “Why don’t you jump up on stage and join in? I’m sure they won’t mind.”

  Her head started to shake in the negative.

  The music came to an abrupt halt. “No, like this,” Julia said and demonstrated a few quick steps and a leg raise that impressed the hell out of him. “Let’s do it again.”

  “Julia, can Yvonne join in? She used to do ballroom dancing.”

  “Sure,” Julia said.

  At the same time Yvonne said, “No, I don’t want to get in the way.”

  “You won’t,” Julia said.

  Yvonne hesitated for a moment before pulling off her vest and unbuttoning her long-sleeved shirt.

  An instinctive protest rose in Nolan before he saw Yvonne was perfectly covered by a white tank top. She ran up the side steps and went to the back.

  “Dance beside me,” Susan said, indicating a space at the front.

  Nolan could see the reluctance on Yvonne’s face, but she stepped into the gap between Susan and another girl. The music started and after a brief hesitation, Yvonne started moving with the others. Initially, Nolan could see she was a bit rusty, but she soon picked up the moves. Damn, she was good.

  “Hey, Nolan.”

  Nolan turned to see Ryan, Julia’s husband, and his friend Caleb. Both men were tall with dark hair and most people mistook them for brothers. Nolan had when he’d first met them. “Great to see you.”

  “Where’s your lady?” Ryan asked.

  “Who’s the new dancer?” Caleb asked.

  Nolan let out a low growl. “Mine. Eyes off.”

  Caleb grimaced. “Aw, damn. All the pretty ones are taken.”

  Ryan laughed. “You’re too slow, man.”

  “Women like it slow,” Caleb shot back.

  “After you catch them,” Nolan said. “Slow is no good if you don’t catch them first.”

  Caleb scowled at both of them before speaking to Nolan. “I thought you were a country bumpkin.”

  “I’m the modern breed. Once we know what we want, we don’t mess around.”

  “So I’m learning,” Caleb said. “Your brother snapped up Susan and now you have this lovely lady.”

  “She’s a natural dancer. You’re lucky you live in Clare because Julia would want her to work for Maxwell’s,” Ryan said.

  She was good. Nolan couldn’t tear his gaze away and thought she was better than most of the other women.

  The song track ended and the women froze in position.

  “Much better,” Julia said. “Once more from the top, and we’ll finish for the day.”

  The two men left—something about meeting up with friends—and Nolan continued to watch Yvonne. Right now, after watching her move, he wanted to drag her back to their hotel room and get naked. His cock stirred, as if in agreement with his mental musings.

  The practice ended and the dancers drifted away, until just Yvonne, Susan and Julia remained.

  “You’re good,” Julia said. “We’re one dancer short tonight. I don’t suppose you’d agree to go on stage. Two routines. The one we just practiced plus another one. Susan and I can show you the moves. It’s a repetitive one—fairly easy.”

  “No, I don’t—”

  “She’ll do it,” Nolan said. “They wear masks. No one will know it’s you.” The idea of watching her dancing and knowing she belonged to him and other men couldn’t have her made him so hot, he wished they were alone so he could show her.

  “I’ll pay you,” Julia said.

  “No, I don’t—”

  “I’ll pay for your dinner tonight then,” Julia said. “And buy a bottle of Champagne. The good stuff. You have to wait for us to finish at the club anyway. We can’t leave until after nine. It doesn’t get really busy until later than that, so you wouldn’t have to perform for a full house, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Yvonne, you did great.” Nolan kept his gaze on her face. “Please, I’d really like to see you dance.”

  “Maggie, Christina and I are dancing tonight,” Susan said. “Julia too. Dance with us. It’ll be fun.”

  “What about costumes?”

  “No problem,” Julia said. “We have heaps of different sizes.”

  “I… Are you sure I’m good enough?”

  “Yes,” Julia said. “I’m the boss, so I should know.”

  “Good, you’re here,” Connor said to Nolan from behind them. He set his briefcase on the floor. “We have rugby training in about an hour. Can you come?”

  “We’ll have to stop by the hotel so I can pick up my training gear.” Nolan turned to Yvonne. “Is that okay with you? We could meet back at the hotel, grab a quick snack then come back here.”

  “We’ll drop you back at your hotel,” Julia said. “After we sort out your costumes.”

  Nolan almost smiled when Yvonne hesitated. He tilted up her head to kiss her. It ended too quickly for his liking, when he wanted to drag her to a private place and fuck her stupid.

  Later that night, Yvonne found herself standing on stage beside nine other dancers, her courage dipping, diving, knees knocking while they waited for the curtains to open. The temptation to dance again and embrace a part of her old life had been too much for her to resist.

  Her husband hadn’t liked her dancing, had said she was making a spectacle of herself and really, she was too big for her partner to lift. Her chin tilted and determination started to pump through her veins. Well, she’d dance tonight. Besides, not even her mother would recognize her in the skim
py red-and-black costume and stage makeup—the pouting red lips, the glittering black mask that screened half her face.

  The music started, soft and flirty, and the din of the crowd muted. The curtains swished aside and experience kicked in, the beat flowing through her body. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and she intended to squeeze every bit of enjoyment from her Mum-vacation.

  Her legs kicked high as she found the seductive rhythm of the music and fell into the pattern of the steps she’d learned earlier that day. Her stage smile slipped into place, and she felt the gazes of the men and women in the audience stroking her body.

  She sought Nolan in the crowd and found him smiling, his attention on her, rapt. Her steps faltered before she snapped back into professionalism. Her arms stretched, and she displayed the line of her body. The music segued into faster, sexy.

  Yvonne flirted with the crowd, her lips curling into a playful pout. The dancers formed into a line and performed a series of high kicks. Yvonne managed to kick as high as the others and quiet satisfaction flowed through her. She’d feel her muscles tomorrow, pay for the steps into the past. But, oh, it was worth it.

  This heady feeling, the buzz of excitement and the taste of success lifting her head high with pride. She bowed with the others, her gaze seeking Nolan again. He was on his feet with the rest of the crowd, clapping with a full-out grin on his face.

  “Great job, Yvonne,” Susan said once the curtains swished back into place. “I don’t suppose you’d consider shifting to Auckland and dancing permanently here at the club?”

  “Good try, Suzy,” Nolan said, striding onto the stage from the rear and skirting the other dancers as they headed for the dressing room. “Yvonne can dance any time she wants while we’re visiting, but I intend to keep her with me in Clare.”

  A possessive hand landed on her hip, heat burning through her skimpy bathing suit-size costume. Part of her wanted to argue, to tell him he had no right to speak for her, but the truth was she liked living in Clare. The boys were settled, and she owed Gina for extending a hand when she’d been homeless and desperate after her divorce.

  “Well,” said Susan. “We’ll have to entice you to visit often. Bring the boys next time. My cousin is Julia’s nanny. She’s going to look after Katey as well as Alex. She’s really good and won’t mind a couple of extra kids now and then.” Susan checked on the time. “Julia’s doing her fan dance next. Get changed and go out front to watch. It’s really something.”

  “Yvonne.” Nolan stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “You were breathtaking.”

  Heat stole into her cheeks along with pleasure, his former highhandedness consigned to the back of her mind. “Thanks.”

  He drew her closer and nuzzled her neck. “And very, very sexy.”

  “Nolan, stop manhandling my dancers,” Julia said in a crisp voice, seconds after she appeared from the direction of the dressing room. Her grin negated her order. “I don’t suppose you’d like to move to Auckland?”

  “Susan has already tried that,” Nolan said.

  Yvonne scowled at him and poked her finger into the middle of his chest for emphasis. “Hey, I can speak for myself, mister.” She dialed down her frown into a genuine smile for Julia. “Thanks for the offer, but I love living in Clare.”

  Julia tossed her head and her blonde hair flowed across her shoulders. “Pity. My friends have a knack for finding great dancers.”

  “I’ll see you out front,” Nolan said, not chastened in the slightest, judging by his expression. “Would you like a glass of white wine?”

  “Thanks.” Shaking her head, Yvonne headed for the dressing room and felt Nolan’s gaze until she turned the corner.

  “Great job, Yvonne,” Maggie said. “Here’s some makeup remover.”

  “Thanks.” Yvonne removed her mask. “What a rush.”

  “I know. That’s why I dance a few nights a week,” Maggie said. “It also keeps me fit. Julia is like a drill sergeant. I’ve never been in such great shape.”

  “You should start up dance classes in Clare,” Susan said. “The kids really loved the few classes I taught. You could do some fitness stuff for the women too. There’s nothing like that in Clare at present.”

  “The café keeps me busy,” Yvonne said.

  “Pity,” Susan said. “That’s a business opportunity going to waste.”

  Yvonne took a quick shower and changed into her good clothes before heading for Nolan and her glass of wine. Susan walked out with her.

  “There you are.” Nolan drew her close for a quick kiss.

  “At last,” a familiar voice said. “My big brother has come to his senses.”

  Yvonne took a step back and smiled at Tyler. “We’re just friends.” And maybe if she kept telling herself that, her heart would get the message.

  “Good friends,” Nolan said in a sharp voice.

  Tyler’s brows rose, but he didn’t say anything.

  “How does Katey like the move?” Yvonne asked.

  Her question lightened the mood, and soon they were joined by Nolan’s other friends. Julia did her fan dance, and Yvonne watched mesmerized by her smooth moves and manipulation of the large feathery fans. So sexy. Everyone in the club appeared riveted by her dance and when it came to an end, there was a moment of silence before the crowd jumped to their feet and applauded.

  “She’s good,” Yvonne said.

  “Susan does the fan dance too,” Tyler said with pride.

  “Will you teach me?” Yvonne asked.

  “Next time you visit,” Susan promised.

  The evening dragged like a plough resisting rocky soil. Nolan managed to smile through dinner at an Italian restaurant, thought he chatted and acted pretty civilly. But the entire time, visions of Yvonne dancing in her skimpy costume flickered through his head in a never ending video. He glanced at Yvonne—currently chatting with Susan—the feeling of pride bursting to life in him again. It had been a close run thing—the fight between gratification and the urge to leap onstage and drape her curvy body with a long robe.

  Now, he pushed the last bite of his veal escallops, Portobello mushrooms and Marsala wine sauce aside and set his knife and fork down at right angles.

  “We’re going to the restrooms,” Susan said.

  The two women weaved through the tables of diners and disappeared. Nolan blew out a hard sigh.

  “Not hungry?” Tyler asked.

  “Have other things on my mind.”

  “Like what? Farm…oh,” Tyler said with an unexpected toothy grin. He shot a quick glance toward the restrooms. “Does Yvonne know you’re hung up on her?”

  “She thinks I’m playing games until someone better comes along. She keeps telling me we’re friends with benefits.” He stirred on his chair, repositioning his body to relieve the ache from his hard-on.

  Just friends.

  “If I hear her say we’re friends again, I’ll bare my teeth and growl. And that will be just the start. Taking Yvonne out in public is dating, damn it.”

  Tyler chuckled. “Does your mother know?”

  “Yes, not that it’s got anything to do with her.”

  Tyler snorted. “That’s never stopped Elizabeth before.”

  “I intend to marry Yvonne, once she gets over this stupid friend business. Mum will have to accept Yvonne and her boys or she won’t have any family left.”

  “What about Dad?”

  “Dad just wants us both to find happiness,” Nolan said. “He’s changed during the last couple of months. He seems more content and active. Less depressed and moody than we’re used to.”

  Yvonne and Susan returned and took their seats.

  “Anyone for dessert? They do an excellent Tiramisu here,” Susan said. “The gelato selection is delicious too. Or coffee?”

  Good god! He couldn’t sit through dessert
and coffee. He leaned toward Yvonne. “Do you want to go soon?”

  “Already?” she asked in surprise.

  In answer, he took her hand and placed it on his lap. She froze, then a saucy grin split her face. “I fancy a coffee. Is anyone else having one?”

  A low growl escaped him, and his brother smirked. Nolan shot him a dark scowl.

  “Nolan is feeling tired,” Yvonne said.

  Nolan growled again and decided spanking was looking good.

  “He doesn’t need to growl like a grumpy bear,” Susan said.

  Yvonne cackled. Actually cackled like an evil cartoon character.

  “We’ll get you a coffee at the hotel,” he said, standing abruptly. He didn’t care if anyone noticed his condition. He handed Tyler a wad of cash to pay for their dinner. “If I’m playing rugby tomorrow I need my rest.” He held out his hand in a silent demand.

  Yvonne winked at Tyler and Susan and rose. “It appears we’re leaving. Thanks for the company.”

  “Good move,” Nolan growled when she grasped his fingers. “If you’d dallied any longer, I would’ve carted you out dangling over my shoulder, and to hell with the stares.”

  “Well,” said Susan. “I think I’m offended.”

  “I’m not,” Tyler said, and Nolan heard the humor in his brother’s voice before they’d left earshot. “We can have an early night now.”

  The cab ride back to the hotel was mercifully quick.

  “That was a bit rude,” Yvonne said.

  “They’re family. Tyler understood.” He wrapped an arm around Yvonne and drew her against his side for the short ride to their hotel.

  “Good evening. Hey, aren’t you that guy on the reality show?” the man behind the desk asked when they walked past to reach the lifts.

  “No,” Nolan said.

  “People tell him that all the time,” Yvonne said, laughter shading in her words. “I think the man on the show has a bigger nose. I think he might get a stomach paunch when he gets older.”


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