Mail Order Bride
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The young lady stepped onto the slightly raised platform where Ali stood. She smiled meekly and as her eyes scanned the crowd and met his, Len felt like the world stopped instantly.
All he could see was that she was exquisite. Her hair was glossy and black as the night, and her skin was as fair and smooth as a porcelain doll. Her eyes were a soft brown, and her eyelashes so long that he could see them flutter from across the room. For a moment, he was mesmerized at the sight of her.
He completely ignored Ali as she started calling up the men who had joined the lottery. He watched Vicki move gracefully across the stage, every movement as delicate as her features. His palms started to sweat, and as he looked away to wipe them on his pant leg, he heard his name called. He froze. I’m the seventh man, he thought.
Everyone was looking at him as red crept into Len’s face. Immediately, he knew that Ali had put his name in the hat, and he was furious at her for entering him without asking. He was humiliated having everyone watching him.
His face started to burn harder as he spun around and stormed out of the town hall and down the steps to where his horse was tied up. He lurched himself up on his black stallion’s back and took off in a gallop.
What gives her the right to go behind my back like that? I never want to be married!
He was so angry that he couldn’t get to sleep that night for hours, but when he did start to drift off, he saw Vicki in his mind’s eye. She was smiling at him and calling his name for supper from inside the front door of his cabin. He felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and as she turned to go inside, a little girl appeared from behind Vicki’s skirts and ran out to him. He lifted her above his head and she laughed wildly.
“Tell daddy that you helped make his favorite pie for dessert!” Vicki called from inside the house.
He held the little girl in his arms and she giggled.
He woke up the next morning to a knock on his door. He scrambled to it, opened it and found Ali standing on his doorstep.
“Len, please hear me out. I’m sorry that I entered you in the lottery without you knowing, but can’t you see that I only wanted to help?”
He knew that was true and despite his anger from last night, he couldn’t stay mad at her.
“I know you just want to help, but I’ve told you that I don’t want to take a wife, and that’s final,” he said.
Ali looked disappointed but she knew better than to argue with him. If he was going to change his mind, it would have to be his decision, because pushing him would only make him dig in his heels.
She sighed.
“All right Len, I wish you would think on it. If you change your mind, you know where to find us.”
She hugged the man she raised and prayed that he would be there at eleven when the drawing began.
It was eleven and Ali still saw no sign of Len in the crowd or in the line of six men who faced the stage. She was going to have to continue and tell the ladies the bad news. She looked over at the group of young women, bubbling with nervous excitement. One of them would be severely let down. She stepped up onto the podium.
“Thank you all for being here today! Unfortunately, I have bad news.” The crowd murmured.
“Although there are seven ladies present in the lottery, there are only six men entered as of this morning.”
People gasped, and the brides-to-be began shifting uncomfortably and whispering to each other. Ali didn’t know how to remedy the situation so she gestured for the men to come forward and draw their numbers.
Vicki was nervous. She always had bad luck when it came to games of chance. Cece was sitting next to her and squeezed her gloved hand. Vicki managed to smile back but envied her friend’s calm and confident demeanor.
She listened as the first few names were called out and sighs of relief from the girls echoed around her.
Cece was the fifth name to be called. The young girl squealed with delight before running into the arms of a dashing Mr. Sod. She turned and smiled, wishing Vicki good luck. However, Vicki felt sick. It was now between her and a tall and beautiful lady named Anna, which would get the remaining man standing before them. She just knew Anna’s name would be called.
All the men had jostled for a chance to dance with Anna last night and the only man left standing today couldn’t stop smiling.
“Miss Anna Lewis!” called Ali.
Anna jumped up and giggled, “I thought I might not be picked!”
Vicki’s stomach sank in disappointment. She hardened her face so she didn’t cry. She rose, mumbled a thank you to Ali and ran back to the room she had rented. As soon as the door was closed behind her, she burst into tears. Why am I doomed to never marry? she wondered.
She remembered the cross around her neck and clutched it as she prayed, Please lord, lead me down the right path. I don’t know what you have in store for me, and right now I’m hurt, but I put my faith in you and your plan for me. Amen. She sat down and caught her breath.
Something inside her compelled her to stay the rest of the day though, so she put off packing her bags and leaving Jonesboro.
That evening, as Vicki was heading down to the inn’s restaurant for dinner, she ran into Ali.
“Oh my dear, I’m so glad you haven’t left yet. Can I talk to you for a moment? I have a proposition for you,” said Ali.
Vicki thought for a moment and agreed. “Of course.” She was already here, so might as well listen to one more idea from Ali.
“I’m so sorry that the lottery failed you. I had hoped everyone would find a match but I have to admit that I signed one of the gentlemen up without his agreement and that’s why he dropped out. It was my fault and I hope you can forgive me. I said this town needed a woman’s touch and I really meant that. We are in desperate need of a schoolhouse and a teacher. Because of your governess position, you’re the only one qualified that we have. Would you consider staying and becoming the schoolmistress?” Ali asked.
“I...” Vicki started.
“Wait. Please sleep on it. Think about it and all the possibilities that go with being a teacher, the first one in Jonesboro. And, in the morning if you decide to stay, come to my house. I have a room you can stay in, and we can talk about building the school,” Ali said, before turning around and leaving.
Vicki was stunned as she watched her walk away. The town’s schoolmistress? she thought.
Despite still being unmarried, it was an excellent the opportunity for adventure on the great frontier. Maybe she should stay, and surely there would be more chances to meet a husband than there was as a governess on a country estate. Besides, what would she do if she went back to London?
The next morning, Ali nervously awaited what she hoped would soon be Vicki’s arrival on her doorstep. She had spent the last two hours making her spare room perfect, when Ichabod stopped her.
“My love, you can only do so much. Let God do the rest. Don’t force His plan,” her husband said.
“I know you’re right, Honey,” she sighed. Just then, there was a knock on the door.
Ali rushed through the living room of their house and yanked the door open. Vicki stood there earnestly, bag in hand.
“I am so delighted to see you, Vicki! Please come in,” said Ali.
“Thank you.” Vicki said. She sat down at the kitchen table while Ali made tea.
“I thought very deliberately about your proposition, and I think it’s what God led me here to do. I wanted to find adventure and freedom on the frontier, but the idea of a husband was more of an afterthought. When your cousin read bits of your letter out loud, I felt a calling but I didn’t know exactly what would be in store for me.”
Ali smiled as she set the teacups down in front of them. “I think you are just a blessing from God, Vicki. Milly, highly recommended you for anything that you wanted to do here, whether it was get married or just live here. It’s a plus that you are such a lovely person.”
They sat for several hours and got to know one another while m
aking plans for the school.
“Ichabod and my son, Len, are very skilled carpenters, so they will be the ones building the schoolhouse. My husband says it shouldn’t take more than two months,” said Ali.
The two women talked on about plans for the schoolhouse, how to get the children interested and the supplies that Vicki would need to begin holding school in Jonesboro. By the time the meeting was over, both women had come to the understanding that teaching was what Vicki was destined to do in Jonesboro.
Later that day, the other Mail Order Brides were married to their husbands. Ichabod Groin officiated all six weddings one after the other. Cece was excited to marry Mr. Ed Sole. He was a cattle rancher like she had fantasized about, and she couldn’t wait to start her life on the great frontier. Vicki was truly happy for her friend, but her heart was full of disappointment for herself.
As Cece relished in her new marriage day, her thoughts turned to Vicki. I hope she’s okay, she thought. During their train ride across the country, the two girls had become close. Cece appreciated Vicki’s upper class sophistication and Vicki had admired Cece’s free spirit.
They had traded stories of their youth and found that even nations apart, they had many things in common.
“Cece, my dear, it’s our turn,” said Ed briskly. The wedding was nothing like she had imagined as a little girl, but it was the only practical way six weddings could take place in one day.
When they were married, Ed lifted her onto the back of his horse and took her home. It was a modest cabin on the outskirts of town, with one bedroom and a dirt floor. She was a little disappointed because the house didn’t match her dreams, but Cece was determined to make it a good place of fun, kids and happiness.
This could use some fixing up, she thought.
“Well, this is it,” said Ed. “I’ll expect you to clean the house, cook all the meals, milk the cows, wash and mend our clothes and to plant and tend a new garden.”
“Is that all?” Cece scoffed. “I thought you wanted a wife, not a maid.”
Ed turned around with a scowl. “By the time I get home tonight, I expect you to have a hot meal waiting for me and forget the smart comments.”
With that, he walked out the door. Cece had no idea where he was going or when he would return but she knew that she wasn’t very happy with their first hours of marriage. She looked out the window and hoped that she would get to talk to Vicki before she left for England. Just in case she decided to go back with her.
It was a perfect fall day when Ichabod and Len began building the school. The heat from summer had started to fade, there was a cool breeze in the air and the sky was clear for as far as they could see. The two men were already hard at work when Ali and Vicki arrived to say hello.
“Gentleman!” Ali called.
“Yes, my dear? Oh, hello Vicki, lovely to see you this morning,” said Ichabod.
“Lovely to see you too, Mr. Groin,” Vicki said as she smiled and nodded her head.
“Len, I’d like to introduce you to someone,” said Ali.
Len looked up from the plank he was sanding, and his heart jumped to his throat at her being so close. He stepped towards them.
“Len, this is Vicki, the new schoolmistress.”
Vicki curtsied quickly, “I am pleased to make your acquaintance,” she said.
Ali continued, “Vicki, this is Len West, my son.” Len was taken aback by her beauty up close, but he mustered his courage and boldly took her hand and gently kissed it.
“I’m pleased to meet you too, Miss Vicki,” he said.
Vicki felt a shiver travel the length of her arm and she pulled her hand back, startled and slightly embarrassed by her reaction. What was that? she wondered to herself.
Vicki was out exploring the town the next day when she heard a familiar voice, “Vicki!” She spotted Cece front of her and waved enthusiastically. They stopped under the shade of an apple tree and hugged.
“Oh Vicki! I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you. I was so worried that you would leave to return to England before I could say goodbye,” said Cece.
“Well, actually I’ve decided to stay!” replied Vicki.
“Thank God! I’m going to need a confidant. I’m already wondering if this was the right choice for me. Ed is so handsome, but he’s just miserable and has a tendency to be a little mean,” admitted Cece, anxious to let her friend know the truth about her marriage.
Vicki frowned, “I hate to hear that Cece. Can I do anything?” she asked.
“Oh no, I can handle him. Believe me, there were many men like that back home. But enough about me, what will you do while you stay here?”
“After the lottery I was dead set on going back to London just as soon as I could, but I prayed on it and decided to stay one more night in the inn. When I went to dinner, Ali stopped me and offered be the schoolmistress position! It’s the perfect option for me. I can support myself and experience the great frontier at the same time. Not to mention I might be able to meet a husband,” explained Vicki.
“Well ooh la la, look at you! How independent and exciting! Have you met anyone suitable yet?” asked Cece.
“Well… Ali’s son, Len is a good prospect. He’s so ruggedly handsome and there’s something gentle and sweet about his quiet nature. Don’t say anything to anyone! It’s just me being a silly girl. He hasn’t given me any encouragement, but he kissed my hand when we were introduced and I felt a chill run up my arm and down my spine. I’ve never had that happen before though my hand has been kissed plenty of times. There’s just something alluring about him,” said Vicki.
The girls spent a few more minutes giggling and chatting before they went their separate ways, but the conversation held some good information that would work its way through both their lives.
Over the next few weeks, Vicki and Ali took lunch to the men every day. She and Len would talk about everything from their favorite novels, to politics, to their dreams for the future. He had never met a woman so smart and who he was so riveted to during their scintillating conversation. He grew so fond of their lunches that secretly he hoped he and Ichabod would never finish building the school for fear he wouldn’t have any reason to talk with Vicki any more.
Vicki was excited about the building’s progress and she couldn’t wait to begin teaching the town’s children. She had already ordered and received all the school supplies she would need through Moore’s General Supplies up the road, so Len didn’t want to sabotage that by stretching out the completion of the school.
Everyone had noticed a change in him, especially Ali. His friendship with Vicki had somehow softened him. He was friendlier, less reclusive and actually had a sense of humor. No one would have imagined that in him.
While he worked, she would read to him from her favorite novels and he loved the sound of her voice. Sometimes, he would teach her little things about carpentry and he was pleasantly surprised by how adept and quick learning she was. Slowly, Ali started to spend less and less time chaperoning them, but they hardly noticed.
There was a gentle ease about their interactions and they seemed to really enjoy each other’s company. Ali trusted Levi to not put Vicki’s integrity into question, so she nurtured the budding romance the young couple seemed not to even be aware of taking place, but she could see it.
One Saturday, Ichabod left early to work on his sermon for the next day. Len was hanging shutters on the outside of the school when Vicki brought lunch by.
“Len, it looks beautiful! I can’t believe it’s almost finished.” They sat down on the bench out front and ate together. Their shoulders touched for a split second, but it was enough to make them both blush.
“I-I’m sorry,” stammered Len, but she giggled nervously and forgave him, knowing that it was she who sat down so close.
How could I be so rude! She thought. They had become so comfortable that it felt natural, but it was terribly improper. She shifted anxiously and wondered if he thought her manners too unrefined
and forward.
Usually, she was so focused on etiquette that people found her cold, but lately she felt like her frozen exterior was melting away. She had only known Len for a couple of months, but it felt like they were old friends.
He was so easy to talk to, and she looked forward to their conversations every day. Am I falling in love with him? she wondered. The thought alone was enough to unnerve her, and she leapt up from her seat and managed an awkward goodbye.
Len jumped up too, as chivalry demanded, but he had just taken a bite out of his sandwich and choked out a farewell and a thank you for the lunch. In her haste to escape an awkward situation, she tripped over his toolbox and went sailing forward toward a pile of wood scraps. She braced herself for a humiliating and painful landing, but instead, she felt strong arms grab her waist.
Vicki gasped and turned around. She gazed into Len’s deep blue eyes and muttered a thank you to him. Their faces were about a foot apart and she became acutely aware of his body against hers. She had never been this close to a man before and her heart was pounding.
Len was frozen in place and time. He had the most beautiful woman in his arms and he was aware that he held onto her far longer than he should have. She smelled of lavender; it was intoxicating. Suddenly, he regained control of his senses and released her, blushing as he did so.
Vicki’s legs were weak as she gathered the picnic basket up into her arms and ran toward the Groin’s cabin. She replayed the moment in her mind, only this time Len kissed her gently. She shook her head and clutched the cross around her neck, God forgive me for these impure thoughts. What is happening to me?