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What They Don't Know (Won't Hurt Them Trilogy #1)

Page 9

by O. Y. Flemming

  He sits behind his desk and places his finger on his chin as if he's thinking. I look at him quickly with a raised brow and back down at my briefcase, trying to disregard his stare. I pull my portfolio from it, and he still watches me. I have to break this awkwardness.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. King.”

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Watts.”

  Thank God, I was feeling a bit intimidated.

  “What do you have for me today?”

  “Well, I've put together a short business portfolio of what I know so far about your company.”

  “Not my company,” he states. I eye him for a second in confusion.

  I fumble with the folder, turning it in my hand because my confusion has me contemplating whether to give it to him or not.

  “It's my family's company,” he follows up from the last statement. “It was a family company I should say,” he clarifies. “I was bought out by my brother some years ago. I wanted to broaden my investments. As you know, Bryant will purchase half of the company’s investments. That will make him a whole, but half owner of the company.”

  “I see. Bryant purchased a full half, as your family breaks up the other half, of course.”

  “Smart woman.” He smirks at me. I hand him the portfolio with the plan to divide and sell. I prepared two to present, in the event this conversation of the company's background wasn't clarified.

  “Besides broadening your investments, was there any other reason you sold your part of the company?”

  He looks out his big-ass window. Men and their need for big things. Compensation, I laugh to myself.

  “Compensation,” he says. I choke a little as his answer catches me by surprise.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Would you like some water?”

  “Yes, please.” He walks over to what I clearly missed, a full bar. It looks like it should come with a bartender and a tip glass. He hands me bottled water. I take a sip from it to clear my throat.

  “I need compensation for other things I dabble in.”

  “Right, like the gym,” I confirm.

  “Yes, and other things.”

  “Okay, anything that would interfere with the business you have with Bryant?” I say curiously.

  He stares at me, his hands on his desk. He lifts one hand, as he looks at his nails. You know, the way men look at their nails when they are uninterested in what an individual is saying.



  “Why is that good?” Cruz asks.

  “Business colleagues, as you and Bryant are, should communicate on other dealings that could interfere with the business you have together. You said it wouldn’t interfere. I replied, ‘good.’ No need to speak of it any further.”

  He drops his hands and looks at me. I mean really looks at me.

  “You look out for Bryant quite a bit I see.”

  “Was that a question or a statement?”

  “That was a statement, Bria. But here’s a question for you, Ms. Watts. Have you fucked Bryant since I told you not to?”

  I’m not sure why, but I break out in a sweat, and the air conditioner is on in this place. It’s a cold sweat.

  “What does that have to do with this meeting?”

  “Nothing, and your lack of an answer tells me that you have.”

  “Again, Mr. King, I’m not sure how my personal life—”

  “Answer the damn question, Bria!” he raises his voice and causes me to jump.

  I politely gather my things and shove them into my briefcase. All the while, I can’t help but laugh. I quickly reach across the desk to recover the folder I’d given him. He grabs my hand, and I snatch it away.

  “You can keep it. I’ll send Tony the plan. You two can set up a schedule to meet.” I rise from the desk and turn to walk away from him. I can feel his movement. He’s behind me, making his way toward the same door I power walk through. I quickly make it out of his physical office; now if I can just make it out of his office’s office, I’ll be home free to break into a sprint to the lobby where the green-eyed monster can save me. Well, not save me, but I’ll be in the presence of another.

  “Bria, I won’t work with Tony. Just so you know, Bryant with you is what sold me. That’s what I expect. You!”

  I grab the handle to the office door. “Bryant didn’t count on you making advances at me!”

  He laughs. “Bryant doesn’t care who makes advances to his sweet Bree; as long as he gets it when he wants it, he has no complaints.”

  It sounded as dirty as he intended it to, coming from his mouth. I’m hot, and mad as hell. I could spit fire.

  “Fuck off, Cruz!” I yell as I leave the office and enter the hall. And yeah, the whole sprinting down the hall… not so much. Before I know it, I’m cornered before I can reverse my steps back to the main lobby.

  “Let go of me, Mr. King!”

  “Keep your voice down,” he whispers harshly. He has my body pinned in a corner. It’s quite awkward, but I manage to drop my briefcase to wedge my hand between us, and push him away. He grabs my hands to hold them both at my sides.

  “You should be flattered; I’ve claimed that nice pussy of yours before tasting it.”

  My body shudders at his words. They are harsh and cold. His eyes are dilated almost cat like. He’s so close, I can see them changing.

  “Let’s see if you can follow these simple directions, Ms. Watts.”

  “What?” I say disgustingly.

  “Shhh, you just need to listen.” He grinds his body against me; this time it’s not to contain me. I can feel how erect he is. He’s taller than I am with my heels on, so he lowers himself until we are face to face. His lips are close to mine. I turn my head to avoid a kiss, but he doesn’t kiss me at all. He grabs my jaw to force me to look at him. My body is in shut down mode, or King mode. Seems as if he has the only remote control to it. It, meaning my body. I gasp at his actions. He grinds against me again, while he hasn’t taken his eyes away from me. Breathing is a problem for me, and sweat beads are forming on my neck.

  “Bria,” he says in a deep tone. “You will not give my pussy away, nor will you fuck Morgan anymore. Is. Your. Pussy. Available. Bria?”

  I swallow hard, attempting to answer, but am interrupted by Dusdin who quickly retreats when he sees the position I’m in.

  “Bria?” Cruz’s tone is calmer this time.


  “No, what?”

  “No. It’s not available, and not available to you either,” I say, as I push him away from me with all the force I have. He grabs my elbow and pulls me to him away from the corner wall.

  “It is, and will be available to me and only me. How long has it been?”

  “What? Let go of me.”

  “How the fuck long has it been, Bria? Huh, tell me,” he says. His grip becomes tighter on my forearms, as I’m held in place. I close my eyes, because looking at him now might send me into a rage. “Open them, and tell me. Tell me how long it has been since you've given my pussy away to Morgan.” He uses Bryant’s last name as if it were disgusting coming from his mouth.

  I let out a hard breath, as I answered him. “Saturday.”

  “It couldn't have been Saturday. That's when I gave him my little pill.”

  “Guess it didn't work or he was determined to have his cake and eat it too,” I chuckle. “Wait, that makes Sunday too.” I raise an eyebrow as I taunt him. He pushes me away and adjusts his visible hard-on.

  He shakes his head and puts one hand in his pocket. It's like he’s posing for the cover of a magazine. Even pissed, he's GQ.

  I grab my briefcase from the ground. I can't believe this guy. He walks backwards facing me. He laughs as he shakes his head again.

  “This deal doesn't go down if you continue to fuck Mr. Morgan.”

  I scoff. “You can't do that!”

  “I can, Bria. I have no problem not going through with it.”

  “That's breach of contract.”

  He shrugs as he back into his office door.

  “I won't have sex with you, Cruz!” I yell down the hall.

  “That's fine, Bria, but you won't have sex with Bryant either. Run along, he's waiting for you.” He smiles as he turns his back fully upon entering his office.

  “Ugh! This can't be happening,” I yell, but it is.


  The remainder of Monday goes by in a blur. I manage to come up with a name for my company. It sounds weird as an acronym, but my boss is pleased with it. I meet his deadline with four days to spare, and it's perfect. TTLF (True To Life Fantasies) LLC. I'm pleased with it as well. Something of mine to bring happiness to others, and me as well. I'm very pleased.

  I hear my phone beep as I shut down both computers. I know it's from Bryant. I'm nervous before I even read it.

  Bree, don't bring home take out. I made dinner. Got wine too. See you when you get here.

  I send one back.

  (Me) Okay, what's the occasion?

  (Bryant) To great investments.

  (Me) Great investments?

  I'm confused because I know Cruz wasn't happy. I believe the threat he made to me about ending all sexual ties with Bryant. I'm just not sure he knows.

  Bryant is standing in my doorway with a glass of red wine when I get home.

  “A glass of red wine for m'lady.” He kisses me on my cheek. I shake my head at him, taking the wine from his hand.

  “What? What did I do now?” he says.

  “Nothing, Bryant, nothing. I'm tired.”

  “I knew you would be. Mr. Wilke said you had a lot going on today. He said you crushed some big deals.”

  “Yeah, I did.” I smile.

  “You know he wanted your panties at one point.”

  I laugh. “He told me.”

  “What? When?” Bryant questions.

  I walk into my kitchen; it smells great. “Hey, good lookin’, whatcha got cookin’?” I say, opening one of the pots on my stove.

  “Crusted parmesan chicken with butter garlic sauce leaks, and steamed carrots just to start.”

  I turn, curiously eying him. “To start?”

  “Yes. Dessert, we'll make homemade ice cream. If you're up for it.” He knows what homemade ice cream does to me.

  “You've thought of everything tonight.”

  “Not everything.” He smiles devilishly.

  “So dirty, you are.”

  “Only around you, Bree.” We laugh.

  “So the meeting with Cruz went well, I take it? He called me and said it's a go. Something about tonight’s events would play as a game changer.”

  “Bryant?” I trail off. I have to tell him.

  “The guy asked me my plans for tonight.”

  “Why did he want to know that?”

  He shrugs.

  “I think the guy is homesick. All he has is his company, some employees, you know,” he says, while popping a carrot in his mouth. “So I invited him tonight.”


  “Yeah, I didn't think you'd mind.”

  “Bryant,” I whisper and I drop my head.

  “I know, I know. You want to get comfortable in sweats. You still can, just put on socks.”

  “Socks?” I raise an eyebrow in question.

  “Yeah, your feet are cute. Kinda don't want another man admiring your toes in front of me.”

  I shake my head. “My feet aren't what you have to worry about with Cruz.”

  “What does that mean?” Bryant asks.

  “There are things you don't know about Cruz, Bryant.”

  He eyes me with a frown. “Yeah, like what?”

  I pause, because I'm not sure how to approach Bryant with the situation. “He's an ass for one.”

  “Yeah, so am I. So you say.”

  “He came on to me.”

  Bryant just laughs.

  “You find that funny?” I question him harshly.

  “Yeah I do, Bree. A lot of men come on to you, you're beautiful.” He walks towards me, and snakes his arms around my waist.

  “No, Bryant.” I push him away. “You don't understand.” How can I tell him without telling him that this is not my first encounter with Cruz?

  “Bryant, Cruz—” I began to say, before I hear a tap on my wall that interrupts me.

  Bryant turns around to greet him. “Hey, man.” They shake, slap hands, or whatever handshake men do.

  “Did I just hear my name?” Cruz makes a questioning gesture with his hand.

  “Yeah.” Bryant is laughing, as he continues to speak to Cruz. “Bree said you came on to her.”

  Both Cruz's eyebrows go up in shock. I'm standing there with a “yeah mister, I told” look on my face.

  “Well, you are beautiful, and I'm a bachelor. That’s normally what happens when a beautiful woman and an eligible bachelor meet.”

  I shake my head. “No, not in your approach,” I say.

  “I'm sorry. I'm not following,” Cruz says.

  “Your approach.” I point to Bryant. “About Bryant.”

  “Ohh. Well, you two aren't dating or involved, right? I mean that's what you claimed.”

  “No. That's not what I'm talking about.”

  “I'm not sure I follow you, Bria.” Cruz is acting like our little encounter didn’t happen this afternoon. This ass is going to make me say it.

  “You don't follow me?” I walk toward him, to get in his face because he has pissed me off for the last time.

  “Whoa, Bria, what's up with you tonight?” Bryant catches me by the arm, before I reach Cruz.

  “Bryant, please listen to me for a second. You can't believe anything this guy says.” Cruz is standing in the opening of my kitchen, leaning in the doorway like a smooth criminal. He has the nerve to wear the smuggest smirk on his face, and I just want to slap it off.

  “Bree, you okay?”

  “I'm fine, Bryant; look, he came on to me, okay,” I try to whisper, but fail because Cruz hears me anyway.

  “I've already admitted that. Now if it made you uncomfortable, then I apologize. I thought I could take you out, since you said you two weren’t an item.” He pointed back and forth to Bryant then me.

  “We're not, but I don't want to go out with you either,” I say through my teeth.

  “Okay then, that's settled. Can I use your bathroom?” Cruz asks, and he gets bathroom details from Bryant.

  “It's down the hall on the right,” Bryant answers. “What. The. Hell, Bree?”

  “Bryant, please, I'm your friend. You’re supposed to take my side.”

  “I mean I would, Bree, but I'm not sure why I'm taking your side.”

  “He hit on me.”

  “We've established that.”

  “And you don't care one bit?”

  “No, Bree, I don't.”

  “It doesn't offend you that the person you've partnered in a business with, just hit on your best friend? Who you wanted a relationship with? Who you are currently, let me remind you, having sex with, nonetheless?”

  “No!” he whisper-yells.

  “Are you serious?”

  “I am, Bria. That doesn't bother me.”

  “So if I decide, let’s just say, I want to go out with him, it wouldn't bother you?”

  “Do you want to go out with him?”

  “No, Bryant, I don't!”

  “Then, why are we talking about this?”

  “Ugh, you're an ass, Bryant Morgan.”

  “I think we've already established that,” he retorts.

  I roll my eyes.

  “So, Ms. Watts, are we cool?” Cruz asks, as he comes from the hall leading from my bathroom.

  “Whatever,” I say, trying not to look his way. He bends so that he comes very close to my face.

  “Say we are cool.” He's too close; I can smell the mint on his breath.

  “We're cool.” I can't help but grinding my teeth, as I speak the words. Bryant laughs and pulls Cruz away from me.

right, man, cool it before she throws both our asses out.”

  “She's too nice a lady to do that.” Cruz winks at me as he opens my refrigerator.

  “Um, hello. My house, my refrigerator.”

  “Yes, and you're rude for not offering me anything to drink.”

  “I didn't plan on you staying.”

  Bryant laughs again.

  “Oh, am I not welcomed here?” He stares at me.

  I just stare back at him, neither of us blinks.

  Bryant shakes his head on his way to the dining area to set the table.

  “Do you want me to leave?” Cruz asks, breaking the silence.

  “I didn't invite you.”

  “Do you want to un-invite me?”

  “I didn't invite you.”

  “Are you going to fuck him tonight?”

  “I didn't invite you.”

  “Do I have to give him something stronger?”

  “I'll report you, if you do.”

  “I'll withdraw the deal, if you do.”

  “I guess you'll have to do what you have to do.”

  “Bluffing are we?” Cruz eyes me with that smirk again.

  “Try me, Cruz. I'm so serious.” I know he thinks I'm bluffing.

  “Bryant, I think, we're going to have to take another look at the deal on Wednesday.”

  Bryant enters the room, looking confused.

  “Why? What's wrong with it?” He eyes Cruz, and then turns to me. “What the hell did I miss?”

  “Nothing,” I say.

  “I must have missed something. Is this or isn't this deal happening?” He's getting irritated as he looks at me.

  “This has nothing to do with me, Bry. Why are you looking at me?”

  “Because, Bria, Cruz doesn't want to work with Tony. He has his reasons, we went over this.”

  I can't fucking believe this. Bryant has lost his damn mind.

  “So what's it going to be, Bree?” Bryant adds.

  I want to drop the F-bomb on both of them. Bryant’s an ass, and Cruz is an even bigger ass. The day just gets better.

  “Everything's fine,” I say, and Bryant turns to Cruz.

  “Everything's fine,” he says to Cruz.

  “Everything's fine,” Cruz says. Bryant goes back to setting the table.

  Cruz walks up to me, and lowers himself to my face. He cups my sex, causing me to jump, but he holds me in place with his other hand.


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