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Vile Wasteland (A Post Apocalyptic Novel)

Page 6

by Keep, J. E.

  "Oh," she slumped back in the bench, pushing her final hot dog towards him, "Well. You think they’re gonna come back here soon? I’m here for a few days so..."

  With a shake of his head he said, "I don’t know that. Only puttin’ the pieces together now that I spoke to you." He looked her over again then, "Where are you headed then?" he asked.

  "I don’t know," she shrugged. "Just tryin’ to get some shit together for the people back home," she sighed. "It wasn’t supposed to take long, just trade what I had, get what I needed, then come on back. Now I’m worse off than when I started."

  Nodding slowly to her he said simply, "I see," then went back to pondering, puffing on his cigar now and then. "What sort of shit you trying to get together for your bunker buddies?" he asked in that same slowly calculating manner he had about everything.

  She was too accepting to be sceptical of his questioning, and eagerly responded, "Food. Food and seeds and equipment to grow our own."

  "You won't get that here." The statement was unequivocal, irrefutable in the way his gruff, slightly rasping voice said it. "The town’s leader has ordered a halt to all trade of food and foodstuffs," he clarified. "After the raid, they can’t afford to give anything away, they say. Hell, they’ve even confiscated what food there is from the traders, holed it away for safekeeping."

  Shaking his head he gave her a slight frown, "Sorry, Alex."

  "Not your fault," she sighed, though she seemed dejected. Her chin rested in her hands as she stared at him for a long few moments. "Fuck," she sighed as she pushed herself back, straightening her posture. "There’s only so much I can fuckin’ lose, you know."

  The stoic mercenary eyed her in quiet contemplation a while. "How badly you need that stuff?" he enquired, puffing on his cigar, gears obviously turning behind those curious amber eyes of his.

  "About as badly as people need to eat in order to survive," she admitted, suddenly feeling a bit guilty at the fullness of her stomach and her rejected food.

  Mulling over her words, his eyes slid down at nothing in particular. Lost in thought for a bit the older man took a final puff on his cigar before stubbing it out and looking to her, "There’s no other town worth a damn for trading within a week of here," he stated. "So unless your people can hold on for a couple of weeks for you to return with a big load of supplies, you have you get what you need here." The man was calculating his way through some sort of equation, she thought.

  "They’re already dying," Alex said, her voice lowered in some private shame. Licking over her lips, she forced herself to continue eating past the point of comfort. "If I can just get something to help them hold on while I find more... something that can get it started..."

  Without another word Grent stood up, the tall broad man reaching out, pushing the baskets of food from her and taking her hand, tugging her up with him. "Don’t worry about that," he said, "someone will eat it once we go."

  "Oh... good," she sighed with some relief as she was tugged up, "Where are we going?" she murmured up to him, taking out her redemption chip for her gun.

  He didn’t go to the front door as she suspected, however, with her in tow he took her to a door at the back wall nearby, that led to a stairwell. Heading up it he kept her close at hand answering her at last as they reached the end of the first flight by pressing her between the wall and him. Despite his size and strength, it didn't seem threatening, and he left open an avenue for her to pull away. All the same, he kept a hand on her arm and looked down at her, his wide eyes a bit lidded, "Gonna take you to my room" he husked out.

  Her eyes widened, more at his words than his posture, though she took a quick glance around regardless before resting back upon his face. She felt suddenly very small against him, though she realized it could be advantageous if she had to get away. Tucking her chip back in her pocket, her arms folded beneath her generous bust.

  "Why?" she drawled out, holding onto the syllable like a toddler.

  Sliding his hand up from her arm he released her and merely stroked his large hand over her shoulder and up to her long, blonde hair. He rested his other arm against the wall up over her, leaning his head against it as he openly admired her, "I’ve got more to tell you, but really because I want to be alone with you and see where that takes us." His heavy set features were relaxed, and he stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers, "You’re beautiful, perfect in fact, and I might be able to help you."

  She didn’t shy away from his hands and felt that familiar pulse begin to quicken between her legs. She had nearly forgotten it, but it was back with the same intensity and desire. Still, before she completely lost herself to the haze, she murmured, "I’ve never... before..." She didn’t entirely know why she was compelled to lie, but Jarago’s words rang between her ears.

  Selling it cheap her ass.

  Chapter 9

  Grent’s eyes widened, another rare moment of surprise and vulnerability on the large man, and Alex tried not to smile at herself. Looking over the nineteen year old, the older man paused, though didn’t retreat in any way. He spoke to her quietly, his deep, rasping voice gentle, "We don’t have to do anything. If I can help you or not, I’ll do it regardless if you come up with me, or if we end up having sex or not," and the man, surprised as he was by her persuasive lie, sounded very genuine. His posture relaxed, became even less intimidating, and he widened her avenue to slip away.

  She smiled, her face downcast for a moment before her head tilted towards where he was leading her, "Let’s talk where we’re not going to be stumbled across, huh?" she said softly. It was almost as though she were coddling the older man.

  With a nod he led the way again, this time without taking her by the arm. Coming to the top of the stairs he unlocked a door and revealed to her a sizable room. Within it were a couple heavy bags loaded with travel goods, and by the wall a sizable automatic rifle of an old make, but obviously heavily reinforced and improved. He held open the door and gestured inside, the large bed flanked by a pair of comfortable chairs at a small table suitable for card playing.

  She stood to the side of the door, just inside his room, and looked at him in a manner that seemed so demure and unbefitting the young woman. "Thanks," she smiled, the look touching her eyes, "For the wine and food and help, I mean."

  Her slender fingers ran the length of her hairline, pushing some behind her ear and tracing it slightly. Her tongue ran along her lips and even though it seemed so natural, it was still so sexual.

  The older man watched her motions with rapt attention, his intelligent mind mulling over something about her as he moved to shut the door. "You mind?" he asked, getting her permission before he closed the outside world off.

  Stepping around her it was obvious the man was taken in, and he gestured towards the seats as he leaned in beside her, looking down upon her much shorter form. "Was worth it for the good company alone," he said lowly, reaching a hand up again lightly touching her chin with his strong grasp.

  Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment at his touch, her lips curving before she took a small step away. "You don’t get a lot of company?" she asked, though her voice seemed so much quieter now that they were away from the crowd.

  It was obvious the large man wanted her, but since her ‘admission’ in the stairwell he was treading lightly. Seeing her step away from his touch he slowly walked over to the two seats, paused before reaching to the liquor cabinet there, thinking better of tempting the young woman with more alcohol, and sat himself down.

  He shook his head, "And that’s the way I like it, typically. Not many people interest me," he confessed.

  She smiled, shimmying herself into the free chair, sitting rather comfortably while crossing her legs. "You... said you’d help me? How?" As she asked so innocuously, her thumb drew along the inside of her thigh, trying to subtly draw his attention to her body.

  It didn’t take much, for despite his gentleness with her since that fake confession, he didn’t hide the fact he was very attracted t
o her. His broad chest swelled out beneath his thin white shirt, even able to see through to his areola and stiff nipples. "I’ve got a job tomorrow," he said to her, brows furrowed a bit. "I suspect the town leader is gonna ask me to take on the Viles somehow." Folding his hands over his lap he watched her, letting his amber gaze slip down her form, "If I take it, then that’ll change the situation here. For you to take advantage."

  He was something that Jarago was not – trustworthy. Honest. She was suddenly feeling very dirty for having thrown it away to the first man she’d met outside her bunker walls. "So what am I supposed to do?" she asked. Her finger found one of her blonde waves again, pushing it off her shoulder and exposing the line of her bra underneath her light t-shirt. She smelled so clean, the lingering scent of the bath still strong on her.

  The older man didn’t look like the brightest, with his broad features, good looks and thick muscle, but he wasn’t dim. A bit surprised by her reaction he said, "Once the problem is handled, then they’ll open trade again. And you’ll be able to barter for what you need," he explained, licking his lips as his eyes slid down to her bust.

  She sighed, as if she was hoping for something more, and she leaned back in the chair. "Oh. Yea, but still need something to trade," she murmured remorsefully, though she caught his eyes moving over her and couldn’t help but smile. "Still, it’s a start."

  As stoic as ever, he said, "One thing at a time." She could see his thick chest rise and fall so heavily, his breathing having increased from arousal as he watched her, "When I get back from the mission, then I could help you with that part too," he stated firmly.

  "Yea?" she asked, hope edging into her words. She was getting excited and her body was rewarding him with the way her legs parted slightly. She leaned forward, her elbows resting on her thighs as she stared at him, "I’m no freeloader, you know."

  Uncrossing his own arms he inadvertently left exposed the sizable swelling in the groin of his own pants, his time with the youthful beauty having gotten to him quite a lot it seemed. "I’ll do my best to work out something for you. And if it means I have to do you more favours than you’d like," he shrugged a bit, "we’ll cross that when we come to it, Alex."

  Her eyes dipped and her legs squeezed shut as if to silence her own throbbing body. She stood, shifting herself instead to the arm rest as though she were being casual, though in reality it was to feel some pressure betwixt her legs. "I guess it’s not often to meet nice people out here, huh?"

  Watching her, the muscular Grent’s brow furrowed a bit, and it made a scar there–previously near invisible–stand out. "No you don’t," he responded, and licked his lips. "But is it all that nice of me when I want to get to know you and spend more time with you?" He shrugged his broad shoulders and shifted in his spot, the usually unmovable man needing his own adjustments it seemed, "Still a bit of selfishness there."

  "I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that," she smiled, though it looked more like a feral grin. He could see her, the way her hips just rocked so slightly as her eyes traced over his face and down his body, her lips bit in. She had been surprised by how easy it was to get him to back off, but the distance had done nothing but excite her further. He was so handsome, and strong. He was perfect for her, and shame made her blush. Why’d she lie to him?

  The shifting of her hips and the way she ground against the arm rest did not go unnoticed by him, and Grent sat forward on the edge of his own seat. Reaching out he placed a hand back on her knee and thigh, "I’ll do what I can anyhow," he began, "but stay the night, here. I’ll even sleep on the seats if you don’t feel comfortable." He shrugged his broad shoulders, "Either way, you were robbed and you need a place to rest. Then in the morning I’ll meet with the town leader, and let you know how it sounds."

  Leaning forwards near her, the seasoned mercenary had lust written on his face, and looked nearly ready to burst. Only his long experience and a youth left behind could’ve given him such restraint, "It gets tiresome not having a special someone after a while," he added in a quiet husk.

  "I’m not special," she laughed, but her legs had spread wider with the press of his hand. She was already homesick, and he reminded her of her sweet, safe friend. The one who was depending on her, and the one who was likely worried to death over her mission. The one she’d thought about becoming more with, but had always shied away from.

  The one she’d return to soon, with food and goods in tow, and all thanks to this man. Grent.

  His massive hand rubbed higher up her thigh, his thumb pressing in along the inner side as he watched her. "I think you are," he said simply, then got up from his place on the edge of his seat. The broad man bent over and leaned towards her, his lips moving in until he was hovered but a couple inches from her own. "We don’t have to do anything. But I’d like to," he said.

  She felt her heart quicken and she nodded, "Yea," she murmured. Fuck she wanted to. Even though it had only been a day, her body had a new craving that wouldn’t shut up, especially not around him and his strong form. She wanted to feel him pressed against her, his weight pinning her as his mouth–

  A moan escaped her as her imagination wandered, and with the heat of his body so near to her, she squirmed.

  Grent took that as his cue, and the mighty man closed the gap, his head tilted as those full lips of his met hers. With one hand upon her thigh, the other coming up to rest on her bicep, he kissed her deeply, his tongue probing into her mouth and him returning her groan with a deep, chest-rumbling one of his own. His slick tongue, so much bigger than hers, felt out her mouth, and his hand squeezed and rubbed her inner thigh.

  She wanted him. The way her body responded, her thighs wrapping around his legs as she tried to quiet the desire that pulsed through her. Her mouth was so hungry for his, and her lips worked hard against him. When finally she was able to breath, she pushed his chest away slightly, her breath hard.

  "Lay back on the bed," she purred.

  Looking surprised by her eagerness, having bought into her innocent act too deeply it seemed, he licked his lips, tasting her there as he retracted and lay back upon the mattress. As large as he was, the bed groaned and creaked beneath him, but he rested back on his palms, then his elbows, watching her intently, that wide handsome face of his framed by his strawberry-blonde hair.

  She moved to the foot of the bed before crawling up between his legs. She knew she’d regret it, but there was something within her egging her on, trying to coax the fire between her thighs to new heights. She’d spent most of the day horny and wanting, and yet as her hands brushed against his package, her eyes focused on his, she felt so in control.

  It was an especially intoxicating feeling, for this large handsome man who was so commanding, cool and collected before, now seemed like putty in her hands. She could see the impressive bulge of his cock pressing through his old military style pants, her fingers feeling its heat even through the thick canvas material. It swelled to her touch, giving a large push back with the automatic response.

  Watching her so intently, with that same steady gaze, he reached out and stroked her blonde hair. It wasn’t the condescending sort of petting Jarago gave her though. It was something more tender and appreciative, despite the man’s larger size and apparent gruffness.

  The smile that softened her face matched his touch. Friendly, affable and appreciative, she shifted up nearer to him and moved her fingers to the button of his pants. She didn’t want to toy and tease this man, though she did enjoy his sweet touch. She just wanted to see him enjoy her body and her skill.

  He was kind to her without even needing something in return, and that only made her want to give it all the more.

  Grent spread his powerful thighs for her, letting her nestle between them. Usually so stoic, the broad man returned her look, though it was strange on his usually cool face. Seeing his full lips spread into a pleasant smile as he lovingly stroked her hair was a gratifying experience.

  Her hands, meanwhile, undid his
pants, and the dark swell of that meaty cock beneath a spandex pair of boxers lay beneath. Without even seeing it directly she could tell it would be impressively sized, even by the standards she’d so recently upped after leaving the bunker.

  Even though she tried to hide that spark of excitement and impress, it was clear on her face. The way she bit in her lower lip to calm her smile, her movements were hastier. Normally she would have luxuriated in the feel of the warm cloth nestled so tightly against him, yet her hands instead delved past the barrier, lifting the large phallus out and immediately pulling back the foreskin.

  Her smile was no longer to him, it was to it. Licking over her lips, she glanced at him for only a second before she lowered her body to be level with his masculinity. She visibly eye humped it, tracing every vein with her gaze before she looked back to him, the thick cock between them.

  Like the man, the shaft was thick and hard. It was easily as long as the man who took her virginity the night before, but much thicker. It barely fit in her outstretched fingers, and the masculine musk that filled her senses from its unleashing was clean and palpable, intoxicating in its own right. The veins that ribbed it were bulging and full, there was barely a curve of it, but it was just right, and the crown looked dark from what she could see through the foreskin; perfectly shaped as well as deliciously huge.

  Looking around the thickly throbbing shaft, so full and steely hard, their eyes met and he licked his lips. Despite his proficiency at hiding his feelings below, now he just looked at her with unadulterated fondness and desire.

  She couldn’t help but utter a delighted "Wow," her voice sounding full of awe and lust as her gaze went back. She no longer held herself back and pressed her full lips forward, her tongue darting out to trace up the underside of his cock. One hand kept him poised as the other struggled to further pull down his pants and boxers as she began to worship him with her mouth.


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