Book Read Free

Dead World

Page 2

by Shaun Jeffrey

  She knew it wasn’t right but had lived with the guilt, a small price to pay to feel loved again.

  “I went to visit your mother today.”

  Isaiah peered over the top of his book.

  “She’s doing it again, Isaiah. Saying crazy things.” Anna bit her lip and looked away for a moment, and then refocused her attention on her husband. “I’m worried about her. What if someone should overhear her sometime? What would happen to her?”

  Isaiah waved a hand, as if dismissing his wife’s worries. “Nothing’s going to happen to her. She’s one of the Elders; nobody would dare, you know that. Besides, no one would take her seriously. She’s old, Anna. Her mind is going.”

  Anna relaxed a little. She nodded and smiled, but then her expression grew sombre.“Still, I’m sad to see her like that. You should go visit with her more often. I’m sure she’d enjoy seeing you.”

  Isaiah returned his gaze to his book. He nodded absently. “Yes, yes.”

  Anna’s smile melted. She opened her mouth as if about to say something more, but she closed it again and shook her head. Isaiah didn’t make loving him an easy task.

  “There’s going to be a lottery later,” she said.

  “That’s nice. But I still have a lot to do here, Anna. I’ll meet you and the children outside.”

  Anna exhaled slowly and then left the room without another word.

  A large crowd of people were gathered in the yard. Enforcers, armed with various weapons, manned the sentry posts that looked out from Sanctuary. People were laughing and joking, adding to the festive atmosphere, while hawkers wandered among the crowd, selling their wares.

  Anna stood with her three children. Next to her, Lucy twisted her long fair hair between her fingers. The dimples in her daughter’s cheeks grew more pronounced as she scowled at her youngest brother, Ben, while he kicked dust towards her.

  “Ben, if you don’t stop, I’m going to make you eat that.”

  “Just try it.” He skipped nimbly away, small clouds of dust erupting beneath his feet.

  “Mum, tell him.”

  “Ben, do as your sister says.”

  Ben grinned. “I’m only playing.”

  Anna’s eldest child, Zeke, stood a little apart, staring up at the enforcers. She was well aware he intended to join them once he was old enough. He was tall and gangly like his father, whereas although younger, Ben was possessed of slightly more brawn.

  She gazed across the yard towards the platform where several church brethren stood in silence, arms interlinked beneath the long sleeves of their red cloaks, cowls pulled up to hide their faces within shadow. She never failed to think they appeared sinister.

  She caught sight of movement and glimpsed Isaiah weaving his way through the crowd. He waved. Anna was about to wave back until she saw the book tucked underneath his arm.

  A moment later one of the brethren pounded a large staff on the platform. The sound reverberated around the yard and the crowd fell silent. Anna watched as Roman climbed the steps to the platform. He walked solemnly towards a large barrel that took centre stage. Then he turned and scanned the crowd. As his gaze rested on Anna, a faint smile reached the corners of his lips. Anna scowled and dismissed him with a withering glare that melted the grin. She felt a little guilty, but she had to nip their relationship in the bud, and responding to him in any way, other than with aloofness, might be interpreted as having feelings of a more romantic nature. Not that she would call what they’d had romantic, at least not for her. Their dalliance had been more of a physical relationship. Carnal rather than loving, allowing her to get the closeness that she craved.

  “Dad.” Ben smiled as Isaiah approached.

  “Did I miss anything?”

  “Nah. They’re just starting.”

  On the stage, Roman motioned one of his brethren and the man stepped forwards, grabbed a handle on the side of the barrel and started to turn it.

  “Brothers and sisters, it’s time to welcome the newest resident into Sanctuary.” Roman motioned to a young woman at the edge of the stage, cuddling a baby swaddled in a plain blanket.

  The crowd started a low chant that slowly grew in volume as more people joined in: “In with the new, out with the old.”

  Anna stared at her friends and neighbours as they took up the chant. Beside her, Isaiah, Lucy, and Ben seemed caught up in the moment, shouting for all they were worth. Anna glanced at Zeke, who, besides herself, was one of the only other people not joining in the chant.

  Roman lifted his hands and the chant ceased.

  “As is the way, we must now make room in our home. In with the new, out with the old.”

  The brethren stopped turning the barrel and Roman stepped across, lifted a hatch in the side of the drum, and took out a piece of folded paper. He looked up, found Anna within the crowd and held her gaze until it became uncomfortable and she turned away.

  When she glanced back, Roman was unfolding the piece of paper. He frowned. “There seems to be a mistake.”

  The crowd regarded him in confusion and one of the brethren walked across, examined the piece of paper in Roman’s hand and whispered in his ear. “I don’t know how it’s happened, but this name’s not supposed to be in the draw as she’s too young.”

  “Who is it?” someone shouted.

  Roman pursed his lips and gazed at the crowd. “Lucy Charles, daughter of Isaiah and Anna.”

  Anna gasped. Lucy’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

  “It’s a mistake,” Anna shouted. “Only the old ones are chosen for the lottery. Draw another name.”

  “But we have to abide by the lottery,” someone said.

  Anna tried to trace who had spoken but couldn’t work out who it was. “What if it was your daughter? You wouldn’t be so keen then.”

  “It’s an honour,” a man said. “She’s been chosen. We have to abide by the lottery.”

  “Proud! Isaiah, help me out here.”

  Isaiah stroked his jaw and looked at Lucy. He shook his head. “I don’t know what to say. It is an honour, but she’s so young…”

  Roman held his hand up as the murmuring among the crowd increased. “Order. I don’t know how the name got in the barrel, it must be a mistake.”

  “Mistake or not, the Gods have to be appeased,” one of the brethren said. “Hers was the name drawn. The rules say we have to go with the first name drawn. It’s the law. If we don’t abide by our own laws, what use are they?”

  Roman nodded. “I know, I know.”

  “She’s too young,” Anna shouted. “She still has too much life ahead of her.”

  “She’s going to live forever,” a man said.

  “Out with the old, in with the new,” someone chanted.

  More people took up the chant, the words stinging Anna’s ears. She stood frozen to the spot.

  “Not my Lucy. You can’t,” she said, but nobody took any notice.

  “I can’t believe it,” Lucy shrieked. “Me, a Chosen one. Mum, mum, I’ve been picked. Me.”

  Anna scowled. “You’re too young.”

  “Then it’s fate. It must be.”

  Anna glared towards the platform. Roman stared back at her, his expression neutral.

  “She’s right,” Isaiah said. “This is wonderful. I’m so proud of you.” He embraced his daughter and kissed her on the cheek.

  “So the matter is settled then,” Roman shouted. “Out with the old, in with the new.”

  The crowd applauded. Each clap felt like physical blow to Anna and she winced. This wasn’t right. Lucy was too young.

  She watched Roman walk off the stage alongside the brethren and pushed through the crowd, ignoring the congratulations bestowed upon her, not wanting to hear how lucky she was her daughter was chosen.

  “Roman. You can’t do this,” she said when she reached his side.

  He snorted and passed her the piece of paper. “Remember, before you let your mouth run away with you, that you have two other children.” H
e turned and walked away.

  Anna unscrewed the piece of paper and read the single line. Unable to believe what she was seeing, her jaw dropped: ‘Martin Wainwright.’


  Anna lifted her head and stared at Roman’s retreating figure. He turned at the last minute, expression like granite.

  The bastard had rigged the lottery!

  Consumed by anger, she raised her arm and was about to shout out when someone grabbed her wrist.

  “Not like this.”

  Anna spun around to see Mother Charles standing in front of her. “Let go of me. You don’t know what’s happened.”

  Mother Charles nodded. “I can guess. You’ve broken it off with him.”

  Anna’s eyes opened wide and she looked around. “Please keep your voice down. What if someone were to overhear you?”

  “This is your daughter we’re talking about now. You must listen to me.”

  “You can’t keep saying these things.” Anna shook her head. She grabbed the old woman’s hand and tried to lead her inside, but Mother Charles held back, a stubborn expression on her face. “You won’t be satisfied until you’ve got us all in trouble, will you?”

  Mother Charles raised her chin in defiance.

  “Very well. If I promise to listen, will you come inside with me? Please? People are beginning to stare. Come on. Let me walk you to your room.”

  Mother Charles grinned, looped her arm through Anna’s, and shuffled towards the building’s entrance.

  Back in Mother Charles’ room, Anna settled the old woman in her rocker, then she sat on the edge of the tiny, single bed.

  “From the moment we met, you treated me like a daughter. You were like a mother to me. Having lost my own to the lottery, I appreciated that. That’s why I now feel so sad. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you saying these things?” Anna paused as she gathered her thoughts. “Some say you are losing your grasp on reality. Your own son believes this. Then again, he rarely spends time with either one of us, does he, so how would he distinguish if you’re in your right mind?”

  “I hate to say this, but my son is blind; however, you can’t afford to be. There is only one God, Anna. You must save Lucy. The piece of paper in your pocket…what does it say?”

  Anna’s hand instinctively went to her pocket where she fingered the piece of paper. She shook her head. “You know what it says. Lucy’s name.”

  “I’m old enough and wise enough to recognise a lie. Tell me the truth.”

  Anna swallowed. “Roman. He fixed the lottery.”

  Mother Charles nodded. “I guessed as much when I heard Lucy’s name being called. I take it you’ve broken off your affair.”

  “You knew?”

  “Of course I did. Unlike my son, I’m not blind.”

  Anna’s throat went dry and she lowered her head in shame, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.

  “Come now, you’re stronger than this. You’ll have to face him. You can’t let Lucy become one of the Chosen.”

  “How? What can I do?”

  “Whatever you must. Now go.” Mother Charles started rocking, staring off into space, and moving her lips as if in silent prayer.

  Anna stood up, surprised to find her legs were weak. “I don’t know what I believe any more. But the one thing I am certain of is I love my daughter.”

  Mother Charles rocked to and fro but didn’t reply, her eyes unfocused.

  “Roman, please. You can’t do this.”

  “Your daughter’s been chosen. Nothing I can do.”

  Anna held out the piece of paper. Roman glanced at it indifferently.

  “She wasn’t chosen. You rigged the drawing. I don’t understand why. We were never serious, so why? Why do this? If you want to choose someone, pick me.”

  Candles spluttered around the church. Roman’s shadow loomed across the wall behind him as he stood behind the lectern, arms folded.

  “And turn you from whore to martyr? I don’t think so. What I say goes, and as far as everyone is concerned, your beloved daughter is the chosen one. At least your husband’s happy about it.”

  “Why? I deserve better than this. What has Lucy ever done to you? She’s the innocent one in all this.”

  Roman clenched his jaw.

  “Is this because I broke off the affair? Is that what this is all about?”

  Roman stared at her. “If you’re finished, I’ve got tomorrow’s ceremony to prepare for.”

  “Damn you. You can’t do this. If I meant anything to you at all, please, call it off.”

  “I don’t understand why you’re so upset. You should be proud she was chosen.”

  Anna pursed her lips. Most people would feel elated if they or a member of their family were chosen in the lottery, but Anna was torn. She recalled what Mother Charles had been spouting to her that there was only one true God, and to be honest, she had her doubts about the others. But such thoughts were heresy.

  “Perhaps I should call your family in here and we’ll all discuss this.”

  Anna bunched her fists. “Please. Call it off.”

  Roman shook his head. “Now if you don’t mind, I have work to do.”

  “To hell with your work. This is my daughter. I won’t let you do this.”

  “Really? Then perhaps you’d like to explain everything to the residents and your family.”

  Anna threw her hands in the air, but knowing continuing to argue was futile, she stamped out of the church.

  “I know it’s not how the lottery is done,” Isaiah said, “but it’s an honour to be chosen.”

  “Yes, but only when you’re old enough. Lucy’s a child.” Anna sat on the edge of the bed and looked across at her husband. Lucy, Zeke and Ben sat on their bunks.

  “But mum,” Lucy said, “I want to go.”

  Anna fingered the piece of paper in her hand that read, Martin Wainwright. “I don’t trust Roman Quail.” She paused, drew in a deep breath. “Neither does your mother.”

  Isaiah chuckled. “My mother’s old, Anna. We discussed this already. She’s not in her right mind. As for Roman, he’s a man of the cloth, an emissary of the Gods. Of course you can trust him. Why would you even think otherwise?”

  “How did Lucy’s name get put in the lottery?”

  Isaiah shrugged. “Destiny.”

  “That’s crap.” Anna started to open the piece of paper. Isaiah noticed, and moved to reach for it.

  “What’s that?”

  Anna leaned back, cupping the piece of paper in her hands. “It’s… a…” She glanced across at her daughter.

  Ben jumped down. “Well I wish it was me who was chosen.”

  “Don’t ever say that, Ben. It’s not an honour it’s… it’s… wrong,” Anna shouted.

  Ben flinched back.

  Isaiah stared at her with wide eyes. “This is our way, Anna. You know that. I can’t fathom what’s come over you. First the things you said to me earlier, and now this. I know it’s not the way the lottery usually works, but we have to abide by the law. Of course I’m sad, but she’ll be going to a better place. She’ll become an immortal.” He turned to Lucy. “Sweetheart, you can wear your Sunday best. You’ll be beautiful.”

  Anna stood up, glanced at the piece of paper in her hand and then marched out of the cell. She saw Zeke staring at her, indecision marring his features.

  Anna knelt in the small church, alone. Most of the candles were burnt out and the room was cold, making her shiver. Tears streaked her cheeks and she studied the piece of paper in her hands. It looked so innocent, but she knew it possessed the power to change lives. If she told Isaiah the truth then her secret would tear their family apart and she would be an outcast. She couldn’t bear for that to happen. Gritting her teeth, she dipped the edge of the paper into the nearest candle and watched as the small flame took hold. The heat travelled up to her fingers and she held the paper for a moment too long, wincing as the flame burnt her skin.

  The candlelight cast shadows acro
ss her body. She stood, heard what sounded like the scuffling of feet. She peered towards the shadows but couldn’t see anything and then hurried out of the room.

  Roman watched as Anna left and then stepped out from an alcove. He walked across and stared down at the piece of paper she had dropped. Most of it had burned away, but he could make out a few words written on it and he ground what was left beneath his heel. As figurehead for the church he couldn’t have his position undermined. Anna needed to realise her place. Everybody had to know their place. Without order there was only anarchy. Their community was small and insular. Everybody knew everybody and even the smallest incident might trigger dissension. If word of his relationship with Anna ever came out, it would light the fuse. He had a duty to uphold. Anna needed to know her place. She had to recognise who wielded the power.

  He blew out the candles and navigated a well worn path in the dark to his bedchamber.


  It appeared everyone in Sanctuary had turned out to view the ceremony. Lucy was wearing a yellow dress and had a ribbon in her hair. She smiled at everyone she passed but Isaiah saw beyond the smile to the sadness in her heart that her mother hadn’t come to watch her on this, her special day. He didn’t understand what had come over Anna recently. He knew they weren’t as close as they used to be, but he hadn’t realised until now how much she had changed. Perhaps she had been listening to his mother too much.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he said to Lucy.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “This is your moment. Enjoy it.”

  He smiled down at her for a moment, and then wrapped her in his embrace, his stance a little stiff. Lucy hugged him back, but as they separated a hint of sadness crept into her face.

  “I wish Mum had come.”

  Isaiah glanced back to the crowd, frowning. He forced a smile and ran a hand down her cheek. “I know, sweetheart. I do too.”


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