Page 26
“You’re really here.” I cling to her, afraid she might not be real. When I pull back, I realize I am crying.
“Shae, I’m so sorry. I was terrible to you. I—”
“Don’t be,” I cut her off. I fiercely hug her again, knowing my heart had forgiven her long before this moment. “I’m so happy to see you.”
“I’ve missed you so much,” Fiona says. Happy tears are in her eyes. “When you left, I was certain I’d never see you again and … Wait.” She stops, emotion filling her voice. “Let me start over. When you left, I…”
“Fiona.” I smile. “Did you rehearse this?”
“Exhaustively,” Kennan interjects, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I can probably recite it for her at this point.”
“Never mind the speech, then,” Fiona says. “All I want to say is that losing you broke my heart. Everyone in town said you were dead. I…” She takes a deep breath. “I won’t lie, I struggled with what you said. But you’ve always been truthful. I wished over and over that I could go back and listen to you instead of driving you away. I told myself I’d do anything to have you back. When Mads approached me with the truth, that you were alive but in trouble … I knew what I had to do. Even if it meant leaving my family. But, Shae, you’re my family too. So, I’m here to help.”
“Fiona.” My heart feels like it’s about to burst, even as my joy goes to war with my worry. I pull her silver comb free from my rescue-matted hair and gently tuck it into her golden locks.
“You kept the comb.” Fiona gasps.
“Of course I did. It reminded me of what’s really important.” I take her hands in mine, sobering somewhat. “But, Fiona, things are going to get tough from here. There’s a lot you don’t know. You might not want to know it.”
“It’s sweet of you to worry, but my mind is made up. I’ve had a long time to get to this point,” Fiona says. “And your friend explained everything to me.”
“We’re not friends,” Kennan and I say in unison.
“What’s important is we know the truth,” Fiona says. “Or, enough of it, at least. We’re going to set this right.”
“Our priority is finding the Book of Days,” Kennan says. “That’s not going to be easy.”
“It won’t be,” I agree. “But I know who has it. And I think I know where we are going to find him.” I pull out the pages torn from the Book that Ravod left behind. Even now, his disappearance stings. I hope he’s okay, wherever he is.
Gondal. The place beyond. The safe haven, somewhere past the horizon. The place I imagined Kieran had gone to when he died. A place that is not a superstition, illusion, or myth.
That’s where we’re headed.
To a place that is real.
So many wonderful people helped make Hush a reality. First and foremost, Lexa Hillyer and Deeba Zargarpur, for all the extraordinary time and talent they poured into this story from beginning to end. I owe more gratitude than I can possibly express to Vicki Lame, the best editor a gal could ask for, and to Editorial Director Sara Goodman, as well as my publisher, Eileen Rothschild. Thank you for seeing the value in such a story and for all the amazing work you have done in bringing that story beyond the borders of Montane and into our world.
I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful team at my back from Wednesday Books. Christa Désir for her meticulous copy edits, Production Editor Melanie Sanders and Production Manager Lena Shekhter, as well as Managing Editor Elizabeth Catalano: a heartfelt thanks. For getting this book into the hands of its readers, my thanks to Brant Janeway and Alexis Neuville for marketing and Mary Moates for publicity; also Tracey Guest, Meghan Harrington, and Jessica Preeg. Anna Gorovoy brought these pages to life visually, and Rhys Davies beautifully rendered the official map of Montane. Olga Grlic designed the magnificent jacket of this book. A huge thank-you to the creative talents of Kim Ludlam for copy and concepting and Lisa Shimabukuro for designing the most amazing ARCs.
I am unendingly grateful to my agent, the incomparable Emma Parry, Lynn Nesbit, and Janklow & Nesbit for all they do, not least of all helping me achieve my lifelong goal of being an author. And a huge thank-you to Kamilla Benko, Alexa Wejko, and Wendi Gu, who could not see this project through to the end but without whom this book simply would not exist.
A little under a decade ago, I told my husband I wanted to quit a desk job I wasn’t finding fulfillment with, to try my hand at writing full-time. He encouraged me to follow that dream without hesitation, and continued to encourage and support me every step of the way. I would not be the writer I am today without this man. Thank you, my love.
I also would like to thank my family, especially my mother for always standing by me and believing me when I chose to speak my own truth. Sue, for passing on your gift for writing and so much more. My brother Ronan, for being my rock and my best friend whose fearlessness and creativity always pushed me to be fearless and creative. My sister Quincy, for dutifully listening to me read my very first story aloud from start to finish and helping me realize I wanted to be a writer. All my gazillion siblings: Matthew, Sascha, Lark, Fletcher, Daisy, Tam, Thaddeus, Isaiah, Minh, Heather, Chris, Matt, and Ali, I love you. Also, a special shout-out to their respective spouses and children, my amazing siblings-in-law, and my equally amazing nieces and nephews. I owe a huge thanks to my godmother, Casey Pascal, for a lifetime of encouragement. And to my in-laws, David and Frances, both for the aforementioned husband as well as for their love and support over the years.
Special thanks to my friends, especially Priscilla Gilman, my soul sister, I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. Katherine and Emma Pascal, Jacqui Teruya, Emily Friedhoff, whose friendship kept me going—I am eternally grateful for you.
When I was growing up, the world of books was a refuge for me as my family was assaulted by a powerful individual dedicated to ruining our lives and our credibility. Using the overwhelming power of a verbal campaign that was supported only by obfuscating legal documentation, an entire generation was led to believe in a false narrative.
Today, this type of situation has become very visible to the public at last. And yet, we still live in a world fragmented by the easy, almost addictive spread of news, both real and false, a world that breeds skepticism toward victims and gives a platform—and power—to those who spread lies, hate, and fear.
Sometimes it requires incredible bravery, and risk, on the part of an individual to stand up and expose the truth, to persevere in a sea of doubt. This is a story about the importance of holding fast to one’s own voice and sense of justice in a climate where it’s easy—normal, even—to be gaslit and deceived, not just by a single predator or even a loved one, but by entire institutions, even the ones we have entrusted to keep us safe.
Hush is about that bravery and that risk. It’s about the need for something concrete to hold on to in a time of illusions, distortion, and loss. It is a story about the power of words and truth.
As writers, it’s our job to weave the stories of our imagination into being, much like the Bards of Montane. But our stories are not only the reflections of the author’s hopes, fears, and obstacles—to many they are a reminder of their own. My hope is that this story is one that will continue to make more space for others’ truths to come to light.
Thank you—for reading, for believing, for persisting.
Dylan Farrow
DYLAN FARROW is a writer, mother, and activist for survivors of sexual assault. Growing up in both New York City and rural Connecticut, she spent countless hours drawing and writing for pleasure. After graduating from Bard College she found a position at CNN as a production assistant and later moved into graphic design. Soon, however, she felt that neither was her calling. After getting married, Dylan returned to writing full-time, exploring her love of YA fantasy. Hush is her debut novel. You can sign up for email updates here.<
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
A Note From the Author
About the Author
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
First published in the United States by Wednesday Books, an imprint of St. Martin’s Publishing Group
HUSH. Copyright © 2020 by Glasstown Entertainment and Malone Farrow. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Publishing Group, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.
Cover design by Olga Grlic
Cover photographs: texture © Kichigin/; castle © J.Lopez Photography/
Map and interior illustrations by Rhys Davies
The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
ISBN 978-1-250-23590-9 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-250-23591-6 (ebook)
eISBN 9781250235916
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First Edition: 2020