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My Forbidden Stepbrother

Page 4

by Alexandra Stone

  “Ariel! You dirty girl! You must watch out. These won’t be the guys we’re used to around here and in school. These will be dirty rough cowboys you know,” she said as she zipped up her suitcase and grabbed a few last minute things and shoved them into a tote bag.

  “I know I’m counting on it. I need a new experience,” I said seductively.

  “A new experience? What are you girls talking about?” a voice said from the doorway. We both blushed as we looked up to see her father Mark standing in the doorway with his bag in his hand.

  “Oh nothing daddy. We were just talking about riding and roping pigs and such,” Nicole said trying to cover up what we were really talking about.

  “Well, I don’t think you rope pigs, you rope cows. Are you all ready then? We are running late?” he said as he walked away.

  “Yes, be right down!” Nicole yelled. “Ugh, I don’t know why I am always late.”

  I grabbed my bag and headed down the hallway. I watched Mark as he loaded our bags into the black town car. He had blonde hair, just like Nicole with blue eyes. He was muscular and had that air about him, like he knew how to handle a woman. It was confidence and knowledge. I had only begun to notice these things about him in the last few months. It was very uncomfortable but also erotic. Nicole busted out of the door in a fluster and soon we were being driving through the streets of New York to the airport. Nicole’s father was in the front seat with the driver on his phone talking real estate. He was a very successful businessman, while Nicole and I talked in the back seat.

  A few hours later we had landed in Dallas, Texas. It was a very large busy airport and it was not at all what I thought of when I thought of Texas. It was a bustling big city and I expected countryside and horses. After grabbing our luggage we were yet in another black car being driven away from the busy streets of Dallas. We were headed toward Fort Worth and then out into the country. The further we went I started to see signs of what I thought Texas would be like. Large sections of fenced in land passed us by. There were huge barrels of rolled up hay lying on their sides across vast fields. There were cows with big horns and cows with no horns eating lazily. I saw horses running in open fields as if they were wild mustangs. I started to see the romance of the place and started to feel more excited for it. I started to feel more excited about it in a very sensual way. I started to imagine what the cowboys on the ranch would be like and if I would get to experience their dirty rough hands on me. What I eventually ended up experiencing was way beyond anything I could have ever expected. It was so erotic and new to me. It was the most adventurous I had ever been sexually and it all had to be kept secret, which only made it much hotter.

  We finally arrived at the sprawling fenced in land and turned off the main two-lane highway down a dirt and pebble road. In the distance I could see the working ranch far down the road. We drove through two stone pillars that served as gates with two long horn cow sculptures on top of them. The ranch was called Longhorn Heaven, and as we got closer I could see while. There were massive cows in the fields with the longest horns coming out of their heads. I had never seen anything like it in real life. It was very fascinating. The car finally pulled up to the country estate house. It was beautiful and it was late afternoon. We got out of the car and the August heat him me like a truck. This indeed was Texas and it was hot.

  The owner and one of his ranch hands met us. The owner, Travis, caught my eye immediately. He was tall, dark, handsome and rugged and a cross between Rhett Butler and Daniel Day Lewis in his late forties early fifties. He had a look to him, he looked strong and dirty. The Texas dust covered his body in some places. He had thick black unruly curls and dark stubble. His eyes were dark and the whole look made him look mischievous and mysterious. I suddenly felt very hot for this older man, and it wasn’t just the weather.

  Nicole and her father were occupied with the bags and arrangements with the staff giving me plenty of time to check out Travis. I could see his large bulge through his tight wranglers and my mouth began to water. What was happening to me? I was never like this. Sure I talked a lot of stuff to Nicole, but I was fairly shy and conservative in my sexual ways when it came to real life. Yet, here I was acting like a wanton girl for an older man. It was very confusing. Then I allowed my eyes to wonder up from his bulge to his tight button up plaid shirt. Then up his strong thick neck and shoulders to his face. Then I gasped. He was staring right at me. I felt so silly that I looked away quickly. I had been caught. He must think that I am a stupid silly girl. I didn’t look at him again for the next few hours. Since it was a proper Dude ranch they actually had day-trippers that day. I could see the bus parked in the distance. Then I saw the large group of tourist being led around the various corrals and barns. They were taking photos and most of them had on really cheesy western wear. Travis and his workers only talked to Nicole’s dad for a few minutes before they had to excuse themselves to meet up with the tour group. It was part of the ranch’s appeal that it gave tours of the actual inner workings of the ranch. Tourists could watch sheep being sheared. They could watch horses getting horseshoes and ride and feed them as well. However, most of these guests did not stay the night except for special people like us. The tourists were only allowed to stay for the day and then had to leave around sunset. I’m sure that during school semester they took in lots of field trips of school children and I was glad that, that was not at this time. I came out here to relax and chill with my friend before we started college. However after seeing the older distinguished cowboy Travis, I had a feeling that it would be more interesting than I had previously imagined.

  While Travis and his men saw to the tourists, Nicole and her father and I were shows around the house and to our rooms. I had a lovely room with a four-poster bed. The sheets on the bed were plaid in a blue and white cross-stitch pattern that was what I expected to see. There was a small round table in the corner full of wildflowers from the ranch. A long dresser and vanity was dainty and perfect for my makeup and jewelry, and there was an attached private bathroom complete with bathtub. I was in country cowboy heaven. Outside my window had a view of vast flat fields that were golden in color and a perfect view to watch the sunset. Nicole’s room was just down the hall from mine, but the other rooms were on the other side of the house. It was a very massive house. It was almost like a minimansion made of white limestone and stone. There was as very large wrap around porch with plenty of tables and rocking chairs. After we unpacked Nicole and I wondered around the house aimlessly. I didn’t tell her what had happened as I just wasn’t sure what she would think about me feeling sexual for her father’s friends. It just felt wrong. I kept it a secret. One of the few times I had ever kept a secret from her. We finally went into the kitchen where the staff were at work making our dinner. They were kind enough to give us a large pitcher of iced tea, which was made in the Texas style of the south. We took the pitcher and a couple of glasses onto the porch and watched the dazzling sunset. You could feel the heat giving way to the cool air of the night and we could see a few lightning clouds in the distance.

  “It is beautiful to see that far out isn’t it. We take it for granted in the city. You can’t see that much sky and fields because of all the buildings,” I said taking it all in.

  “No, you can’t. We really do take it for granted. Look at that cloud. It looks like it is raining off in the distance there. You can actually see rain falling from that cloud. It is amazing,” she added.

  “I think I can smell it too. I can smell the rain,” I said. I could. Every now and then the breeze picked up the scent of the rain. It was delicious.

  “Too bad the storm is headed in the other direction. I bet the rain is cooling off the area. I knew it was hot in Texas, but it is really hot,” she said.

  We both laughed. We continued to talk about nothing and everything until the dinner bell rang. It was an actual bell that could be heard across the property. I thought it was very impressive.

  Later that evening we joined eve
ryone for dinner. As soon as we walked in my eyes went straight to Travis. He smiled a wicked smile. I averted my eyes quickly.

  “Mark, Nicole, Ariel, let me introduce you to Davis. He is the best ranch hand that I have. This ranch would be nothing with out him. He will be joining us for dinner, and this is Marshall our horse master. Nicole he will be giving you your riding lessons tomorrow,” he said.

  We all exchanged greetings, and then the room became noisy as we all pulled out our chairs and sat down. In that moment of chaos I noticed Travis whisper something to Davis. Then they both looked directly at me with lust in their eyes as they looked at me up and down. I felt my body get hot as they so openly looked at me. Then I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed, but they did not. Nicole and her father were deep in conversation about her riding lessons. Davis was just as hot as Travis but in a different way. He was younger, perhaps in his late twenties or early thirties, but he still had that cowboy look to him. The hot cowboy was opposite of Travis. This cowboy had blonde locks and blue eyes. He was tall and lean and fit, but just as rugged and dirty as Travis. I became very excited as they cast secret glances at me through out dinner. It was a very sexy game to play.

  After dinner of steak, potatoes, and biscuits we all retired to the parlor. It was nice and cool inside, but still hot and muggy outside. The men played billiards and drank brandy while Nicole and I talked and drank iced tea. I was becoming very wet as I watched Travis handle the pool stick in his hand. He was being very lean and strong and watching him bend over the table gave me a full view of his body. I enjoyed taking in the masculine scene and felt my panties become wetter by the second. I wanted to excuse myself to go alleviate the tension building inside of me but I didn’t want to miss anything. After their game was finished, everyone just sort of milled about the parlor talking to each other. That’s when it happened. I was looking up at the mass bookcases filled with books when I felt a warm body come up beside me.

  “Do you like to read Ariel?”

  I turned to see Travis standing beside me. He had said it in such a sensual way that I was already responding to him. I felt my nipples get hard instantly.

  “Yes, I do. I like to read. I like to do a lot of things,” I said before I even knew I had said it.

  “I’m sure you do,” he said.

  “How was the tour today? Do you like having tourists in your home?” I asked being condescending in a sexy teasing sort of way.

  “I do like sharing the magic of this ranch. I like giving the tours. Are you trying to get one out of me?” he asked.

  “I thought the tour was included in our stay?” I playfully went along.

  He smiled at me picking up on exactly what I meant. Then he said, “Nicole will be doing riding lessons tomorrow with her father. I would love to take that time to show you around the ranch alone. I can show you how things are done. If you like?”

  I knew exactly what he meant. I wanted this to happen. So I looked around to make sure we were out of earshot of anyone and said, “Yes I would like you to show me…around the place, or anything else you want to show me.”

  He laughed a little and then stepped away while he said, “Tomorrow then.”

  I looked around the room and then walked straight to the pitcher of iced water and poured myself a large glass. I gulped it down eagerly as I needed to cool off.

  “Let’s play cards,” Nicole said as she dragged me off to the card table.

  “Sure, we can do that,” I said as I was feeling welcomed for the distraction. Keeping my eyes on the cards and concentrating on the game would keep my eyes off of Travis. However it really didn’t work. As Nicole shuffled the cards and rattled on about what she was going to wear when she went riding, I snuck a peek from out under my long dark lashes. I looked up to see Travis whispering in the corner to Davis again. They both turned and looked at me and smiled. It was unbelievable! They were being very forward. I was fortunate that no one else was catching on to what was happening.

  An hour later I was in the hot shower touching myself until I exploded into release. I had so much sexual tension built up that I wouldn’t be able to sleep unless I released.

  The next day I was very excited to be shown around. Nicole was already off on her riding lesson and I was getting dressed for my time with Travis. I happened to be wearing a very flirty short skirt and hiking boots. As soon as I saw everyone else’s cowboy boots I knew I wanted a pair. My long dark hair was down in big curls and I had a white headband on to keep it back from my face. I tucked in a tight tank top into the skirt and wore big hoop earrings. I always enjoyed dressing in very feminine clothes.

  “Are you ready Ariel?” Travis said as I walked down the staircase. He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it lightly. We walked outside and far away from where Nicole and her father were in the horse corral. Travis walked me across the field explaining various things to me. I listened intently because everything he said came out as foreplay even if he was talking about tractors and the history of the ranch.

  I was flushed by his gentleman cowboy antics. We were on a long walk around the ranch. Then we sort of rounded a corner of a far off barn. In the distance behind it was a giant oak tree that fanned out with large branches. I could see that there was something in the tree. It was almost like a tree house but not quite.

  “Come on Ariel, this is the best part of the ranch,” he said as he neared the wooden ladder that went up into the tree. He looked at me and said, “You first. Don’t worry it is very safe.”

  I arched my eyebrows as I realized why he wanted me to go first. I was wearing a very short skirt and he would be able to look up it. I smiled and breathed in deep. I was doing this. I grabbed the ladder and began to climb it. I could hear moans escape Travis and I felt very wet, as I knew he was watching and that I was turning him on. I had never had this type of foreplay with an older man and I must have looked like scrumptious young woman in my pleated flirty skirt.

  “Damn,” Travis said as he followed me up the ladder. When I got to the top I stepped off the ladder on to the platform.

  “This is the tree platform. We use it to look out for the herd and such, but I also come to be alone and think sometimes.”

  “I like it. It’s nice secret spot.”

  “Yes, it is,” he moved closer to me. I could feel my blood pumping through my body. The way he looked at me made me feel aroused and excited. Something was happening here and I liked it. Then I heard,

  “Ariel! Ariel, where are ya!”

  “I’m here!” I stepped down the ladder quickly and made my way across the field. Nicole was looking for me. I was glad she did not find me, and instead I found her. This kept the secret tree platform spot, a secret. She was on horseback and proud of her achievement on the well-trained horse.


  Later we went to dinner in the vast dining room. Once again it was the flirtiest encounter with Travis giving me looks and little sexual innuendoes when we were able to talk. This time he sat next to me and I felt his hand on my thigh a few times. We ate a rich chicken potpie and mashed potatoes. It was hearty and delicious. Then I felt Travis’ hand move onto my thigh, right on the slit of my dress. He touched my bare skin. I gasped a little. Travis stared straight ahead as he wanted this to remain a little sensual secret. Shivers shot up through my body. His hand was warm to the touch and it moved slowly caressing me. He moved under my dress and further up to my already wet center. He moved his fingers over my pussy. I spread my legs open wider. I could hear a low moan come from his lips. He pushed two fingers inside of me and I had to force myself not to yell out. He moved them slowly in and out of me. Then he put his thumb on my clit and massaged it. I sucked in a deep breath. My juices flowed and I grabbed the tablecloth in my fist tightening my grip as he worked my clit. It was sexy and erotic to be surrounded by people that had no idea what was going on near them. That thought made me feel more excited and thrilled. I imagined getting caught. Then I looked at Davis across the
table. He was staring right at me, he had a look on his face that was almost as if he knew what Travis was doing to me. Had they planned this? Did Davis know exactly what Travis was doing to me because they set it up this way? I couldn’t take it anymore. I held on tighter to the tablecloth and braced myself as I silently came into Travis’ hand. My breathing was heavier but unnoticeable. Then Travis pulled his hand away from me. He looked at me and then looked at Davis. Davis raised his glass in a toasting gesture as he looked directly at Travis. Travis smiled and raised his glass to him. I was so confused and hot. I was glad for the distraction of the next course. For dessert there was coffee cake and root beer floats. I felt like a little girl drinking the root beer float but it was so good. It was definitely a Texas thing. The next morning I took a long shower and took my time getting dressed. I put on a skimpy pleated blue jean skirt, boots, and a tank top that showed a lot of skin. I brushed my dark hair into a high ponytail. I made my way downstairs and poured coffee into a thermos. I found Nicole and her father engaged in conversation with the horse master over breakfast.

  “I’m going for a walk,” I told them.

  “Okay, I’ll meet up with you for lunch!” Nicole yelled out.

  I took my coffee and sat in the tree plat form watching over the fields. I was waiting for my hot cowboy older man to show up. Finally he did and he had a friend with him, Davis.

  “No, don’t get up,” Travis slowly came up the ladder. He pulled his shirt off. His bare chest was strong and toned and light brown curls ran down it. I gasped at his audacity. He was so quick to jump to it.

  “I knew the minute I saw you. The way you looked at me with fuck me eyes. Well, now I’m here. I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. Have you ever fucked a cowboy or an older man?” he asked.

  “Make that two cowboys,” Davis said as he joined us on the platform.


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