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Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen

Page 28

by K. D. Peters

  As it turned out, the ballroom that Zane was talking about wasn’t that far from where we were. Getting inside, we slammed the large door closed as the Shades slammed against it. We could hear the scratching and muffled screeching, but the heavy door actually held them back. But turning and looking at the room we’d come into, I immediately froze. The floors and walls all looked like they were made of crystal glass, and there was no furniture at all in there. I felt my eyes widen as I stared in disbelief. And then, the vision flashed through my head again. Oh my God, it was all the same. The dark, shadowed shapes coming after us, Chris pointing his sword at Zane. And this room, the room that looked like it was made of crystal. It was all the same…

  Beside me, Zane was staring in disbelief as well. “What... what is all of this?” he managed to say.

  Chris quickly pulled me back behind him. “You know damn well what it is. You led us right into another trap!” he accused.

  “No! I swear, this is none of my doing! I had no idea about any of this!” Zane protested, backing away from the point of the sword. He was in too much shock apparently to draw a weapon of his own to defend himself.

  But before anymore could be said, another voice interrupted us.

  “Of course it wasn’t him. It was me.”

  The three of us turned to see a black winged figure walk out from behind one of the glass columns. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw who it was. “Will?” I whispered.

  “You did this?” Zane said in disbelief. “But… why?”

  Will smiled at us. “Honestly Christoff, did you really think that Zane has the spine to turn against his own kind for his own salvation? He barely managed to survive before he met you.” He said.

  Chris’s eyes narrowed in anger as he looked at him. “Why this? What could they have possibly offered you to make you turn against the ones who’ve stood beside you?” he asked him evenly.

  “Why you ask? For a just a little bit of salvation, of course.” A deep voice said. As we watched, a large mass of golden light appeared from the ceiling and landed behind Will. It turned into the form of a beautiful man with long blond hair and blue tinted wings. He was very tall and strong looking, and dressed in light, gold colored armor.

  “Judiel!” Zane said, his wings quickly bursting out. He swung his hand over, forming his own sword in it. It looked a lot like Chris’s, although the black flames seemed brighter. But that could’ve very well been for how mad he was now. No doubt he didn’t like that he’d almost been blamed for the situation we were in, or that our so called friend had done it.

  “So you do recognize me. It seems you all have good memories for heretics.” Judiel commented.

  “Of course we'd know you. After all, you did manage to kill most of our families.” Chris said, staying in a defensive stance in front of me along with Zane.

  “That is true. But as I recall it, I only killed heretics who shielded forbidden children.” Judiel said, actually looking thoughtful now.

  “A murderer! That's all you are! They were innocent human lives you took!” Zane said angrily.

  At that time, I noticed the wall morphing a little near us. And from it came another Shade. It looked like a billowing black shadow with huge claws for hands, and was much, much bigger than the ones we’d seen downstairs. A loud, screeching roar came from its burning mouth as it appeared. But it didn’t move to attack us. Instead, it slithered back and forth on its long tail, as if anxiously waiting. Apparently, Judiel had control over it.

  “So what’s this all about anyways? Why recruit one of our own?” Chris asked him.

  “Isn’t it obvious? Because having a Fallen Child on our side is perfect for our needs.” Judiel replied. He quietly put an arm around Will’s shoulders, pulling him in closer. “What better than offering them something that they would want more than anything? Your former friend here certainly wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to regain what was once had. Not to mention he gave us all of the information we’d ever needed to know about our newest addition.”

  Chris just shook his head. “So those angels were sent to see if she was really there, and to see just where I was. I’m not stupid about any of this Judiel. I know you’ve been aiming for my head for years.” He said, the anger now seeping into his voice.

  Judiel smiled, letting Will go. “Of course. Not to mention I had to see where that father of yours was. Even catching that other one coming out of captivity was well worth the loss. After all, contending with the Dark Ones is a chore that we ourselves do not need to take on unless it has to be done. This way is much easier.” He said.

  Near us, the Shade slithered back and forth a little more rapidly. No doubt it was itching to get to us now. But Judiel was keeping it held like a lion in a cage where it was. By then, I could also see the smaller Shades appearing in the corners of the room as well. “So this is what it comes down to. You’ll send the monsters after us instead of doing it yourself. You’ve become nothing but a coward.” Chris commented.

  “Of course not. The monsters are only for your friends here. You I want for myself. And that girl will serve as a display of our power.” Judiel told him.

  I screamed as I was suddenly lifted up into the air by something I couldn’t even see and tossed over there. Judiel flew back up himself and caught me in one swift motion. “Ariana!” I heard Chris yell as we landed. But before he could move towards us, the giant Shade jumped in front of him and Zane, effectively blocking their path.

  Judiel held me from behind my neck, making it so that I couldn’t move. When I did try, I felt a terrible pain, like my neck was about to break. Near us, Will looked like he was shocked. “This is not what we agreed to! Let her go!” he protested, a flaming black whip appearing in his hand. He tried to use it on Judiel, but it shattered in the air in front of us as though it had hit an invisible shield that was surrounding us. Will stared at it for a moment, his eyes wider now. Apparently, this all was the last thing he’d been expecting.

  Judiel remained unmoved by any of it. “You really thought I could spare her? After all, she is the daughter of one of the most powerful Fallen to escape the Abyss now. We can’t just let her off with a simple kill, and sparing her would be simply out of the question.” he told him.

  “But she’s innocent! She knows nothing of her heritage! She only just recently changed!” Will argued. He definitely wasn’t ready to give up. Instead, he pulled the remains of the whip back, shattering some of the crystal floor in front of him. As they floated up in the air, they turned black around him and he threw them at Judiel’s head with a quick swipe of his hand.

  But Judiel remained with me where he was. And once again, the blow never came. It disintegrated as it hit another invisible shield around us. “You are one to speak of heritage boy. You were even foolish enough to believe that I would actually bring back that little sister of yours. Your own heretic father abandoned his children a long time ago.” He said, holding up his free hand and slowly closing it into a fist. All I could do was gasp as Will fell to the floor, holding himself in pain. It was as though he was crushing him without even touching him.

  By then, Chris and Zane were trying to get past the Shade. But they weren’t having a lot of luck. I cried out in pain as Judiel turned away with me. My neck was hurting incredibly bad then. In fact, I was starting to get worried that he may end up breaking it if he kept holding me like this. “Come along now. My time is short here.” I heard him say quietly.

  I tried to struggle against him and free myself, but his grip was far too strong. I couldn’t help but think that this was it. I was going to die just because someone I thought had been my friend had made a stupid choice. But as Judiel took a few more steps, he suddenly stopped. To my surprise, he threw me down to the floor and turned around. I managed to turn myself onto my back just in time to see him hold up a hand to stop the black flaming sword coming down at his head. Apparently, Chris had somehow gotten past the giant Shade. And now, he was aiming to take out Judiel himsel

  But Judiel caught the sword with one hand, easily holding it back. “So, you’re not giving up this time.” He commented as he threw him back.

  Chris managed to land in a back slide on the glass like floor, glaring back at him. “You think I’m giving her up to you that easily? I’ve waited all of this time to find her, and I’m not about to just let you kill her.” He said.

  “Foolish boy.” Judiel said, flapping his large blue wings. Chris stood up against the strong gusts coming from them, but just barely.

  “Chris!” I yelled, trying to get myself up. But it felt like I was being held down by some strong force. I could barely even lift my head against it.

  “You of all of them should know that you are outmatched. Yet still you attempt to come at me. I don’t know whether to call you brave or stupid.” Judiel went on, throwing his hand down and sending a flash of bright white light straight at him. Chris immediately tried to shield himself, but the force of it was far too strong, and he was thrown back against one of the far walls. I felt the tears in my eyes as I heard the deafening sound of him hitting it. And when he fell back to the ground, I could actually see an imprint left in the wall where he’d hit. I stared in horror as Judiel slowly walked over and picked him up by the collar of his shirt. “You’ve been the thorn in my side from the day you were born. I’m going to enjoy erasing your insignificant existence.”

  I struggled hard against the force holding me, but it just felt like it was pushing down harder as I did. I can’t watch this, I thought. I can’t just lay here and watch him die! But it felt like it no use. Whatever way he was holding me down there, I couldn’t break free from it. But just as I thought it was all over, I felt someone come and lean down over me. The hold suddenly released as they grabbed my wrists and pulled me up to a sitting position.

  “Come on!” Will said, getting up on one knee. “We’ve got to get you out of here!”

  “What are you…” I started.

  “This wasn't supposed to happen. The plan's gone completely wrong. Come on. Let’s get you away from here before he kills you too!” Will said, starting to get up.

  But before either of us could move, he suddenly stiffened. “Will?” I whispered, feeling my heart begin to race.

  “Get away!” Will yelled, quickly pushing me back. It was just in the nick of time too. The Shade had made its way up there, and thrust a clawed hand through his chest. I screamed as he was tossed aside and it turned towards me. I’m honestly not even sure of how I managed to get myself up then and run. But it was right behind me. Before I knew what hit me, it grabbed my leg and slammed me down, quickly moving over me. As I stared in horror into those inky eyes just inches from my face, I knew that this was it. This was where I was going to die. That vision had been one of death after all.

  But that death blow never came. Instead, the Shade bolted up and let out a horrible screech as it was suddenly cut straight down the middle. I stared in shock as Chris pulled his sword from the dead creature, turning back towards Judiel on shaky legs. He was very badly injured by then. He could hardly stand, and his clothes were stained all over with blood. I still believe even now that it was only by sheer will power that he was able to do what he had just done. He was determined that he would protect me until the end.

  For what seemed like an eternity, Judiel just stared at us. I highly doubt that he’d ever expected for any Shadow Wing to be able to kill a full grown Shade, especially when they were hurt as badly as Chris apparently was. But before he had a chance to make any more moves against him, a dark feeling suddenly filled the room. I managed to get up and catch Chris to keep him from falling onto the hard floor as black smoke billowed up between us and Judiel. As I suspected, it morphed into Jade. “So, this is where you hid them. Clever, using one that you knew may have enough weakness within him to do some of your dirty work.” He said.

  Judiel didn’t look intimidated at all as he regarded him. Instead, he just smiled at him. “Would you expect any less of me? After all, I knew how well you hid that boy before. Only someone with his complete trust could have led them to me so easily.” He said.

  “You realize you’ve made a big mistake in doing this. Did you think that I wouldn’t intercede after all of this time?” Jade asked him. He was clearly getting ready to go on the offensive now. In fact, I even saw his eyes beginning to glow in his anger. He raised a hand at the angel near us.

  But Judiel held his hand up, effectively making him stop for a moment to listen to him. “I’m well aware of that. However, I have no desire to fight you or any other Fallens at this time. I’ve gotten just what I needed here. And above that, I also believe the damage is already done. So, farewell Corrupted One, until we meet again.” He said. And with that, he swung an arm around and disappeared in a brilliant flash of golden light.

  Jade growled a little under his breath. “Damn coward.” He muttered. He then turned and looked at us. I had the distinct feeling that he really wasn’t too happy to see me there. No doubt he was ready to blame me for everything that had happened to Chris.

  Near us, Will lifted himself up with one arm, holding the hole in his chest tightly with the other. I could see a large pool of blood forming under him. “Christoff.” He tried to call, however, it only came out as a gasp. He seemed to be realizing just how bad he was hurt, and how awful everything had become.

  Jade quietly walked over to him, looking down at him without any real expression. “You’re a fool boy. You led your own right to him this time without even thinking it through. And all for orders.” He said.

  Will looked away, shaking his head and coughing up some blood. “Go ahead and kill me then. I think I’ve earned that much. Maybe then I won’t have to follow his orders anymore.” He said weakly.

  “You don’t deserve as much.” Jade replied, turning back to me and Chris.

  “Jade…” I started, carefully letting go of Chris and trying to stand back up. But that was a mistake. With a one swift movement, he had knocked me back into the wall. I felt the wind get knocked out of me, and I fell to the hard floor. Pain raced through my whole body, and it felt like all of my bones had broken simultaneously for a moment. Perhaps they even had with the terrible pain I was feeling.

  “And you I don’t want to hear another word from. You are the cause of this mess. If he hadn’t brought you into existence, they would not have mobilized again!” I heard Jade say through that immense haze of pain.

  “Jade, please don’t! It’s not her fault!” I heard Zane yell. It took me a good minute or so to realize that he was now sitting beside me. He was cut up from the Shades, but didn’t seem too terribly bad off. At least, not compared to the rest of us.

  “Get away from her child, before I do the same to you.” Jade threatened. I saw him move to strike at me again. But I couldn't make myself even attempt to get away. My whole body felt like it was full of painful lead.

  But before he could do anything more, it felt like an earthquake hit the room, shaking and cracking the glass violently. Jade quickly leapt back as a dark shadow lashed up at him from out of the floor. It melted back onto the floor again, then billowed back up with Saffron appearing from out of it. “That's quite enough. Let them be Jade. This isn’t their fault, and the one who led them here is badly wounded now. Besides, it may do you better to just tend to your own before he actually does die.” He said as he glanced back at where Chris was laying.

  “Chris?!” I whispered, trying hard to pull myself back up.

  But Zane held me tightly against him. “Just stay still. You’re badly hurt.” He whispered in my ear. I didn't realize until later that he was trying to keep Jade's attention on Saffron. He knew that if it was directed back at us that Jade may attempt more harm in his angry state.

  Saffron remained firm directly in front of us. I had the distinct feeling that he was now guarding. He probably knew all too well just how angry Jade had become, and that there was a real possibility that he’d try to kill us because of it. Mana
ging to look up a little bit more, I could see the shadows lifting from around us, dancing in the air like licks of flames. “Back off Jade. Don’t make me fight you. You have your own to tend to, so let mine be. Me tearing into you now will assure that boy's death.” Saffron warned him as he pointed back over towards Chris.

  For a moment, Jade just stared him down. But then he seemed to concede. As we watched, he let go of his attack stance and walked over to pick up Chris’s limp body. “Very well. I'll spare her today. But you keep that girl away from him. This is all her fault, and I won’t see my own killed because she thinks she has his heart.” He warned Saffron.

  “Strong words when it's already too late.” Saffron said quietly.

  Jade didn’t bother speaking again. As we watched, black flames suddenly erupted around him and Chris. It encircled them, and in an instant, they were gone. I couldn’t help but stare at where they’d been. There was so much damage to the room now, and I could see a lot of blood stains around us. The cold reality was beginning to set in hard and fast for me. The vision I’d had weeks before had come true. We had nearly been killed. And Chris may have even been dying…

  Saffron took a deep breath, walking over and kneeling in front of us. “Now, now. Just be still. You don’t want to make that wing any worse.” He told me as he reached behind me and snapped my right wing back into place. I heard myself scream loudly as the pain shot through me. The funny thing was that I hadn’t even realized that my wing had even been broken until then.

  Zane looked over at Will, who was lying near us. “What about him? We can't just leave him to die." he said.

  Saffron looked over at him, no real expression playing on his face from what I could make out. Then, he let out a sigh. “Normally, I’d just say to let him die, but I can’t overlook what’s just happened either. He took a deadly blow for my own. Even after attempting to betray her.” He said, standing himself back up. He quietly walked over to Will, then knelt down beside him. “Are you still able to speak boy?” he asked him.


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