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Terranus: Renaissance: Book two of the 'Terranus: Origins' series.

Page 22

by Joe Crouch

  “Over here!” shouted Sean, waving his light for others to see, “I’ve got him.” It didn’t take long for others to jump in and help him on shore. He was slight, almost malnourished, and had a thick head and face of hair. Remulus massaged his bony neck and held his arms in an unnatural position, after a few long moments the man coughed and spluttered as he opened his dull eyes.

  “Are you Charon?” the man asked, looking up to see Remulus knelt over him.

  “No,” Remulus answered coldly, “We have come to retrieve…”

  “Give him time to catch his breath,” said Sean, pulling the female Veterum to her feet. Revitalised, the man coughed and pushed himself up, he cupped his hands within a waterfall, splashing his face with clear, cold water.

  “The pool… the river… you,” he said, pointing to Remulus, “Is this not Styx? Am I not dead?”

  “No,” repeated Remulus, “You are very much alive and in our debt.” Pausing, he looked around at the crew who stared back, he went to move towards Sean, who’s suit was expelling the water from its hydrophobic materials.

  “Thank…” the man was cut off as a faint ticking sound came from behind them. Turning, Sean saw two long tentacles burst out from behind one of the waterfalls, they wrapped around the rock face with a suction-like grip. Two more followed suit to grip onto the rocks until eventually, a fat bodied spider-looking demon pierced slowly out as water cascaded around its hairy face. Sean stared in horror, looking at the sharp fangs which poked out from its large but thin mouth, the circle of eyes which banded around its head twitched in unison as it seemed to look back at them. It opened its mouth wide, revealing the full set of fangs within and let out a deafening screech before jumping forwards off all its four limbs…

  Chapter 19

  Arcing through the air, the creature slammed down hard into the deep pool of water creating a wave that rushed towards the small shoreline. The wave broke against the rocks, splashing up into their faces as they each readied their weapon, aiming towards the epicentre of the rippled surface. There was a moment of silence as each beam of light pushed the darkness back and focussed on a singular point in the pool.

  They waited anxiously for the creature to reappear but there was nothing, the water settled and so did the team, they looked at each other in confusion. But bursting out from the surface with a crashing wave, the creature rose from the pool and turned towards them, its high-pitch screech echoed around the tight chamber making them cover their ears instinctively. It’s four limbs lashed and flailed about, kicking up the cool water as the monster slammed all four into the pool simultaneously. Sean looked up and saw its band of eyes twitch as they all turned to focus on him, for a moment he felt serene, content with death, fate had dealt him this hand and there was no stopping it.

  Another ear-splitting screech incapacitated almost everyone. Zarid struggled against the damaging sounds to raise up his weapon and let off a single round towards the thing. The purple bolt slammed into its body making it recoil. A patch of charred flesh and skin was left engraved into its flesh.

  The monster pushed itself up out the water on two limbs before raising another above its ugly head. With a furious motion, the tentacle lashed out, sweeping across the platform they were gathered on. It knocked the team down like bowling pins and threw them across the room. Landing with a thump, Sean rolled along the dirt-covered floor as he flinched from the beating, his bones felt brittle and his skin screamed in agony from the powerful slap.

  Struggling about on the floor to regain their composure, the creature had no such problems as it brought down a second limb that slammed on top of Remulus as she tried to push herself up off the floor. The end of the limb wrapped around her tightly as she yelled out for help, gasping for any breath she could cling on to.

  “Remi!” Sean yelled. He pulled himself up by grabbing onto the protruding rocks, he watched as the creature thrashed Remulus from side-to-side high above him. She already looked a lifeless corpse as her body was limp and twisted, but the faint cries of help gave him hope.

  “Hang in there,” shouted Sean at the top of his lungs. He pulled his weapon up and went to fire but a defeated whirr came from it as nothing happened. “Damn it!” he cried whilst hitting the battery pack on his weapon in an attempt to get it working. It spluttered to life as a low humming sound came from it as the capacitors charged for the opening assault.

  Zarid had no such troubles with the inefficiencies of energy weapons as he drew both his pistols and opened fire on the creature’s large, blue torso. A mixture of purple and green bolts streaked towards the monster, illuminating the water a disco of colour. The plasma splashed over the being as it shrieked out in pain, wobbling on its muscular limbs for a moment. Without hesitation, the rest of the squad opened fire with everything they had. Taris’ XR-61 let out a loud hum as a charge built within the weapon, and within an instant, a roaring clap echoed out from its barrel as a long, fat red bolt of energy screeched out. It slammed into the creature with force, pushing it back a little as the lesser powered weapons of the others caused minor cosmetic damage to its obviously hardened exterior.

  Angry, the monster again rose on its limbs into the air and swiped out at them. The team had learnt from its previous experiences, though, and the majority dodged out the way, but Sean, being preoccupied with getting off the right shot, didn’t see it coming. The tentacle smashed into his side with a crunch that made everyone around him wince, he dropped his weapon as the limb threw him across the room, he skated through the air barely conscious to what was happening.

  With a splash, he landed at the base of the waterfall as the force of its volume pushed him deeper into the pool. His body felt light, almost crushed for a moment before his eyes snapped open to see the scanning cones of light above refracting off the water’s surface. With all his will, he began his ascent to the surface.

  He pierced out from the surface gasping for breath. Turning, he saw the creature darting towards him leaving a wake in its trail, its limbs propelled it forwards as it slingshot itself off the rock formations and stalagmites that protruded out from the pool. There was nothing he could do, for the second time in as many minutes he was at one with death, watching as the monster opened its large mouth, its rows of teeth an early indication to his inevitable fate. But his guardian angel was watching out for him as a powerful blast of energy blew a hole through the water. It pushed back the creature giving him enough time to refocus and ascend to the surface once more.

  “Are you alright?” Taris shouted over the sound of gunfire.

  “I think so,” he replied as he caught his breath for a moment as he laid on his back and listened to the almost distant sounds of battle behind him. Soon, though, the sound of Remulus’ reinvigorated cries brought him back to reality. He sprinted back towards the group and grabbed his weapon to join in with the as-of-yet unsuccessful onslaught.

  Remulus yelled and fought with all her might, something clicked in her head as she drew a thin blade from her belt and stabbed at the creature’s limb as it held her upside down. She dangled and swayed from side-to-side as she sliced at the flesh which held her in place, the monster let out another deafening screech as it flinched. Fez, wanting to take the opportunity of the opening, rose his carbine up, placed in gently on his shoulder for support and opened fire with pinpoint accuracy at the being’s eyes. Four rounds sparked on the creature’s face, one hit its mark as an eye exploded outwards in a shower of yellow and orange puss.

  “Nice shot!” Zarid congratulated the captain, “I wish I was a deadeye like that,” he winked, happy with his awful pun. The creature waved its limbs about uncontrollably as the pain rushed through its body. Angrily, it wound back and threw Remulus across the room. She slammed against the craggy rock face with a frightening, bone-shattering crunch and slumped to the ground into a lifeless heap.

  “No!” Sean screamed. He rushed over to her aid and tried to shake her awake, hoping that the only damage she had sustained was a bad hea
dache – But it wasn’t to be. Blood trickled out from her small nose and ears, her eyes rolled back into her head as he shook with more life than before. With a hand placed on her chest, he felt her shallow breathing, “She’s not dead,” he yelled to the still engaged crew, “But she’s pretty messed up, we HAVE to get going.”

  With a final hand across her body, he felt bones protruding out from her skin, luckily they hadn’t penetrated the suit and ensured her death by decompression, but the situation wasn’t good. Taris dropped her weapon and joined Sean by her side. Remulus’ blood had begun to build up within the face shielding and sloshed about whenever they tried to move her. He tried his best to think back to his basic Planet Landers first aid course back on Earth.

  “Is there nothing we can fashion a brace for her neck out of?” he asked as he threw aside rocks in a vain attempt at finding something sturdy and long.

  “How does it look,” Fez yelled over his carbine fire, “Is she going to die?”

  “Maybe,” shouted Taris dejectedly, “We really need to…” she was interrupted as another loud screech came from behind one of the waterfalls. Slowly, a second creature pulled itself out from the cave as water cascaded around its rounded face. A sense of dread fell upon everyone as it moved into position beside its twin, slamming its four limbs down into the pool.

  “I think we better split,” Zarid cried as he walked back slowly, firing his dual pistols off in a hopeless attempt at a distraction.

  “I think you’re right,” answered Taris. A heavy crash came as Zarid rolled out the way of the second creature slamming one of its limbs down in an attempt at maiming the Fre. He glanced over towards Sean with worry in his eyes, the last attack was too close for comfort.

  “Come on, back to the shuttle,” Fez shouted, standing heroically against the monsters as he provided enough time for the team to form up. Bolt after bolt lashed into the bodies of the two beings, they moved freely and didn’t flinch once at the Ioution’s meagre energy weapon. Taris bent down and threw the limp Remulus over her shoulder. The Veterum’s limbs dangled and swayed about with every movement the Ioution made. Taris ensured to be as gentle as possible with her passenger's broken body but while everyone wished for the best they knew better, even with the miracles of the Mar’Ell’s medical faculties it would be a difficult injury to overcome.

  Sean threw his weapon up onto the ascending, winding path as he grabbed the edge’s lip and pulled himself up with an exhausted huff. Taris handed him the injured Remulus who he gently lifted to the relative safety of the ramp before the Ioution grabbed firm and pulled herself up, too.

  The rest of the team followed closely behind as they began their long ascent towards the cave’s exit. Below them, the two creatures thrashed about angrily as their prey escaped, seemingly out of reach of the water-restricted beings. A loud, reverberating, ear-splitting screech reached the squad as they charged up the incline with speed. The distance increased between them and the beasts, they all panted and were short of breath as they pushed their bodies to their limits after a close escape. But they grew comfortable in the fact that they couldn’t be pursued, that was until they were.

  A loud roar came from one of the creatures, it vibrated small rocks that were loose so they scattered and fell from above in a light dust. With a single motion, it pushed itself out from the deep pool and grabbed onto the edge of the path with one of its extended limbs. With one slap after the other, it threw its limbs up towards the team, slowly climbing the slope. It gnashed its sharp teeth as it caught their scent, almost licking its lips at the feast it was about to gouge on. Weapons fire sparked off from the team and lanced towards the being with little effect as it picked up its pace and closed the gap.

  “Oh… shit!” Taris shouted, coming to an abrupt halt, “Erm…” she dithered. They reached the gap in their ascent, she couldn’t throw the injured Veterum to the other side otherwise she would risk further injury. She thought for a moment, trying to devise a way to get to the other side safely.

  Without hesitation, Sean shouted, “I’ve got this,” and charged forwards. As Taris screamed for him to stop he leapt off from the ledge and soared through the air, his arms were outstretched as his heart came to complete rest. With a crash, he slammed into the face of the broken path and clamoured about for something to grab onto, he slowly slid from the ledge before he lashed his hand out and grabbed a small outcropping. After pulling himself up and vowing to himself to never do that again, he motioned for Taris to pass Remulus over.

  “I’m not sure about this,” argued Taris, “It doesn’t feel right.”

  “We ain’t got time for what’s right,” Sean moaned, “Just throw the damn woman over!”

  “On your head be it,” said Taris as she wound back and tossed the Veterum over. He watched as her body contorted in unnatural ways, he made a mental note to never let her know about this moment – If they survived. With a firm grasp around her arm, he pulled her to safety and was met with a half applause from the gathered audience.

  One by one the rest of the team hopped over as they resumed their sprint towards safety. The creatures weight was so vast that it began to slip, pieces of the path it clung to fell away, coming down with a violent splash into the water below. For just a brief moment there was a glimmer of hope amongst them that it would fall away, never to be seen again. But it pursued with what seemed like even more fury than before.

  “Stop!” the Veterum man cried out, “Let me grab something from my hovel, it will be of use.” The team protested angrily as the man waltzed away from them and disappeared into his makeshift room. Thump, thump, thump, came the rhythmic ascent of the creature as it grew closer. Fez leant over the edge and popped off rounds hoping to push back the approaching monster even for a moment. The man charged back out from his room clutching a box tightly to his chest smiling at the crew, “We can leave now.” With a collective shake of their heads, they pressed on.

  As they came around the bend, a thin veil of light pierced out through a fracture in the rock face, “There,” Sean shouted, “We’re here, come on, hurry.” They formed a line and pushed themselves up flat against the wall, Zarid squeezed himself through the gap, once through he waved for the next to follow, to which Fez obliged. As he pushed himself through he stopped, a panicked look took over his face as he tried to wiggle himself free.

  “I’m stuck,” he said nonchalantly, “Push me.”

  “Fine,” huffed Sean as he stepped forwards to assist, “But no more of Cestos’ pies when were home, alright?” He placed both hands on his captain’s side and pushed with all his might, and with a satisfying pop, he was free.

  Sean stepped up to the fissure and poked his head through, getting a feel for the space he passed through only an hour before. He squeezed a leg into the gap as he started to push his body head-first through the dark crack, but the creature wasn’t far behind so time was of the essence. With a heave, Taris pushed as hard as she could to get him passed the barrier of entry, but it was all for nothing as a single limb rose from the ledge and wrapped around his leg. It yanked him from his position of relative safety and dangled him high in the air.

  “Sean!” Taris shouted as he was thrown around close to the cave’s ceiling. He crashed into stalactites as he cried for help. Taris, quick on her feet, as usual, brought her weapon up and took aim at the being’s limb. Her heart slowed to a crawl as she took in a sharp intake of breath and looked down the weapon’s scope, tracking where she needed the perfect shot to sever the appendage. There was no one she could pray to, she was isolated within her own consciousness to get it right, and with a bite of her lip she held down the trigger, building a stronger charge within the weapon’s capacitors.

  A bright spark of energy lashed out towards the creature as she pushed down with a click, Sean screamed as he heard the clap of thunder but with the smell of burning flesh and the roar of an injured creature he was dropped and crashed down onto the path with a crunching thud.

  “I h
ate this place,” he whispered to himself, rolling over to push himself up. Without preamble, he charged up the winding track and forced himself through to the safety of the cave’s entrance. The others took the monster’s preoccupation with its missing limb as a sign that they should hurry, and within seconds the injured Remulus was passed through as the Veterum man stepped through.

  Taris turned and with her weapon held high she built a charge until her weapon screamed in pain, but with a flash of blinding energy she targeted the fissures head. Energy sparked off the rocky surface as rocks and boulders flew in every direction, the roof above them began to crack and moan as stalagmites fell from their millennia-long holdings along with a cloud of dust that rushed towards them. She turned and ran towards the natural sunlight which bathed the entrance, the rocks crumbled and crashed behind her as she sprinted to safety. She wedged herself into the fissure as Sean grabbed her arm and began pulling her through in a fit of panic, the sounds of the cave in behind her were an ominous threat not to be ignored. With a final, prolonged yank, they both tumbled to the floor as a thick cloud of dust rushed out from the cave and dispersed into the air.

  “Never… again…” she panted, laying on her back as she caught her breath. Sean held out a hand and pulled her to her feet, brushing the thin coating of rock dust off from her suit.

  “We still need to hurry, Remulus is still hurt,” Fez declared as he turned and began jogging off into the distance. With no respite, Sean struggled to push himself off his stable footing as he pulled heavily from his inner energy reserves, again thanking evolution that adrenaline was a friend. They weaved through the jungle as animals danced and skittered away, the leaves rustled violently as a strong wind rushed between the towering trees.

  “Nearly there boys and girls,” Zarid grinned, enjoying everything a little too much. Fallen twigs snapped underfoot as they raced up the destroyed tract of land, Remulus’ bleeding got worse as it trickled out from her eyes, her face was painted red with the scars of battle.


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