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Terranus: Renaissance: Book two of the 'Terranus: Origins' series.

Page 26

by Joe Crouch

  “I do hope you’re right,” Zarid spoke up with an impatient tone to his voice. He leant up against a second shuttle with a knife in hand, he picked at the dirt under his long nails as Sean watched on with every muscle clenched as he imagined the careless Fre slicing his fingers off. “Anyway, it’s going to be pompous and pretentious as those in charge stomp around trying to project their authority, the Veterum prance around like some major player when they are years behind the tech even the Fre have.”

  “You’re not too keen on them, then?” Sean asked, “They remind me a lot of the Ioutions as they walk with their chests puffed out and only speak in serious tones – I find that most disturbing, Mr. Maguire,” he said with a lowered voice as he impersonated Fez, “No offence, Tar.”

  Without even a look up she replied, “How could I be offended at such a diabolical impression? Anyway, he sounds much more like this – Helm, send those readings to my personal computer,” she begun with the same impersonation, but Sean and Zarid froze up with wide eyes as Fez stood behind her with arms crossed. “I like to strut around like this and show off how well I’ve done…” she walked in a half-circle with her cleanest military strut before the captain came into her view. “How nice to see…” she forgot to break out of her voice, much to the delight of the pair laughing behind her. “Ahem – How nice to see you captain!” she said with an upbeat, innocent voice as she led him on with a wide smile.

  “Yes, quite,” replied Fez in his usual serious tone which only increased the snickering. “Remulus will be joining us, I just went to see her and she is adamant about going back to the surface of Caladrius against my better judgement.” The news brought jubilation to everyone, they knew she was on the mend but for her to be walking was a miracle.

  Moments later the doors above split open and the gleaming red skin of Remulus’ hand popped through as she held onto the door’s frame. She stepped through with a device tucked under her arm that emitted a faint blue energy wave towards the floor to hold her up, a gravity crutch? Sean wondered, a bit overkill. Taris rushed up the stairs and threw her arm around the still crippled Veterum.

  “Thank you, Taris, I must say the doctor was probably right and I should have stayed in bed a smidge longer,” Remulus coughed as she took a step forward and grimaced.

  “Smidge?” she smiled, “You’ve been around us too long, you’re picking up his dirty Earth lingo.”

  “I like it, it’s a fun language, you can say anything and most natural speakers will understand.”

  “Honestly? I don’t think Sean’s the best representation of the language, compared to others of his race it sounds like he gets bored halfway through saying a word and just decides to leave out letters.”

  “Pfft, I sound perfectly fine, your translator just needs to catch up,” Sean scoffed as he helped Remulus down the final steps.

  “Right then, let’s get out of ‘ere,” Zarid clapped his hands together in anticipation.

  “See? He sounds worse than I do.”

  “What’cha talking ‘bout?” replied Zarid as the others walked passed nodding and smiling.


  Gathered in a large, open-roofed hall was the Terran captain Nathan Kelly, the Ioution admiral, Sha’Mi and the Mar’Ell crew. The floor was made from a stone which resembled a light granite, the crystals within its structure glistened in the natural light that filtered in through the rounded hole which was carved into the old stone roof. Sean slumped down into one of the many decorative chairs, their face was made from a red, velvet-like material while their frame was constructed from a dark polymer which felt like the warm surfaces aboard the Mar’Ell. Flags hung around the room, they signified the colonies of old, all but one had become tattered and frayed as they rustled in the light breeze which swirled about the open area.

  The three most important people gathered around an odd looking circular terminal that rotated slowly in place in the center of the room. Fez gesticulated wildly towards captain Nathan while he kept his nerve and waited for his turn to answer Sha’mi, who couldn’t stop eyeing Fez from head-to-toe. The trio provided a great spectacle for the others who sat around the edge of the room, especially Sean and Taris who watched the admiral’s eye movements with interest, laughing every time she flicked her attention over to the shy captain while he wasn’t looking.

  Eventually, though, as he always did, Sean got restless and strolled around the room. He looked closer at the large decorative vases which were stacked in the corner, each one had a release valve on its side that every fibre in his body screamed at him to turn, but he bit his lip and moved on. As he got closer to the trio who were deep in discussion he caught a glimpse of their conversation.

  “…shade missiles, this is a technology the High Council wishes to see distributed amongst the community for future protection, I’m amazed your scientists have devised a weapon in a few months that we have worked on for decades,” Sha’mi said as she grilled Nathan on the new Terran weapon the Nightshade missile.

  “When things need to get done we always end up doing it,” Nathan smiled as he pulled up a chair and offered it to the aging Ioution admiral, who kindly obliged. “We’re new here, we get it, the Terran race as a whole is an unknown entity to the other races of the cosmos, but we’re creative and driven. Xuron debris over Terranus helped us greatly as we devised a prototype weapon for testing, and if the High Council desires this technology then I imagine the President of the Empire would require something substantial.”

  “Potty!” Sean cried out as he wormed his way into the middle of their conversation, “Did the empire finally decide on who should take control?”

  “Yes,” Nathan smiled, “It’s your old friend, Hagen.” Sean stopped for a moment and took in what the captain had just said, he remembered back to when they fought together on Earth to halt the Xuron invasion. It had been a while since he had seen the former general, they grew apart when they went in separate directions, but his respect for the man was as strong as ever after his heroics.

  “Really? That’s a great choice, maybe he can get me a comfortable position in the council,” Sean said whilst he nudged the captain in the side.

  “Well, captain, the missiles,” Sha’mi begun before being interrupted.

  “No more on those, admiral,” Nathan snapped as his temper flared, “The Ioutions have hardly done a thing for us since we joined, instead, we’re in the process of finishing that God damned refuelling station with little to no assistance – When you bring something to the table we will talk, there are no free meals in any relationship.” Sha’mi shook with anger at the insolence of her Human counterpart, she began to raise a finger in response but the snapping of heels and the sparking of weapons brought her to a halt.

  The heavy stone doors to the hall slowly swung open. A cohort of heavily armoured legionaries marched through, their thick, grey armour rattled as they moved and the tips of their Hasta sparked off with a ferocious purple energy. They stopped, came to attention and faced the group. Their faces were emotionless as they stared down the aliens which were now corralled like farm animals.

  Sean took a deep gulp as he locked eyes with one of the soldiers. Her eyes were soulless as she looked back, she adjusted the smooth, plated armour which adorned her torso as Sean watched. It was a tense few moments as the collective of races looked around nervously, they waited for something, anything, to break the stalemate. With a step forward Sean opened his mouth but was soon put in his place as the nearest legionary tucked the spear under his arm and pointed it towards him while he barked orders. The point was received as Sean slowly stepped back with his hands held up non-threateningly.

  Faint footsteps and light chatter echoed down the hallway. The soldiers once again snapped to attention and stared into nothingness as Emperor Vespasian as his troupe walked through the door. They stopped and turned, the emperor stepped forwards and spoke up.

  “Sorry to keep you like this,” he said with his head poking through the wall the bulky sol
diers formed, “Once we’re settled you will be allowed in, your seats have been pre-assigned so I hope there is no conflict.” With a flick of his long, flowing purple robe, he waltzed off into the meeting chamber. A flood of dignitaries dressed in thick red robes followed closely behind as their heavy shoes clattered against the cobble flooring. Within moments the fleshy wall that blocked their way split in two as the soldiers formed a funnel and blocked off the exit door instead. Everyone stepped forwards and headed towards their meeting place.

  It was the same room they were in on their first visit to the world. The group shuffled around the long wooden table until they found their seat. Sean slumped down and sighed, he knew exactly how this was going to go and dreaded every moment of it, but if he kept his mouth shut they would get out of it alive – Hopefully. Taris sat beside him but Fez sat across the table with the other high ranking officials, I’m an ambassador! He thought, why am I not over there? He watched as small Veterum data pads were handed out to each member who was settled. Their screens were formed in a type of hardened resin with a thin electronic film that coated the outside, black dots raced across the ‘screen’ to form words as information was disseminated through the networked devices.

  Curious, Sean stood and looked around the room, but there was no sign of the injured Remulus. Fez glanced up as Sean mouthed ‘Remulus’ to the captain, he shrugged his shoulders and returned to his conversation with Sha’mi.

  A robed official who stood behind the emperor’s right shoulder raised a hand and shushed the expectant crowd. “Please quiet for an address by the Imperator,” the man said sternly.

  The emperor stood and wiped down his robe before speaking. “Firstly, I would like to extend our appreciation in the joint efforts of the Ioution and Terran alike in dealing with such a heinous act of aggression. I fear if it wasn’t for your bravery we would have been pushed back and exterminated, it brought to light a severe deficiency in our offence technologies.”

  “It didn’t look that deficient to me,” Sean whispered as he leant over to Taris.

  “But,” the emperor said as his tone grew colder, Sean knew what was coming so braced himself. “I also feel that because of the Mar’Ell’s lackadaisical actions in returning to Caladrius the Xuron had an easy time in follow your trail, so to speak.”

  “That makes no sense!” Sha’mi barked and stood.

  “Sit,” Vespasian ordered as two legionaries took a single step forwards, “It matters not what you think, it is fact, your high-velocity travel is archaic when compared to the Imperium’s jump devices, even we, an out-dated civilization by your standards, easily detected your signatures.” Admiral Sha’mi thought about replying, but instead was pulled down by Fez who sat with a worried look on his face. “But it is all rather academic now, our presence has been exposed so I expect your races to fully co-operate in co-ordinating our defences and providing assistance.”

  “Of course,” captain Nathan nodded, “The Terran Empire is fully behind your cause and we will provide any assistance we can, I have already signalled back home for additional ships, although we lack the numbers of the Ioutions, you’ll find me make up for it in loyalty and heart.”

  “Both attributes we as a people respect, captain,” Vespasian smiled without emotion, “But, let us get to the pressing matter of the Chaon mission, guards.” The emperor snapped his fingers and through the heavy doors stepped the Veterum man they rescued, but more importantly, so did Remulus. She was dressed head-to-toe in what looked like a state-of-the-art battle suit. Thick, bulky alloys were shaped into suit of armour that reminded Sean of something a knight would have worn in the past. Her joints were free and exposed to not restrict her movement. She turned and smiled towards Sean and Taris as they watched on gobsmacked, she eventually took up position at the end of the table beside the emperor. “This is scientist Lucilis, a member of the team which designed the weapon and he has something to show us.”

  “Thank you,” Lucilis smiled, “Remulus, the device?” She typed in a code on a small terminal which was inlaid into her bracer, with a pop a small hatch opened in her chest piece. Lucilis reached in and pulled out a crystal. Everyone in the room sat forwards as it sparkled a deep mauve. Lucilis took hold of the crystal and held it out in front of him, as he slowly pulled his hands away the quartz remained stationary and floated. Gasps rang out from around the room, but the scientist smiled and grabbed the object. “Marvellous, isn’t it? It resonates at the perfect frequency for this planet’s gravitational field, so in essence the air becomes a large swimming pool for the device to lounge around in.”

  “And well done to the men and women who risked their lives in obtaining it,” Vespasian said, “It would seem the crew of the Mar’Ell are occasionally competent.”

  “So,” the admiral began as she sat back in her chair and took a deep breath, “Is this the final piece to the weapon or not? To say you have been evasive would be an understatement.” A quiet chatter built among the gathered Veterum, they whispered to each other and gesticulated towards one another as they argued. It grew heated as one scientist threw his data pad across the room but was promptly dragged away by two guards which stood beside the door. Remulus admired her armour as the others argued, Sean watched as she ran her hands down the bulky frame and got a better feeling for its lumps and bumps. Eventually, the emperor rose a hand and the gathered quietened. “A bit more complicated than a yes or no I assume?”

  “Not especially,” the emperor sighed.

  “Then what?” Sean asked, “It can’t get much worse than Chaon, surely, we escaped a Xuron armada – Sorta’, escaped two flesh eating monsters – Mostly, and returned to Caladrius safely… ish.”

  “Wow, when you put it like that…” Taris held back her laughter, “How are we not generals yet!?” Sean shrugged and turned back to the conversation.

  “It was not the final piece,” Vespasian finally admitted, Fez rubbed his temple with both hands in a futile attempt at relieving his built-up stress. “I fear your mission to Chaon may have been futile, the final piece is rather more difficult to acquire.”

  “Just say it,” Fez demanded with a certain dejection that coursed through his tired voice.

  “… We think it may be located within the Xuron heartlands.”

  “And there it is,” Sean laughed sarcastically, “The Xuron heartlands, how are we meant to even get close to there without being interdicted let alone destroyed.” A silence washed over the room as each person contemplated the situation. The weapon was almost constructed and only needed its final piece, everyone sat at the table wanted the weapon to succeed but an expedition into the core of Xuron territory wasn’t something to be scoffed at. Fez twiddled his thumbs and conferred with the admiral and captain beside him. Their faces were furrowed with scorn as they discussed the matter before eventually Nathan held his hands up, sat back and crossed his arms like a defeated child.

  “So,” Sha’mi spoke up, “We can expect this world to be heavily fortified in orbit and on the surface, correct?”


  “Do you know any more about its location other than the system it is located?”

  “It appears to be held within a large Xuron compound. The planet itself holds little militaristic value other than being a rich vein for their mining operations, but that has only developed within the last hundred years. So when they discovered our crashed ship they guarded its secrets well from the other clans within the unity.”

  “Clans?” Fez questioned, “I think your information may be a little outdated, they fly under a single banner now, one led by their high priest, although how strong their internal bonds are I am not certain.”

  “That may be so, but the Xuron at heart are arranged into a caste-like clan system, it is how they were designed, after all,” the emperor paused for a moment and looked around at everyone who sat along the table. “It is how they evolved, over many years.” Fez shared a curious glance with Sean at the imperator’s odd choice of words
but now wasn’t the place to question.

  “I refuse to risk my crew once again,” Fez barked, “This isn’t a small rescue mission you’re asking of us, this is a full incursion into enemy territory.”

  “And one they will most likely see as retaliation,” Sean added.

  “Precisely,” Fez nodded, “The Mar’Ell, even with its combat experienced crew, do not have any remote possibility of success.” A burly, bald, bright red skinned man leant over and whispered into the emperor’s ear who nodded in intervals at whatever he said.

  While they conferred, Sean took a moment to grab the clear crystal glass which sat in front of him and poured in a small amount of the thick brown liquid which sat in a tall, thin pitcher. A strong smell of cloves and sugar came from it as he put it up to his nose and took in a long whiff. The liquid moved like treacle as he tried to pour it out into his mouth. It was more akin to chewing gum than a refreshing drink he learnt as it stuck between his teeth as he tried to swish it about. Remulus watched on from the end of the table with a hand over her face in embarrassment for the Human. She walked over and without saying a word flicked a small switch on the bottom edge of the glass. The sludge instantly melted into a smooth, whiskey-like liquid that was more appeasing to his taste buds.

  After a while the large man retreated to the rear of room and faded back into the shadows as the emperor spoke up. “You will not be alone,” he declared, “We have decided to aid you in this endeavour and provide ground support for your assault. We will also send a large portion of our armada to assist in any way they can.” Fez looked firstly to Sha’mi, who after a moment of thought nodded, then he turned to Nathan whose face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. But after a second he turned and nodded to the Ioution captain then headed straight for the brown liquid beside him and swallowed it in a single gulp.

  “Then it is decided,” Fez stood and looked at everyone who sat around the table, “I feel as if today is the first day in a long and prosperous alliance for us all, may we fight smart and laugh in unison.” Sean shook his head at his captain’s track record of abysmal speeches, and this was no different, but he chose to raise a glass and smile. The negotiating was far from done but, for now, they could rest easy in the fact that their new allies were there to help, whatever their final goal and intentions were.


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