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Page 6

by Clarissa Wild

  “No,” I say, withdrawing my cock.

  She growls, “What? Why?”

  “You don’t get to come yet.”

  She sighs. “You’re infuriating.”

  “I know,” I say, grinning. Then I playfully slap her pussy, making her squirm.


  “That’s for talking back.” I start stroking my cock right in front of her, rubbing the head while I gaze at her beautiful tits. “You seem to have forgotten who this pussy belongs to.”

  “You, Mister Brand,” she says reluctantly. “You.”

  “That’s right.” I slap her pussy with my cock, watching her wince, which makes it all the more enjoyable. I keep jerking off, edging dangerously close to an orgasm, but I won’t blow my load yet. I want her to beg.

  “What is it that you want, Miss Carrigan?” I ask. “And be truthful or I will punish you.”

  “I want … I want to come.”

  “And when do you come?”

  “When you allow it.”

  “Indeed. When I allow it, and you are not allowed until I speak the word ‘come’.”

  She swallows away her ache as I swipe my cock up and down her pussy, reminding her who is the boss.

  “Now … I’ll wait until you beg me.”

  “What?” she gasps.

  “You heard me,” I say, flashing a smile.

  She flushes. “Please … can I come?”

  “Tut-tut … you know that’s not what I meant.” I push the head of my cock into her entrance but slip out again right after. She groans with frustration.

  “Please … give me your cock.”

  Oh … those words … fuck me.

  “Do you want it?” I say, pushing it in slightly.


  “I can’t hear you.”

  “Yes, oh God, yes!” she yelps as I push inside.

  I grin, thrusting my dick in completely. Then I lay still, feeling her clamp around my throbbing cock. Power. Submission. Need. Control. It is all part of who we both are, and it’s time that she faced that.

  “See? You keep telling yourself you don’t need me, but you do. Desperately.”

  “Please …” she whimpers, barely able to hold her orgasm at bay.

  “I know, little fairy, you want to come badly. But you need to realize … this, us, this connection we have … it’s undeniable and it’s unbreakable. You’re bound to me, whether you want it or not. Now let me fuck your brains out and love you afterward.”

  “Yes …” she moans as I start moving in her. “Please, Mister Brand.”

  “Oh, yes, little fairy, take my cock deep.”

  I lower myself, steadying just above her. My lips are out of reach, but I see her body arch toward me. Finally, she’s giving herself to me.

  “Open up for me. Nice and wet,” I growl, shoving my dick in further. “Fuck, yeah …”

  She bucks her hips to meet mine in an endless, ferocious clash of our bodies. Her hands fight to stay still and her head tips up toward me, her lips puckered and ready for plundering.

  I drop my head low, glancing down at her, parting my lips, showing her how fucking horny she makes me. She licks her lips, and her eyes dart toward my mouth as if she wishes to lick mine instead. I bite mine in an attempt to control myself, but it’s hard.

  “You want to kiss me, don’t you?” I lean in closer, barely inches away from her face, fucking her so hard that she’s moaning louder with every thrust. “You want this?”

  My lips hover right above hers, her hot breath tingling on my skin. Once our lips touch, even for a split second, it ignites a spark that rouses her. She immediately lifts her head and presses her lips on mine. In a rush, I let her. I let her take my mouth, kissing her with fervor as she laces her tongue around mine, desperate for love.

  When she unlatches her mouth from mine again, her eyes aren’t filled with worry anymore. They’re free of anxiety and only fascination seems to be left.

  “Did my lips taste good?” I whisper, sliding out my cock and then thrusting back in when she’s about to answer.

  “Oh, God, yes!” she screams.

  “Taste my love, my fairy,” I whisper. “Feel my cock filling you with every inch that I have to give.”

  “Oh, shit …” she murmurs. “Please, can I come, Mister Brand? Please?”

  Her words are soaked in thirst, and I hunger to see the euphoria wash over her.

  “Remember who gives you this pleasure, Miss Carrigan. Remember how I give it to you like no one else can,” I say. “You may come now.”

  I feel her pussy milk my cock before I hear her moans, but fucking hell, it feels good. So good, it’s making me come, too. I grab a fistful of her hair and thrust in once more to fill her with my load, pumping my seed deep into her. I feel the need to cover her with it as if it is my way of marking her and showing her that she’s mine and no one else’s. The way her eyes roll back and her hips quiver, how her pussy pulsates around my cock, gives me intense pleasure—not just physically, but emotionally, too. We fall apart together, panting, sated to the brim.

  I drop down beside her, admiring her for a moment. She completely unravels me, which I don’t even understand myself. I know she seeks the answers, but I wouldn’t be able to give them to her, even if she asked. But I’ll try my best to make her see herself through my eyes. Then she’ll understand.

  Her eyes grow glossy, and then a single tear rolls down her cheeks. She sniffs as I let it drop onto my finger and suck it up, pressing a kiss to her cheek as well. “Why are you crying?”

  “I’m not.”

  I laugh. “So your eyes just randomly drop salty water?”

  She sniffs again. “Onions.”

  I laugh. Uncontrollably. Like so hard it hurts my stomach. At first she looks at me, but then she bursts out into laughter, too. Neither of us can stop, and I don’t want to. I haven’t laughed like this in a long while. And neither has she, from the looks of it. It was a stupid joke, and yet I’m laughing anyway. Maybe it’s the way she said it, so dryly, so out of the blue, that makes it a good one.

  After laughing for a bit, I place my hand on her chest and feel her heart beat. It’s steadied again, less volatile, and her breathing has evened. “If I release you, will you stay still?”

  She nods.

  I lean over her to undo the straps around her wrists and then get up to take off the ones around her ankles. I lift up her ass and slowly take out the plug, placing it on the bed stand beside her. Her arms drop to her side, but the rest of her remains unmoving. Except for the tears that are running down her cheeks. I do the only thing I can think of. I wrap my arms around her cold, naked body and cover her with mine, pulling her close to me. I smell her delicious scent in her red hair and enjoy the sound of her breathing while she buries her face in my chest. I place my hand on the back of her head and soothe her by petting her.

  “Are you crying because I caused you pain?”

  “No …” She wipes her eyes. “I just feel bad.”

  “Bad about what? I know I’ve been harsh on you.”

  “No … that’s not why I’m crying,” she says. “I want to hate you, so badly. You’re so wrong, what you went along with and let those men do to us … ugh … disgusting.”

  Her words are hard to swallow.

  “You broke me. What you told me … it sickens me. I should be scared of you. I should want to run and never come back.”

  “But you don’t …” I add, feeling a little relieved because it means that I won’t have to shoot her again.

  “No! And that’s the whole point! How can you make me feel this way? How can I let myself come from your touch … I hate that I wanted it, that I liked it.” I shush her while caressing her back.

  “I feel the same way. I don’t want to need you, but I do, which is why I am trying my best to solve this all.”

  She gazes up at me with her teary eyes, puncturing my soul. “If you want me to trust you then you have to tell me why. Why did
you save me? What makes you better than them?”

  “Nothing makes me better until I stop them,” I say. “I saw something in you, Miss Carrigan … you opened my eyes and made me see what I was doing. The way you looked at me, so … innocently … it gave me the spark that I needed to fight it all. It gave me hope that I could one day turn this all around.” I cup her face. “You are what started this all, and with you, I will finish this forever.”

  Accompanying song: “Lux Aeterna” by Clint Mansell

  Room 569. Providence, Rhode Island – June 3nd, 2013

  I gaze down at my hands, which tremble furiously.

  I feel disgusted with myself for seeking my escape in his touch. For letting him control my emotions and for making me accept all the things that he and those men have done. And yet, I am still in need of his guidance, his help, his desires, in order to subdue my anger and free myself of this gut-wrenching pain.

  The thought crosses my mind to punch Sebastian in the gut, fish his key from his pocket, and make a run for the door. If only I could get my body to respond, but it’s weighed down by my heavy heart. Even after everything he admitted to doing to me, being part of those gruesome games, I still, for some reason, want to be with him. When I look at him, really look at him, I can see the honesty inside him, the desire to do good.

  I wish that I could believe it.

  I sigh. I need more, so much more, in order to say to myself ‘I am okay with this’. I know what he did now … and I hate him for it. However, I feel like I must give him a chance to redeem himself. If not for the truth then only to prove to my heart that he is truly evil.

  My body feels warm, covered by his arms, which function as a blanket, but on the inside, I feel stone cold. I’m broken, brittle, and afraid. In the face of death, I stood like a coward, ready to beg for my life. I was there, witnessed the end, and then it disappeared like it never truly existed. Sebastian played me right into his hand. He forced me past my boundaries, expecting me to cope with the impossible, and yet I long to push on. At times, I want to strangle him, and at other times, I want to hug him. Right now, it’s the latter, but there’s no telling when my mind will switch again. It’s like a never-ending cycle of love and hate, and the only solution is truth or death.

  Either way, none of it is going to be easy.

  Gazing at his chest, I decide that there is only one thing I will ever be content with; Ashley must be freed and the men must die. I will stop at nothing to achieve my goal. Even if I have to sacrifice my body for it, have to surrender to Sebastian to get what I want, I will do it. For her. For justice.

  “Tell me what you do,” I say after a while. “Tell me more about those books and them.”

  “All right. If you must know, but only because you asked.”

  “I want to know the extent of their horrors.”

  He cocks his head. “Why? It would only make you scared for your life. It’s not something you would want to know, trust me,” he says.

  “I want to know so I can hate them more. So that, when the day comes, I’ll have the courage to kill them with my bare hands.”

  He squints, gazing at me with a twinge of curiosity before a tiny smile creeps onto his lips. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Although I won’t allow you to endanger yourself, I’m glad you finally feel the same urge as I do.”

  3.5 years ago

  Not only my library, but also my house has become their home as well. They claim everything for their own. They bought the building I live in and evicted all the residents except for me. The vacant rooms and houses are being transformed into a playground for perverts. A different theme for every room, meant for sexual and violent pleasures.

  They even changed the lock on my door to a highly advanced system that recognizes fingerprints. Of course, they granted themselves access to my apartment. I have yet to figure out how to undo this change, but their system won’t allow any tampering. They’re immediately alerted to any changes made to the system. They have me under their thumbs.

  Intimidation is just a small part of their arsenal, but not the biggest player in their pocket. No, it’s the money. The power they have over anything and everything they desire. They buy people like they are cattle, make them do whatever they want. Whatever the books tell them to do.

  The books … yes, they have become quite popular. Each and every one of them is reenacted down to the tiniest of details. Arthur insists on reading darker reads while Hubert strays onto the more dangerous path. Lately, they have been reading books about robbery and arson. I try to talk them out of it, but to no avail. The book is the law, and so they set the building on fire. Blamed it on the fire alarm malfunctioning. Of course, they had a technician replace it with a faulty one the week before.

  Yet, they still do not get caught. No one dares to open their mouth for fear of punishment. Rewards are plentiful and so I realize this world … this world is an atrocious one. I still choke up every time I think about the fact that a little girl died in that fire they caused. That we did that, on purpose, because of some stupid game. Heh … stupid game. If it were only just that. There was a time when they only fucked women and threw them out like trash, when they bought castles and animals and reenacted the seventeenth century. Those were games. That was still an acceptable way to pass the time for men who had too much of everything.

  Alas, nothing is ever good enough. With more power and more money comes an insatiable, undying hunger that grows with every bite.

  2.5 years ago

  Robbing a bank isn’t fun anymore. Selling guns in a war isn’t fun anymore. Killing animals isn’t fun anymore. Fun is now taking women against their will and fucking them.

  Worst of all, they force me to assist.

  Over the years, I’ve branched out from being just a curator into an all-round mess-solver for them. They gave me money so I could keep the world quiet and let them continue their gruesome affairs. Oh, we had a little accident? Call Sebastian. We spilled some wrong information here and there? Call Sebastian. We murdered too many animals? Call Sebastian. We accidentally hurt someone and crippled them for life? Call Sebastian.

  The situation is escalating, it’s completely out of control, and yet there is nothing to stop these monsters from continuing down this path of destruction. Worst of all, it is not their own destruction they cause but that of others.

  And I cannot do anything to stop it. They control everything. My life, my love, my funds. Where I live, what I do. They know all that happens, and if they ever find out that I would go against them, they would kill me. The way Hubert looks at me sometimes …. My nightmares are haunted. I’ve seen it in his eyes—that hunger for blood. I don’t want to be their first victim, although I know one day that they will claim a life. I pray to God that day doesn’t come before my death.

  Not wanting to be the first means someone else besides me will be their victim … the one who will be the first to die. This thought sickens me to the point of wanting to thrust a dagger into my own heart.

  I know it is weak of me to even think that. To even want to take my own life when those of others are on the line. It is that sole thought that keeps me here, keeps me from taking my own life to pull myself from this world. The responsibility I feel in my heart for the men who commit these unforgivable crimes. The men who force my involvement. I feel the need to witness everything … in order to ever make it right again.

  The first one is the hardest to watch. A girl, barely twenty years old, whose clothes have been ripped to shreds, is taken back to the Meeting Room above the library. There, they cut what’s left of her clothes to pieces, and her chest is laid bare for all of them to see. Including me.

  I try to look away, but Arthur refuses my pleas when I ask to leave.

  “No, you will watch and learn, boy,” Hubert interjects. “It’s time you grew a pair.”

  “Come now, he’s only our assistant. What do you expect him to do?” Lewis says.

  “Help out,” Hubert says. “H
e should be tying her down for us so we can enjoy the sight.”

  “No …” I mutter.

  “What’s that?” Hubert turns around to face me while the others keep the girl down on the floor. “Are you refusing to tie her up?” He laughs when I frown. “I know you like to do it …”

  He twirls the knife in his hand like it’s a threat. “I’ve seen you tie them up before.”

  It comes as no surprise to me that he knows what I do. They watch me wherever I go, keep tabs on me whenever they want. I’m constantly monitored. They’re probably afraid that I might spill the beans someday. Rightfully so.

  “This is not his book, nor his assignment, Hubert. Now stop fooling around and get to your scene already,” Arthur snaps.

  “Fine, fine, whatever. But he’ll have to watch.”

  “What?” I say.

  “Keep your eyes open and don’t you dare walk away,” Hubert instructs.

  “Are you suggesting that you want to train him to become a part of our little group?” Lewis muses.

  “I’m not saying that. I just want him to be prepared that’s all,” Hubert explains, smiling. “Prepared to clean up this mess when it’s over.”

  My face grows whiter by the second. The girl is screaming out, but no one will hear her. I am here, and yet I cannot do anything. They don’t allow me to interfere. Her cries pierce through marrow and bone. I grind my teeth, willing it to be over quickly.

  I am weak. I am terribly weak. I should stop this right now. My mind spins and spins with this idea. Anything. Grab a dagger from the table and jam it in their lungs, fetch a gun and shoot them in the heart, lunge at them and kick their heads off their torsos. Everything that I could possibly do to end this vile assault crosses my mind, and yet I don’t act on it. There is a little devil on my shoulder whispering words into my ear.

  You will never be able to hurt them like they would hurt you. You’re just one person going against four. You won’t stand a chance. They could kill you. They would, if you interfered. Just let it happen. Accept it; there’s nothing you can do. Pretend it never happened; pretend it doesn’t exist. Just live, that is all you have to do.


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