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The Webster Grove Series

Page 26

by Puckett, Tracie

  I let myself into the apartment without making any noise. The couch was empty, which could only mean that Christopher was long gone.

  I went back to my bedroom and found a note sitting on the pillow.

  Had to be at the airport by 9. Hope everything is okay. Love, Christopher

  “I told him you had to rush out to see a friend,” Nate said from the doorway. I dropped the letter back on the bed and moved to the closet without making eye contact. “He was really angry when he woke up and you weren't here. I didn't know what else to tell him.”

  I nodded. “I'll call him after he lands—”

  “Where the hell were you Steph? I called everyone looking for you. Cal swore he hadn't seen you, Nick was clueless, and I could only assume you didn't bunk up with Bridget and Isaac on their wedding night.”

  “I fell asleep at a friend's house—”

  “Yeah,” he said. “You did. You fell asleep right here in your own bed. But sometime between the time you went to sleep and we woke up this morning, you left. Now, I want to know where you've been—”

  “You know where I was Nate—”

  “Dammit Steph!” he said, hitting the wall next to me. “What are you thinking?”

  “I just needed someone to talk to—”

  “What do I look like? A cardboard cutout? I'm your best friend, for crying out loud! If you need a confidant, then voila! Here I am! You know you can come get me at any hour, but you can't go sneaking off in the middle of the night to visit an ex-boyfriend!”

  “Please stop, Nate. I can't deal with you right now,” I said, pushing past him and heading toward the bathroom.

  “When are you going to learn, Steph?” Nate followed me down the hall. “You can't be with Alex. Adriana would murder you before she'd let you into her family—”

  “You're not telling me something I don't already know, Nate!” I slammed the bathroom door in front of his face and turned on the shower to drown out his condescending tone.

  Saturday October 07

  Six days flew by and Nate and I had barely spoken a word to each other. In retrospect, I felt terrible about not being here for Christopher's departure, but Nate seemed to take it a little too personal. Not feeling the least bit apologetic for the things he said to me, my best friend kept his distance and spoke only when spoken to. I too decided to give the silent treatment. If he wanted to play games, I was all in.

  I'd called my fiancé immediately after he left and apologized for being gone. The very next day he called back and informed me he'd bought another ticket back to town and would be returning on Friday. From there, he went on and on about how excited he was to share some really big news, but refrained from the details, wanting to keep the secret until he could tell me face-to-face.

  “Honestly, I think you should just call the whole thing off,” Bridget said, tying off the end of Gracie's long braided hair. Gracie bounced up and fled to her bedroom, leaving me alone with one of my dearest friends.

  “I know,” I said, looking at my feet. “But how do you break up with someone you've known for years—”

  “Steph, you can't continue seeing Alex when you're wearing Christopher's ring.”

  “I know—”

  “Regardless of the fact that he's fruitier than an Edible Arrangement—”

  “Bridge, come on,” I said. “I came here for a little support. Can you just try to be serious for one minute?”

  Bridget shrugged. “I'm just saying, Steph. You're in love with Alex, and sneaking around isn't fair to Christopher... and it isn't fair to Alex either. You can't string him along—”

  “I'm not stringing him along—”

  “Then what do you call showing up at his house at 2 AM, begging him to kiss you, refusing to sleep with him, passing out on his couch, ditching him the next morning to run home to your fiancé, and then ignoring his calls for nearly a week?”

  “A,” I started. “Take a breath. And B, I didn't refuse to sleep with him. The offer was never on the table... I just... diverted the possibility.” I stared at Bridget as she leaned forward and met my gaze. “I'm in love with him, Bridge...”

  “Then you need to call Christopher and tell him it's over— the sooner the better.”

  “I can't do it over the phone...”

  “What option does that leave you with?”

  “He'll be back at the end of the week... I'd rather do it face-to-face--”

  “You realize that means you have to stay away from Alex until you've talked to Christopher, right?”

  I nodded. “Bridge... I hope I'm not too late in saying this, but I really am happy for you and Isaac. I just have a really crappy way of showing--”

  “Ah,” she shrugged. “I know you are, Steph. I don't expect you to run through the streets screaming and throwing confetti. Believe me, I know better than anyone. Sometimes we just get caught up in our own little affairs...” I dropped my head and moaned. “Oh! I mean... our own... little...”

  “Forget it,” I mumbled.

  Friday October 13, 3PM

  Friday came quickly with very little communication with Nate. At this point, he knew as well as I did that we were both sorry for our outbursts, but neither of us wanted to be the first to come forward and admit it. We'd past the moments of awkward, nail-biting tension, and seemingly moved on to mutual remorse for the prolonged argument. Still, neither of us was willing to make that first move...

  “Hey,” a familiar voice said behind me as I fumbled with my keys to unlock the front door.

  “Christopher!” I said, watching him rise from the porch swing. “Oh my gosh, I completely lost track of time!”

  “You forgot I was coming?”

  “No, I just—”

  “It's okay, Steph,” he said, shining his bright smile.

  I knew I had to tell him the truth. I didn't have a clue where to start, but lying to him wasn't an option.

  Tread carefully, Steph...

  Just... tell him you're in love with Alex...

  Do it...

  Tell him...

  Say it...


  “How was your flight?” I asked.

  “Long,” he said, running his fingers through his thick, brown hair. “You have a second?”

  “Yeah, what's up?”

  “Well,” he said, taking my hand and pulling me back to the swing. “Sit. Remember the news I wanted to share?”

  “Yes...” I saw the curtains move from the far window and watched Nate peek out before disappearing. Leave it to him to eavesdrop the moment Christopher was back in town. God forbid he let me have a moment alone with my own fiancé. “What's up, Chris?”

  “I've decided to move to Webster Grove.”

  Oh no...

  “What?” I asked, trying to act more excited than terrified. “Christopher, you can't move here. You're whole family is in France--”

  “I'm going where life takes me, Steph,” he said proudly. “And that's here... in Webster Grove.”

  “Oh, boy,” I said, leaning forward. “Okay, we need to talk—”

  “I'll be forever grateful to you for bringing me here, Steph,” he continued, taking my hands. “If you hadn't welcomed me into your life and introduced me to your family and friends, I wouldn't be where I'm at today.”

  “Which is...?”

  “Happily in love.”

  I dropped my head. “Christopher, you don't love me.”

  He nodded. “I know, and you don't love me. Which is what makes this break-up so easy.”

  “You're breaking up with me?”

  “...yes. I just couldn't do it over the phone, Steph.”

  Ha! As if I couldn’t understand that...

  He smiled and waved at the window in front of
us. The curtain moved again, but Nate wasn't there. Moments later my best friend opened the door and stepped out on the porch. He joined us on the swing, putting me in between the two of them.

  “I'm sorry, Steph,” Nate finally said. “I hate how things have been between us lately, and I shouldn't have waited this long to apologize. It's just that I... I felt so guilty about my crush on Alex in high school, and then... meeting Chris. I didn't want you to think that I was purposely trying to steal him from you--”

  “You like Christopher?” I asked Nate.

  He nodded. “And I think it's safe to say that he feels the same way...”

  The two of them looked at one another and silently agreed.

  “Steph,” Chris squeezed my hand. “You are an amazing woman, and any guy would be lucky to have you. But I'm not that guy... I think we've both known that for quite some time.”

  I nodded and looked at the ground. “I don't want to lose you,” I whispered. “You've been one of my best friends--”

  “I'm not going anywhere, babe,” he said, kissing the side of my head. “Like I said, I'm staying right here in Webster Grove. I want to start living my life to the fullest. I can't be happy pretending I'm someone I'm not.”

  I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. I too had spent the last few years acting as though I belonged anywhere but in the arms of Alexander Rivera.

  I slid the ring off of my finger and passed it to the man on my right.

  “Keep it,” he said, placing it on the ring finger of my opposite hand. “Are you okay?”

  “...I will be.”

  Friday October 20, 8:45PM

  I hadn't seen Alex once since I left his house that Sunday a few weeks ago. He'd stopped coming to the Romeo and Juliet rehearsals, leaving me to wonder if he was avoiding me or bating me to come after him. He called more times than I could count during the first two weeks. The third week dwindled into text messages before he finally stopped trying all together. Either he was angry with me, fed up, or I was just too afraid to confront my feelings. One trait I seemed to get from my mother is running when things get too hard.

  “Thanks for everything, Miss Ghijk,” Mischa said, picking up a garment in the corner of the room.

  “More than happy to help,” I replied, sealing the lids on the makeup.

  Tonight was the opening for Romeo and Juliet, and Mischa's designs had stolen the spotlight... much like mine had done in my glory days. The actors had a successful run, but unlike Nate and Bridget—this cast didn't receive the standing ovation they'd hoped for.

  As the rest of the crew left for the evening, Mischa and I continued to clean and organize the costume closet and dressing room.

  “Great show tonight, ladies,” Alex's voice came from the open door. I chose to keep busy so not to fall into temptation and turn to look at him.

  “Thanks Mr. R!” Mischa said.

  “I have a surprise for you ladies,” Alex said, disappearing out of the room once again.

  “What was that all about?” Mischa asked.

  “Who knows?”

  The door reopened and Alex walked in with Adriana Holbrook clinging to his arm.

  Neither Alex nor Mischa had the time to say anything before Adriana stopped dead in her tracks and pointed at me.

  “What is she doing here?”

  “Steph helped Mischa with the costume designs, Gran—”

  “Gran?” Mischa chimed in. “Adriana Holbrook is your grandmother? Oh my God!” She extended her arm forward to shake Adriana's hand. “It's so nice to finally meet you—”

  “Likewise,” Adriana said, forcing a fake smile. She looked back to me. “Why are you working on the show, Abcdef? I figured you'd be spending all of your free time making wedding plans.” I cocked my head and didn't respond, but turned and continued cleaning the room. “Christopher's mother told me that he's living in Webster Grove now. I imagine you must be thrilled—”

  “Yup,” I snapped.

  “Christopher moved here?” Alex asked, biting his lip and blinking excessively. “Steph?”

  “Why wouldn't he move here, sweetheart?” Adriana asked Alex. “They're getting married, don’t you know.”

  The room fell quiet for a few minutes. Alex's eyes welled up with tears.

  “Actually, Adriana... Christopher and I split up.”

  Alex eyed my left hand.

  Adriana looked down and her eyes widened at the sight of the naked ring finger.

  “You little bitch,” she mumbled.

  “Whoa,” Alex said, taking a step away from her. “What is your problem?”

  Alex stared between his grandmother and me. Mischa quietly backed out of the room to avoid the confrontation.

  “Gran?” Alex asked.

  “She could have ruined you, Alexander,” Adriana started. “You worked so hard to get through college and find this job. You weren't teaching for two years before this little floozy distracted you from our goals. I saw you falling for her and it made me sick! She was going to ruin your reputation, your career, your future! I looked into her eyes and saw the same conniving spark that Mia had before she ran off with Esteban and got pregnant with Calvin... before she ruined his life! And now look where he's at. Dead! Because he lost sight of what was important! I had to do something, Alex! I played nice, confided in her, fed her sap stories, designed her gowns... she was eating out of the palm of my hand. I was finally in control—''

  “What has gotten into you” Alex yelled at her. “Gran, this is Steph. You love Steph—”

  “Ha!” Adriana said. “You loved Steph. Which is why I had to keep her as far away from you as possible. And despite my gut-wrenching hatred for her, I would have kept her around for the next thirty years if it meant she was away from you,” Adriana continued. “She thought she earned a right to be there. Yes, Adriana. No, Adriana. I have a suggestion Adriana. Oh, spare me! I've never met someone with less talent than Abcdef Ghijk.”

  “Stop!” Alex yelled. “How dare you talk about her like she can't hear you—”

  “It's okay, Alex,” I chimed in. “It's nothing she hasn't already said to my face once before—”

  “The day I found out she was engaged to the Rutherford boy, I knew I'd won. Steph Ghijk wasn't my problem anymore—so I knocked her down a few pegs and sent her on her way.”

  The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife. No one knew what to say in order to make a composed exit and save face in front of the others.

  Alex made the first move.

  He stepped away from Adriana and took my hand.

  “Come on, Steph,” he whispered, walking me toward the door.

  “Alexander Rivera, don't you dare walk out of this room with that girl. I am your grandmother! You will listen to me and respect what I am telling you!” He ignored her and opened the door. “If you walk away from me,” she continued. “You're out of the family, and you're out of the will.”

  He turned back to Adriana and shook his head. “Go to hell.”

  Chapter Seven

  Friday October 20, 11PM

  “I'm sorry I assumed you quit,” Alex said, sliding a cup of coffee across his kitchen table.

  “No thanks,” I refused the drink and stared at the floor.

  “Steph, I had no idea—”

  “I know.”

  We sat in silence for a few minutes. Alex's hand fell on top of mine and he brushed my fingers with his thumbs. “Is the engagement really off, or were you just adding fuel to the fire?”

  I smirked. “No, we're definitely broken up. He's... already seeing someone else.”

  “He was cheating on you?”

  I shrugged. “Even if he was, who am I to be upset? Especially after everything that happened between us...”

  He nod
ded. “But he's staying in Webster Grove?”


  “Did he meet someone while he was here for the wedding?”

  “You wouldn't believe me if I told you--”

  “I might.”

  “Let's put it this way. Nathaniel Bryan and I have an incredibly similar taste in men—”

  “Oh no,” Alex said with wide eyes. “Nate and Chris?”

  “Nate and Chris.”

  Alex smirked and shook his head. “Boy, I didn't see that one coming.” His hand rested on my shoulder. “Are you okay? I mean, I know things weren't perfect between you guys, but break ups are never easy.”

  “I'm fine,” I said. “As long as Nate is happy—”

  “Suppose you'll be moving out?”

  “Probably should...”

  “Good,” he said. “Because I could use your company around here—”

  “I'm not moving in with you, Alex—”

  “Of course you are—”

  “Haven't you figured this out by now?” I asked. “There is always going to be someone, or something, or some obstacle... we were meant to be together.”

  “Do you really believe that?”


  “Then why not?”

  “Too soon—”

  “I've waited for five years, that doesn't seem like too soon to me—”

  “Your grandmother would kill herself—”

  “Let her,” he said, taking my hands. “Steph, don't you get it? I don't care if people want us together, love us together, or think we're doomed to fail. All I care about is us. You and me, kiddo.”

  I smiled. “You know, you talk a good game, but I'm still not hearing the magic words.”


  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Thank you?”

  “Try again.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Friday October 27, 9PM

  A week passed without word from Adriana. I was surprised that she hadn't tried calling her grandson a million times, but much like him, she is stubborn as a mule. If they're waiting on the other to make the first move, they'll both go to their graves hating one another.


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