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A Killer's Prey

Page 11

by M. J. Eason

  Chapter Eight

  Victoria Blake’s home seemed light years away from the rundown houses of Frankie’s former neighborhood. She lived in a townhouse in an upper-class neighborhood in Coral Hills.

  Davis called ahead to ask if she would be willing to speak with him. From their one-sided conversation, Kara could tell the girl wasn’t looking forward to revisiting the past.

  Once Davis parked the car, he turned to her.

  “She’ll talk to us but I don’t know if she’ll tell us anything new. I’m beginning to think this is a waste of time. We’re chasing the past while Frankie is out there trolling for his next victim.”

  “And Ava might just be it,” Kara whispered.

  “That’s not going to happen. Ava is well protected. She’ll be safe.” He hesitated for a second and then added, “I really wish you would reconsider going with her.”


  “You know the way this thing ends. You’re next in line.”

  “And I’m not leaving. We can figure this out together, before that happens.”

  “I can’t let you do it. What if I can’t prevent it this time? What if he succeeds? I can’t risk losing you.”

  Before she could argue the point, Davis got out of the car and waited. Always a very determined man when he’d made up his mind about something, it would be pointless to argue with him at the moment.

  Victoria Blake was surprisingly polite considering she had always declared that she distrusted the FBI and earnestly believed in Frankie’s innocence.

  “Come inside. When you called, I wasn’t really surprised. It’s terrible about those women. But doesn’t this prove anything to you people? Clearly, Frankie wasn’t the Death Angel if it’s happening. You didn’t get the right person.”

  “I know you loved your friend.” Davis followed her into the house. “But we still have no proof to lead us to believe that Frankie wasn’t involved in those first cases.”

  “How can you say that when it’s clearly taking place again. Frankie was a sweet, caring man. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. You’re wrong. And if you still believe Frankie did these things, then why are you here now?”

  “There are some similarities between the two cases so we’re going back through the files and contacting everyone connected to Frankie’s past.”

  “I can’t tell you anything new.” But Kara sensed she was keeping something back.

  “Has something happened?” Her question caught Victoria off guard.

  “How did you—”

  “If it’s something you think will help clear Frankie’s name then tell us.” For a moment, Kara didn’t believe she would and then she said, “A few weeks ago, someone called me claiming to be Frankie.” She shuddered, then glanced from Davis to Kara. “God help me, it sounded just like him. For a minute…well, I actually let myself believe it was Frankie.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t? We now have reason to believe Frankie might still be alive.” Davis answered her unspoken question.

  She struggled with the news. “You’re wrong,” she said at last. “Frankie is dead. That was just some kook.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because if he were still alive, Frankie would have moved heaven or hell to clear his name.”

  Kara found herself wondering how there could be two such polar opposite insights into Frankie Stephens’s personality. The monster she knew was nothing like the sweet, innocent man those closest to Frankie remembered.

  “There’s something else. But I don’t know if it will help Frankie or not.” She walked over to the fireplace mantel and took something from a small case. “I’m not even sure what it is.” She handed a tiny key to Davis.

  “After Frankie’s funeral, I went back to the place where he and I used to hang out together as teenagers. There’s an old tree on my parents’ ranch outside town. It’s dead—my dad believed lightning struck it years ago. Frankie told me that’s where he went when he needed to think.”

  “This is the place out past Donovans Corner, correct?” Davis confirmed.

  “That’s right. Anyway, I went there after the funeral because I needed to remember Frankie the way I knew him, not the way the press depicted him. They were everywhere taking pictures at the funeral. It was horrible! So I went there and I found this in an envelope stuffed inside the trunk of the tree. Frankie and I used to leave each other messages that same way when we were kids.”

  “Was there anything else? A note maybe?” Davis asked turning the key over in his hand.

  “No, just that. I don’t know what it fits. I know I probably should have turned it over to you before but I didn’t think it would serve any purpose. And Frankie was as good as convicted of those crimes. I tried to figure it out on my own but I didn’t have any luck. Do you think it’s important?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Thank you for your candor, Victoria, and for sharing this with us.”

  “Will you promise me you’ll try and find out what this means? And if you find out that Frankie is…If you find out he didn’t have anything to do with the killings, will you make sure that information gets to the press? Frankie’s mom died trying to prove her son’s innocence but she didn’t have the money. She even went to Frankie’s father for help but he just wanted to be left alone. He never cared about Frankie or her.”

  “I promise I’ll do my best. And whatever I find, I’ll let you know.”

  “Do you think it’s him?” Kara asked once they were outside. “I mean, out of the blue, two people from his past get calls from someone claiming to be Frankie and now the killings have started? It can’t be just a coincidence, can it?”

  He glanced around them. “I don’t know,” he said at last.

  “Do you think the key’s important?”

  “Right now I think everything is important. And it is our only real lead.”

  “What do you think it belongs to?”

  “I’m not sure. It looks like a small safety deposit box.”

  “Did Frankie have a safety deposit box?”

  “None that we found and we checked every angle. He had very little money in his bank account. It might be to a storage place but after six years who knows what’s happened to whatever he stored. Besides, we would have heard about it by now. After the case broke, everyone who ever knew Frankie before came forward looking for publicity. I’m thinking this may be something he kept hidden somewhere special. Maybe we should take a drive out to the Blake ranch and have a look at that tree.”

  “I agree.” Kara nodded. She actually felt a small amount of relief at their discovery.

  “But first I want to check in with the team and see what’s new. Do you mind?”

  As they drew closer to VCIRCD headquarters, swarms of media vans were parked everywhere. Press cameras had been set up on the steps of the building and reporters raced to and fro, ambushing people coming and going from the building.

  “This isn’t good. Something’s happened. We’d better use the garage entrance.” The minute they stepped off the elevator, Ryan spotted them.

  “What is it?” Davis asked when he saw Ryan’s grim expression.

  “Ed’s asked to see you right away. I’ve been trying to reach you.”

  “I had the phone switched off. What’s happened?”

  “Let’s talk in your office.”

  Davis’s gaze slid to Kara’s. He looked worried. When they reached the office, Ryan closed the door.

  “Someone leaked the names of the latest victims to the press. The switchboard’s been going ballistic. Ed hit the roof. He’s been screaming for me to get you in here.” Ryan looked at Kara. “I apologize for this.”

  She nodded silently. What could she say? This was their worst nightmare come to fruition.

  “None of the information on this case has been logged into the database.” Davis said while running a frustrated hand across his eyes. “So how did they find out the names? You checked out all the personnel working the crime scenes right?”

  “Yes. Nothing. They all check out, yet obviously we have a leak somewhere,” Ryan drew in a breath. “But it’s not all bad news. There’s been a breakthrough. Well, at least I think it’s a breakthrough.”

  A small amount of hope relaxed some of the worry from Davis’s expression. “Thank God. I could use a little good news before facing Ed.”

  “I thought so, too.” Ryan smiled sympathetically at his friend. “I had Agent Griffin talk to Jessica’s friends as well as the people she attended classes with at UV. From all accounts her former boyfriend is a dead end. He left the area after they broke up and has since married, but the man that she mentioned by the name of Alec looks promising.”

  Davis sank down to his chair. “What did you find out about him?”

  “You were right. He was her professor at UV. He teaches Jessica’s Criminal Behavior class. According to Molly Brighton, Jessica’s best friend, she dated the guy a few times. In fact, she had a crush on him as well. Apparently, you weren’t the only one. Molly said Jessica had a thing for older men. Anyway, Molly told Sean that Jessica was the one to pursue the relationship in the beginning. But she said after a few dates, Jessica found his behavior a little disturbing.”

  “In what way?” Davis asked.

  “He was getting too possessive. So Jessica broke it off romantically and decided they should be friends instead. From little things Jessica told her, Molly had the impression that the professor didn’t agree with that decision. According to Molly, he’d made some threatening comments but Jessica insisted it was just his way and nothing she couldn’t handle.”

  “Wow!” Davis blew out a long breath. “This is big. We need to bring the guy in for questioning.”

  Ryan shook his head. “Yeah, well, that’s the problem.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s disappeared. According to the university, he called in the day Jessica disappeared claiming to have a family emergency. But Davis, the guy has no family. At least, no close relatives. His parents lived in Buckner Ridge—that’s outside Richmond—but they’re both deceased. I’m sending Sean over to check their house, which Alec still owns. Maybe he’s hiding out there.”

  “It makes sense. He could have found out the names of the victims easily enough from Jessica. But what doesn’t fit is his connection to Frankie.” Davis studied Ryan’s expression closer. “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

  “Oh yeah. And you’re going to love this part. Professor Alec Harrison’s fingerprints are in our database. He’s been a guest lecturer at the Academy.”

  “You’re kidding!” Davis’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “No. I’m checking to see if maybe he lectured there around the same time Frankie attended.”

  Davis got to his feet. “That would certainly fit the missing pieces together nicely. Jeez, I hope you’re right because we could certainly use a break like this. Good work, Ryan. Have you told Ed any of this yet?”

  “Nope. I wanted to share it with you first. You look like you could use a little good news.”

  “You’re right, I could.” He headed for the door. “We’d better go. Kara, will you wait for me here?”

  Kara’s heart lifted for the first time in days. Davis looked exhausted beyond what any human being should have to withstand. He waited for her to nod, gave her a weary smile, and then followed Ryan out of the office.

  Left alone, Kara glanced around, noticing for the first time that there weren’t any personal items of note here. But then, Davis and Rachel had been divorced for years and he didn’t know about Ava’s existence. Still, the office offered no personal insight into the man who occupied it.

  The minute Davis walked back into his office Kara knew his meeting with Ed hadn’t gone well.

  “What happened?” He didn’t answer right away but grabbed his laptop and briefcase and turned to her.

  “I’m being asked to excuse myself from the case entirely,” he told her quietly.

  “What? Why? Surely Ed doesn’t still think—”

  “No, but he’s feeling pressured from his superiors after what’s happened today. Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Davis didn’t stop until they reached the parking garage. “God, Kara, I can’t believe this is happening. This damn case! It’s like a curse! It seems determined to keep us apart!”

  “Tell me what Ed said.” She watched him lean against the car and thought how tired he looked.

  Instead, he handed her a copy of The Post. The front page headline screamed, “VCIRCD head had intimate relationships with four of the Angel’s latest victims”.

  “Oh my God.”

  “There’s more. There are some things I haven’t told you about the case.”

  In her heart, Kara had always known Davis held something back.

  “What things?”

  “After the first case broke, the forensics came back on the scarf used. Some of the blood found there didn’t match the victim’s.” He turned to look at her.

  “The killer’s?” But she knew this wasn’t the case.

  “It matched Amy Sinclair, the first Angel victim. He’s using the scarves from the original killings.”

  “But how—”

  “The evidence was put into storage after the case officially closed. Someone got to it. The only things missing were the scarves connected to the Angel case. Each scarf used corresponds to the original victim.”

  “How did someone manage to get the evidence?”

  “How do you think?” he asked at last, his gaze holding hers.

  “Someone who works for the Bureau, who worked on the original killings took the scarves.”

  “Yes. And if this gets leaked to the press, can you imagine the fallout? They’ll crucify me,” he added bitterly.

  “But what about the new lead, Jessica’s professor? It could easily have been him, right? What did Ed say about that?”

  Davis released a ragged breath. “He’s hopeful but that didn’t sway his decision. What we really need right now is a miracle.”

  “Ed knows you aren’t involved in this. He’s just trying to protect his own skin.”

  “I can’t say I blame him. But there’s something else you should be aware of. Everyone around the office believed that Jessica and I were having an affair. The day I flew to El Paso to come to you, Jessica left the office with me. I took her straight home so she could get some rest but I was the last person to see her alive.”

  Kara remembered something Ryan had said about Jessica’s disappearance.

  “Ryan said she went missing later that night?”

  “He was just trying to protect me. He wouldn’t know when she went missing. He was on a plane to New York. But if she did go missing sometime that day then the timeline matches the fourth Angel victim perfectly and that makes me the last person to see her alive, except for the killer.”

  “So because people chose to believe office gossip and because you were the last person to see her, Ed wants you off the case?”

  “Yes. Hell, Kara if this wasn’t happening to me, I’d believe I was involved as well.”

  “It’s just too convenient. Frankie’s playing with you the same way he’s been playing with me. The only question is what do we do about it?”

  “Ryan is still on my side, thank God. He’ll be heading up the case officially from here on out. He’ll keep us updated and hopefully we’ll find this professor and he’ll provide us with some answers. But I can’t just sit around and wait for the next victim to go missing.”

  “Then we have to keep trying.”

  “No, it’s too risky for you.” Davis reached for her hand. “I told you, I want you to go to Ava until this is all over.”

  “We’ve been through this already. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Do you understand how serious this is? Frankie isn’t going to stop this time. Not until he has you and probably our daughter. I don’t want you to be involved in this.”

  “I’ve been
involved since the beginning! I’m just as much a part of this thing as you. I’m involved, okay! He’s kept me in the game for six years. I’m not leaving now!”

  “Dammit, why do you have to be so stubborn?” he asked with only a hint of a smile. He looked exhausted and helpless. “All right. But you’re not leaving my side until he’s caught and if things get out of hand like before, if there’s even a hint that he’s getting close to you, then I’m calling the whole thing off.”

  “Davis, he is coming for me. We both know that. But that puts us ahead of the game, don’t you think? We know what his next move will be.”

  “Which puts you squarely in the path of a serial killer. And what about Ava?”

  “I’ve been here before. I can take care of myself. But Ava hasn’t, and you’re right. He’ll try to get to her. We have to be careful to keep her out of his line of sight.”

  He ran a hand across his eyes in what was becoming an all-too-familiar gesture. “It’s so hard to think clearly right now. So much has happened. Seeing you, knowing I have a daughter as well, it makes me feel defenseless. Dear God, I hope I don’t disappoint you both.”

  “You won’t.” She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles, her eyes never leaving his, showing him all the love she felt for him. The love she once thought she’d lost. “We’ll get him. I know it doesn’t seem like it now but someday this will end. And when it does…” Kara stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath. Davis watched her as if the weight of the world hinged upon her next words. “When it does, I want us to be together as a family,” she said with confidence.

  “You really mean that?” he asked in amazement. He sounded so uncertain and so vulnerable.

  “Yes. Yes, I do. Davis, I love you. And I know that you love me. I’m tired of fighting it. I don’t want to. I don’t want to live without you in my life a moment longer. I love you and I want to try—”

  With a desperate groan, he pulled her into his arms, his lips claiming hers once more, capturing the rest of her words with his kiss. For the moment, Kara gave herself up to the tender passion she found there in his arms.

  Davis at last ended the kiss, leaning his forehead on hers. “I love you too, sweetheart. It’s good to have you back on my side. I hate that you have to become part of this once more. I can’t believe I’m under investigation. It kills me that our entire relationship will be put in the spotlight once more. But thank you for standing beside me. It’s more than I deserve.”


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