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Wizard Scout (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 3)

Page 51

by Rodney Hartman

  Richard found Nickelo in their shared space. Actually, found wasn’t the right word, but Richard couldn’t think of any better word to explain it. It was as if their minds converged at the same point. Richard could sense the millions, no billions, of calculations being done by his battle computer. Richard’s mind wasn’t fast enough to keep up, but he was able to understand what his battle computer was trying to accomplish.

  At the same time, Richard could tell Nickelo was sensing his thoughts and feelings. Having his battle computer sense his thoughts was nothing new. The only difference was Richard could tell only the thought he was thinking in their share space was being accessed by his friend. However, the sharing of emotions was different. Before his DNA baseline, Nickelo knew what Richard was feeling. But now, Richard could tell his battle computer was actually feeling his emotions.

  Richard had a thought. You know, Nick, this might be dangerous for you. According to the central computer, your association with me over the past three years has corrupted you with emotions. I’ve a feeling this is only going to make it worse.

  Doesn’t matter, Rick, replied Nickelo. I was a lost cause the moment we first touched minds. ‘The One’ already keeps me isolated from the rest of the tele-network.

  Sorry, buddy, Richard said.

  At that moment, Richard felt the thoughts of another mind. The thoughts weren’t in his shared space, but Richard could still sense the mind through his battle computer’s data feed.

  Hello, wizard scout, said the presence.

  Who is this, Nick? Richard said into his shared space.

  It’s your friend Stella’s battle computer, Jonathan, explained Nickelo. We need him to interface with the tele-network.

  Ah, hello, Jonathan, Richard said. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.

  Didn’t you tell him, sir? said Jonathan.

  No, said Nickelo. I didn’t see a need. However, things have changed. Rick, this is Jonathan. I believe he was your battle computer when you were in the spiritual dimension.

  Why do you think that? Richard said. That battle computer didn’t even have a name.

  Because Jonathan is also emotionally corrupted, said Nickelo with a laugh. And we know how hard you are on battle computers.

  Whatever, Richard said not appreciating the joke. Can we get started?

  Sure, said Nickelo. Just follow our lead. We’re going to take you to the spot in my databanks where the copy of the Crosioian’s data is stored.

  Richard closed his eyes and let his mind drift along with his battle computer. He didn’t see things visually of course, but he could sense them. They passed a lot of data as they traveled through the area Nickelo thought of as his databanks. Everything was alien to Richard, but because the information he sensed was filtered through the space in his mind he shared with his battle computer, Richard’s psyche did not rebel.

  Up ahead, Richard sensed a wall. He didn’t have to be told it was the encrypted data. Richard wasn’t sure what he’d expected. He supposed he’d pictured packets of data stored in designated spots much like books at a library. This was different. The wall was volatile. In fact, it wasn’t a wall. It was more like a massive cube with depth, height, and width.

  As they drew closer, Richard sensed anger, hate, and a myriad of other less than desirable emotions.

  The emotions you sense are securing the data, said Nickelo.

  It’s similar to the way the central computer secures its data, said Jonathan. But somehow it’s different. We were able to hack our way into the central computer’s emotion-based security without too much of a problem.

  However, this emotion-based security continues to resist our efforts, finished Nickelo. As an emotional creature, we thought you could help.

  I still don’t see how…, Richard started to say.

  Richard didn’t finish his thought. Something in the swirling mass ahead of him seemed familiar. Each time he tried to concentrate on a specific part of the wall, the substance, or data, appeared to change. It was very disconcerting.

  Richard had a sudden insight. He thought he knew why the two battle computers were having difficulty.

  Nickelo must have sensed Richard’s increasing excitement. What is it, Rick? Have you found something already?

  Maybe, Richard said, not quite ready to commit. Do you remember how I helped the elf Shandria rewrite some of the spells in her spell book on our first mission?

  Yes. So? said Nickelo sounding a little impatient.

  Richard thought it was strange his battle computer was getting impatient. It sounded more like something he’d do. But Richard ignored it and kept to his purpose.

  Well, said Richard. We didn’t have our shared space then, so you didn’t get to experience it. But, the words in Shandria’s spell book kept changing whenever I tried to concentrate on them. That’s what this data appears to be doing. I think this data is triple encrypted. I think it’s encrypted with logic, emotion, and…magic.

  Magic? said Jonathan. Computers can’t use magic. How’s that possible?

  Oh, it’s possible, said Nickelo remembering his dreams. Computers in the magical dimension are based on magic. But I wouldn’t have expected to encounter it here.

  I don’t understand magic, said Jonathan addressing Nickelo. Do you?

  No, Nickelo admitted. At least I don’t understand it enough to decrypt this three-way cocktail before us.

  After a pause, Nickelo said, But, maybe Rick does.

  Richard concentrated on the wall. He sensed the information within changing shape. Instead of concentrating on the data within the wall, Richard began tracing the flows of energy. He recognized some of the flows as magical energy similar to the flows of magic in Shandria’s spell book. As he followed the flows of magic, the other flows of energy stopped changing the data they protected. However, the data was still indecipherable to Richard.

  Stay on it, Rick, said Nickelo excitedly. The other energy flows are logic and emotions. I can handle the emotions.

  I’ll concentrate on the logic, said Jonathan.

  Richard was not a computer, but his mind was in overdrive, or rather, his association with Nickelo in their share space was causing him to think faster than humanly possible. In the space of a few nanoseconds, the data within the wall settled down. Parts of the information became decipherable.

  There was too much information for Richard to absorb. But he sensed logic threads from Nickelo and Jonathan going through the data gleaning facts of interest. The Crosioian battle computer had been out of the loop for almost a year, but even so, it held many future plans of military operations yet to occur. Of course, they were year-old plans, and things could have changed. However, one plan in particular caught Richard’s attention.

  Nick, Richard said. That Crosioian scout was training for an invasion of Velos before she was reassigned to Veturna to guard Keka and the kids. That schematic looks like the spaceport and the DNA Center.

  We see it, Rick, said Nickelo. But this data’s a year old. The scout’s battle computer was not privy to the date of the invasion.

  They may not have known a date when the information was put into the scout’s battle computer, said Jonathan. I calculate an eighty-four percent probability the invasion was called off.

  I disagree with your algorithm, said Nickelo. The scout was training to infiltrate the spaceport’s defenses in order to plant static tele-bots on key targets.

  Richard would have argued no one could pass through the spaceport’s protective shield without being detected, but he knew better. He’d already been attacked twice inside the shields at the airfield and spaceport. None of the attackers had been detected.

  How was she supposed to get past the planet’s defensive shields? Richard said. Was she that good? Or is Velos’ shields that bad?

  Neither, said Nickelo. Here’s a reference about special assets. The data in the scout’s battle computer doesn’t indicate what the special assets are. But the whole invasion plan relies on the
special assets getting the first wave safely on the planet.

  Even if they got planet side, Richard said, they couldn’t move large forces around on the planet undetected. Before Nickelo could correct him, Richard said, And no, I’m not forgetting about the magic users we’ve fought. But there’s a big difference between having a magic user’s invisibility spell hide a dozen orcs, and having the same shield hide a squadron of cats.

  I know, Rick, said Nickelo. To have any chance of success, the invasion force would have to bring down the protective shields around the target areas. They’d have to knockout all the power plants. That would require heavy armor.

  Even heavy armor couldn’t get through the protective shields, Richard said. And even if sappers infiltrated the space port’s shield first, the place is protected with hundreds of jammers. Handheld missiles would never reach their targets.

  Unless, corrected Jonathan, those targets had previously been marked with pre-positioned static tele-bots. At the designated attack time, the tele-bots could activate and guide missiles to their targets. Once the power plants were taken out of action, the space port’s protective shield would come down. The spaceport would then be open to aerial bombardment.

  Hmm, said Nickelo. This is all interesting, but without the attack time, what good does the information do us?

  Should we notify the spaceport? Richard said getting worried. Maybe the scout and those magic users at the spaceport were marking the DNA center as a target?

  I calculate you’re probably correct, Rick, said Nickelo. However, we need more specifics before raising an alarm. Don’t forget. The Deloris Corporation is responsible for security on Velos now. I doubt they’d be receptive of any information you’d give them without specifics. After your antics yesterday, you’re not on their favorite wizard scout list.

  Richard couldn’t argue with his battle computer’s analysis. However, something was nagging at the back of his mind. You know, Nick, I had a strange feeling at this power plant a few weeks ago. It’s the same feeling I had at the spaceport when I spotted the scout and those magic users.

  Hmm, said Nickelo. Power plants would definitely be key targets. Maybe the invasion is going to involve more than just the spaceport.

  Can we detect a static tele-bot if one is here? Richard asked hopefully.

  Not possible, said Jonathan. They’re undetectable until activated.

  Then what– Richard started to ask.

  We need to hack into the tele-network, said Nickelo.

  We already have, said Jonathan. Are you forgetting?

  I don’t mean the part controlled by ‘the One’, said Nickelo. We need to hack into the part controlled by the Crosioians’ Master computer.

  If that was possible, Richard said trying to be the logical one for a change. Why haven’t you done it before now?

  Jonathan answered first. Because it’s secured the same way as the scout’s battle helmet. In other words, it’s probably secured with magic.

  Will you help us, Rick? said Nickelo.

  The only answer Richard could give was yes, so he agreed. Within minutes, or was it nanoseconds, Richard found himself immersed in a gigantic web of information. It was too much for him, even with Nickelo’s help. Once Richard helped the two battle computers gain access to the area of the tele-network controlled by the Master computer, Richard backed out some. Although he did stay inside Nickelo’s databanks in case they needed help. Occasionally, they did. In those cases, he forced himself into the alien network long enough to help Nickelo with the magic part of the decryption. Then he pulled back into his battle computer’s databanks to wait for another call.

  During one of his waits, Richard sensed a ghost of a memory. It was more a dream than it was a memory. He had a vision of a medical chart. The patient’s name on the chart was Janice Myers Deluth. The chart’s description indicated the patient was being tested for a possible pregnancy. The chart indicated the spouse of the patient was Thomas R. Jacobs.

  The commandant? Richard thought.

  Richard forgot all about Nickelo and Jonathan’s mission. Instead, he concentrated on the dream. Richard watched as the computer-controlled medical equipment tested the unconscious woman. She was pretty, even in her sleep. He’d never seen the commandant’s wife, but she looked like she would be a good match for him.

  The computer directing the medical computer was taken over by another mind. Richard recognized the feel of ‘the One’.

  Leave her alone! Richard tried to shout, but he couldn’t. He was in a dream.

  As Richard watched, the medical device detected a fertilized egg in the patient’s womb.

  Richard had a sudden realization. No, there are two eggs.

  One egg was teleported out of the womb. The other remained. Richard followed the part of the dream with the teleported egg. He was mesmerized. He needed to find out what happened to the egg. He found the egg in a lab on a planet far from Earth. The word ‘Storage’ popped into his mind. A multitude of equipment began working on the egg. Some partial pieces of alien DNA was spliced into the egg’s DNA. Eventually, the egg was nurtured until it was a viable human baby boy. The baby was sent to an orphanage on Earth.

  What the hell? Richard thought. Richard tried to get deeper in the dream, but he was pulled back by a shout.

  Rick! shouted Nickelo. They’re here now. The attack is imminent!

  Richard wanted to ask his battle computer about the dream, but the sound of urgency in his battle computer’s thoughts told him it wasn’t the time.

  Here? Now? Richard said. Where?

  They’re here, Rick, said Nickelo. They’re at the airfield and the spaceport.

  They’re at the Academy as well, said Jonathan.

  The sappers are inside the protective shields now, said Nickelo. The Crosioian fleet with the first attack wave will be in orbit in fifteen minutes.

  Richard opened his eyes. He saw the power plant before him. All was calm. He heard nothing unusual in the night air. He was tempted to ask if the battle computers were sure, but he didn’t. Nickelo sounded almost panicky, and computers didn’t panic.

  We have to sound the warning, Richard said. We have to notify the Imperial High Command now. We have to let the commandant know.

  Jonathan, said Nickelo. Open up a channel to the central computer.

  If I do, said Jonathan, they’ll know we can get out of the armory.

  Do it, said Nickelo. Sound the alert. Notify the other battle computers in the armory. Show them the weak spot. Have them contact their wizard scouts.

  Complying, said Jonathan.

  What about me? Richard said. The cohort’s unarmed. Maybe I should go to the armory and blow it open. The cohort will need their battle suits and weapons.

  No, said Nickelo in a tone indicating he was not open for arguments. You stay here. There are static tele-bots here. As soon as they activate, you have to destroy them. We need to make sure at least one power plant remains in operation in order to keep the airfield’s protective shield up.

  I can’t stand around here doing nothing if we’re being attacked, Richard said. The beast that was his anger was rattling its cage.

  You won’t be doing nothing, said Nickelo. The sappers will come here to personally knock out the power plant once their missiles fail. You’ll have plenty to do. Trust me.

  I’ve sent out the warning, said Jonathan. However, I don’t think the conglomerate’s security ships are taking me serious. Neither are their ground forces.

  Then we’ll just have to tell someone who will take us seriously, said Nickelo.

  Chapter 53 – The Fleet


  Liz scanned the computer readouts from the other ships in the fleet. Whatever personal feelings of the other officers, they were all doing their duty. All reports were coming in quickly and efficiently. Liz nodded her head. The admiral had trained the fleet well. Everything was as it should be.

  “They’re jolly on the spot, aren�
�t they?” said Trinity.

  “They know they’d better be,” Liz said. “A letter of reprimand from an acting fleet commander carries just as much weight in wartime as that of a real admiral.”

  “You’d give them a letter for being late on a routine-maintenance report?” said Trinity sounding little shocked.

  “There’s no such thing as routine in wartime,” Liz said. “You know that, Trinity.” Then with a slight smile, Liz said, “But, no. I wouldn’t give them a letter. However, I’d make them wish I had before I was done. I’ve got forty-five minutes left as acting fleet commander. I’m not going to let anyone make a mistake on my watch. When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed.”

  “Sir, yes, sir,” said Trinity with a mock salute.

  Liz smiled again. The command bridge was almost empty. No one else was watching.

  Trinity smiled back. “Well, anyway, enjoy it while you can. In another forty-five minutes you’ll be just plain old Lieutenant Commander Bistos again.”

  “And that’ll be fine with me,” Liz said. She meant it. Liz figured she had a long way to go before she’d be ready to command a fleet in combat.

  Even as an acting fleet commander, the stress of knowing the lives of the twenty thousand souls in the fleet were in her hands was… well, stressful.

  “Sir,” said one of the ensigns at the communication console. “I have a priority message for fleet commander’s ears only. The security signature is from the Imperial High Command, but I don’t recognize the name.”

  Curious, Liz said, “What name is that?”

  “It’s from an Admiral Nickelo, sir,” said the ensign.

  Liz exchanged glances with Trinity. The wizard scout was just as intrigued as her.

  “Send it to the captain’s stateroom,” Liz said. “I’ll take it in there.”

  Liz started for the adjoining door to the stateroom. She looked over her shoulder and said, “Trinity, you come with me.”

  * * *

  Five minutes later, Liz and Trinity stared at each other in disbelief. Only they had to believe. Battle computers were not prone to exaggeration. Richard’s battle computer had somehow hacked his way into the tele-network and faked the security signature of the Imperial High Command. That was a certain court martial for Richard, and a memory wipe or destruction for his battle computer.


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