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Andre Norton - Beast Master's Circus

Page 20

by Beast Master's Circus(lit)

"I do what I want an' right now I want a drink."

  Cregar wasn't arguing. He placed a palm-sized needier against the man's neck and triggered. Baris slid heavily to the floor, eyes shut, body limp. Laris landed half under him with a gasp as his weight drove the air from her lungs. Ideena remained sitting as Cregar looked at her.

  "Nothing to do with me," she said. He nodded acceptance of that as she continued. "If it was I'd mention a ring the girl has and I'd remember where it came from. Dedran won't hear about the ring if he doesn't hear about this." It was Cregar's turn to nod. "Soldier's oath?" He nodded again and Ideena relaxed. She'd never kept her word in her life if there was profit in breaking it. But she knew that those who'd been in the service prided themselves otherwise.

  Cregar lifted the tousled Laris and helped her from the hidden room. She could stand, bruised and scared though she was. He surveyed her once they were safely outside.

  "Did he hurt you?"

  "Just bruises; he'd have hit me if you hadn't gotten there, though." The look she turned on him was honest gratitude and a deep admiration and it warmed him. He reached for the ring and dropped it back on the chain down her tunic neck. His hand patted her shoulder.

  "Long as you're okay." Something stirred in Laris. Without thinking she turned her head to the side and, in a gesture old as the camps, kissed the hand which held her.

  "Thanks to you. I won't forget. Camp oath on that." She shook herself. "I'd better get going." She accepted the light push he gave her, grinned at him, and hurried away. Cregar stood considering the past ten minutes. He'd sworn not to mention Baris and his actions just now. He hadn't sworn not to tell Dedran a few other things his boss didn't know as yet. Such as that pair's habit of running about the circus in disguise, and maybe bringing the peacekeepers down on the circus. Cregar would wait just a little longer and he had no doubt that the pair of fools would stray so far over the line Dedran would have no choice but to eliminate the dangers they posed to his plans.

  After her escape from Baris and Ideena, Laris worked busily, trying to smooth from her mind the few moments of fear. The circus with its people was becoming dangerously unstable. If things continued that way she might have to run. Trastor wasn't a bad world on which to get out. Their bond-laws were easier than those on some of the other worlds. She could prove she'd been illegally bonded. She had enough to pay her way for two years with the credits Prauo had brought her and the cat's-eye the Quades had permitted her to keep.

  Better yet, she could no doubt find a trade to learn here in the city and buy in on an apprenticeship for a year. Depending on the work she chose, her time of service would be from three to seven years. But after that she'd have a trade and a guild. Maybe she could find something where her liking for animals would serve her. There was also Prauo to consider.

  Laris felt his attention. *I wondered where I fitted in, furless-sister.*

  *You always will.*

  *That is good. As for the ones whose minds I do not like.* There was the sound in her head which was his laughter. *I think they will be dealt with soon enough. Too many have plans for them. They will not elude all. You do well. Continue to play the men, one against the other.*

  He was gone again. Laris worried as she swept. She didn't want to go near Baris and Ideena even once more. And Dedran would expect her to continue. He knew nothing about Baris. Cregar wouldn't spill. He'd oathed. She thought wistfully of Logan, and of riding over the vast acres of the Quade ranch. If only she wasn't trapped here, if only she and Prauo could be free. She'd like to see more of Logan if only she didn't have his beasts on her conscience. Her thoughts wandered back to the humans concealed in the secret section of the cage. Cregar would keep an eye on her when she went there again, she hoped. He liked her and he didn't like Baris and Ideena-or Dedran. She liked him too, although it was a pity he'd ever gotten involved with the circus. She didn't think he was happy here. It was good for her that he was here though.

  Cregar was thinking about the same thing. Sure, the circus had given him a place. But maybe it was time to get out. Cregar knew Dedran's boss; the man was a Thieves Guild patron and in the guild there were factions. Nhara was likely to be hard-pressed to hold his patron status with an expensive plan which had yielded nothing so far. If Nhara went down so did Dedran-and the circus. Very possibly any of the staff the guild thought might know too much would also vanish. That definitely included Cregar.

  He saw a familiar face approaching and hid the startled feeling which shot through him. What was the boy doing here? Ideena had shot Logan, the circus held the beasts taken from the family; could the lad be looking for any of them here? At the least it wasn't a good omen that the boy suddenly appeared. More than ever he felt it might be time to get away from the circus. He kept his face bland as he nodded politely. "If you're looking for Laris, she's grooming the tigerbats."

  Logan grinned cheerfully. "Thanks. What's the season been like here so far?"

  "Good. Real good. How is it that you're here on Trastor?"

  "Oh, my brother and his wife had business here and I came along for the ride."

  Cregar liked the sound of that even less. It was possible the business mentioned was the recovery of their animals; or had Baris and Ideena left some sort of a trail to the circus? He allowed his gaze to drift over the lad. A decent boy. Good family background, money, land, and animals. The girl could go farther and fare much worse. "You want to take off with her a couple of hours, tell her I said I'd do the work."

  A hint of red showed across the boy's cheekbones. "I will, and thanks." Cregar nodded and turned away as if it was nothing. Once the boy was out of sight Cregar headed in another direction. Dedran should know the boy and his family were on Trastor.

  Logan paced slowly along the cage rows looking for the tigerbat cage. He'd told Storm and Tani where he was going and they'd agreed.

  "Brad did say to tell the girl her name and ask about the animals," Storm had commented. "Stars know Anders hasn't found out anything. You may as well see if there's anything to be found out about the origins of those tigerbats."

  Tani had smiled gently. "Tell Laris her full name and that Brad's still looking. Storm and I will come by later on maybe."

  Logan left. The hovercab delivered him to the circus lines in a matter of minutes and then he had only to find Laris." He saw her first and felt quick pleasure. She didn't know they were on Trastor. She'd be delighted.

  *Sister!* Laris felt Prauo's alarm. *The ring. Hide it, now. Quickly!* She obeyed at once. Seconds later she heard the voice.

  "Laris, it's Logan. Hi!" She turned in sudden shock, thanking Prauo as she did so. Logan mustn't see the ring. He mustn't know. Her mind whirled as she smiled a shy, half-guilty welcome. What was he doing here? Did he know Storm and Tani's beasts were here? Why had he come?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Laris was suddenly and strongly aware of the ring down her tunic, the bright sunshine, and Logan's happy grin. They jumbled together in her mind in a wash of joy and guilt. She couldn't even return the ring. The circus had left well before the attack on the native camp and Quade ranch. If she tried to give the ring back Logan would know she knew who'd attacked him and stolen the beasts. He'd never forgive her. At the same time she knew she was smiling at Logan. Pleased to see him and showing it.

  "Logan, what are you doing here?"

  "I came with Tani and Storm." His grin left slowly as he told her much of what she already knew-and wished very hard that she didn't-of the raids on the Nitra clan and the High Peaks ranch house. Of his injuries and the kidnapping of Surra, Hing, and her babies. The loss of Tani's coyotes.

  "The authorities think that there's someone killing beast masters and stealing their teams for some reason." He looked really serious by now. "I suppose it could be some new Xik idea. Storm doesn't think so though, nor does Brad; that's why we're here, to talk to the authorities. They'll listen to Tani on Trastor." He skipped the reasons the authorities were listening, no need to go into the whole tal
e of Tani's father.

  He brightened. "I met a man on the way in." He described Cregar and Laris nodded.

  "Cregar. He's a sort of second-in-command for Dedran when he's here." Oh gods, she shouldn't have said that. If Logan thought that Cregar was away from the circus sometimes he might wonder what the man was doing.

  Logan wasn't even thinking of that. He had another idea. "So he's got some authority here? Good, because he said if you want to take off with me for a couple of hours, he'll cover your work. I've got something to tell you."

  Laris considered fast, putting aside her guilt at her part in the recent events. Cregar was caring for the meercats and coyotes alone now-at his insistence. Laris still looked after Surra. If anyone else attempted that the animal promptly became worse. Guilt and sorrow at Surra's pain were eating at the girl but she dared not act. Not yet.

  As for what Logan was saying it sounded as if the raid on Arzor was continuing to stir up too much interest. Dedran would want to know all about it. She could use that as an excuse. Feed Dedran small harmless bits of information while she spent as much time with Logan as she could. The thought made her happy. Then her feelings plummeted again. His requests for her company would last only so long as he didn't know she was involved. But she could be happy with him until he did find out.

  "Well, if Cregar said so. That's kind of him. I'll just go to my cabin and put something clean on. Wait for me here, Logan. I won't take long." She had to get the ring stowed away. It wouldn't do to take it with her and have something happen. She changed in a flurry with Prauo eyeing her from the bunk, purple eyes amused.

  *Take care, sister-without-fur. I shall watch what happens here for you, and listen also. You are wise to do this.*

  Laris was surprised at the last. *Wise, why?*

  For a minute he said nothing, then, *Learn all you can. Dedran plans, Cregar also. And the two whose minds taste of evil. All plan. Yet it may be what you say and do that is the pivot on which all things hang. The currents of what-is move; ride them and live; let them crash over you and die. They do not know this. I do and I can see.* Laris wasn't sure she'd understood some of that but there wasn't time to discuss Prauo's words. It half made sense and she'd go with that half.

  *A11 right. I'll learn all I can. You stay at the back of my mind and hear it. Tell me if I should do anything. I've got to go or Logan will get tired of waiting.*

  The big cat yawned, fangs closing with a sharp snick. *That could be true-if he waited many hours. Since it is you for whom he waits, he is only impatient to see you again.* His eyes shut and he relaxed, then opened one eye. *Go, or do you dream of mating, go.* Laris blushed and went hastily.

  Logan was admiring the tigerbats. He took her hand when she arrived. "It's so great to see you again. Tell me about this bunch. You work with them, don't you? How hard are they to train?"

  She talked tigerbats. Logan was easy to talk to. He knew animals and liked them. Understood some of the ways in which they thought. She found herself telling him again how she wished Skreel, the lead tigerbat, and his tiny swarm could be free. Logan looked at her.

  "Have you ever wondered about the last couple that arrived? Lereyne found out that tigerbats were almost extinct about five years ago. Since then they've put aside a special reserve for them. Dad says that it's been illegal to export them from Lereyne since then."

  "But Dedran got ours just over two years ago." Laris was thoughtful. "Of course, other worlds have them in zoos. He never said where this pair came from. And some rich VIPs keep them to show off." She looked at the tigerbats. "If they were stolen from their home, Logan, that's awful."

  "There's a way to know."


  "If you took samples Tani's aunt and uncle could check. You know they run the ark. All they have to do is match DNA with the existing gene pool on Lereyne. That'd tell them if the tigerbats were from there."

  Laris wrinkled her brow. "But aren't all tigerbats related? Wouldn't the samples just match anyway?"

  "Nope. Brad checked. It's been five years since tigerbats could be legally exported. But they were getting rare for years before that. Lereyne looked up the records. The last permit was almost seventeen years before that. They can run the DNA matches right down to recent generations. If your two show DNA that matches, then they came from Lereyne in their lifetime. I can't explain it all to you. Just take my word for it." His fingers tightened on her hand.

  "I do, I am." Laris was flustered. "What do you want me to do, just take samples and get them to you?"

  "Yes. I promise we won't make trouble for you." His tone became edged. "I'm sure Dedran will have an innocent explanation of how he came by them." Laris was sure of that too. "But if they were stolen from Lereyne, they'll be confiscated and returned. You'd like that for them?"

  Laris had no doubts about that answer. "Yes. I would. I just wish they could all go back. They aren't happy in cages. They aren't like the carra or the dogs. They really love this life. The tigerbats don't."

  "Then help us find out."

  She nodded slowly. "All right. When?"

  He swung her to face him, a broad smile on his face. "How long can you spend with me?"

  "Cregar said a couple of hours. Anyhow I'd have to be back in plenty of time for the next performance. Why?"

  "We'll go to the park and have something to eat. Then, when we come back if you think it's safe you can get the samples and I can leave with them."

  By the time they returned, Laris thought, the other circus people would be busy getting ready for the ring. Dedran would be busiest of all. No one was likely to question what she did. But she mustn't let Logan know how often she took samples. She let him tell her how to do the job and provide the slides as he led her toward the park. At the far side of the green area were benches. They settled there, eyes on each other as they talked. Laris felt happy all over when he reached for her hand. His gaze on her was gentle, almost-she was afraid to believe what her heart told her-perhaps his gaze was loving, yet that could be wishful thinking.

  They strolled a while, her hand still clasped in his. Laris had never felt so contented, but her joy was tinged with a bitter guilt-if Logan knew what she'd done he would hate her. In that hour she alternated between happiness, fear, and rage that she had been swept up in Dedran's schemes. Finally they returned to sit at the small cafe, ordering food and drink.

  "Finish that bun and listen." Logan leaned forward. "Brad was able to get your records as far back as the camp on Meril. All he's got so far is your full name. No trace of your mother. You were alone on Meril. But we've got that far." He saw her face fall. "Brad says it all takes time but he's sure he can trace you farther back." He grinned teasingly. "Don't you want to know your name?"

  Her face told him the answer. "Okay. You are Shallaris Trehannan. Brad looked that up too. Where the Shallaris came from, we don't know. But Brad says that Trehannan is a very old Terran name. When he found that he read an old rhyme to us. It goes, 'Tre, Pol, and Pen are the Cornish men.' "

  "What does that mean?"

  "Cornwall was part of the British Isles. It was one of the oldest lands settled there. Many Cornish families had prefixes in their names like that. It means that if you hear a name with Tre, Pol, or Pen at the beginning the family most likely came from this Cornwall."

  "Trehannan!" Laris tasted the feeling. She had a name. A place of origin. She was Shallaris Trehannan and her family had come originally from Cornwall on Terra. Maybe not in her generation, but once. Her face lit with a smile of pure uncomplicated joy, and Logan caught his breath. It was wonderful to know he'd made her that happy. He saw a shadow slide over the delight.

  "What is it?" If Brad had found out that much, Laris knew, he must also know what she'd hidden and Dedran had lied about. She was a bond-servant, not Dedran's ward. She summoned resolution.

  "I'm... Dedran bonded me," she blurted. Logan smiled gently.

  "I know. He lied. Brad says you weren't of legal age either. You could get
the bond revoked. We'd help if you wanted that. Tani has a special status here. She'd talk to the governor for you. Trastor has bond laws and Dedran's broken just about all of them."

  She sat thinking. They'd help. Would they still help her if they knew the rest of it? And what about the samples? What would happen to all of the animals if Dedran was discredited? If he was ruined because of her, he'd talk. About her, about the thefts she'd carried out at his order. How understanding would the authorities be over those? And what if Dedran insisted on claiming Prauo?

  A tickle in the back of her head. *Tell him you'd rather wait until you can be sure the tigerbats are safe. He'll understand that.*

  Laris reached out to take Logan's hand. "I know Dedran broke laws, but he hasn't abused me." She grinned wryly. "Well, just cuffs, a beating, and a crack of the whip now and again. He's fed me decently though, and I've been respectably clothed. It was my only way out of the camp. I don't like Dedran." The look in her eyes said that statement was milder than the truth. "Still, if I'm here until we know about Skreel, my lead tigerbat, and his swarm, I can make sure they stay put. That Dedran doesn't have them spirited away or killed."


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