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Page 22

by Susanne Valenti

  The clouds shifted and pale moonlight filtered down between the branches, giving me a better view of the trees which surrounded me. I leant forward slowly, the rough bark of the tree scraping against my leather jacket as I tried to get a look around it to the clearing beyond.

  I was shoved back suddenly and a large hand slapped across my mouth to stop me from screaming as I was pinned against the tree. My heart leapt and I spun the knife in my hand as I swept it towards my attacker’s throat.

  I stopped at the final second, my blade touching his neck as Lincoln's eyes widened in surprise.

  “Easy Katy,” he breathed. “I'm here to help.” He eased his hand away from my mouth slowly.

  “Linc?” I gasped as my mind raced, trying to catch up with what my eyes were telling me. Somehow Lincoln was here, in the middle of the forest. His chest was still pressed against mine and his hand held my waist. I had to tilt my head back to look up at him and his breath mingled with mine. My heart beat faster but it had nothing to do with fear. “How… why…?”

  “I've come to help.” He smiled lightly. “Or have you decided to kill me instead?”

  I realised I still held the steak knife pressed to his neck and quickly released it. The blade slipped between my fingers and landed in the leaves by my feet. I placed my empty hand on his chest, feeling the strong thump of his heartbeat through his shirt. He felt cold, his clothes damp beneath my palm.

  “You're really here?” I murmured.

  “I am,” he replied softly. He leant away from me, looking beyond the tree. After several seconds, he stepped back, releasing me. “It's gone. We should get out of here in case it comes back.”

  “How did you find me?” I asked as I fell into step beside him. He had a large pack slung over his back and two pistols holstered on his belt. I eyed the weapons nervously before taking a step forward so that I wouldn't have to look at them.

  “I told your mom I'd find you. I tracked your cellphone, though the signal cut out a few minutes ago. Lucky I was already close.”

  “But the cellphones aren't working,” I protested. “We haven't been able to call anyone or-“

  “The Monitor closed down all forms of civilian communication. It blocked calls and messages but I've got equipment to track cell signals. I just locked onto yours and here I am.” He gave me an easy smile as if what he was describing was the simplest thing in the world.

  “Why are you all wet?” I asked, eyeing his clothes.

  “I had a bit of a run in with a herd of deer and I might have fallen in the river,” he said casually.

  “What? How the hell did you survive that?” I gasped. The River’s currents were impossibly strong at this time of year and it was icily cold. My mom must have told me to stay away from the river more times than I could count. Everyone knew falling in was a death sentence.

  “To be honest I think it was just dumb luck. I must have washed up on shore not long after I passed out. I guess I managed to cough up enough water to save myself from drowning and then I came round a few hours ago-“

  I grabbed his arm and forced him to stop walking and face me. “How can you talk about it like it's nothing?” I demanded. “You nearly died! Your clothes are still wet, you could get hypothermia or-“

  Lincoln started laughing and I scowled at him.

  “It's alright Katy. I'm still here.” He took my hand from his arm and placed it on his chest right over his heart which thumped solidly beneath my palm. “My heart’s still beating, see?”

  My thoughts scattered as I stared up at him in the moonlight.

  “What's happening Linc? Everything is acting so strangely; the animals and the plants… the people. What the hell is going on?” I asked, desperately hoping that he might know something.

  “It's… complicated.” Linc frowned and looked away, scanning the trees around us.

  “Complicated? Are you serious? You're going to try and fob me off with ‘it’s complicated’?” I scoffed as I took my hand from his chest. He started walking again and I hurried to stay by his side.

  “No. I'm just not clear on all the details. But as far as I know something has gotten out into the water-“

  “I know about that. They said they'd contained it-“

  “Well they were either mistaken or lying. It's not just in the drinking water. They used a new chemical on the farms to help make the plants grow bigger and produce more food. But it looks like it managed to… I dunno, travel up the food chain from the plants to the insects. And from the insects to the birds and so on and so on.”

  “So the animals are growing bigger?” I asked. “But how could they have only just noticed something like that. Surely it would take years-“

  “It should have taken years,” Lincoln agreed. “But it hasn't. They're working on a cure though so there's no need to worry. Before long they'll have everything back to the way it's supposed to be,” he said though it didn't quite sound like he believed it.

  “And what are we supposed to do in the meantime?” I asked. “Just carry on while wolves roam the streets and-“

  “We head into the walled cities. They're ready to protect the population while this mess gets fixed.”

  “And we’ll be safe there?” I asked.

  “You will,” he replied.

  “You're not coming with us?” I asked anxiously.

  “I'll get you inside but I imagine I'll be deployed to help with the clear up out here after that. Will you really miss me that much Katy? Surely you're used to my absence by now,” he joked.

  “I'm just getting used to your presence again,” I replied. “And I'd rather that than have you leave again so soon.”

  Lincoln threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his side with a smile. “Well you can keep me close for now if that's what you want.”

  I felt my cheeks flush red and was glad of the darkness to hide it. I pushed out of Lincoln's grasp jokingly though I almost wanted to stay in the safety of his arms.

  “I left Reese and your friends up here,” he said. “I hope they had the good sense to wait for us.”

  “You found my friends?” I asked, relief sinking into my bones. “All of them?”

  “The only one they reported missing was you. They said a cricket scared you off,” he chuckled and I tried to elbow him, narrowly missing as he ducked aside.

  “Took you long enough,” Demi called from somewhere ahead of us.

  “Are you alright?” Ryan jogged through the trees and pulled me into a hug. “I wanted to come and help find you but-“

  “But I told him I was better suited to the task and I doubted a Quarterback would have much to offer in the way of help.” Lincoln winked at me and moved past us to join the rest of my friends.

  “You're not injured?” Ryan asked, reaching for my face.

  “I'm fine,” I said as I brushed past him and headed for the others.

  Most of them were staring at Lincoln like he was some kind of god sent to save them. They clustered around him eagerly, waiting for direction.

  “I'll take you as far as the city,” he was saying. “Where I’ll meet up with my squad. Once you're inside you'll be safe.”

  “You can get us there safely?” Chloe asked desperately. “You promise?”

  “I'll be damned if I'll make a promise like that but I'll certainly try. So we should probably get moving.”

  “Try?” Demi sneered. “What use are you then?”

  “I'm not forcing you to come with me. Do or don't - it’s up to you.” Lincoln turned his back on her and started a quick pace away between the trees.

  I hurried to follow him and the others all fell in too. Demi muttered something but I didn't catch it and didn't need to. She wasn't stupid enough to stay in the woods alone but she was too proud to ever offer an apology either.

  Lincoln strode through the overgrown forest without hesitating, clearly knowing where he was heading.

  I jogged to catch up to him and walk beside him. After everythi
ng that had happened that day, Linc finding me was the only time I'd actually felt like I might survive long enough to get home. And I wasn't about to leave his side any time soon.

  Chapter Twenty Seven


  As we finally stepped out of the trees, the sky was beginning to lighten. The moon had sunk out of sight and a pale blue sliver of sky had appeared in the east.

  The tarmac beneath my feet felt like heaven after miles across mud and tangled roots. We had emerged on the far side of town, a few blocks south of my house. I could have cried with relief.

  “What now?” Spencer asked before we could set off again. “Do we all just split up and head home? Can we risk it?”

  I glanced longingly up the street which led to my house. I knew that all of the others would be feeling the same and wanted to get back to their own families. But was it safe enough for us to split up?

  A car blared its horn loudly at us as it came our way down the street. We hurried to jump out of the road and I watched as it headed off into the distance. There were suitcases secured to the roof and the trunk had been tied down as it wouldn't close around its cargo.

  “Some people are fleeing to the mountains rather than heading for the city,” Lincoln explained as he caught the look of confusion on my face.

  “Why?” Lacey asked with a frown.

  “Fear. Everything that everyone is doing at the moment is pretty much based on fear,” he replied.

  “Are the streets here safe?” Ella asked. “I want to go home.”

  “I wouldn't say anywhere is safe just now. But my truck is fully charged back at the house and I can drop you all to your homes if that's what you want,” Lincoln offered.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Reese agreed with a smile.

  “Then let's move out.” Lincoln looked both ways then jogged across the road, leading our group at a fast but maintainable pace. Everyone ignored Demi as she grumbled in disagreement and she reluctantly followed us.

  I stayed close to Linc as we jogged through the familiar streets. The comforting feeling of heading home lulled me onwards. I wished my mom was still waiting for us. I just wanted her to hold me in her arms and let me pour my heart out about the last twenty four hours. There was nothing in the world I wanted more at that moment.

  “You'll go no further!” a voice called from somewhere above us and we all stumbled to a halt.

  Linc dropped to his knee and yanked me down with him as he took cover by a parked car. He waved the others to do the same and they followed suit, crowding around us. He pulled a pistol from his belt and chanced a look over the trunk of the car.

  “We don't want any trouble!” Linc called. “We’re only trying to get home. Just a few blocks up this street.”

  “This here is our street. No one passes!” the voice shouted back.

  I looked over my shoulder at the wing mirror and spotted a man standing on the roof of the house behind us with a shotgun in his arms. I tapped Linc on the shoulder and pointed to the mirror so that he could see him too.

  “We’ll turn back then and skirt around,” Linc said. “We don't have to pass.”

  Silence hung heavily in response. We waited as the seconds ticked by and finally Lincoln nodded, gesturing for all of us to turn and head back down the street.

  We got up and started to back away. The man on the roof stared at us for several moments then raised his gun.

  “No deal!” he shouted as he pulled the trigger.

  Lincoln swung his pistol up and fired at almost the exact same moment. Tommy screamed as he crumpled to the ground. I watched in shock as the man fell back and tumbled from the roof, landing on the driveway with a sickening crunch.

  I let out a scream as I dropped back down into a crouch, using the nearest car to shield me. Tommy roared in pain as blood blossomed on his chest. I couldn't tear my eyes from the bright red colour of it.

  Lincoln ran to the man who had fallen from the roof and checked he was dead before clearing the alley beside the house and checking around for anyone else who might be waiting to ambush us.

  Tommy groaned, clutching at his chest as he rolled onto his side.

  I hurried to him, unsure of how to help as blood stained his shirt and dripped to the ground beneath.

  Tara was screaming in one long note that seemed like it would never end. Chloe, Ella and Kristen gathered around her, trying to make her stop as everyone else looked around at the street nervously.

  “Get him up. We need to get him to the house and stop the bleeding,” Lincoln barked.

  Shilo and Spencer stepped forward, each grabbing one of Tommy’s arms and hoisting him to his feet.

  “As fast as you can,” Linc directed as he took point again, keeping his pistol in his hands. He ran ahead of us as we all clustered around Tommy.

  At every house we passed, he swung his pistol left and right, making sure no one else was waiting for us. Tara finally stopped screaming and started sobbing instead. Chloe and Kristen kept a firm hold of her, making sure she stayed with us as we ran.

  Our footsteps pounded heavily along the pavement, drumming our approach loudly while Tommy’s blood left a trail along the middle of the street.

  I finally spotted my house and couldn't help but let out a groan of relief.

  I sprinted ahead, joining Lincoln as I pulled my keys from my pocket. He indicated that I should pass him and I raced for the front door, fumbling the key in my haste before throwing the door wide.

  “Mom?” I called. “Are you here?” Lincoln had told me she wasn't but I couldn't help hoping that she might have come back for me. I wanted to see her face so badly that tears started to build in my eyes.

  There was no reply but I ran into the house, throwing open the front room door then the dining room and kitchen, hoping to find her waiting for me even though I knew she'd gone.

  “Mom?” I shouted once more, hoping she might be upstairs. Why didn't you wait for me? I knew she'd had to go but I couldn't help but feel like she abandoned me when I needed her the most.

  The others burst through the front door behind me and I turned my attention back to helping Tommy.

  “In here,” I said, quickly leading the way into the dining room.

  I grabbed the candle holder from the centre of the table and shoved it out of the way in the windowsill. Lacey joined me first and started dragging chairs aside so that the boys could get to the table and lay Tommy down on it.

  “Out of the way.” Lincoln pushed his way into the room and dropped his pack in the corner. He headed straight for Tommy and ripped his shirt open right down the middle. His chest was awash with blood and I couldn't even tell where the bullet holes were. The most blood pulsed from a wound on his arm and Lincoln wadded a piece of the torn shirt before pressing it down over the bleeding.

  I hurried forward to put pressure on the wound so that Lincoln could check Tommy’s chest.

  “I need water and tweezers. Bandages if you've got them or tear some clean sheets if not,” Lincoln commanded. “Lacey, take over from Kaitlyn, she'll know where to find it.”

  Lacey’s hands covered mine momentarily then I pulled mine free. I staggered back, glancing at my palms which were stained red with blood which dripped from my fingertips.

  “I'll get the bottled water from the kitchen,” Reese said as he ran past me, forcing me to look away from my hands and concentrate on what I had to do.

  I bolted out of the door and up the stairs leaving a trail of blood as I went. I made it to the landing before heading into the bathroom. My foot caught on the tiles in my haste and I slipped, grabbing hold of the doorframe to steady myself and leaving behind a bright red handprint.

  I ran to the sink and fumbled with a bottle of water until I got the lid off and poured it over my hands to clean them.

  As soon as the blood was gone, I opened the cabinet above the sink and started grabbing anything that looked helpful. There were bandages and pain killers and a pair of tweezers too. I bundled them all in
to my arms and ran back down the stairs.

  Lincoln had washed Tommy’s chest with the bottled water, revealing four round holes where the slugs had pierced his skin.

  I handed over the tweezers and Lincoln poured my dad’s vodka over them followed by the wounds.

  “Hold him down,” Linc commanded. Reese, Spencer, Shilo and Rose all grabbed a limb each. “Don't let him go, no matter what.”

  I backed into a corner, trying to keep out of the way.

  Lincoln leant forward with the tweezers and Tommy screamed. He bucked his limbs, almost knocking Reese to the ground. Ryan rushed forward to join the others and helped by pinning his shoulders down. Tara started crying again and Chloe quickly led her from the room. Kristen and Ella followed suit, giving Lincoln more space to move.

  “Take this,” Lincoln directed me and I automatically held my hand out for him to deposit the shotgun pellet. It was slimy and slick with blood that pooled in the centre of my palm. I stared at it, my stomach turning over at the thought of it having just come out of Tommy's flesh.

  I was still staring at it when Linc tossed a second pellet into my hand. I flinched slightly, not expecting it and made sure to pay more attention as he continued to work on removing the remaining three.

  Every time the probing tweezers entered the bullet holes, Tommy roared with pain. The sound was deafening and I clenched my teeth, trying to block it out of my mind. As Lincoln started work on the fourth bullet, Tommy passed out.

  Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at the same moment and Lincoln quickly fished the bullet out.

  “Has his arm stopped bleeding?” Lincoln asked Lacey.

  She pulled back the wadded piece of shirt experimentally and quickly shoved it back down when blood tried to spurt out again. “No,” she gasped.

  “I need a belt,” Lincoln said, glancing around at the guys.

  “Hang on.” Reese sprinted out of the room and the sound of his footsteps thundered up the stairs outside then quickly back down again.

  He held out one of our mom’s thin belts as he reappeared and Linc grabbed it. He slipped it around Tommy’s arm above the wound and cinched it tight.


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