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Page 25

by Susanne Valenti

  Katy glanced between me and her brother irritably before sighing as she gave in.

  “Okay, I'll tell them. But I'm not sure how they're gunna take it. Are you sure we can't-“

  “We can't,” I confirmed, catching her arm to make sure she understood. “We need to go. Now.”

  “Okay.” She slipped out of my grasp and headed out of the room.

  I waited until her footsteps disappeared down the stairs then followed her out, leaving Reese to use the bathroom in peace.

  I took a moment to check the satphone again. Still nothing. I wasn't used to having to wait so long for information and it was infuriating. How was I supposed to make any plans when no one knew what was going on? I sighed as I followed her downstairs and made my way into the dining room where I'd last seen Tommy.

  He was still exactly where I'd left him and it didn't look like he'd regained consciousness either. The Quarterback, the tall blonde one who looked like he could be a teen model and Reese’s friend from the other night were sitting with him.

  “Jason was just asking if we should try to wake him,” the blonde said as he spotted me.

  “No, let's just carry him out to the truck. He’ll wake up soon enough.” I moved to hoist Tommy up under his arms and the Quarterback hurried to grab his legs. Between the two of us, we managed to manoeuvre him outside and lay him in the rear of my truck.

  Debbie was still sitting in the front seat and she opened the door with a bright smile.

  “Are we leaving now?” she asked, twisting a bit of her platinum blonde hair between her fingers.

  I wondered if I should break the news to her about us heading straight to the city but I doubted I'd be able to phrase it in a way that didn't make her angry if Katy was anything to go by.

  I turned my attention to the guys instead, wondering if any of them might be any use if we got into trouble. They hadn't done much when the gunman attacked us but they hadn't panicked either.

  “Any chance any of you know how to handle a firearm?” I asked them.

  The Quarterback frowned at me before he responded. “We’re in high school. We don't waste our weekends at the firing range trying to prove how big our balls are by shooting stationary targets.” I got the feeling he didn't like me much and couldn't help but smirk in response to his comment.

  “Well I do,” Debbie said, drawing my attention to her. “I've been going to the firing range with my dad every Saturday morning since I was twelve.”

  “Looks like we know who's got the biggest balls here then,” I laughed as the boys stared at her in surprise. “Okay then Debbie, I've got a spare pistol with your name on it.”

  “It sounds like it's got the wrong name on it actually. As my name is Demi not Debbie!” She glared at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

  “Right. Names aren't really my strong suit. I'm just gunna check how Katy is getting on and I'll be right back.”

  “I told you before that she doesn't like being called Katy,” the Quarterback called as I headed into the house.

  “She does when I say it,” I winked at him and closed the door between us with a chuckle.

  Chapter Thirty


  Chloe stared at me blankly as I tried to explain why we couldn't waste any time getting to the city. I hated doing it, feeling like I was giving them an ultimatum rather than a choice: come with us and live or go to your family and risk getting stuck out here.

  “I need to find out if my mom and dad are okay,” she said eventually. “But I understand why you can't risk driving us around. I'll come and find you once we get to the city.”

  “Are you sure?” I glanced at Tara who still hadn't said anything. She was clutching Chloe's hand and it didn't seem like she would be separated from her.

  “We’ll go together,” Kristen added. “We've got knives and it’s light out now. It doesn't seem like so much has happened on this side of the river anyway.” Ella nodded her agreement.

  “Okay.” I dropped my gaze, wishing I could offer more help but I knew Linc wouldn't change his mind and I had my own family to think about.

  “I'm going with them too,” Lacey said and my eyes snapped up to meet hers. “I'll get to the city right after I go home but I can't just abandon my family. They might be waiting for me to come back before they'll get to safety themselves. If I don't go home it could be as good as making them miss their chance to get in.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, I wanted to beg her to come with us but I knew it wouldn't change her mind. I'd make the same choice if our positions were reversed.

  “We’ll come to the city with you,” Shilo said and Rose nodded along. I knew they would; their families didn't live here anyway so there was no reason for them not to join us.

  The front door opened and I looked around as Lincoln came in. My cheeks heated at the memory of our almost-kiss and I turned away from him again.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked and I knew he was really asking if I'd broken the news yet.

  “I've told them,” I replied tersely. I felt terrible sending them off on their own and I didn't want to look at him in case I turned my guilt into anger at him.

  “I just need to tell the others. Lacey, can I have a word?” I didn't wait for her reply and headed to the kitchen.

  Reese passed me in the hallway, almost crashing into me as he jogged for the front door. He didn't apologise and slammed the door behind him as he headed outside. I swore at him under my breath as I turned away.

  “I'm sorry Kaitlyn but I'm not going to change my mind,” Lacey began as she followed me into the kitchen.

  I ignored her and pushed the door shut behind us, pulling her further into the room and away from the others.

  “I feel like total shit saying this,” I began. “And you can judge me all you want but you have to promise not to say anything.”

  “About what?” she asked, her dark eyes wary.

  “Tell the others you've changed your mind and you're gunna come with us to the city-“


  I shushed her as she tried to object. “Just tell them that and I'll make Lincoln stop at your house. We have to drive right past it anyway so it doesn't make sense for you to walk there. And if your family is there then we bring them with us and if not…”

  Lacey glanced over her shoulder and bit her lip.

  “I tried to convince him to go to everyone's places but he really thinks they might stop taking people into the city. We have to go and we can't stop everywhere but it will take hardly any time to stop at yours and… I can't lose you.” I felt tears prickling my eyes and shame washed over me.

  “Stop doing that,” she said quietly as she pulled me into a hug.


  “Blaming yourself. It's not up to you to keep everyone safe. We're all as screwed as each other and you're just lucky enough to have Lincoln on your side. You've offered to take everyone with you and they've made their own choices to leave. How have any of them offered to help you?”

  “I know but...”

  “But nothing. I'll come with you. I'll tell them I changed my mind. Thank you.” She squeezed me tighter before releasing me and heading out of the room.

  My heart lifted slightly knowing I wasn't going to have to leave everyone behind. I took a deep breath and prepared to break the news to the rest of the group who were out by Lincoln's truck.

  As I stepped outside, a cold wind swept around me, lifting my hair and throwing it across my face. I marched towards the truck where Spencer, Demi and Ryan were waiting.

  “I thought Reese and Jason were out here too?” I asked as I glanced around, tying to spot them.

  “Reese just came out and grabbed Jason, the two of them took off down the street. I think they're going to check Jason’s house now to save us driving there,” Ryan explained.

  I bit my lip uncomfortably, knowing what Reese was up to but it was no different to me and Lacey. He wanted to check out Jason’s place so that his best f
riend could come with us.

  “About that,” I began gently. “I've got a bit of bad news.”

  “Just spit it out,” Demi snapped. I chewed on my lip, knowing she wasn't going to be happy with what I was about to say.

  “Lincoln says we need to get to the city as soon as possible. He's heard that they might stop letting people in to make sure the contamination doesn't get inside. It means we don't have time to drive to everyone's houses.” I forced myself to meet their gazes as I spoke. “So if you need to go home first, you'll have to go separately to us.”

  “It won't take long to stop at mine,” Demi said quickly. “And it's only like a five minute drive in the other direction.”

  “What about everyone else? You can't expect him to drive to yours but none of the others’?” I wasn't sure why I was surprised. Demi always put Demi first.

  “One stop will hardly make a difference,” she said ignoring me.

  “No,” I snapped. I'd agonised over telling everyone that we couldn't check on their families but she was ready to do it without prompting. “You're welcome to come with us but we can't stop. It's up to all of you.”

  I turned away from them and headed back to the house, refusing to get into an argument with Demi. If she wouldn't drop it then I'd let her take it up with Lincoln.

  A hand landed on my shoulder as I reached the house and I turned to find Ryan looking down at me with concern. He steered me away from the front door and fixed me in his gaze, his icy blue eyes meeting mine.

  “I'll come with you,” he said gently. “I'm not going to abandon you.”

  “Abandon me?” I asked with a frown. “What about your family?”

  “You're all I need. I'm gunna stay with you and look after you-“ He reached for me and I stepped back.

  “Ryan no.” I shook my head as I backed away again. “This is horrible timing and I'm sorry but you can't leave your family because of me-“

  “You're the most important thing in-“

  “I can't do this,” I blurted before he could say anything else. “You and me. It's not… I don't feel the same as you, I haven't for a while.”

  He stared at me as my words sank in, his gaze boring into mine as he figured out what I was saying.

  “Wait, are you breaking up with me?” He grabbed my wrist to hold me in place.

  “I’m sorry. Really,” I sighed. “But we just aren't working as a couple.”

  The front door opened behind me and I tried to turn away to escape but Ryan yanked on my arm, keeping me in place. I stared at his fingers encircling my wrist in surprise.

  “It's just the stress of what we've been through in the last twenty four hours,” he said, his nails biting into my wrist in desperation. “Just let me look after you and you'll feel better-“

  “That's the whole point,” I snapped. “I don’t want looking after. You treat me like I'm totally incapable of doing anything for myself and not falling apart. It's suffocating. And I don't feel-“ I waved my free hand back and forth between the two of us. “A spark.”

  “A spark?” He frowned at me and I could see hurt lurking behind the anger in his eyes. I didn't want to hurt him but I couldn't keep lying about my feelings.

  “Just let me go,” I said, looking at his hand on my wrist.

  Ryan didn't release me and tried to pull me closer to him.

  “She told you to let go,” Lincoln’s voice came from behind me and I jumped.

  “This is none of your business,” Ryan snapped.

  “Don't make her ask you twice,” Lincoln growled as he moved to my side. The threat in his voice was clear and I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

  “Fine.” Ryan released me and I pulled my arm away. “Just forget this conversation Kaitlyn, we’ll talk about it when we're safe in the city and you've had time to calm down. You don't know where your head’s at at the moment so don't worry about it.” He stepped forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead before I could pull away then turned and left us.

  “What was that about?” Lincoln asked, scowling over his shoulder at Ryan’s back.

  “I just…” I couldn't tell him that I'd ended things with Ryan; he'd think it was because of him. Which it wasn't. At least not in the way he would think. I didn't expect anything from Lincoln and I definitely hadn't broken up with Ryan so that I could pursue something with him. Ryan and I weren't suited and that was all there was to it. The almost-kiss with Linc just confirmed that for me. I'd never been drawn to Ryan like I was to Lincoln.

  “You just…?” Lincoln prompted.

  “We just need to get going.” I flashed him a smile. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. Who’s coming with us?”

  “About that…” I glanced behind him and pulled him further away from the front door to make sure we weren't overheard. “Lacey is coming with us and we're going to stop at her house on the way.” I hurried on before he could object. “She's my best friend and her house is literally on the way to the city so we will be driving right past it anyway. It's not up for negotiation.”

  “Okay.” He smiled as he turned away and started heading for his truck.

  I hurried after him, trying to understand how I'd won the argument so quickly. “That's it?” I asked. “Okay? Just like that?”

  “Just like that. You said it wasn't up for negotiation.”

  “It's not,” I agreed. “That's that then.”

  “That's that,” Lincoln agreed, smirking at my confusion.

  Our friends had gathered outside the truck and most of them looked ready to leave.

  “Thanks for your help,” Spencer said, offering his hand to Lincoln.

  “Any time. Just look after yourselves and head for the city as soon as you can.” Linc said as he shook.

  “Where's that gun you promised me?” Demi asked rudely.

  “Well I offered it to you while I thought you were staying with me. I can't start arming random civilians though. Sorry Debbie,” he replied.

  Demi’s nostrils flared and she spun away, stalking down the street without another word.

  “I guess that's our cue to leave,” Spencer said. “Will you look after Tommy?”

  “They'll be able to treat him properly in the city,” Lincoln confirmed. “I'll get him there.”

  “He lives on my block, I'll check in on his family and tell them where he is if they're there,” Ella added.

  I stepped forward to embrace Ella, Chloe, Kristen and Tara who flinched at my touch. We murmured farewells and I jumped into the truck bed before I had to face Ryan.

  Lacey, Rose and Shilo climbed up behind me and the sound of pounding feet drew my attention back to the street.

  Reese and Jason ran towards us, calling goodbyes to the others as they raced to join us.

  Jason jumped into the back with us while Reese climbed in the cab.

  “Were your family not home?” I asked Jason as he caught his breath.

  “No. I'm pretty sure they're in the city. They would have been there yesterday anyway,” he replied, his cheeks flaming.

  Lincoln leant over the side of the truck and rummaged in his pack before retrieving a pistol. He held it out to me and I fought the urge to recoil.

  “Watch me closely,” he said as he flicked a catch on and off. “This is the safety. If you want to fire it you slide it off, like this - then squeeze the trigger.”

  “Linc, I dunno if I should-“

  “Of course you shouldn't. But I want to know you can defend yourselves back here if something unexpected happens. Would you rather I show someone else?”

  I glanced at the others nervously but none of them volunteered. “No. I can do it.”

  “Show me.” He passed me the gun and I took it, feeling the unexpected weight in my palm. The silver metal was cold in my hand and I slowly wrapped my fingers around it, trying to banish the fear that went with holding the weapon. I could kill someone with a twitch of my finger. I hoped I'd never find out just how easy that would be.
  I flicked the safety on and off while Lincoln watched me and he nodded in a satisfied way.

  “When you aim it, hold it straight in front of you using both hands. Keep your eyes open and squeeze the trigger slowly. Show me.” He saw my hesitation and laughed. “It's not loaded.”

  “Oh okay.” A weight lifted off of my chest as I raised the pistol and aimed it at my house. With a deep breath, I flicked the safety off and squeezed the trigger. There was a dull click and I flinched slightly, somehow expecting it to go off despite Linc’s reassurance.

  “Good. Let me load it.” He took the gun from me before loading it in quick, practiced movements and handing it back.

  I held it nervously, keeping my eyes on it as I rested it in my lap.

  Lincoln jumped into the driver’s seat and started up the engine.

  I twisted around, looking back at my house one last time as we pulled away onto the street. I wondered if I'd ever come back to my childhood home, somehow feeling like this was goodbye.

  Chapter Thirty One


  The road stretched away before me and I drove my truck straight down the middle of it. I had to resist the urge to accelerate more, remembering the people who were perched in the truck bed behind me. Time was slipping away from us and instead of being reassured by my team’s silence, I felt concerned.

  Reese drummed his fingers on the dashboard in a way that seemed impatient but I guessed was more like nervous energy.

  “Your friend’s family weren't home then?” I asked, mainly to distract him.

  “No. Jason’s mom and dad work in the city and his little sister goes to a preschool attached to her office. They were there yesterday and obviously never made it home. He thought that would be the case but he had to check. I hope you weren't waiting long?”

  “No. You got back right on time.”

  A cat hopped into the street ahead of me but it leapt up onto the roof of a car before I even touched the brakes.

  “You ever seen a cat jump like that before?” Reese asked as he craned his neck to look at the tabby. It turned its amber eyes on us as we passed.


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