Quadruplets for the Billionaire (Babies for the Billionaire Book 2)

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Quadruplets for the Billionaire (Babies for the Billionaire Book 2) Page 6

by Ana Sparks

  “I-I’m fine,” I lied, resisting the desire to bolt. It wasn’t as if there was somewhere I could run to. The only person who could possibly offer me any comfort was standing in the room before me, and all I could think to do was turn him away.

  “Something is obviously wrong, Ashley. Talk to me, I want to help you,” he said gently, reaching out to rest a hand on my arm. I averted my eyes, his touch still managing to send chills through me. I didn’t want to feel chills in that moment. I wanted to be alone with my misery.

  “You shouldn’t have come in here. Someone could see us and get ideas,” I said weakly, crossing my arms defensively. He raised a brow, looking at me as if I’d grown a second head.

  “There are more pressing things than what people may think—” he started, but I swiftly cut him off.

  “Jensen, please. Just…give me some privacy. I don’t want to talk about this,” I said. I wished I didn’t sound so desperate, but there was no helping it.

  Jensen looked as if he might put up a fight, but as tears began to spill anew, he simply sighed and took a step away from me.

  “I’m not sure what’s upsetting you, but if you don’t feel like you can’t discuss it with me, I respect that. I just… I thought…” he trailed off, his typically self-assured demeanor suddenly absent. He looked riddled with doubt, and it broke my heart to think I was the one who had caused it. As much as I wanted to reach out to him, I remained silent as he cleared his throat and stepped toward the door. “Take the rest of the day off. It’s obvious you’re not going to get any work done like this,” he said, though he didn’t sound angry.

  When he closed the door behind him, I slammed my fists on my desk in frustration. My computer chose that moment to chime, and I glared at the monitor instinctively. Before I could shut it off and storm off, the subject line of the latest message caught my eye. It was a report about the fertility drug that the company had been developing. With my curiosity piqued, I clicked to open the message.

  According to the report, the fertility drug was intended to greatly boost fertility in both sexes, with promising results in the testing phases. I tried to tell myself that I wasn’t desperate enough to try a fertility drug that hadn’t been approved yet, but couldn’t stop myself from making a note of which lab it was being processed in. Realizing it was nearing the end of lunch break, I internally weighed my options.

  As ridiculous and unfathomable as it was, I was truly considering trying to steal a few doses of the drug. If I wanted to sneak in, there would have been no better time than that moment, when the lab was likely empty. I knew it could be dangerous, that there was the possibility of some sort of side effects. Just the same, I couldn’t shake the idea that it could solve my problems. It seemed too good to be true, too convenient. I could only reason that maybe, in some way, it was meant to be.

  Quickly walking out of my office, I made a beeline for the elevator. I knew Jensen might be upset with me for a while, but I would deal with that soon enough. First things first, I had to get a sample of that drug. I took the elevator to the third floor, where the lab in question was located. I tapped my foot anxiously as the elevator descended, thanking God that no one else was around. Everyone must have been off enjoying their lunch break.

  It occurred to me that Jensen had likely wanted to spend the break together, which would explain why he’d come into my office unannounced. I felt slightly queasy over how cold I had been toward him, but I was determined to make it right. Everything we’d been through would be worth it if I was able to bear Jensen a son or daughter. As many doubts as I may have had about subjecting my body to something potentially dangerous, all that mattered was the ultimate outcome.

  When I reached the third floor, it was thankfully devoid of workers. I meandered around and attempted to look casual as I spotted the bench where samples of the drug would be located, pre-packaged for clinical trials.

  I quickly walked toward the workstation and saw the bottles of green capsules, recognizing them from the email. They looked relatively innocuous, but I knew things were rarely as they seemed in the world of pharmaceuticals. Just the same, I pocketed one of the bottles before walking confidently back to the elevator.

  I knew Jensen had a business trip planned that week, but I needed to make things right as soon as possible. He would be greeted with a night he would never forget.

  I just hoped the pills did their job.

  Chapter 12


  During my trip, there wasn’t a single moment where my mind was free of Ashley. While I wasn’t sure what was bothering her, I had an inkling of an idea. After the best three months of my life, with mind-blowing sex almost every night, we still hadn’t conceived. I could only imagine what she was thinking about me, and while it was rare, I couldn’t help feeling a measure of self-doubt. I’d never considered that I might have issues conceiving, but as time went on, I was beginning to wonder.

  I knew I had to do something, but I wasn’t sure where I could turn. It wasn’t something I could approach Ashley about, especially not with how upset she already was. Walking in on her sobbing in her office had shattered my heart into a thousand pieces.

  After all the time we’d spent together, I had no doubt that I was developing deep feelings for my beautiful secretary. I’d cared for her from the start, of course, valuing her as a close friend and entertaining the idea of something more. It had been a simple fantasy, a shallow attraction to her figure and good looks, but as soon as I saw her crying those anguished tears, I knew without a doubt that there was more to it.

  Having never really considered a relationship, it was startling to realize just how deeply I had fallen for the woman who intended to carry my child. I spent every waking moment thinking of her, wishing she was in my arms for every second we were apart. While I was proud of being offered the opportunity to father her child, I wanted so much more than that. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to be her lover.

  At the rate things were going, however, it seemed that none of those things would happen. Most men would have likely given up if they were in my shoes. One thing was certain, though: I knew that I was not going to give up on Ashley. Moreover, I would never forsake my duty of having a child to carry on the family name. My father’s wishes, as well as my brother’s, weighed heavily on my shoulders, but it was no longer just about obligation. I wanted to have a family, a real family with the woman I had begun to love.

  Love was a strong word, but I had no doubt in my mind that it was what I felt for Ashley. I wanted to make her my blushing bride, the Mrs. to my Mr.

  Without love in the equation, perhaps I wouldn’t have felt so awful about the idea of us being unable to conceive. With the feeling throbbing deep in my chest, I couldn’t bear the thought of her being with another man, let alone having someone else’s child. A fierce possessiveness was beginning to surge over me, and I knew that I would do anything to be able to call her mine.

  Which was why I refused to let myself get down and out about this slight complication. As crushing as it may have been to admit I needed fertility treatments, I was enough of a man to do so if necessary. I had made my decision to approach Ashley about it when I boarded the plane to return to the States, but as I settled into my seat and began looking over some of the reports regarding GlobaPharm’s latest ventures, I felt as if God himself had put the answer right in front of me.

  On top of the pile was a report regarding the latest fertility treatment GlobaPharm had in development. It was intended to boost the fertility of both men and women, and was showing striking results in trials. It hadn’t been approved by the FDA yet, but I was confident that if my company had manufactured it, it would be safe enough.

  Yanking my phone out of my pocket, I texted one of the scientists working in the lab. It was a simple message, leaving no room for argument. I was sure the lab workers would have their share of questions regarding why, exactly, I needed several doses of what was intended to be the most powerful fertility dru
g on the market, but as far as I was concerned, they could wonder all they wanted. I just needed to take the bull by the horns and do right by Ashley.

  There was the matter of whether I should discuss the plan with her before putting it into action, but with the drug being in the testing phases, she would surely be reluctant to agree. While I didn’t want to deceive her, I knew that this was the only way forward. If I could conceive a child with her, I was certain things would work out between us. I would make her the happiest woman on earth, treat her like the princess she truly was.

  They say love makes you do crazy things, and there’s certainly something crazy about the CEO of a top pharmaceutical company using a product that hadn’t been approved yet. If I thought there was any chance I’d be putting Ashley in danger, I wouldn’t have done it, but all I could see were the positives, the chance to see my destiny fulfilled. My father and brother could rest easy, and I would have the family I never knew I wanted.

  The plane touched down just as I received a reply from the lead technician working on the fertility treatment. As I’d suspected, he had his questions, but he had little sway in my ultimate decision. I asked him a few cursory questions about the pills, and my confidence only grew when he assured me that if there was even a slight chance of dangerous side effects, he wouldn’t have allowed the project to progress as far as it had. The fertility supplement had passed all the initial clinical trials with flying colors, and I quickly wrote back with a message ordering him to leave several doses on my desk.

  If he was wary, he was probably too worried about his job to say as much. I wasn’t a tyrant by any means, but I knew how to put my foot down when it became necessary.

  Stepping onto the tarmac, I walked confidently to the airport parking lot where my car was waiting. As I sat in the driver’s seat, I received a message confirming that the technician had provided an ample amount of the sample drug for my needs. They were waiting for me when I returned to work that day, having sped down the back streets at least twenty miles over the speed limit. I grabbed the pills off of my desk, considering the green capsules somewhat critically.

  While I was confident that they were safe, I couldn’t deny that I had doubts about doing this without telling Ashley first. It seemed a pointless thing to worry about, however, especially considering how hard we’d been trying to conceive. I would do anything to ensure she never shed a tear over this situation again, and if that meant going behind her back with these supplements, it was a risk I was willing to take.

  Grabbing my cell out of my pocket again, I scrolled through my contacts until I found Ashley’s number. Composing a new message, I requested that she join me for dinner that evening. She sent a smiling emoticon in return, followed by a teasing message saying she would be in charge of dessert that night. While the words seemed innocent enough, I’d have been a fool not to catch the meaning behind them.

  My hands quaked with excitement, and I went ahead and popped one of the pills. I’d been informed that the drug was fast-acting, and would likely be in my system by the time I got home that night. I was all too eager for the evening that lay ahead of me.

  I was convinced that it would be the night we conceived our child.

  Chapter 13


  I left the office early, wanting to be sure I got to my apartment well before Ashley was due to arrive. The night had to be absolutely perfect, and I would go to the ends of the earth to see that everything was just so.

  Having searched the internet for the best home chef in the area, I sent the guy a quick message, offering double pay for booking him at such short notice. I received a reply immediately, smiling to myself as I typed out my dinner requests: a nice surf and turf meal, served with a vintage Pinot Grigio, and strawberry shortcake for dessert.

  While I knew the real dessert would be a thousand times more tantalizing than any cake the chef could provide, I wanted to see that my princess received the true royal treatment. I quickly went about setting the scene, placing a single candle in the middle of the table on my balcony. Realizing that it was missing something, I quickly shuffled downstairs. The florist was a block away, a short enough distance that I could walk it quickly.

  Never having been the romantic sort, it was my first time buying a woman flowers. I knew you couldn’t go wrong with red roses and purchased two dozen in a beautiful glass vase. My phone vibrated in my pocket as the florist arranged the blooms and I fumbled in my pocket for a moment before swiping the screen. Seeing that it was a picture message from Ashley, I raised an eyebrow before opening it.

  In the picture, Ashley stood poised in front of a full-length mirror, clad in the most tantalizing and skimpy lingerie I’d ever seen in my life. She pouted sensually for the camera, and it was all I could do to keep my composure. The florist was taking an agonizing amount of time arranging the flowers, but when he was finally finished, I was satisfied enough. I thanked the man, leaving a generous tip before rushing back toward my penthouse.

  Stepping inside, I walked to the balcony before setting the vase full of roses on the table. I paced the floor as I waited for the chef to arrive. My phone vibrated again, and I grabbed it with quivering hands. Ashley had sent a frowning emoticon, asking if I’d not liked the photo, and I realized belatedly that I’d forgotten to respond. I assured her that she simply left me speechless, which seemed to please her. Just as I was about to send another message, there was a knock at my door.

  Welcoming the chef inside, I gave him ample room in my kitchen to do his job. I made sure that the man knew he would receive a very generous tip depending on how quickly and efficiently he finished preparing the meal.

  An hour later, growing antsy, I peeked into the kitchen just as the chef finished cooking. We worked quickly to arrange the plates on the table on the balcony, shifting them around until it looked absolutely perfect. I thanked him in a rush, offering a wad of hundred dollar bills as I all but shoved him out the door.

  Exactly five minutes later, there was another knock. Inhaling a calming breath, I lit the candle and dimmed the lights before allowing Ashley inside. She smiled coyly, and I noticed that her blouse was unbuttoned just enough to show the slightest glimpse of her lace bra. Unable to help myself, I drew her into my arms and kissed her tenderly. She wrapped her arms around my neck, our lips working in perfect synchrony.

  “I missed you,” she said softly, after I’d reluctantly pulled away from her. I smiled, gently caressing her cheek.

  “I missed you too. Come on, let’s eat,” I said with a grin, guiding her toward the table. Her eyes widened with delight upon seeing the spread of food, as well as the exorbitantly large bouquet of roses. She reached a hand out tentatively, delicately brushing the petals with her fingertips.

  “You did this for me?” she asked. I chuckled softly, pulling her chair out for her. She sat down, eyes scanning the spread of the table. She was nearly drooling at the sight of it, while I was hungry for something else.

  “Of course I did it for you. Who else would there be?” I teased, taking my own seat and beginning to eat. She watched me quietly for a moment before taking a bite as well. She seemed content, an easy smile gracing her features. A slight breeze ruffled her hair, the candlelight flickering. “You’re beautiful,” I blurted out, my confidence building as she blushed prettily.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said with a small smile.

  While I knew the chef had worked hard on the strawberry shortcake sitting in the refrigerator, I knew in that moment that I couldn’t wait any longer for the real dessert of the evening. I stood, offering Ashley my hand as she dabbed at her lips with a napkin. She met my gaze, her eyes dark with desire as she rose from the table and pressed herself against me.

  Our lips met again, slowly and sensually at first. However, as I pulled her inside and toward my bedroom, the embrace intensified. She moaned against my lips, and I drew away to lower my mouth to her beautiful neck. I kissed and nipped along her porcelain skin, arousal r
eaching fever pitch as she moaned softly. I drew away, pulling her into my bedroom and all but tossing her on the bed. She gasped, hitting the bed and bouncing slightly.

  “You’re so strong,” she cooed, curling her finger to beckon me forward. I crawled up from the bottom of the bed, pressing her back against the pillows. Our lips met tenderly, one sweet kiss after the other. While her mouth was occupied, she began to unbutton my shirt at a slow and leisurely pace. I shrugged it off, and she sat up slightly to spread her hands across my chest.

  There was something different about this encounter, something softer. Our normal hurried pace was absent, and while we’d simply been having sex all the times previous, this felt more like…well, lovemaking.

  She lay back, making a show of unbuttoning her blouse. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth, watching my expression as she revealed inch after inch of her beautiful, unblemished skin. The bra she was wearing was even sexier in person, and I was all too eager to see the matching set.

  I drew away slightly, drawing her jeans down past her hips and tossing them over my shoulder. Her gaze was smoldering as she watched me, and I felt myself growing almost painfully hard. I lowered my head to her chest, kissing the skin that wasn’t covered by the bra.

  “You’re perfect,” I said breathily, meaning it with every fiber of my being.

  Ashley reddened, curving her back obligingly as I reached behind her to unclasp her bra. It fell away from her breasts, and my pants were uncomfortably tight as I considered her perfect little pink nipples. I groaned, unbuttoning my pants to relieve a bit of the pressure before continuing my tender ministrations on her chest.


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