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Page 18

by K. A. Sterritt

  “No,” I snapped then immediately regretted my instinctive reaction. “Sorry, Bea.” I paused to swallow the lump in my throat. “I don’t need to talk about the past.”

  “Okay.” There was silence for a few moments. “We’ll see you tomorrow night, then.”

  I hung up with a knot in my stomach. I knew at some stage I would have to tell Juliette about what had happened, but we’d only just found our way to each other and she was dealing with her own dramas. I saw no reason to bring it up anytime soon.

  She reappeared exactly fifteen minutes later in black skinny jeans and a black tank top that was loose on her. I was relieved she wasn’t in anything too revealing given I’d be stuck behind the bar most of the night and couldn’t lay my claim when the men swarmed. She sat down on the couch to put on strappy high heels, and when she leaned forward, I caught sight of her bare back.

  “Your top appears to be missing the back section.” I was only half joking.

  Juliette laughed and continued to do up her shoes. When she stood up, I grabbed her and pulled her close. My hands roamed her bare back and the front of my jeans tightened. She was so damn sexy. Her hands found their way up my back and her lips found mine. When our kiss deepened, I groaned. I was going to be late for work if we took this any further.

  “How am I going to focus on making cocktails all night?”

  “Sia and I could go to another bar if you don’t want to be distracted.” She raised her eyebrows and grinned.

  “No chance. At least at my bar, I can fight off anyone who tries to touch you.” The idea of another man going anywhere near her flared a possessive streak I didn’t even know I had. I kissed her again, wanting to savour the taste of her. “We really need to go.”

  She moved away from me and turned, looking back over her shoulder as she walked towards the door, smiling seductively. She knew the power she had over me. I bowed my head and groaned again before following her out the door.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Sia met us out the front of the bar.

  “Are you sure about this place?” she asked as she gave me a hug. “I’d never have found it without directions.

  “You’ll see. It’s really cool inside.” I stepped back and reached for Leo’s hand.

  “I think we need a few introductions here.” She raised her eyebrows, glancing at Leo and then our interlinked hands. “Jesus, Juliette. I’m off work for a week and you’ve found yourself a much hotter man.” She shook her head and chuckled.

  My cheeks heated. Sia had thought Richard was hot, but she’d never really had a chance to get to know him. Good looks fade with a bad personality.

  “Sia. Leo. Leo. Sia.” I gestured between them.

  Leo released my hand and then stepped forward to shake her hand. “Pleasure to meet you. Juliette says really good things about you.”

  “She better! I’m awesome!”

  We all laughed at her humility.

  “Hey, Sia.” A stunning blonde girl approached, holding hands with a guy who looked like he could be a male model.

  “Aspen, you made it.” Sia kissed her on the cheek. “And Jason. Aspen told me you were flying down from Sydney today.”

  “How are you, gorgeous Sia? Thanks for letting me tag along.” He kissed Sia on the cheek.

  Sia had such a beautiful, magnetic personality. Everyone couldn’t help but love her. She introduced Leo and me to her friends, and I was struck by the warmth I felt for them immediately. They both looked me dead in the eye when they shook my hand.

  My mother had always ‘encouraged’ friendships with the daughters of her social network, and I just never found any real connection to any of them. Sia felt like my first real friend and I’d barely seen her outside work. My mother had blown a bubble for me to live in and it had taken me twenty-five years to burst it.

  “I’m going to have to clock on, Jules,” Leo whispered into my ear and kissed my neck, making my whole body hum. He then turned to the group. “Are you guys ready to go in?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Hey, Tony,” Leo said to the bouncer. “These four are with me.”

  Tony nodded and let us pass.

  “I’ll find you on my break, okay?” Leo kissed me unashamedly right in the middle of the bar. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I loved how he groaned into my mouth, clearly not wanting to let me go. Hopefully all the single girls in the room had watched me stake my claim.

  He disappeared behind the bar, and I turned to see Sia smiling radiantly. Wow! she mouthed.

  My cheeks flamed again, but I couldn’t help returning her smile. I was completely smitten for the first time in my life.

  “Seriously, Jules.” She hooked her arm through mine. “He is a god and seems lovely too.”

  “My shout, ladies,” Jason offered. “What are you drinking?”

  “Corona with lime,” Aspen, Sia and I said in unison then looked at each other and chuckled.

  “Well, that’s easy,” Jason said, shaking his head and smiling. “You girls find somewhere to sit and I’ll find you with the drinks.” He kissed Aspen lightly on the lips then turned and headed for the bar.

  All the lounges were taken, but we found some bar stools around tall, round tables in the back corner of the ground floor.

  “So, how do you two know each other?” I asked, glancing between Sia and Aspen. I’d heard Sia mention her name before, but I didn’t actually know anything about her.

  “When I moved to Melbourne from Sydney, I didn’t know anyone. I answered a share accommodation ad, and lucky for me, it was Sia’s ad.” She looked fondly at Sia. “She took me under her wing while I got my bearings. I stayed with her for… how long?” She looked at Sia.

  “About six months I think. Then your super-hot big brother gave you an apartment in Brighton and I was ancient history.” She rolled her eyes but smiled warmly.

  “My brother is a property developer and is far too generous.”

  Jason appeared with the drinks and we all clinked bottles. “Cheers.”

  “So you and Sia work together, I hear.” Aspen continued with our conversation.

  “For three years now,” I replied. “And she was dating my boss for like five minutes.”

  Aspen chuckled. “Oh, she told me about him. Enormous p—”

  “Oh my God,” I cut her off and laughed at the same time. “I’m still trying to block out that visual. Change of subject, please,” I begged. “How long have you two been dating?” I asked Jason and Aspen. They were a gorgeous couple.

  They looked at each other and smiled.

  “Bit over six months,” Jason said, clearly besotted with his beautiful girlfriend. “We’re doing the long-distance thing at the moment, which is killing me.”

  Aspen leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Jason’s in Melbourne for work. He’s a kickass Sydney architect.”

  “How long are you here for this time, Jason?” Sia asked.

  “A week this time, but I’m seriously considering moving here.” He looked directly at Aspen. “I really love Melbourne.”

  Aspen blushed, and Sia groaned but laughed at the same time. “Oh my God. I’m surrounded by lovebirds.”

  I decided to change the subject for Sia’s sake. “Aspen’s a beautiful name. Are your parents skiers?”

  “Funny story,” she said with a grimace more than a smile. “I thought I was named after the North American ski resort and my brother, Ryan, always teased me that it’s where I was conceived because our parents holidayed there.

  “Oh God. No one wants to think about their parents like that.” My mind flashed back to the conversation with my father when he had told me about the way Mum used to be. Apparently they had been madly in love when they first got married. It was hard to reconcile that with the awkwardness I had often felt between them growing up. I really hoped they could find a little bit of their old selves if they got some help. Grief really can have some devastating long-ter
m effects I was only just beginning to understand.

  “Well, my mum told me the real reason for my name on the day she married my stepfather, Jonathan, earlier this year. I was named after the Aspen tree.”

  I scrunched up my nose and tried not to laugh. “Really?”

  She nodded her head and laughed. “Should’ve heard her try to justify it. ‘They’re beautiful trees, darling. They benefit from fire. They’re resilient.’ Blah, blah, blah.”

  I laughed and was still laughing when I felt strong arms encircle me from behind. I knew it was Leo immediately from his unique scent—an intoxicating mixture reminiscent of pine trees. I inhaled and basked in the perfect feeling of being in his arms.

  “Having a good time?” Leo asked the group.

  “I’m surrounded by drop-dead gorgeous women,” Jason replied. “Best night ever.”

  “Cheers to that.” Leo clinked his water glass with Jason’s beer bottle.

  I placed my hands over Leo’s arms and reached back and kissed him. “Aspen was just telling me about her name. You know, I’ve never asked my parents how they came up with my name.” I turned my head back again. “How about you, Leo? I bet your mum loved Tolstoy, or the zodiac maybe?”

  Leo’s whole body tensed briefly. He tried to shrug it off by releasing me and taking a seat at the spare bar stool. I looked at him questioningly.

  “I… um… can’t remember. It’s probably a family name or something.”

  “My round,” Aspen announced, standing up.

  “I’ll come and help you,” Jason offered.

  Leo stood up too.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered when he kissed my cheek. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, beautiful.” He cupped my face with his hands. “You’re perfect. I’ll come back when I can.”

  I watched him walk away, knowing something was off.

  “Wonderlove,” Sia stated, and I turned back to see her dreamy expression. “You’re going to marry that guy.”

  A part of me wanted to laugh, but her speech at Juniper’s wedding was said with such sincerity, I knew she really believed in seeing the difference between lust and love.

  “It’s all new, Sia. I am happy though. He’s a really good guy.”

  “And fucking hot,” she added with a wink.

  Jason and Aspen returned with drinks and we spent the next few hours chatting and laughing. It was the most fun I’d had possibly ever. I was surrounded by genuine people and I had the whole weekend with Leo ahead of me.

  “Let’s dance!” Aspen exclaimed, grabbing my hand. “Come on, Jase. Sia, get your butt on the dance floor.”

  The four of us headed to what had become a dance floor. The music was so infectious that people were dancing everywhere, but a large group had converged near us and were creating a buzz of energy. Jason and Sia were really good, natural dancers. They had an effortless rhythm and seemed to really enjoy it. It was impossible not to have a great time with these three.

  “So you and Leo are one hot couple,” Aspen shouted in my ear. “The guy is completely smitten.”

  I looked at her a little shocked. My cheeks turned into hot fireballs and I shook my head.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve seen the exact look before.”

  “What do you mean? We only just started dating.” Shouty conversations are always a little hard going, but I was taken aback by what she’d said.

  “My brother, Ryan. He’s planning to propose to his girlfriend, Holly, next month on her birthday. They had a rough time for a while, but seeing them together, it was obvious they were crazy about each other.”

  Butterflies, too big to be real, turned my stomach upside down. I glanced towards the bar and caught Leo’s eye. He smiled and waved but was flat out with customers. I closed my eyes and allowed the music to consume me.

  A few hours later, I felt Leo’s lips on my neck, feathering kisses down my sensitive skin from behind and snapping me out of my dance meditation. “Ready to go?”

  I turned into him and put my arms around his waist, looking up into his gorgeous face. “I’m ready.” I meant it in every way.

  He kissed me and our tongues went to war, driven by our mutual desire.

  Aspen, Sia and I retrieved our coats and bags and met Jason and Leo out the front.

  “So nice to meet you,” I said to Jason and Aspen, giving them both a hug. “Hope we can catch up again before you go back to Sydney,” I directed at Jason.

  “Me too,” Jason replied, his arm firmly around Aspen.

  “What are you lovebirds up to this weekend?” Sia asked Leo and me.

  “I’m taking Jules to my farm in the Yarra Valley tomorrow night.”

  “Really?” I asked, excited to go there again, invited this time.

  “I promised you a light show.”

  “You are out of this world.”

  “Should I take that as a compliment?”

  I whispered in his ear. “Without a doubt, and I plan to show my appreciation in about fifteen minutes’ time.” I winked at him and heard a low groan come from deep in his chest. He gripped my hand and started pulling me away from the group.

  “That sounds amazing.” Aspen winked at me and gave me an ‘I told you so’ look.

  “Bye, guys,” I called out as we parted ways.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “I had such a good time tonight,” Juliette said as we walked into my apartment less than fifteen minutes later. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of the weekend with you.”

  Juliette was finding herself, and part of that was being surrounded by genuine people. Bea and Angus were the most down-to-earth and loyal friends I could ever have and they already loved her. Seeing her so happy at the bar with Sia, Aspen and Jason, I knew they too were the type of people she needed in her life. I wanted that for her.

  She’d told me she’d never felt sexy before we met. My jaw clenched thinking about her with her ex-boyfriend, Dick. His name suited him perfectly, but I felt almost grateful to him. His loss had changed my life and I’d never take her for granted. She was special and she was mine. There was no sexier sight than her.

  “You know what I can’t wait for?” I asked, raking my eyes down her body.

  She smirked, but her eyes were filled with lust. “I’ve got a pretty good idea.”

  I was on her in two seconds flat. Our physical attraction was there from the moment we saw each other, but now we were more. So much more. I couldn’t get enough of her, and it wasn’t even just about getting into her pants. I wanted to talk to her, get to know her, help her and maybe one day, I would open up to her.

  “Come with me.” I held out my hand and she took it without hesitation.

  She chuckled as I dragged her towards my bedroom. “Are you going to have your wicked way with me?” she purred.

  Standing next to my bed, I cupped her face in my hands. “I’m going to worship you the way you deserve to be worshipped.”

  Her beautiful navy eyes blurred and I kissed her, wanting her to know how important she had become to me. Resting my forehead on hers, I whispered, “Tonight is all about you.”

  She groaned and I smiled.

  “Get on the bed.”

  She lay down, never taking her eyes from mine, and I watched her in awe. She was spectacular. I climbed on top of her, my face an inch from hers. I was going to enjoy bringing her pleasure. I kissed her lightly on the lips before venturing to her neck. She tried to reach for my belt buckle, but I grabbed her hand and clamped it down by her side.

  “My pants are staying on tonight.”

  She groaned again. I enjoyed the sound so much.

  My right hand grazed her body from her neck, across her breasts, and then slowly undid her jeans. When I lowered the zip, her hips raised, allowing me to slip the jeans down over her perfect backside. I released her hand and quickly removed her jeans and underwear, throwing them off the side of the bed.

  I pushed her sexy black top
up, exposing her perfect breasts.

  “Take your top off,” I instructed.

  She obliged immediately, and I could see her nipples immediately harden under my gaze, waiting for attention. I wasted no time sucking each one, slowly torturing her with my tongue. Her back arched off the bed, and I could feel myself getting harder by the second.

  I stroked her toned stomach, trailing light kisses everywhere I touched and slowly making my way south. As if sensing where I was headed, her whole body tensed. When I reached my destination, her head shot up off the bed.

  “God, Leo,” she panted. “No one has ever done that before.”

  “Good,” I replied, plunging my tongue into the most intimate part of her beautiful body.

  “Oh my God!” she half whispered, half shouted, convulsing beneath me.

  I was in heaven and wanted to bring her this pleasure more than I’d ever wanted anything before. Before long, she was writhing and screaming my name, her body shuddering in waves of ecstasy. Watching her come apart for me was the most incredible experience of my life. She kept her eyes closed, and her grin remained in place as she came down from her orgasmic high. I made my way back up the bed and lay down next to her, revelling in her afterglow.

  Eventually, she opened her eyes and then turned on her side to face me. “Thank you. That was… fucking incredible.”

  “God, you’re so beautiful, Jules.” I pushed some of her hair, which had fallen across her face, behind her ear.

  “I can take care of you too,” she whispered, grazing her hand across my straining trousers.

  “Not tonight. I wanted tonight to be all about you, and I meant it.”

  “I want you, Leo. I want you inside me right now.”

  There’s not a straight man alive who could’ve resisted that invitation from her, especially with my uncomfortable hard-on doing most of the thinking.

  “You are incredible, and there’s no place I’d rather be.”

  I wrestled my pants off as I reached for a condom in the bedside table. After I’d rolled it on, I looked her in the eye to make sure her conviction was still there. If anything, she looked more lust filled and fiery. How did I get so goddamn lucky to find her?


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