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YazminaLion Are

Page 2

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  Arcan slid the pin into the lock and twisted it. She didn’t think this would work until she heard a click a few minutes later.

  “Ah,” he said. “Apparently, I haven’t lost my touch.” He shot her a good-natured grin and winked.

  A wicked thrill coursed through her. She was starting to like this man—a lot.

  He opened the cage door and pulled up the tarp. A breeze of salty air quickened past them.

  Yazmina took a deep breath. Freedom. She hated being confined in the shipping container. She also hated this cage.

  Arcan took a small, measured step outside and looked around. He then offered her his hand. “It’s safe.”

  The sky was beginning to darken. The sun was setting on the horizon, half-sinking into the rippling, deep-blue water. Arcan motioned her to keep close while he scouted the surroundings. The cage was placed between two stacked containers. Arcan stopped, eyes fixed on the tall bridge. When he was sure no one was watching the deck, he tugged her hand, urging her to follow.

  They looked for a lifeboat. They didn’t find any. Instead, Yazmina found a life raft on the aft of the ship. It was stored in the locked canister. She knew what it was because her father had a big yacht that was equipped with a similar life raft. On a few occasions, her father had taken her sailing across the gulf for a family outing.

  “Here it is,” she whispered, pointing at the canister.

  Arcan’s gaze slid down. Yazmina couldn’t help admiring his gorgeous, luminous eyes. She’d never met someone with such a unique eye color.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Every ship is required to have one of these. More for bigger vessels. It’s an inflatable raft. It has an air compressor built into it. It should be easy to operate.”

  Arcan toyed with the canister to get it open. She helped him to unlock it and pull out the orange raft. He studied the instructions and it inflated. He pushed the round raft into the water.

  “Our turn.” He looked at her. “Jump.”

  She hesitated.

  He took her hand and squeezed it. “Can you swim?”

  “I can, but…”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll jump together. Keep your body straight when you hit the water. It should minimize the impact. I got you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  His reassurance appeased her worries. She supposed she didn’t have any other option. She couldn’t stay on this ship. That would be suicide.

  “On my count, one, two, three—”

  She faltered at first, but then Arcan pulled her. She jumped with a squeal. She panicked as her body hit the water and went down like a stone. Her survival instinct kicked in and forced her to seek air to breathe. She pedaled up. Arcan found her and yanked her to the surface.

  “Hold on to me!”

  She clung on to him as he swam to the life raft. It seemed like forever before they reached it and he hoisted her up. Arcan kept swimming, and she asked why.

  “No oars. I’ll push you until we reach land,” he said. His voice was hoarse. He paused to throw his loafers into the raft.

  Yazmina held on tight. She silently prayed they wouldn’t be discovered by the ship’s crew or get sucked into its turbine.

  Arcan steadily pushed forward. He seemed to know the direction they had to go in. She allowed herself a small measure of relief and put her hope in the man she’d just met to take her to safety.

  Chapter Three

  Arcan stood in dripping wet clothes in the hotel lobby ignoring the curious stares from the staff and the guests. He asked the girl behind the counter to get him a taxi. After more than three hours swimming, it was pure luck that they were able to reach a beachfront resort. It was dark now, so they didn’t attract attention when he pulled the life raft to the shore.

  Yazmina looked nervous and twitchy. She kept glancing around as if she was afraid that someone would jump on her. Arcan placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her. She shot him a wan smile.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here soon,” he said.

  The porter told him that the taxi had arrived. Arcan held Yazmina’s hand and ushered her out of the lobby. He gave the driver the name of the hotel where he was staying in Dubai. With a smooth lurch, the taxi coasted onto the main street.

  Forty minutes later, they were in his hotel room in Le Meridian. Arcan locked the door and snagged the phone. He called Jackson to let him know that he was back in town. His business partner didn’t know the nature of Arcan’s beast. He thought Jackson must have been worried when he didn’t return from the club. They still needed to wrap up the loose ends of their business deal before they left Dubai on the weekend.

  His call went straight to Jackson’s voicemail. Arcan left a short message asking him to call back.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked Yazmina.

  She gave him a tiny nod.

  “Good. We can have a late dinner after we wash up. How about I go take a shower first then run downstairs to get you some new clothes? We can go to a restaurant afterward.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Yazmina.”

  Arcan took a hot shower and changed into freshly laundered clothes. While Yazmina was in the bathroom, he placed a long-distance call to South Africa to talk to the pride alpha, Cyeon. His cousin was a lawyer. He oversaw the K’stal business, and Arcan thought Cyeon would be able to help him in this situation.

  “I have a problem,” Arcan said after Cyeon picked up the call on the third ring.

  “Why, cuz, I’m good, thank you for asking,” Cyeon mocked on the other end.

  “Sorry, Alpha, I’m rather distraught.”

  “Are you in jail?”


  “The stripper you were with last night turned out to be a guy?”

  Arcan snorted. “Worse.”

  “Talk to me.” Cyeon’s tone turned serious.

  “I’m in Dubai. We had celebratory drinks last night, and I had a few too many… I blacked out. Apparently, I went lion, and the next day I found myself in a cage on a cargo ship headed to New York.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “In my hotel room.”

  “How did you manage to get out?”

  “I picked the lock and jumped ship with a life raft. The problem is, there was a stowaway with me when I woke up.”

  “He was with you when you shifted?”

  “She,” Arcan corrected. “The ship’s captain found the girl and shoved her into my cage. She freaked out at first, but we were able to smooth things over. Anyway, her name is Yazmina, and she’s running away from her arranged marriage. I promised her I’d help her.”

  “Stowaway,” Cyeon muttered. A pause. “She wants to go to New York?”

  “She told me she has family there that can help her. I wondered if you have connections that could help me obtain a passport and such.”

  “Not in Dubai. I know a guy who could do an American or UK passport in America. Why don’t you escort her to the US embassy and ask for asylum.”

  “Asylum, huh?”

  “Tell them she’s a political refugee and her life is being threatened. I’ve heard some embassies have made exceptions in similar cases.”

  “You sure they’ll give her asylum? I’m worried they’ll hand her over to her father. She told me her father is an influential man and has friends in high places.”

  “A big-shot’s daughter, huh? That is complicated. You sure you want to dip your toes in that kind of water?”

  “I know the risk. I promised her I’d help.”

  “Is she pretty?”


  “Bastard.” Cyeon laughed heartily. “Maybe I could charter a private jet to come pick you up and fly you to the US. We can smuggle her in as a flight attendant or something. Let me call some people first, and I’ll call you when I’m able to arrange something.”

  “Great. By the way, I lost my phone when I blacked out. I’ll go buy a disposable and let you kno
w my new number.”

  “That works. What’s her name?”

  “Yazmina. Yazmina Al-Rahad.”

  “Al-Rahad. I’ll look into it.

  “Thanks, Alpha.” Arcan disconnected the call and put the phone down. Yazmina was still in the shower. He retrieved some cash and a spare credit card from his bag, since his wallet was missing, and went to the hotel lobby. There were some boutiques on the ground floor that sold women’s clothing. He bought a few essentials and picked up a new disposable cell before returning to his room. Yazmina had just come out of the bathroom when he got in.

  Arcan put his purchases on the bed and told her to change. He tried his new cell and gave his number to Cyeon as Yazmina went back to the bathroom. He also called Jackson again. This time his business partner answered.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Jackson sounded pissed. “You ditched me in the club with a bunch of European chicks. They got rowdy after the third round, you know? One of them did a ‘girl gone wild’ kind of thing, and we all got the boot from the bouncers. What gives?”

  “Sorry, I got food poisoning and spent the night at a clinic. But I’m okay now,” Arcan lied. He couldn’t reveal his secret to Jackson. His business partner wasn’t exactly a cat person. If Jackson knew he was a shifter, it would complicate their business relationship.

  “Jesus Christ. Food poisoning?” Jackson seemed to have trouble taking that one in.

  “Yeah, must be some stuff I ate. Local food didn’t agree with me.”


  “Look, I know we still have a meeting with Bazrai tomorrow. I wonder if you can cover it for me? Just send the paperwork to my room, and I’ll sign it. I’ve decided to stay here another week.”

  “That bad, huh?” Jackson sounded worried.

  “Nah. I met a pretty girl.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Jackson chuckled. “When did you have the chance to score?”

  “In the clinic.”

  “Damn. I’ll see you in Canberra then.”

  “Say hi to Cole for me.”

  “Your cousin won’t be happy if you take too many days off. We have the governor’s building project to finish.”

  “Tell Cole I found my mate. He’ll understand.”

  “The girl, you mean?”

  “Mate,” Arcan repeated. “She’s more special than just a girl.”

  “Sometimes I don’t understand you, pal. Whatever. I’ll see you then.”

  “Thanks, buddy.” Arcan hung up. He and his cousin Cole had started a joint venture in a construction company in Canberra a few years ago. The business was booming and had become a full-time job. Because he and Cole were part of the K’stal pride, they had to split their time between Canberra and their pride home in the Serengeti. Therefore, they’d brought Jackson in to manage the company in their absence.

  Yazmina peeked her head around the bathroom door and shyly stepped outside. She smiled. Arcan had forgotten how breathtaking she was. Her raven hair was combed smooth and fell like black silk down her back. She looked fresh and calm. Arcan had bought her a few blouses and matching pants, and the clothes she wore fit perfectly on her luscious body. And it seemed the shoes he’d picked for her were the right size. As an added precaution, he’d also purchased a scarf and sunglasses for a disguise.

  He couldn’t get enough of watching her. He could get lost in those gorgeous eyes of hers. “You’re beautiful.”

  She blushed prettily.

  “Ready for a late dinner?”

  Yazmina nodded. “Quite frankly, I’m starving.”

  “Good. I’m so hungry I could eat a cow.”

  She looked puzzled. “Beef, you mean?”

  “That’s just an expression.” Arcan got up from the bed. “Let’s go.”

  They went to the hotel’s in-house restaurant on the second floor and picked a corner booth for privacy. “So, you want to tell me your whole story?” Arcan asked after the waiter took their orders.

  She hesitated at first. “There’s not much to tell. I ran away because my father arranged a marriage for me.”

  “Did your mother agree with your father in this?”

  “My mother died when I was born. I was told it was a complicated childbirth. I never knew her. I only remember her from family photos.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He took her hand and squeezed it.

  Her face reddened, but she didn’t pull her hand away. Arcan held it a little longer. It was soft, a princess’s hand that never had to do hard labor. The more he examined her, the more she reminded him of a lost little lamb. What was she doing in a world full of hungry wolves?

  “Tell me about your family. Do you have siblings?”

  “Well, I have three older brothers. They studied in California and Cambridge. My father is a wealthy merchant, and he loves horses.”

  “And why did he arrange for you to marry some man you don’t love? Was it for a political favor?”

  “Political favor? Hardly. My father was indebted to a Bedouin chief.”

  “I thought your father was wealthy.”

  “He is. It wasn’t a material favor my father was indebted with. It was a boon. See, my father loves horses. Several years ago, he wanted to buy Chief Jabbur’s prized stallion, but the chief didn’t want to sell it. They worked out an arrangement instead. The chief gave my father the stallion in exchange for a favor. About six months ago, the chief called in the favor. He wanted me as his wife.”

  “What?” Arcan’s voice was a decibel higher than he intended. Luckily, there weren’t many people in the restaurant. He furrowed his eyebrows. “You were traded for a horse?”

  “Actually, a stallion. Lightning has won many races and brought fortune to my father.”

  “That is still fucking wrong on so many levels! How could your father do that to you?”

  “My father is a man of principle.”

  “Yeah, but a horse? So he just gave you away without objection?”

  Yazmina lowered her gaze, and her eyes turned somber. “I’m only a daughter, not one of his precious sons. I don’t have the same privileges as my brothers.”

  “That’s bullshit!” A knot of anger swelled in Arcan’s throat. “What about your family in New York? Do they know about this arranged marriage?”

  “They are my uncle and aunt from my mother’s side of the family. Yes, they know and they’re willing to help me. At least that’s what Cousin Fatima told me.”

  “You’re not a-hundred-percent sure?”

  She went fidgety. “I’ll take all the help I can get.”

  “Is there a guarantee that your father won’t take you from them?”

  “I’ll be safe once I arrive there.”

  “But are you absolutely sure?”

  Yazmina stared back at him with a pained look. “No. I don’t know. I’ve never met them.”

  Arcan frowned. If it were up to him, he’d gladly spirit her away to the pride’s home in the Serengeti, make her his, and keep her safe from her father’s madness. He still couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. He thought an arranged marriage was ridiculously passé in this day and age. But trading his lovely daughter for a horse? A fucking horse! That was an atrocity no father should ever commit against his own child.

  The waiter came with their food and they ate in silence. Arcan watched her closely, assessing the situation. He wanted her. Badly. But judging from what he’d seen so far, he was convinced Yazmina was a virgin. Which made this matter more complicated. He couldn’t seduce her the way he seduced more experienced women.

  However, he could court her once she was safely in New York. His mother came from Rhode Island before she met a K’stal shifter—his father—on a vacation in Tanzania. His extended family lived in Brooklyn. Maybe he could take three months off work and focus on wooing Yazmina once the dust had settled.

  “Thank you for the food,” Yazmina said after the waiter cleared their table. “And thank you for your help. I don’t know what I’d do if I was
still on the ship. Who knows what the captain might have done to me.”

  “Lock you in a lion’s cage?” Arcan teased.

  She smiled. “I thought I was going to die. I was so scared.”

  “Are you still scared of me?”

  She shook her head delicately.

  “I have big sharp teeth. And claws.”

  She giggled. Her voice sounded like music to his ears. Then she looked at him wide-eyed. “I think our encounter is fate,” she said. “God sent you to help me.”

  “I also believe in fate.” But he believed for other reasons. She was sent to him as his mate—the woman he’d claim and who would be with him forever. “And you can always count on me.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Arcan.”

  God, she was so luscious. Everything about her screamed “eat me.” The lost little lamb had wandered into a lion’s den. How could a beastly man like him not be tempted to claim her? Blood stirred in his loins. Arcan was tempted to reach across the table and kiss her until she fainted. But he couldn’t do that. He didn’t want to scare her. Besides, he wasn’t sure if such a public display of affection was allowed in Dubai.

  Jesus, he needed a cold shower.

  Quickly, he shook the dirty thoughts away. “I talked to my alpha while you were in the bathroom—”


  “Alpha—the leader of our pride.”

  “Oh, I get it. ‘Pride’ since you’re a lion. ‘Pack’ if you were a wolf.”

  “Right. Werewolves.”

  “They’re real?”

  “Of course. Now, my alpha—Cyeon—suggested that we go to the American embassy to seek asylum for you.”


  “Let’s say your well-being is threatened and you’re worried about your safety. You can seek asylum as a political refugee.”

  “But I haven’t been involved in any political situation.”

  “I’d say the way your father traded you for a horse is nothing but a political maneuver for personal gain.”

  “I see.”

  “It’s a long shot but worth the try.”

  “I don’t know, Arcan.” Yazmina cast her gaze on the glass in front of her. “The American ambassador for the UAE, Mr. Blackwell, knows my father personally. They play golf once a month.”


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