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A Better Life

Page 12

by Liza O'Connor

  Thus, Hamilton prioritized security over efficiency.

  Braddock had personally watched the programmer remove the backdoor to Black Hole. The guy wasn’t happy, but he didn’t try to screw around with the colonel. Braddock was not a man to cross if you had any sense of survival.

  Hamilton was convinced the soldier had moved up to his current rank because his officers were afraid to cheat him out of a promotion he deserved. However, with his last promotion, he’d hit a brick wall. The position of general required a ‘smooze’ skill that Braddock did not possess.

  But out of all the men he was offered, Hamilton chose Braddock to run his facility because he was certain Max couldn’t get to this pure blood soldier.

  His fear of bringing in a bad seed who would betray the team was also why he hadn’t given the team additional forensic auditors. He was certain as he could be of his current group. He wasn’t going to bring in a contaminant that might ruin the whole thing, just to get a bit more efficiency out of them. They were exceeding beyond his wildest dreams now. He wasn’t going to screw it up.

  But the waiting had been a risk. One that Angel and Leon thought worth taking.

  Last night, he pulled the trigger and they captured nearly a trillion dollars.

  A trillion fucking dollars! Angel paid for this whole facility in less than a month. And every confiscation would stand up in court if necessary. Although in truth he only had to convince the President, who had personally found the funds to build this facility and wanted it to succeed as much as Hamilton.

  And what had Max done during this time? Arm-twisted congress to pay a billion ransom in trade agreements to get back a failed FBI agent who had gotten herself kidnapped.

  Hamilton: + 1 Trillion.

  Max: -1 Billion.

  There truly was a just God out there!

  Still, Max’s mistake was a problem for Hamilton as well. The failed agent happened to be Tom Culp’s daughter.

  Braddock entered the room. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes. Are you up to date on the young woman who was kidnapped the day Angel was rescued?”

  “I have kept myself in the loop. Captain Logan, who was in charge of Angel’s rescue, holds himself responsible for failing to save her.”

  “What happened?” He actually wanted to ask ‘why would he care’, but worried such a forthright question might shut his colonel down.

  “The priorities of his assignment and his belief the young woman could protect herself resulted in her being kidnapped while he took out the remaining terrorists. I have reviewed his actions and he performed exactly as he should have.”

  “I’m in agreement that he acted properly. However, I’m a little confused about this girl. My intel says she failed out of the FBI Academy after exposing herself in class. Why would he think she could protect herself?”

  “Because she had been training with my ace squad. She is as lethal as any of them.”

  “Yet, she couldn’t fight off her kidnappers?”

  “She was drugged. Logan found the injection device on the floor and we tested the remaining fluid inside. We suspect she was completely unconscious when he carried her out.”

  Now things were finally making a sense. “So, your men let this terrorist escape with a valued asset?”

  He nodded. “The man who took her was considered a solid ally of the U.S. We knew he was there, but he was supposed to be working on our side.”

  Hamilton sighed. “That is so often the case. So, our allies kidnap this asset and demand a billion dollars in trade agreements to return her. I’m amazed either house agreed, given the word about town is that she’s Max’s latest mistress.” He paused and frowned. “Or have I been fed a pile of crap on this matter.”

  Braddock frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. “I believe the mistress rumor is the general explanation as to why Max wanted her back.”

  “Which leaves me with a mystery. Most the senators hate Max with a passion. How did he persuade them to sign that trade agreement?” Hamilton would have suspected blackmail, but all the dirty secrets Max had on the senators had been destroyed by Hamilton when he took charge.

  “I believe the person who placed the girl with my men for training swayed the Senators.”

  “And that would be?”

  “I am not at liberty to say.”

  Hamilton frowned. That meant this person still commanded Braddock. He wondered if it might be the mysterious ‘Mr. X’ constantly whispered about but never seen. He would just have to keep wondering, because Braddock had clearly told him he wouldn’t say.

  “I’ve heard she’s returning this week.”

  Braddock nodded. “The ship’s expected in at Norfolk in two days. My intel says she and Max began a sexual relationship during the ship journey home, but something happened, and he avoids her now.”

  Hamilton hadn’t heard any of that.

  Braddock leaned forward. “The asset is fragile at the moment. Her month in the East was hard, but she survived it. However, whatever Max did, has to all appearances, broken her. She is holding herself responsible for the death of Angel and all the children.”

  “We can’t tell her otherwise.”

  “Of course not, but if we let Tom retrieve her at the dock, then he can assure her she was not at fault.”

  “Why would Max purposely try to break her?”

  “Not sure. He may just want to punish her. He had given her orders to kill Angel to prevent her from being kidnapped by terrorists. Her decision to send Angel into the basement and remain upstairs to hold off the terrorists resulted in an easy retrieval by my men.”

  “But he doesn’t know that,” Hamilton snapped. He damn well better not know that.

  “Well, I have men watching him on the boat, and he’s not acting like a grieving husband. So, either he doesn’t give a damn that his wife is dead, or he knows where she is. Given the sabotages we’ve incurred. I’m leaning towards the latter.”

  Hamilton sighed. He hated to admit it, but Braddock was probably right.

  Braddock sighed. “It’s also possible that Anna Culp may just be collateral damage in a longstanding grievance Max has with the person who has taken interest in her development.”

  Definitely Mr. X then. Hamilton smiled. Braddock was trying to tell him what he needed to know. He just had to listen.

  “So, you think we should risk letting Tom leave the facility, so he can see his daughter?”

  “I think it could save a valuable asset for this country.”

  But not his asset. Only if he said that aloud, then he’d sound no better than Max, who didn’t wish to save the girl because she wasn’t his asset either.

  “You clearly have better intel than I, so take lead on this. But while you are serving a higher cause, do not forget it’s your job to protect this facility.”

  Braddock’s stern eyes met his. “That is my first priority. No obligation comes before it.”

  His assurance surprised and pleased Hamilton. He had definitely chosen the right man for the job.


  Later that evening, Davenport pulled Tom aside once Angel went to sleep with Derrick. “Tom, it appears Anna was in the house when Angel was rescued.”

  A sense of dread settled in Tom’s gut. His baby girl had been there when the terrorist attacked? “Why wasn’t I told about this before?”

  “I don’t know. I was just informed today.”

  A fear stuck deep in his gut. “She’s okay, right?”

  “She’s alive. She was kidnapped by a man considered a US ally—”

  “Kidnapped!” Why the hell wasn’t he told? He was her father. He had a right to know!

  “She’s all right. She was exchanged for a billion dollars worth of trade agreements.”

  Tom stared at his friend in shock. “Paid by whom?”

  “Uncle Sam.”

  Something wasn’t right here. “But, she’s not even an agent. And even if she had been, the US government never negotiates
with… Did you say an ally kidnapped her?”

  “Yes. Which turned out to be fortunate. Congress agreed to a billion-dollar trade agreement, and they set her free.”

  “I’m not complaining, but why would they do that? Did Max intervene?”

  “Yes, but there is some question if he wanted to help or harm. Max is not liked by most senators, so when he demanded them to support the trade agreement…”

  Tom’s fists clenched. “Damn him! It could have set them against the agreement, and he’d know that!”

  “Fortunately, someone else, who believes Anna will make a great agent someday, stepped in and swayed Congress.”

  “Who?” He wanted to know who he owed everything to.

  “I don’t know. My source couldn’t say.”

  Davenport’s answer frustrated Tom, but it wasn’t as important as having his daughter back. “Where is she now?”

  “On a ship headed home. She’ll be arriving in Norfolk two days from now.”

  Tom closed his eyes in frustration. He’d signed a five-year contract, which never worried him because Angel was here, but now it stood between him and his daughter. “Frank, I have to get out of here to see my daughter. I have to.”

  Davenport nodded. “You know your contract doesn’t allow for any leave. This could cost you…your job.”

  Tom feared it could cost him more than that. Given the secretive nature of this facility, he worried what truly happened to a person if they didn’t renew after five years. For him that had never been a problem because he had always planned to stay here with Angel.

  “Max is on the boat with Anna.”

  “What? Why?”

  “They seemed to have started a romance.”

  Tom opened his mouth to object, but Davenport’s hand silenced him.

  “But it didn’t last long. He made Anna feel responsible for Angel and the boys’ deaths.”

  “Oh God! I have to see my daughter. If I don’t, she will think I hold her responsible as well. She’s my little girl. I have to see her.”

  “Then I’ll take you to see Hamilton tomorrow morning.”

  Tom almost demanded he be taken now, but this was a huge favor he’d be asking for and waking up his boss at two in the morning wasn’t a good start to asking to break the number one rule of this facility.

  “What time? I’ll be ready.”

  “Six, is the earliest—”

  “Six is fine.”

  Davenport leaned forward. “Tom, Max will be at the dock. You know the trouble he has caused Hamilton. There’s a chance the director won’t let you back in.”

  The warning struck him hard. That would mean he’d lose Angel and his son Tommy forever. He was caught between two hells, one without his love and baby boy, and another where his daughter is potentially destroyed when she believes her father holds her responsible for the death of Angel and her boys.

  Angel and his son would survive without him, but Anna might not. His hell was not the point. He might be the only person able to save his precious daughter.

  “I still have to go. If Anna was there when the terrorists attacked, she would feel responsible. And if Max told her it was her fault…” He covered his face. “I may strangle him with my bare hands.”

  “For God’s sake, don’t tell Hamilton that. If an agent who works for this facility kills Max, it would take down this whole project. If you want to see your daughter, you’ll need to convince Hamilton you will control your emotions and focus on your daughter. Nor will you tell Max a damn thing. So, you need to get a grip and focus on your request, because otherwise, you’ll fail entirely, or he’ll send you out for good.”


  At five, Tom was still awake, going over what was his best argument that would get him out and back in.

  He just sipped his fifth cup of coffee when soothing arms slipped around his neck. Pure love filled his body. He smiled up at Angel. “You’re up early.”

  “I couldn’t sleep either,” she said and tugged his chair out a bit, so she could sit on his lap. The moment his arms went around her waist, he held her possessively. How would he go on without his Angel? He loved her with all his heart.

  Her long slender fingers combed through his hair. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

  He shook his head.

  “Is it Anna?”

  He stared at her in shock. “Why would you ask that?”

  “I dreamed of her last night.” Her eyes grew watery. “I think something’s wrong. I think she needs you.”

  He nodded slightly.

  “Will they let you go?”

  “I don’t know. I have a meeting with Hamilton in an hour.”

  She pressed hard against his chest. “You have to help her, but then I need you back.” She pulled back and met his eyes. “You are my foundation, the one who understands me best of all. I need you…and your son needs you.”

  “I know.” His eyes squeezed shut in pain. He wouldn’t survive if he was not allowed back in, but he could never forgive himself if he didn’t see to his injured and devastated daughter.”

  “Will you see Max?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “Could you give him a message for me?”

  “No!” His entire body tensed. What the hell was Angel thinking?

  “It’s not bad. Just ask him to stop causing trouble here. Tell him I’m happy and I could never go back to the way he ran things. He needs to move on and find a job to occupy his brilliant mind and a new woman to fill his heart.”

  “Hopefully, I won’t see him, but if I do, I can’t give the message unless Hamilton approves it.”

  “Of course.”

  “And only if Max admits he knows you’re alive. If he thinks you are dead—"

  She shook her head. “He doesn’t. He thinks I’m alive and that he can take over this facility. But if that happened, he’d start changing things and soon it would be more horrible than it had been before.” She sighed. “When I first met him, I thought him cruel and hard, but later he seemed kind. Yet, he would put microchips on me that meant I would be tortured after each visit with him.”

  “I know.”

  “And those showers. Davenport had found such a gentle way to remove the bugs, but somehow that turned into the worse torture yet.”

  Tom pulled her head to his chest. “That’s all in the past.”

  “I know that, and you know that. I think Max should know it as well. I don’t want to be with him again. I love my life here with you. I love my teammates and the work we are doing. I even like Hamilton and Braddock. My children are not only safe but thriving. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. Tell Max to stop trying to destroy my new life.”

  He crushed her to his chest. “I can’t promise to do that. I doubt Hamilton will agree to it. And I’m not doing it without his permission. I want to come back to you and my boy. I am not going to do anything that might prevent that.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. Only do what Hamilton approves. But perhaps if you offer to wear a wire then he will have more confidence that you haven’t betrayed him.”

  “I was already planning to ask to wear a wire, and even bring my son Toby along, something I’d never do if I planned to do something nefarious.”

  She laughed softly. “Toby should be there. Anna will need him.”

  Tom frowned. “What happened to Anna in this dream you had?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not filling your head with the worst nightmares imaginable. Just go to your daughter.”


  Hamilton and Braddock reviewed Tom’s all-nighter in fast forward until Angel entered.

  Her worry about Tom’s daughter shocked him. “What did Davenport tell her?”

  “He had strict instructions not to say a word to her,” Braddock replied and typed on a second monitor. “It wasn’t him.”

  When Angel asked Tom to give Max a message, both men cursed aloud.

  By the time she explained what she wanted t
o say, Hamilton had gone through a myriad of emotions: shock, betrayal, fury, relief, and exhilaration.

  Angel was his now. Max had lost this battle forever.

  Braddock rubbed his face. “For a second there I thought we had a major problem.”

  “For a moment, I feared things would get ugly, but our secret weapon held true.”

  “I think we should do it,” Braddock stated.

  “Do what? Give Max that message? I’m not comfortable with Tom getting near Max.”

  “I think Max will make sure he talks to Tom. And I think we should send him in with the best wire we’ve got.”

  Hamilton frowned. “So, you still don’t trust Culp?”

  “Actually, I do. He loves Angel too much to risk screwing us.”

  “Then why a wire?”

  “Because we might get something interesting out of Max. I know you aren’t convinced yet, but I am positive Max knows that Angel is alive. And if he does, he might ask Tom to give her a message. I would like to get it on a recording. And to be honest, I think Angel’s message might make the man realize he’s lost the war and it’s time to move on.”

  Hamilton smiled. “And if we get something incriminating, the President might just move him on for me.”


  Tom was glad he refused Angel’s offer of breakfast. Just entering the office and seeing Hamilton and Braddock waiting for him caused his stomach to roil.

  “I was informed of the situation with my daughter. It is critical I am there when she comes off the ship. Otherwise, she will continue to blame herself for Angel’s and the boys’ death.”

  Hamilton nodded. “I am up-to-date on the situation and will release you from your contract.”

  “That’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking to be released for the day, so my son Toby and I can be there for Anna when she arrives. My daughter needs to see that I love her, that her family still loves her, to undo whatever harm Max has done. Then I want to return here.”

  Hamilton’s forehead wrinkled.

  “I am willing to do whatever you want to make that happen. I’ll wear a wire. I’ll remain out in the open…anything. Angel will perform better if I return.”

  Hamilton nodded. “I agree. But she would eventually recover if you didn’t. Still, I am considering your request. You’re a good manager, not just of Angel, but of the team. You struggled to handle the other teams, but now we know why. They were placed here to be destructive.”


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