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A Better Life

Page 23

by Liza O'Connor

  She nodded in agreement. “Did you tell my boys I’d be right in?”


  “Then I want to stay with my team and see this done. I want to make sure you have every bit of evidence possible to ensure Max is charged with a crime.”

  “You know, you’re not supposed to be talking yet.”

  “I discovered the painless art of semi-ventriloquism.”

  His finger caressed her cheek. “It’s looking better. Dr. Hanson says there shouldn’t be any scarring.”

  She was touched that he’d bothered to ask Dr. Hanson. Maybe he just felt guilty over suggesting the solution of spilling hot tea on her face. That wasn’t his fault. She should have tested the water first. As a mother, she never allowed water to get too hot. Too many little hands looking for trouble.

  Braddock withdrew his hand as Tom approached.

  “Are you giving her a lecture, or is she talking instead of writing, because her pad is on the table.”

  “Talking without moving my face,” she replied.

  Tom kissed her forehead. “Well, unless you have more to discuss, I want you working so we can get out of here before the boy’s bedtime.”

  She pressed her hands over her lips to prevent herself from smiling. Nodding, she returned to her station.


  Tom wasn’t thrilled to see Braddock so chummy with Angel. The colonel didn’t seem like a guy who would share a woman. He’d have to address this matter, but he wasn’t looking forward to the conversation.

  “Where’s Davenport?”

  “He’s been relieved of duty, as has Derrick.”

  Was Braddock getting rid of everyone touched by Max?

  “What happened?”

  “Have you made a decision about whether the boys need a new tutor?”

  “Was that a serious request? Did you listen to the man chiding them for not knowing advanced algebra? I turned the volume off after fifteen minutes and tried to follow what the jerk was showing them how to do. Given they couldn’t hear his questions, they didn’t even try to answer him, which really pissed the asshole off.” Tom chuckled. “I hope it drives him to quit teaching. But there was no doubt in my mind his purpose was to teach those boys to hate anything to do with numbers.”

  “Interesting. I’ll have him picked up,” Braddock replied.

  “If you want someone to water board him, I’ll volunteer.”

  Braddock chuckled. “No, I don’t think that would go over well.”

  Tom sighed. “Seriously, if you get a chance, you might want to check out the lessons. The man clearly had an agenda. My guess…from Max.” His brow furrowed. “The boys said this had been going on for weeks and Derrick would side with the teacher. So, I’m glad you removed Derrick. Are you going to be removing his kids as well?”

  “Do you think I should?”

  “Angel would be broken-hearted to lose them. I just thought legally…”

  “Derrick and his children died the day of the terrorists attack. We can do whatever we think is best for this country. Since Angel considers them her children, they are hers.”

  Oddly, that assurance did not make Tom feel better. If they saw Derrick’s kids as property of the government, that meant they saw Angel’s much the same.

  “How’s her pregnancy coming along?”

  Braddock frowned. “I forgot she was pregnant. Should she be showing at four months?”

  “No. She doesn’t normally show until the fifth month. But given the stress of the last few days, I’d recommend Dr. Hanson check her out all the same.”

  “Now, or after they finish?”

  Tom appreciated him asking. “She appears in fine health. Let’s finish this important task and let her see her boys first.”

  Braddock nodded with satisfaction. “She seems to be taking Max’s betrayal remarkably well. Is that an act?”

  Tom turned and studied Angel. “She can be very brave, but she loves with all her heart, and when someone she loves betrays her, she hurts deeply. I remember when David left her—"

  “First husband, right?”

  “First husband, but she loved a cop named Steve before David and would have married him had he survived his gunshot wounds. But David was the first to seriously betray her and it nearly broke her. She was declining fast until she returned to the facility and could focus on something other than her pain. That’s why I put her back to work today. The best thing for her is to be busy all the time, to keep her doing things that she loves, until the moment she falls asleep.”

  Now, he was going to walk on thin ice. “She also needs more than one man to love. She won’t feel safe with just one. She’s been betrayed too many times.”

  “How many do you recommend?”

  “Three minimally, but she’s normally had seven to ten.”

  Braddock choked. “At the same time?”

  “No. She normally engages one on one.”

  Braddock’s brow furrowed deeply.

  “She’ll know how many she needs. I’m just saying when she chooses to add someone, don’t see it as a negative critique on what you have with her, but simply her way of ensuring when someone betrays her, someone else will still love her.”

  Braddock’s eyes darkened. “Are you under the assumption she and I are lovers?”

  Tom stared at him in surprise. “You aren’t?”


  “And whose choice is that?”

  “Mutual agreement.”

  Tom shook his head and chuckled. “Sorry, that’s not what I read when I approached you two. I thought…” God, could he have made a greater fool of himself? “Forget this entire conversation.” He turned to leave, but Braddock snared his arm.

  “What did you see?”

  “I clearly misread the situation.”

  “What did you think you saw?”

  “Two people who admire and love one another. But my time in confinement has evidently messed up my reading skills. I apologize.”

  This time when Tom tried to leave, Braddock let him.


  The team finished compiling the evidence by six that evening. Braddock led them to the dining room where Maria and the kids awaited. They had a joint celebration welcoming Tom and the kids back and succeeding with their mission.

  To Angel’s surprise, Braddock remained, although he mostly stood by the door.

  After eyeing him for a half hour, Stevie corralled his posse and the three boys went to investigate. Curious, Angel pulled Tom closer, so they could eavesdrop.

  “What’s your name?” Stevie asked.

  To her surprise, Braddock knelt so he didn’t tower over the boys. “I’m Colonel Braddock.”

  “I’m Stevie, this is Dare and—”

  Tommy pushed his way in front of Stevie and declared, “I’m Tommy.”

  Tom smiled with pride at his boy. “I was worried having older brothers would make him a follower, but that boy is his own little man.”

  Angel nodded and slipped her arms around his neck. “He’s just like his father.”

  Tom frowned. “You know that for certain?”

  “Tom, how can you doubt it?” But he did, she could tell by the pain in his eyes. She opened her mouth to tell him Max had told her Tommy was his, but she stopped. Nothing Max said could be trusted. “We can ask for a DNA test, if you want.”

  “I love them all, unconditionally. But I need to know, for certain, that Tommy is mine. I need to know someone has my genes inside of them.”

  She pressed his hand to her belly. “I am confident this one’s yours too.”

  “But you can’t know, Angel.”

  “We’ll do a DNA test for the baby when it arrives. And Johnny too, since it turns out his morose behavior that we thought came from Max actually came from being constantly drugged by Mrs. Adams.”

  His attention jerked from Tommy to Angel. “What?”

  “She gave him cough syrup because she preferred quiet babies.”

  “My God,
Angel. Thank God, you found out!”

  “Dr. Hanson realized what was going on. All I knew was Johnny had been struck on the head during the boys’ riot, and his little arms were shaking. So, I called the doctor at once.”

  She felt him go rigid with anger and pushed back to study him. “It’s all right. Davenport got rid of Derrick and his mother even before the blood test came back.”

  “Got rid of them how?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t ask. She’s not in my home, that’s all I care about.”

  Tom pulled her against his hard chest. Her hands investigated all his new muscles. “I can’t wait to get you naked. You feel deliciously sculptured.”

  He chuckled. “Well, until you sent me the boys, I had nothing to do but workout. Which reminds me, I want to fire that teacher.”

  She looked up at him in shock. “That’s all? I want him water boarded!”

  Tom laughed and tightened his grip on her. “I’m with you there.”


  “Oh, you can come if you want. My mom won’t mind,” Stevie declared.

  Angel turned to her eldest son, wondering what he was lassoing Braddock into.

  Sensing her gaze, the boy turned and waved her over. “Colonel Braddock asked me if we missed our forensic auditing game. I was telling him how fun it was and invited him to come watch us play. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

  Angel knelt beside Braddock and smiled at him. “Colonel Braddock is always welcomed in our home, but he’s very busy. He’s in charge of the security for this whole place.”

  “Cool! Do you carry a gun?”


  To verify his claim, Tommy patted his legs and was about to reach into his pocket, partially gapped open in his current kneeling position. Braddock snared his tiny hand. “Easy fellow. No frisking a colonel.”

  Tommy’s eyes rounded, and he tried to pull away. When Braddock released his hand, Tommy lost his balance and fell on his butt.

  Braddock frowned and reached out and help the boy up. “Sorry, bud. I didn’t mean to take you down.”

  Tommy slapped at his butt. “That’s okay. I’m tough.”

  Braddock chucked him beneath the chin. “Yes, you are.”

  Stevie rolled his eyes at his younger brother. “So, will you come and watch us?”

  He glanced at Angel, as if expecting her to answer for him, but she had no idea what he wanted that answer to be, so she remained quiet.

  “As your mother noted, I’m a busy man. In fact, I should be getting back to work now. But keep getting better at your game and I’ll try and take an evening off to check you guys out.”

  That had all three boys hopping about like popcorn kernels in a hot skillet. As the boys returned to the table for cookies, and other people to interrogate, she stopped Braddock from leaving by placing her hand on his arm.

  He stepped toward her, his hand resting on her lower back. “You need something?”

  “Actually, I do. The boys are expecting to continue with their game, and I haven’t got anything new written for them. Could you have someone bring my laptop to me, so I can get my team to help me create something on the quick?”

  His hand slipped around further to her side and squeezed gently. “I’ll see to it myself.”

  Once he left, Tom whispered in her ear. “He says there’s nothing between you two, but that’s not what I’m seeing.”

  She sighed and leaned against Tom. “We jumped the gun and screwed things up. Ironically, the person he thought it would offend is gone now.”

  “Davenport or Derrick?”

  Angel chuckled. “Braddock would never care what Derrick thought. Now that I think about it, even the Davenport thing might have been an excuse. It’s possible he’s just not into me.”

  Tom snorted. “Not even possible.”

  “Some of the men here are not physically attracted to me. Take my teammates. I’ve been trying to seduce Leon for a month with absolutely no success.”

  “Do you want me to talk to them?”

  “No. I was using them as evidence that not everyone is attracted to me. To be honest, I want to keep my relationship with them just as it is.”

  “That’s probably a good idea, given they’re all gay. But do not tell Braddock that. He might feel compelled to enforce the old Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law on the occupants of this facility.”

  Oddly, that bit of knowledge made everything better until her mind returned to her handsome colonel. “Braddock’s not gay, is he?”

  “Oh, he definitely likes you. However, don’t take it personally if he doesn’t follow through. He might think having a relationship with you would compromise his ability to do his job.”

  She tightened her grip on Tom. “Good thing I have you.”

  “I told Braddock you’d need more than one lover.”

  “You did? When?”

  “This afternoon when I made a very wrong assumption you two were already lovers, and that he wasn’t going to respond well to sharing his woman.”

  “That’s probably true, so it’s best nothing happened.” She slipped her hand inside Tom’s shirt and frowned when she discovered a t-shirt underneath. “You have entirely too much clothing on.”

  “Good thing, because we have several hours to go before you and I will have any alone time.”

  She grimaced. “You have no idea how long it’s been!”

  “I do on my side. If I can withstand it, so can you.”

  Braddock returned with her laptop. He then focused on Tom. “You are in charge of seeing Angel and her kids home.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Braddock left without a single word to Angel.

  And it hurt.

  “What are you scowling about? Did he bring the wrong computer?”

  “No. He just acted like I wasn’t even standing here.” She leaned against Tom. “I like him, Tom. Well, when he actually sees me, I like him.”

  Tom kissed her head and sighed. “Well, I might be able to alter that behavior.”

  She stared at him in confusion. “Tom, that sounds impertinent even to me. The colonel isn’t going to appreciate you trying to alter his behavior.”

  Tom chuckled. “That’s the truth. However, as your new primary handler, it’s my job to make you as happy as possible.”

  “Was that a promotion?”

  “Yes, with a substantial pay raise.”

  She was glad something good had come out of this nightmare. “Don’t talk to Braddock about ignoring me. It’s more important I keep you as my handler. I really, really need you right now.”

  “Then let’s get this program written so we can go home.”

  Angel carried the laptop to her teammates and whispered her plea for help. Sinclair took control of the computer. “I’m thinking Superman tonight.

  “I never knew Superman was a forensic auditor,” she teased.

  “Yeah, the reporter job was just a lame cover.”

  An hour later, with program in hand, she called her children together and Tom led them home.

  “When I get bigger, can I come to work here?” Dare asked.

  “If you train hard, I bet you can.”

  “What do we need to train in?” Stevie asked.

  “There are a variety of jobs in this place. You can be a soldier, a manager, a cook, a sanitation specialist, but I think the best job is being…” She paused to see if any of the boys could guess what she was going to say.

  “Foren ic audiotor!” Tommy declared.

  “You said it wrong, stupid,” Stevie retorted.

  “Hey!” Tom gripped Stevie’s shoulder. “None of that. We talked about this, just yesterday. Did you forget?”

  Stevie sighed heavily. “Sorry, Tommy. That was uncalled for. It’s a hard word to remember.”

  Dare nodded in agreement.

  Kelly ruffled Tommy’s hair. “If you forget how to pronounce it, just ask me. I’ll tell you.”

  Tommy smiled up at Kelly like a boy in love. />
  The moment they entered their home, the boys ran to the computer table and waited impatiently for Angel to set up the laptop.

  “Hurry Mommy, we haven’t played in weeks!” Stevie whined.

  She pulled up the newly written program hoping it worked properly. It hadn’t been thoroughly tested.

  It began with Superman landing, putting on his glasses, and fighting crime on the computer. And he needed their help.

  Even Kelly, who had become bored with everything that wasn’t directly related to her handsome instructor, became engaged. Angel allowed the boys to stay up ten minutes past their bedtime, so they could finish the level.

  Having received accolades from Superman, they happily marched off to bed and endured their good night kisses.

  Except for Tommy. He loved his good night kisses.

  Finally, alone with Tom, she took great pleasure in undressing him and admiring his new improved body.

  “If I had known how turned on a few muscles would make you, I’d have done this years ago.”

  “No…I’m glad you waited. I needed such a delicious treat tonight.”


  After three bouts of lovemaking, they curled into a tight spoon.

  “Thank you for sending the boys,” he whispered in her ear.

  She knew exactly what he meant. By doing so, she forced Hamilton’s hand. He couldn’t return her boys without returning Tom, and if he didn’t return her boys, her work would start to suffer.

  “I love you with all my heart,” she replied. “You have been with me the longest of anyone.” And more to the point, he’d never betrayed her.

  Chapter 23

  Dr. Hanson was at her kitchen table when Angel woke the next morning. “I just finished examining Johnny. I am declaring him fully recovered.”

  She smiled. “I would call his sunny disposition newly improved. Can I have DNA tests performed on Tommy and Johnny?”

  “Yes, of course. Is there someone you wish to have the DNA compared to?”


  “I thought you already had proven Tommy was Tom’s.

  “Max said he did, but I no longer trust anything Max told me.”

  His hand reached across the table and covered her hand. “I understand.” He remained quiet, his intense gaze focused on her. “Tom has asked for me to check on your baby to make sure it has come through this month as well as its mother. And while I’m at it, I’ll check your burn too. Although you seem to be talking without pain now.”


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