The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 4

by James, Honor

  “Good point. All right, I won’t say anything about them. They will simply be our guards.” She took a breath and then smiled. “Are they going to be all right with that? With being our guards in the people’s eyes?” She had no idea how a relationship like the one that she felt would occur between the four of them would happen.

  “It’s only temporary. I’d rather have them watching our backs than being targets, too. After we know who’s after you, we’ll get our group dynamics figured out. The only ones that will know will be the pack,” he told her quietly. “Unfortunately, we can’t lie to them like we would to humans.”

  “Your pack, are they a part of the Royal Guard and Royal House as well? Do you have members of your pack that I don’t know?” She was actually genuinely curious as to if he had pack members as her friends and people that worked for her family.

  “Well, you know Raphael and Gabriel,” he said softly as he stepped off a bit of a drop. Turning, he lifted her down, hands at her waist. “Marcus and Vincent in the stables are part of the pack. So, too, are Marcia and Abigail in the kitchens. Norma, Jean, and Patrice, who are maids. Charles, who was your father’s valet, and a few others that work the gardens and grounds. All in all”—he frowned—“I’d say there are twenty members of the pack that work for you, myself not included. Only the three of us were in the Royal Guard, though a few other promising pack members were looking to join before I left.”

  “Which would only make the Royal Guard all the stronger. It would be stronger because a pack’s loyalty cannot be purchased with coin or favor, where a human’s could. It would make us stronger as a whole as well.”

  “That it would.” He nodded, taking her hand in his. Guiding her along once more, he let out a breath. “But you would need to ask Raphael and Gabriel who else might have been brought into the Guard. I’d ask Raphael, as he’s Captain of the Guard.”

  “I will worry about all of that later. For now I think simply getting to Grandmother’s and ensuring that her home is well guarded, as are we, from whoever is trying to kill us would be the wisest course of action, don’t you think? Getting settled and bringing my grandmother over to our side.”

  “Do you have any idea of what you are going to tell her? Because if you just spout it all out, I have a feeling she will be locking you in a room and calling for the physician. Not that I couldn’t get you out, because I could, but you may want to figure out your approach. We need at least her home for a time to work from, and to get the wedding plans started. The only part I worry about that is we’ll have to post the banns with you being Royal,” he said, stopping and then pointing. “We’ll spend the night here,” he murmured, moving closer to the cave.

  “I will tell her the truth. That you and I have loved each other for a number of years and Father agreed to us wedding. If we must, we will produce a letter from my father that states this. I would prefer not to forge his hand, but if it is necessary, I can certainly do it. We will also advise her that we are to wed as soon as possible, as we are expecting another untruth, but she won’t know that it’s an untruth, and it will get us wed and together all the sooner, which would be better.”

  Pausing in tying his horse’s reins loosely to a branch, he let out a breath. “You wouldn’t need to forge it,” he murmured softly. Moving, he pulled the packs and bedroll from his back and handed the roll to her. “I need to unsaddle him. After that we will gather foods and wood so we can stay warm.”

  She stopped him and placed her hand on his arm. “What do you mean I wouldn’t have to forge it? Michael? What is it that you are holding back from me? Did he know? Before they passed, did my father say something to you or do something to make you think I wouldn’t have to forge the letter?”

  Staring down into her eyes, he nodded. “He knew and wrote a letter,” he told her quietly. “No, I’ve never seen it. He wrote it after I’d left. He gave it to Raphael to hold, should the need to produce such a document be required. I have no idea where it is or what it says exactly, but according to Raphael it basically has us betrothed since the day you were born.”

  “Which would explain why my father stood by my decision all of these years to remain a maid instead of marrying any of the men that came forth to claim my hand.” Her eyes pricked with tears, and she whispered, “He knew. All this time he knew, and yet he never said anything to me about it. If only he had, they may still be alive and well and have grandchildren by now.”

  Dropping the saddlebags, he cupped her face, “No crying,” he said in a broken tone. “Please, Rissa, no tears. What is done is done. We cannot undo it nor go back. They would want you happy and safe, loved and cherished. That is all they ever wanted for you, little Princess.”

  Taking a deep breath, Rissa nodded. “I’m trying. I just can’t seem to help it. I truly hate that they could be here with us, and instead here we are running for our lives and they have lost theirs. I keep thinking of all of the time that we have lost, and it just makes me weep. I’m sorry, but it just kills me.”

  Dropping his hands to her waist, he drew her in tight to him and wrapped his arms around her tight. “We are alive, Rissa. We will live on, and we will ensure the legacy they created is not lost. We will rebuild and create something all the more special and unique.”

  “I agree.” She took a deep breath, but wrapped her arms around him and held onto him. “We will ensure that what they have begun doesn’t get lost, we will ensure that we also put our mark upon our kingdom. Thank you,” she said and pulled back to look up at him as she said, “Thank you for holding onto me, for giving me what I need without me asking for it. Thank you for being you and for loving me.”

  “I watched you grow up, Rissa,” he murmured, “I think I know you rather well for the most part. At least at your core. The rest I will just have to learn.” Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he gave her a nudge. “Go and ensure there are no bears within while I tend to the horse.”

  “What?” Her voice squeaked as she spoke. “Wait, there might be bugs in there. No way. I’m staying right here with you. I will help you with the horse, but there is no way that I’m going in there without you to get the bugs out of here, mister.”

  “Seriously, Rissa?” he asked, looking at her. Sighing, he shook his head. “How are you still terrified of the poor, innocent bugs? You know they are there to help this world and us. They mean you no harm unless you cause them harm.”

  “I can’t help it. They terrify me, Michael, and likely always will. It’s just something that you need to get used to because you will forever be removing spiders from anywhere near me. I can’t.” A full-body shudder raced through her. “Never. Please. Ick.”

  Shaking his head, he watched her. “You are such a girl some days.” Hauling the saddle from the horse’s back, he set it up on a branch. Digging in the saddlebags, he passed her a brush. “Rub him down. I’m going to see if there’s anything around that will appeal to him or us for food, and then we will gather wood and make a fire in the back of the cave. If you hear growling”—his lips twitched—“trust your gut.”

  “Right, so don’t run right away.” Rissa began to brush the horse and talked to the horse gently as she did so, trying to calm him and herself at the same time. “Thank you for being such a great animal. Strong and noble beast.”

  “Are you talking to the horse or me?” Michael asked, walking up with long grasses he dropped before the horse. “Because I’m not sure which it suits better, or if I should be insulted. Heard any growling from the cave yet?” he asked as he wandered back into the darkening forest.

  “I was actually talking to the horse,” she told him and then turned to face the cave. “Are you kidding me? You honestly think that perhaps there was something in there? No. No, there has been no growling from the caves.”

  Walking back with wood and twigs in his arms, he shrugged. “It was occupied,” he told her, moving to the mouth of the cave. Inhaling, he shot a look in her direction. “But I would guess it’s been about a week si
nce anything furry has been inside. Likely too many people around, given the time of year, for the mother’s peace of mind.”

  “Oh my. Well, I hate that the mother and cubs are giving up their warmth and protection for the night, but I’m thankful as well. Hopefully because of it I will not have to worry about any bugs of any sort in there.”

  “Since it still smells like bear, maybe, but the fire will help clear more out. I’m going to build it and, hopefully, not smoke us out in the process. After you’re done with him, come inside and eat. I’ll put up a screen of sorts to shield the opening a bit more, though I doubt they’ll be coming after us yet.”

  “Are you sure that we can have a fire?” Worry colored her tone as she spoke. “I just don’t want them to find us by something that you are giving me because I need warmth. I could just curl into you, you know,” she teased with a smile.

  “It’s not going to be very big, and it’s more to ensure if a bear comes back this way it doesn’t decide to snuggle up with you. I’d have to take exception to that, especially since I plan on being close to you,” he said and looked at her. “Don’t be long. It will be full dark in the forest soon, and everything gets strange until dawn arrives.”

  “I think that sounds good to me.” She watched him and then nodded. “I won’t be long. I wish to relieve myself, and then I will quickly make my way to you. I promise I won’t go far.” Not now that she had him in her life again. No way would she leave him very much at all.

  “Good,” he said softly to her. “I don’t want to have to rescue you from something out there. Be quick, but don’t go far,” he warned before ducking into the cave with the wood.

  * * * *

  Walking into the cave, Rissa shivered in apprehension. She moved toward the smell and sound of the fire and didn’t see the glow of the flame until she turned a crook in the cavern. “This cavern is actually a lot larger that it appears from the outside, isn’t it?”

  “It is.” He looked up from where he crouched, feeding the fire more wood. “I can’t say I have ever been inside this one before. But there are dozens of them scattered all around these forests, so that truly isn’t that amazing, I guess.” Standing, he waved her over to the bedroll. “Sit and eat what I managed to gather. It’s not much, but I had a few things in my pack and found some in Raphael’s bags as well, so we shan’t die of starvation tonight.”

  “Which will be a very good thing,” she said with a smile and settled on the bedroll. She noted that it was against a wall and far enough from the fire that she wouldn’t be burnt. “Are you going to bring the horse into this cavern as well so that others won’t stumble upon him by accident?”

  “Only after he has eaten and done his business. I refuse to have him in here prior to that. My sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and more so in confined spaces. I will need to take him to the creek a little ways from here for some water. But I can gather some branches for the screen while I do that and kill two birds with one stone,” he said, settling down on the other end of the bedroll.

  “That sounds good. If I’m asleep when you return, I apologize in advance for falling out before you have settled in with me, but please don’t let that deter you from curling up close to me and keeping us both warm.”

  “You mean to say keeping you warm, yes?” He looked at her. Handing her the wine skein, he dug out some dried meats, fresh berries, and even a half loaf of bread. “Eat. We will gather more berries and mayhap a few other things tomorrow. If we’re lucky we will pass a hut and maybe be able to purchase or trade for some other items.”

  “Yes, I mean to keep me warm.” Rissa didn’t back down. “You know that I hate to be cold, and you are always so very warm.” He was like her own personal fire when he was close to her. “Do as you need to, Michael. I’m not terribly hungry. More tired than anything. However, you know me and know that I will likely wake up starving, so don’t think that I’m ill or hurting. I’m not. I’m just tired.”

  Grunting at that, he moved the food onto the flap of a pack and slid it closer to the fire. “Then lie down and sleep, Rissa,” he said, getting to his feet. Digging in the pack, he pulled out a cloak and shook it out. “In case you are chilled while I am gone. I should not be more than a half hour, but if I am longer, well, you’ll be asleep so you won’t need to worry, will you?”

  “Please hurry back to me?” Rissa reached out and laid her hand over his. “I need you, Michael. I know I said I would be asleep, but I doubt it. I want to feel you pulling me close. I want to feel your arms around me once again.”

  Staring at her for a time, he finally nodded. “All right. I will be as quick as I can be. But it will be the horse that determines how long we might be.” Lifting her hand, he kissed her fingers. “Try and settle in before I return. Do all your flipping and flopping around that you have to do so I don’t get smacked, if you would.”

  “Don’t worry. The last turn that I will make will be to lay my head on your shoulder, arm over your chest, and leg over your thighs. Now go. Hurry back, and please make sure to make noise so that I know it’s you returning?”

  Rolling his eyes, he stood up as best he could in the cave. “I’ll call your name so you know it’s me returning. Any other noises, I’d advise you start screaming right off. I’ll hear you and will return swiftly.” Shaking his head, he moved toward the bend in the cave. “And Rissa, if you are asleep and wake screaming at me, we will have words.”

  “I like having words with you, but I won’t do anything that will give you a heart attack. Promise,” she said happily. “It’s okay, honey. Really, it’s okay. Do what you need to do so that we can finally find some sleep. We have a great deal that we must do on the morrow.”

  Grunting, he vanished around the corner.

  Chapter Six

  “Rissa, it’s time to wake,” he said, his voice rumbling under her ear. “Rissa, don’t you dare settle in for longer. We need to get up. I’m not kidding, Princess. If you do not lift your head and open your eyes, I will take you as you are and dump you in the creek to awaken you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she whispered and cracked her eyes open to look up at him. “Who am I kidding? You would, wouldn’t you?” She lifted her body up and stretched her arms up and over her head. Yawning, she nodded. “All right, I think that I’m as ready as I will get. Ready for food.”

  “It still lays where I left it,” he told her quietly. Pushing up, he flexed his neck and winced at the loud crack that sounded. “I need to water and feed the horse before we head out, so eat, and by the time I return we will need to pack up and be on our way.”

  “I will roll up the bedroll as well.” She watched him and cocked her head to the side and asked, “Have you eaten this morning yet, Michael? If not, I will leave the food and wine out for you when you return so that you can eat as well.”

  “Eat your fill and pack it away. I’ll gather a few things while I’m out and eat them. I’ve never been a morning person, Rissa, and I prefer not to break my fast until later in the day. But since we will be traveling, I will hunt up a few additional berries or something to chew on.” Leaning in, he kissed her lips. “Don’t overexert yourself. We have a long way to travel today and we will be walking only part of it.”

  “I will be fine,” she promised him. “Be safe while away from me?” she asked softly. “Don’t worry, Michael, I will have it all ready,” she whispered and rose so that she could stand and pull in closer to him. Licking her lips, she turned her face up to him. “One last kiss?”

  Lifting a brow, he cupped the back of her head and drew her in close. Wrapping his other arm around her waist, Michael lifted her up against him. Dropping his mouth to hers, he took her in a furious kiss, full of need, hunger, and wants. Grinding his hips to hers, he growled softly before setting her on her feet and stepping away. “Behave,” he ordered before leaving her standing there.

  Rissa shook her head and touched her fingers to her lips. When he was gone, she whispered, “He tells
me to behave and leaves me like that. Goodness, that kiss was amazing.” She shivered fully. “Amazing. His kisses are going to be the death of me.” She smiled then and shook her head.

  An hour later, they were on their way, picking a path carefully through the trees. Reaching a road, Michael had her wait with the horse while he went to investigate. Nodding, he helped her down. “We’ll ride for a time, not fast, but steadily.”

  “Which will be the best for us and for the horse. Keep him with his strength and us without saddle sores,” she teased with a smile. “I think we need to ensure that our horse is able to keep his strength as long as possible.” Because, while she would walk the rest of the way if they had to, she would honestly prefer not to.

  “He needs some exercise, and this will give us a chance to relax.” Swinging up into the saddle, he looked to her. “In front or behind?” he asked, holding out his hand to her. “Your choice for this portion of the ride.”

  “I think that I would like to start behind. When I’m sleepy I will go to the front so that you can keep me from falling off if that’s okay?” she asked with a smile. “Because we both know that I will likely fall asleep before it’s time for us to walk with the horse.”

  “True enough.” He nodded and, catching her arm, swung her up behind him. “Adjust your skirts as best you can. Not exactly ladylike, but it will work as long as we don’t run into any of your guards. I’d hate to explain why I have to tear out all their hearts for seeing your legs.”

  “You wouldn’t, would you?” she asked with a frown. “Because they saw my legs? All right. I will ensure that they are covered.” She adjusted her skirts and then wrapped her arms around him and nestled in closer to him. “Okay, I’m ready, Michael.”

  “Of course I would,” he said, getting them moving at a loose trot. “Those legs are mine to look at and no others. Accidental sighting I might forgive if they were saving your life. But outright gawking would never be permitted.”


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