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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 6

by James, Honor

  She blushed and nodded. “It was because I was transitioning from childhood to womanhood, and seeing you and the others as what I wanted to see them as, as my mates. I could see it and feel it, and I wanted so desperately for you to react to it, but you never did so it made me moody, withdrawn.”

  “You were too young, Princess, we couldn’t have mated with you then. But you are of age now,” he murmured. “Things are different all around for us all. We’re all in the new stage of a new life together as a unit. What goes on from this point forward between us will be between consenting adults.”

  Even though she felt her cheeks pinken in a blush, she looked up at him and smiled. “And I couldn’t be happier. I’ve waited far too long. I know that I’m supposed to be in mourning for another year, but I don’t think that I could wait another year. They would have understood, right?”

  “They would,” he said softly. Sliding his arm around her waist, he drew her in closer. “They only wanted the very best for you. They wanted to see you happy and loved for all time. That would mean following your heart and doing whatever was necessary to bring about that happiness you need.”

  “They knew how much I loved you all,” she confessed. “It was as if they had always known, but they never removed Raphael or Gabriel. They allowed them to shadow me, to be my personal guard as often as I went out, which seemed to be less and less over the years. After my coming-out debut, I decided then and there that I truly hated being looked at like a piece of meat on a tray. So I began rejecting invitations and instead chose to spend time with Raph or Gabe when they would let me.”

  “Understandable, I’m sure. You knew what you wanted in your heart and would accept nothing less,” he said, pulling her toward a smaller path. “You always did know what you wanted. You were a very determined little girl, and the noise you would make when you were thwarted was adorable.”

  “Well, I hope you still think that it is, because I’m afraid I still make that noise.” Gabe and Raph would attest to that. When they arrived at the pond, she smiled. “Beautiful,” she whispered as she took in the scene before her. The sun shone down through the trees onto the pond and made the surface glitter like diamonds.

  “Hopefully it’s warmed a bit,” he said, leaving her to move the horse to a spot at one end. Pulling the saddle off, he set it on a rock and hooked the reins to a low-lying bush. “There, he will be fine while we bathe and lay out to dry.”

  “Sounds good.” Rissa went to the saddlebags and pulled out the bedroll. Unrolling it, she spread it out over the ground and then looked at him with a crooked grin, “What? You know how I feel about bugs.” She was more than a little squeamish when it came to bugs.

  Shaking his head, he began to undress, folding things neatly and setting them onto a rock. Tugging his boots off, he waited to drop his pants, his eyes on her. “Do you need assistance with that gown?” he asked, moving closer on bare feet.

  “Yes, please.” She looked at his bare chest and reached out to touch it. “So hard. All over, your body is so hard. It’s as if you are carved of the very earth,” she whispered and tilted her face up to look into his eyes. “I’m not asking you to do something that you didn’t want to, am I? By asking you to be mine, asking you to stay and love me?”

  His roughened hands cupped her face ever so gently. “You may be adorable, perfect, and amazing, but if I didn’t want to do anything do you honestly believe you could make me? Has that ever worked in all the time I was your guard? While your big eyes and helpless expression may have worked on some, they never did with me. I am here of my own free will, with you of my own free will, Rissa.”

  “Thank you. I just…I had to know,” she whispered. “I’m just still so stunned that you are truly here. I keep thinking that I’m going to wake and it will be a dream. I’m not certain that I would be able to survive if this were a cruel dream.”

  Sliding his hand around her neck, he leaned in and kissed her hard. Biting her lip, he pulled back slowly. “This is not a dream. I am really here, as are you,” he growled against her mouth. “I will always be with you, Rissa, from this moment forward if you truly want me. I’m not the man I once was. I’m scarred and less than pleasant most days. But if you want me, I am truly and forever yours.”

  “I truly want you, Michael.” Rissa licked her kiss-swollen lips and nodded. “Forever and always, I will want you. I don’t care about the scars, I only care about you. And if you are less than pleasant to me”—she shrugged, a grin splitting her face—“then you will just have to suck up, to make it up to me, and we both know that you will.”

  “I’ve never sucked up to anyone, Princess, so I wouldn’t place a coin on the odds,” he said softly. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he turned her around, his fingers tugging on the ribbons holding the dress closed. Grabbing a shoulder when it drooped, he moved around her. “All loosened.”

  Rissa didn’t counter his claims that he didn’t suck up to anyone, since he’d had to suck up to her more than once when she was a child. “I love you, Michael,” she said instead with a smile, turning to watch him as he undressed, holding her gown to her body so that she could go to the skin when he did.

  Dropping his pants, he looked over his shoulder at her before padding to the water. “Don’t just stand there,” he said, wading in. Ducking under the water, he stood up, the water to his waist, and pushed his wet hair out of his eyes. “Are you coming in?”

  “God, you are so beautiful.” Rissa felt her breath leaving her body in a rush when he dropped his clothing and she got her first real look at him naked. “Heavens help me.” She dropped her clothing as well and dropped her dress and underclothes on the branch of a bush. She moved to the pond and padded in right behind him.

  Turning, he watched her closely. “Nothing in comparison to you, Rissa,” he said quietly. “You are the beautiful one here.” Reaching out, he took her hand in his and drew her in closer to him. “You also look incredibly nervous and your heart is pounding faster than it should be.”

  “Because I’ve never touched a naked man before or had one touch me,” she whispered and let her hand move over his chest and licked her lip. “I want you to touch me, that is. I want to feel you touching me, kissing me, and loving me. I want to touch you as well. I need to touch and feel you as well, please.”

  “You may touch me however you wish,” he said softly. “You never even have to ask, but use a little self-control while we’re amongst others. I really don’t think I could survive another riot that you have caused.”

  “I didn’t cause one.” She flushed at his words. “I will try to be good,” she promised him. “I promise, I will try,” she said with a smile. Reaching out, however, she touched him, her hands moving over his chest lightly as she did so. “You are so very hard. Are you certain that I’m not bothering you by touching you like this?” Her hands itched to go lower, to touch him more intimately.

  “Not in the least,” he said quietly as her fingers skimmed over his belly and then up. She dipped them a little lower each time but didn’t quite breach the water to what was waiting just underneath the surface. “You are mine, and I am yours, Rissa. You have every right to know my body as well as I intend to know yours.”

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “I love you,” she whispered and let her hand finally go below the surface of the water and simply watched him. She couldn’t take her eyes from his. When her hand closed around him, she bit her lip and shivered. “Goodness, you are so…” Big. Hard. Big.

  “So what?” he asked with a low growl. “Say the words, Rissa. There are no secrets between us, and we will always speak our minds with one another. So, say it and tell me what is going through your mind. I can see something in your eyes, your big beautiful eyes.”

  “So big. So hard. So big.” Yes, she was repeating, but it didn’t matter to her. “I love how you feel,” she admitted to him. “Are you always this big, this hard? If so, will we fit together? Because I have to admit to you that you are
really big, and I’m really scared.”

  “You were made for me, Rissa, of course we will fit. But why are you scared?” He frowned down at her as she swallowed hard and stared up at him. “You know I’d never do anything to hurt you. All you ever have to say is stop and I will. It might not be easy, but I would, for you. As for my cock”—he looked down his body and shrugged—“I’m only this big and hard when you are around. Though I do get larger when I come and spill my seed, sealing my cock inside of you so the seed goes where it should.”

  “I look forward to that,” she admitted. “I want to know every feeling with you. I want to feel everything with you. I need to be with you, want to be with you. Make love with me, Michael? I’m only nervous because this is going to be our first time making love. My first time. Any woman would be nervous.”

  “First we will bathe, and then we will go and lie in the sun. Then we will make love,” he said softly, stepping in closer to her. Tipping her chin up and higher with a finger, he leaned in to kiss her. “I’d rather not chance drowning you the first time we come together, Rissa.”

  “I would really rather you not drown me as well, and I would really rather not drown you,” she said with a smile. “So yes, let us get ourselves clean, and then we will go and dry in the sun for a bit?” She looked up at him and nodded. “I’m happy, Michael, are you?”

  “At the moment, yes.” He nodded slowly. “Later, maybe not, maybe ecstatic,” he said with a slow shrug. “I never quite know how I’ll feel at any given moment. The beast within is very temperamental, so there are plenty of mood swings. Think you can handle that, Princess?”

  “I think that I can handle it,” she said with a smile. “In fact, I know that I can. As long as you can handle me and all that I do, darling, then life is very good.” She winked at him. “I know that you can, though. I know that you will be able to handle anything that I throw at you.”

  “I’ve managed thus far, though it’s been a stretch on occasion,” he said, moving deeper into the water. Ducking under again, he came up and pushed his hair back from his eyes. “You do tend to test the boundaries, Rissa, you always have.” Walking out of the pond, he rummaged in the saddlebags before returning and passing her a bar of soap, “Wash up. I’ve only got so much patience with you naked and this close to me.”

  “I do tend to test them because I like to see what it is that I can and can’t do.” She moved in closer to him. “Really now? And what is it that you are tempted to do? With me naked and this close to you. Tell me what it is that you are tempted to do?”

  Chapter Eight

  Growling deep, he moved fast, his hand in her hair and her head tugged back, her throat bared to him. “You’re yet untouched, Rissa. Do you really want to know all I want to do to you? What I would do if I wasn’t concerned with making your first time with me perfect?” Leaning in, he slid his tongue slowly up her throat. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Yes. I want to know everything.” She lifted her leg and wrapped it around his upper thigh and pulled him in closer. “I want to know everything that you will do to me. Please,” she asked softly. “Show me, tell me everything. Please.”

  Lifting her into his arms, he rubbed his cock along the seam of her pussy. “If this wasn’t your first time I would hold you like this and thrust my cock into your pussy, pushing so deep you’d feel it against your womb, and then I would fuck you hard and fast and with all the need inside of me. I would take you until you screamed your release then pull free, put you on your knees in a submissive pose, and thrust back in again. I’d hold your hips hard as I slammed my cock into you, demanding you take everything I gave without mercy until we both came.”

  “I want that as well. I don’t want to wait.” She rubbed against him. “I want you now, Michael. I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to take our time. I need you. Please,” she whispered. “Love me, Michael, please.”

  “And I won’t hurt you,” he growled out, scraping his teeth to her throat. Rubbing his nose to her skin, he shuddered. “We will bathe and then we will make love. You will not pull me off that course, Rissa, no matter how tempting you are. And by God, you are very tempting.” Pulling at her legs, he got them unwound and forced her to stand. “Wash quickly. The quicker you are, the faster you can have my cock.”

  “Fast. Right, wash. Quickly.” Her mind had to grab onto that one simple task. Taking the soap from him, she watched him, her eyes holding his gaze, and she shivered. “The sooner I’m clean the better, right?” she asked with a smile and began to get clean. “Do you want to help me? Want to help me get clean?”

  Growling, he pointed at the soap. “Wash up fast and then get your lovely ass out of the water.” Raking a hand through his hair, he let out a breath. “I’m having a hard time holding onto the beast inside of me, Rissa. Don’t push me any further, not this first time. I will not hurt you, but I can’t make that promise if I lose my hold on that side of me.”

  Rissa quickly washed, and as she handed him the soap back she closed her hand over his. “No matter what, you wouldn’t hurt me. Yes, I know that this first time together will hurt, but you will make sure that I’m riding so high on pleasure that I won’t recognize the pain, won’t you?”

  “That’s the hope,” he admitted. Lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss to her inner wrist. “Go and settle on the bedroll. I’ll be right there.” Letting her go, he began to wash up, his eyes never once moving from her body.

  Rissa moved from the pond and then to the bedroll. Lying back on it, she looked up at the skies and sighed happily. “It’s a beautiful day, Michael.” Because they were together. “Please hurry, it’s very cold out here without your heat to warm me.”

  “Lift your knees and then let them fall open,” he ordered. “I want to see your pussy as I wash myself. Touch yourself, Rissa. learn your own body and what feels good as you lie there knowing you have my full attention focused on you, and you alone.”

  Rissa did as he instructed, her fingers moving down to the soft curls at the apex of her thighs, and rubbed against a small nub of flesh that had her gasping. “And are you touching yourself?” she cried out, her back arching as she rubbed that small nub over and over again. “That feels so good,” she moaned and tossed her head to the side.

  “I’m finishing rinsing off and walking toward you now,” he said softly. “Pinch it between your fingers and rub it, rolling it around gently, and tug slightly.” He appeared between her legs as he fell onto his knees, his hand on his cock as he stroked it slowly.

  She did as he instructed, pinching her body and rolling the small nub of flesh lightly. “Oh God!” she cried out, arching up with her hips going into the air when she tugged gently. “Michael!” His name came as a gasping, breathy scream.

  Putting a hand on her hip, he pushed her back down to the bedroll. “That’s it, Princess,” he said quietly. Lifting her hand from her trembling body, he lay down and put his mouth on her. Sucking on the swollen and still-throbbing clit, he flicked it gently with his tongue.

  Rissa’s hands went to Michael’s head and held him close. Her legs fell open wide to accommodate his large shoulders, and she made little whimpering and mewling sounds in the back of her throat. “Michael. Oh God, please.” She felt her body lifting again, felt that energy sizzle through her spine and up her back. She knew that she would be screaming again in a moment. “Please,” she sobbed and tugged his hair. “So close.”

  Sucking hard on her clit, he pushed a long, thick finger into her pussy. Catching her hips with his other arm, he held her down as she thrashed. Her head whipped side to side, her fingers locked in his hair as she yanked and pushed on his head.

  When he worked a second finger into her body, Rissa screamed. Her whole body seemed to have been hit by lightning and she bowed up against his mouth and fingers. Sobbing, she bit her lower lip and shivered. “Michael, please. Now,” she begged.

  “Not yet,” he told her. Flicking his tongue to her clitoris, he moved his hand up
her belly to her breast and squeezed. “Play with your breasts, tug and roll on your nipples,” he told her. Pinching her one nipple, he tugged it. “Like that,” he said and pushed a third finger deep into her pussy.

  Her breath caught in the back of her throat, her eyes went wide, and she shivered. “That’s burning, but it’s a good burn.” She wanted to tell him everything, trusted him to know just what to do to make this pleasurable for them both. “And please tell me that later you will turn me to my knees and make me submit to you? Become yours?”

  “After the first time, yes,” he said between his teeth as he moved his fingers in and out of her tight pussy. “But the first time, for us both, I need to be face-to-face with you. To see you as you take my cock into your pussy that first time, to see you climax for me, with me, that first time.”

  The lights in front of her eyes began to dance, and then with a scream, Rissa’s entire body bowed. She’d never felt anything like the rush of pleasure she felt in that moment. When she came back to herself, she was limp under him, her hand fallen from his head and just smiling stupidly. “Amazing, that felt so very amazing.”

  Crawling up and over her, Michael eased his weight down, his cock pressed to her pussy, and he pressed the head in slowly. “It gets better,” he whispered, a promise in his voice. Pushing deeper into her pussy, he moved her legs, hooking them over his hips as he slid slowly deeper into her still-spasming pussy.

  Rissa felt her body’s resistance to his invasion, but she arched up and into him instead of pulling from him. “Oh, of that I’m sure.” Her hand reached out to touch his chest, her thumb lightly moving against his nipple as she did so. “God that feels good, but bad at the same time.” Her body burned. She felt the pain of the loss of her virginity, but she also still felt intense pleasure as well.


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