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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 9

by James, Honor

  “I didn’t like the way he was looking at you and knew it was the only way we’d get a room. Though one day it will be true, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind the small lie.” He looked at her as he pushed his hood back. “You didn’t mind, did you?”

  “Not at all. In my mind, you are already my husband. In my heart and soul, you and I are already wed. When I gave myself to you, I gave my entire being into your keeping, Michael. We belong together. It’s as simple as that.”

  Touching her cheek lightly, he stilled and tipped his head. “Pull your hood up,” he said to her quietly just before a knock sounded. Reaching over his shoulder, he pulled his own hood up and stepped to the door. Pulling it open, he waved the serving girl in with the tray. Nodding his thanks, he shut and locked the door after she’d set it down and left.

  Lifting a dome from the plates, she inhaled the scents of stew and beef and sighed happily. “Oh, this smells so very good,” she said with a smile. “I hope that you are hungry because it looks like they sent up enough for four people.”

  Shrugging out of his jacket, he paused to look at her. “Do I look like I starve myself?” he asked, shaking his head. Tossing the jacket onto the bed, he moved to sit on the floor by the low table. “Even if they’d brought this only for me, I’d have cleaned the plates and sent it for seconds.” Reaching out, he caught her hand and pulled her around the table and down onto his lap.

  Wrapping her arm around his shoulder, Rissa leaned into him. “We will order seconds if we need them, then. It’s really that easy.” She leaned in close and nuzzled his cheek, needing to be as close to him as she could. “I love you so very much. I’m happy, Michael.”

  “Good,” he told her, pulling out a blade to eat with. “I’ll be much happier when we have you safe inside the palace walls once more with a full contingent of Royal Guard to watch over you. Preferably all hours you are awake, given your penchant for getting into trouble or lost.” Lifting a bite of meat on the blade, he held it to her. “Eat.”

  Accepting the food that he offered her, Rissa smiled. “You know that you like the fact that I get lost. You love coming to find me. Sometimes, before you left, I would get lost just so that you would come and find me.”

  Stilling, he looked at her and frowned. “Why would you do that, Rissa?” he asked softly. “I always felt my heart drop every time I heard one of the guards had lost you. Please don’t do that ever again. I hate that feeling of terror. It’s an emotion that is most uncomfortable for me.”

  “I did it so that I could have a moment alone with you,” she confessed. “Even then I wanted time alone with you. I won’t have to pretend from now on. Now I will be able to simply ask for you and know you will come to me or I can go to you at any moment in time. That’s what’s important.”

  “You’d better not do it again,” he said quietly. “Because if you do, I’ll bloody well tan your bottom and ensure you are very uncomfortable for a time. So yes, just ask from here on out, Rissa,” he advised, pressing a kiss to her cheek and holding up the blade. “Eat.”

  She accepted the bite from him and ate, her eyes on him as she watched him watching her. She wondered if this was a feeling of happiness that her parents felt when they were together as well.

  “I can see your mind working, Princess. What are you thinking?” he asked, feeding her some more of the succulent meat. Taking a couple bites himself, he fed her some bread dipped in the juices of the stew.

  “I was just hoping that my parents were able to be this happy together. I hope that they were able to feel even a small part of the happiness that I’m feeling right now, being yours.” She chewed slowly and closed her eyes. “Oh that’s good,” she said happily.

  “They were very happy,” he told her, feeding her some more food. “They were in love with one another and loved you, their people, and life itself. You could see it in everything they did. Everywhere they went and everyone they spoke with seemed better just from them being so in love. You likely didn’t see it as the guard did, Rissa, but all too often we would spot them in a little alcove or in the gardens, your mother laughing like a young girl and your father smiling like she hung the moon and the stars.”

  “I think that you are right.” She smiled at that and sighed. “I hope that you are right. I know that they loved each other like crazy and that makes me so very, very happy. That’s the love that I want. I want to be able to have that love in our lives, Michael. I want our people to feel that love. I want them to look back and nod and say that there was truly love between the King and Queen. It is how it should be.”

  “And so it shall be, Princess.” He looked at her. “I may not be quite as expressive as your father was. Actually, I doubt I could be even a small portion as expressive as he was, but know that I do love you, Rissa. I just pray that you never doubt me or my feelings for you.”

  “I don’t. I don’t think I ever could doubt them. You might think that you aren’t expressive, but you are. In each touch that you give me, I feel your love, and in each look you give me I feel it. Just keep on doing what you are doing and we are totally going to be good for the rest of forever.”

  “As long as you don’t mind my ways, then I will continue as I have been. But if ever you have doubts, Rissa, just speak your mind and I will do my best to lay them to rest.” Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he offered her more bread. “Eat.”

  “I will.” She took the bite and grinned. “You are always trying to feed me, you realize that, right? Not that I’m complaining because I really like it, but you do and it just makes me grin.” She didn’t know if he was just trying to shut her up or what.

  “You need the energy,” he said quietly, giving her another bite. “You are very petite and require more sustenance so that you can keep up with me in all things. Besides, how would it appear if I am healthy and looking rested when we rejoin with the others and you are not?”

  “Ah yes, this is very true. I certainly hope that I look nice and exhausted when we see everyone else. I want them to know just how well loved I am when we all get together again. I will be, won’t I?”

  “You will be well loved and marked when next we meet with the guard. But you will also be well fed and rested, too. I won’t have you looking weary and weak. They might decide to take exception and challenge me. While I don’t mind a good fight, the odds would not be in my favor.”

  “Good points. All right, I will let you feed me and ensure that I get plenty of sleep. We will work together on ensuring that we both get plenty of food and sleep, and then when the time comes along we will both be well rested and well fed.”

  “That we will,” he told her quietly. “And we will ensure you are marked so they know that you are protected. From all that may come,” he murmured, taking a few bites of the food. “Do you wish more?” he asked her, holding up another bite.

  “Yes please.” She took another bite of the food that he offered to her. “This is actually really very good. I’m impressed. It seems as if they brought us the best foods that they had to offer.”

  “Given the coin I gave the man, he could do nothing less,” Michael told her. Finishing off the foods, he leaned back on his hands and watched her. “Are you truly happy, Rissa? Is there nothing you want for or long to have?”

  “I am truly happy, Michael. I have one of the men that I love here with me. I know that the other two aren’t far behind. Who wouldn’t be happy? I know that you love me. You know that I love you. We are good together and you know it.”

  Grunting softly, he tipped his head and then helped her to her feet. Standing, he took the tray and set it out in the hall. Moving to the stand, he poured some water into the bowl and held out a towel to her. “Wash up and let’s get some sleep.”

  After she got herself cleaned up, she undid her gown and stepped out of it, laying it over one of the chairs. Moving to the bed, she climbed in and sighed happily. “Oh this is a very, very nice bed,” she praised with a small yawn escaping her. “Come cuddle me?”
  Nodding, Michael removed his boots and shirt but left his pants on. Climbing into the bed, he drew up the blankets around her. Lying down, he remained still as she settled against him before he wrapped her in his arms.

  Rissa sighed happily when his arms closed around her, and she snuggled up against his side. “Rest well, Michael,” she whispered and then was sound asleep before he could say another word.

  Chapter Ten

  His mouth on her pussy woke her, her body jolting slightly before she seemed to settle. “Good morning, Princess,” Michael rumbled out. Sliding his tongue to her slick heat, he pressed two fingers into her pussy and stroked her. “I hope you are well rested today. Since we have two days, I thought perhaps I could interest you in some loving. Maybe even mark you so my beast calms down a little.”

  “You can wake me like this every morning for the rest of our lives,” she panted out. “Please.” She reached down and feathered her fingers through his hair. “I am very well rested, and I very, very much would like some loving. I want you to mark me. I want to wear that mark proudly, darling.”

  Flipping her over onto her stomach, Michael’s hands on her hips drew them up into the air. A moment later, his teeth nipped at her ass before he moved over her, his heat at her back. “Be sure, Rissa. This is for all of time. Once mated, I will be much more protective, much more of everything, really, so be absolutely sure this is what you want.” He was rubbing his cock to her pussy as he spoke, his lips moving in little kisses on her back and shoulder.

  “I want forever. I want you. I am your mate, Michael, now quit teasing me.” She growled right back at him, pushing back as she did so. “Please, do it before I have to hurt you,” she demanded, pure and simple.

  “As you wish, my mate,” he whispered against her neck. Sliding his cock into her, he pushed her shoulders down to the mattress and bared her left shoulder and neck. Catching her hips, he began to slowly slide in and out of her pussy, allowing her time to settle and get comfortable.

  Rissa pushed back against him as best she could and when she felt his breath on her neck, she whimpered. “Yes, please,” she begged and gave him full access to her neck, needing him to bite her, wanting him to bite her. “Forever, Michael.”

  “Mine,” he snarled out before sinking his teeth into her shoulder. Holding her down, he pumped his cock into her. Reaching under, he cupped her pussy and rubbed furiously at her clit, his free hand finding one of her breasts to massage and torment.

  Rissa felt his fangs digging deep into her shoulder, but instead of pain, there was intense and burning pleasure. She screamed again, her voice caught by the pillow, and pure pleasure rocked through her whole entire body.

  Thrusting deep, he came, his growl filling the room. His cock throbbed deep in her pussy, the knot widening, filling her as his seed shot toward her womb. Shuddering, he pulled his teeth from her shoulder and slid his tongue to her skin. Rolling them to their sides, he collapsed, his arm heavy around her waist.

  Rissa was gasping for air as her whole being shook from the shocks that rolled through her body. Closing her eyes, she smiled. “That was amazing,” she whispered. “So very, very nice. I think we should do that more often.” If she could survive it, that was.

  “The mating only needs to happen once with me. But you will have to mate with Raphael and Gabriel, if you choose to, that is. They will both place a smaller bite on your other shoulder. But we can make love often, Rissa, as much as you want,” he murmured against her cheek as he cradled her close.

  “That’s very good because I really very much liked making love with you, Michael.” She yawned and wrapped her hands over his around her waist and sighed happily. “I love you, Michael. Yes, I want to be able to mate with them as well as long as they want me.”

  “They will want to, especially since you’re now mated to me,” he told her quietly. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he tugged the blanket up higher. “Get some sleep, Princess. We can talk more in the morning when you are more awake and aware.”

  “I think that sounds lovely,” Rissa whispered and yawned once more. “Good night, Michael. I still think that we should wake soon and eat. You know me and how much I like to eat.” She loved eating. It was simply who she was.

  “I do know, and I’ll slip out to arrange for food and a tub later. For now, sleep,” he said, rubbing his cheek to hers. “I will ensure you are fed, Princess, promise.” Then he began to growl low, really low, so it was just a soft rumble against her back.

  She sighed at the soft rumble and the feeling of his heat wrapping around her. “All right. Good night, Michael. I love you, honey,” she whispered quietly and was very soon out and sound asleep in his arms.

  * * * *

  Two days later, they were sitting on the horse tucked into the trees, waiting and watching the spot Michael had chosen for the meet with the others. His chin was resting on her shoulder, his arms around her waist and one hand stroking her arm ever so lightly. They’d only been there a few minutes but were hopeful the others would show sooner than later. “Have you decided where we go from here, Princess?” he asked very softly. “Do we go back to the palace? Or, well, I have no idea where we’d go.”

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I honestly don’t know, Michael. Part of me wants to go back to the palace. Part of me wants to face those that took my parents from me, but another part of me is worried that they will take that opportunity to hurt the men that I love the most.”

  “We can’t just run, Princess,” he told her softly. “Eventually we have to face those that killed your parents. Plus we need to get you on the throne so that your people don’t think the entire Royal Family has abandoned them.”

  She took a breath and nodded. “I hate it when you are right,” she told him with a grumble. “I know that you are right, I really do, but gosh blessed it, why do you have to be right? I don’t want to put the three of you in danger, and by going back there that is exactly what will happen. I will put you in the line of killers out to destroy me for my throne.”

  “And if you don’t go back, they will go and claim it and then, with the power of the crown, hunt you down anyway. We have to go back at some point, Rissa. Not today and not even tomorrow. We have a small window of time that we can just be normal in. But then we have to tighten up and go back and deal with everything and everyone.”

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Have I mentioned I hate it when you are right?” She leaned against him and closed her eyes. “It’s not going to be safe, is it? For a very long time we aren’t going to be safe there, are we?”

  “You tend to mention your dislike for my logic every time you know I’m right.” He nodded, brushing a kiss to her cheek. “It won’t be safe, and no, it will not be for a long time. But we can make it safe in time and with the help of the people. They loved your parents and would do anything for them. The same will go for you, Rissa. Just show them you are what they need, and they will give you the same courtesies as they did your parents.”

  “I know.” She sighed and shook her head. “I really do know, honey. I just hate knowing that you will be in danger when we get there. But we will work on it, right? We will figure it all out and we will do whatever is necessary in order to ensure not only my safety, but yours as well?”

  “I can take care of myself, Princess. You are the one I’m worried about. Without you, the crown goes to God knows who. And we don’t know what they have planned. But we can’t run and we can’t hide out, Rissa. We need to present a strong and united front. We need to show them that while we might be cautious, we are prepared and not backing down.”

  “Agreed. Hopefully the others will feel the same way.” She hated asking them to fight for her, but that was just what she would be doing. “We will be able to do this right? We will get through this, and one day we will look back at this and laugh, right?”

  “Of course we will,” he said, giving her a squeeze. He sat up suddenly and sniffed the air. “They’re comi
ng,” he told her, pulling the reins so they backed up more. “Just in case,” he murmured at her look.

  She nodded at that and leaned back against him. She didn’t say a word, but instead she watched everything that was happening. When she saw the other two enter the clearing, she smiled. They really were beautiful men. Raphael and Gabriel were just as tall as Michael, but not nearly as broad in the shoulders as her Michael was. She smiled and shook her head. “What in the world did I ever do to have three such amazing men as mine?”

  “You were born, Princess,” he said quietly. They stayed still for a long time before he nudged the horse forward. Protecting her head as they rode out, he nodded to the others. “Any troubles?” he asked them as they stopped close by.

  “Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Raphael said before smiling at Rissa. “Nice mark you have there, Princess. I’d say you got yourself rather well mated, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, by one of the three men that I love, I did.” Rissa had never held her tongue around these three men and wouldn’t start now. “If you play your cards right you will get to mark me as well,” she teased, but then seriously added, “if you want me, that is.”

  “Oh, the saucy and mouthy Princess is back,” Gabriel said with a grin. “About bloody time, too. I was seriously getting tired of the broody, moping Princess.” At her look he shrugged. “You have to admit, Rissa, you were less than pleasant to be near right after Michael left. Hell, we were worried you’d grow claws and take us out, given how you were growling and snarling at us.”

  “I was hurt that he left me,” she said with a shrug. “If you guys would have just taken me to him, I would have been less pissy,” she admitted. “Besides, now that I’m back the question still remains. Did you guys want me in your life forever more or not?”

  “We always have, Rissa,” Raphael said quietly. “But we couldn’t act on anything with Michael out of the picture. He’s Prime Alpha, and as such we have to abide by his choices and decisions.”


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