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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 12

by James, Honor

  “It won’t be easy, but I will deal with it,” he told her softly. Standing with her in his arms, he moved to the bed and set her down, tugging the damp towel from around her body. “Get under the blankets so you can start warming up.” Laying the towel over a chair to dry, he began to strip down and soon was naked and crawling in on the far side of the bed to wrap his arms around her.

  Rissa moved so that she could wrap up as closely and tightly to him as she possibly could. “I love you, Michael,” she whispered quietly and rested tightly to his chest. Yawning, she held onto him. “I’m never letting you go.”

  “I love you, too,” he said, brushing his lips to her cheek gently. Holding her close, he stiffened for a moment before relaxing. The sounds of voices moving toward the bedroom could be heard. “They’re back,” he said unnecessarily.

  She yawned sleepily and laughed. “Yeah, I know,” she murmured. “I can hear them.” Rubbing her cheek to his chest, she sighed happily. “I happen to adore you and them as well, but I’m sleepy. Maybe we can finish our mating after I’ve had a nap?”

  “Whenever you’re ready, Princess,” Michael told her quietly.

  Raphael and Gabriel walked in and headed straight for the bed. Gabriel slid under the blankets and wrapped his arms around her legs as Raphael climbed in and snuggled in close to her. “Sleep, Rissa, we’ll worry about everything else in the morning. And try not to kick Gabe. He has this thing about needing to sleep in full dark, all cocooned.”

  “That’s good because I like it, too. As long as I’m warm,” she said with a grin. She felt Raph wrapping her up close and sighed. “This is so nice,” she murmured happily. “I really think that this is something that I could get used to. I really think that this is something that I’m going to want for the rest of my life.”

  “Sleep, Princess,” Raphael said and yawned wide. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he smiled. “Tomorrow is a whole new day. One that will be filled with lots of excitement and new possibilities for us all.”

  “Sounds very, very good to me,” she said with a smile. “I look forward to tomorrow and all of the tomorrows that we will have afterward. I know that we will always have a lovely life together, somehow and some way.”

  “Sleep,” Michael rumbled, nipping her shoulder. Rubbing his cheek to her skin, he settled and fell asleep quickly. Raphael was right on his heels, and from the soft snoring from under the blankets, Gabe was long since out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Rissa shifted in the bed, her body already warm but getting warmer with the mouths and hands moving over her. She shivered. “Please, don’t stop,” she begged them. “That feels utterly and completely amazing.”

  “We weren’t planning on it, Princess.” Gabriel’s voice came from under the blankets. Then he was silent as a tongue slid over her pussy and flicked her clitoris.

  “Especially when we find a warm and relaxed female wrapped up around us. A very special and unique female at that,” Raphael said, nipping at her breast as he toyed with the other.

  “Special and unique how?” she asked with a slow smile and shifted her legs wider, opening herself to their invasion. “That feels amazing.” She looked to her side and reached for Michael, needed the connection to him as well as Raphael and Gabriel.

  “He got up early,” Raphael said, looking to the empty spot at her side. “Are you okay with us being here without him, Rissa?” he asked softly, stroking a light finger over her face. “Because if not we can wait, love.”

  “I think the real question is will he be okay with us being here doing this without him here?” She wanted these two men as well, needed them, but not if it meant losing Michael in the process. “Is he going to be okay with all of this?”

  “He left because he was fighting his possessive nature,” Gabriel commented, throwing the sheets back so he could see her and she could see him. “He was worried he’d hurt one of us if you wanted us to claim and mark you as well. He’s always been more on edge than any of us. You help balance him out, but with us close and not having marked you yet, he was concerned his darker half might physically protest.”

  “I do want you two to claim me as well. I have always known that I was meant for all three of you, but after, will he be calmer? More centered? He won’t have to leave every time that we are to make love, will he?” If so, then the man would be missing out on a great deal of their lives together.

  “We’re hoping so, but honestly”—Raphael shot a look to Gabriel before looking at her again—“we don’t know. There hasn’t been a claiming or bonding like this in the pack for centuries. The last was so long ago that most of the records were lost or are too hard to read. From what the historian says, he’ll calm more. He’ll always be Prime, more dominant, more possessive of course but his beast should calm once we’re all joined and helping to balance him out.”

  Rissa nodded. “He is an exceptional man.” Reaching out, she stroked her fingers over Raphael’s cheek and smiled. “But so are you. I want this. I need this. I need the two of you in my life as well. Be mine?” she asked softly, not knowing how else to ask for what she wanted and needed.

  “Always,” he promised and kissed her gently. “I’m going to take you first, since I technically outrank Gabe. Then, when I’m done, he will take you, too. We’ll each mark you, a small bite on your right shoulder. We never mark on the same side as the Prime. It’s not a good scene if we do.” Gabriel moved out of the way. “Roll onto your stomach and lift your hips, Rissa. We mate from behind.”

  Rissa did as he instructed and braced herself on her hands and knees. Looking over her shoulder at Raphael, she smiled. “Then take me, Raph. I’m yours and you just need to stake your claim. The sooner the better if you wouldn’t mind, please.”

  Moving over her, he rubbed his cock to her pussy as he adjusted her legs. Cupping her pussy, he pressed his cock in slowly, letting her take him as she wanted. “Gods, woman,” he breathed out. “You’re so slick and hot.”

  “Because I’ve been waiting for you to do this for far too long.” Rissa dropped her head to the pillow and pushed back against Raphael and shuddered. “Goodness, yes,” she whimpered. “There, that’s perfect,” she moaned.

  Rocking into her over and over, Raphael toyed with her clitoris. Licking a path up her spine, he nibbled gently at her shoulder. Her right shoulder, his mouth never once straying to the other side. “Later I want to lick you, nibble on you, and just memorize every inch of your beautiful flesh.”

  “Later I will totally let you. Just know that I will want to do the same thing to you,” she said with a low and slow moan. “Just know I will give as good as I get and will want to taste you, lick you, and have you as mine.”

  “Good, we expect nothing less from our mate,” Gabe told her with a chuckle.

  “He is right. We are yours just as you are ours. You are more than welcome to do whatever you want to us. We’re yours to explore and learn,” Raphael told her. Moving faster and harder, he pushed her shoulders down further into the bedding as he growled, his teeth scraping on her shoulder.

  Rissa shuddered against him. “Please, do that again. It feels so very nice. Don’t stop,” she asked quietly and shuddered once more as she pushed against Raphael. “I am yours, always and forever. Scrape your teeth against me once more, it feels so very, very good.”

  “I’ll do you one better,” he whispered with a husky laugh. Thrusting into her hard, he murmured words of love to her. In the next moment, he sank his teeth into her shoulder and held her down as he came, his cock developing the knot as his seed spilled into her pussy.

  Crying out, Rissa shuddered, her whole body clenching on him, and she cried out in desperation. “God yes,” she moaned. “That feels so good.” She shuddered and pressed her face into the bedding so that she could cry out, sobbing in pure pleasure as she did so.

  Collapsing on his side with her still wrapped in his arms, Raphael licked at the mark gently. “Are you all right, sweetheart?” he asked, his voi
ce rough and deeper than normal. One of his hands moved to push her hair back and turn her face slightly so their eyes met.

  Rissa smiled and nodded. “Yes, very good,” she mumbled. “I really, really am very good. So much better now,” she teased with a grin. “I really think that we should do this often. I happen to really like this, a great deal. Being able to have you all three now able to touch me as you want and need.”

  Chuckling, Raphael pressed a kiss to her jaw. “I’m glad you approve,” he whispered. “As soon as I am able, I’ll move, and then Gabriel will do the same with you and mark you. After that, we can figure out what we want to do for the day. Though I do suggest perhaps getting some food before we make too many decisions.”

  “Yes, food would be good,” Rissa said with a smile. Yawning, she rubbed her cheek to his and smiled. “Goodness, you boys certainly know how to wear me out and I freaking love it. I never want these feelings to go away, ever.”

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, he nipped at her chin lightly. “Well I can promise that you will always feel feelings for us. Whether they all be good or bad, one never knows,” he teased. When he could, he withdrew his cock from her slick pussy. “I will go and see what we have around here to eat and leave you in Gabe’s needy hands.”

  “Good,” she said with a smile and looked over at Gabe. “Are you ready to make me yours as well?” she asked him very softly. “Because I would very much like that myself. Please.” She wanted to become theirs, fully and completely.

  “Was but waiting to have my turn, Princess.” He smiled at her. Moving closer, he leaned over her when Raphael cleared the spot. Pressing a kiss to her lips, Gabriel stroked his fingers over her torso slowly. “Are you ready for one more, or would you like a moment to rest?”

  “Oh no, I’m totally ready,” she said with a smile. “I just simply want and need you. I want to be yours and know you are mine. I can sleep later. For now I just want to have you inside of me, making love with me.”

  “Good,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to her lips once more. “You know what to do then, darling,” he whispered as he nibbled on her shoulder. Rolling her onto her belly, he slid his tongue slowly down her spine. “Lift your gorgeous ass, Princess, if you would.” She felt his smile on the curve of her ass.

  Rissa did as he instructed. She lifted her ass in the air to him and pressed her shoulders to the bed. She shivered. “Oh my, yes.” She clenched her hands in the bedding and shivered. “Gabriel.” She moaned his name happily and then clenched hard on him. “More, right there.” His hands were working their magic over her body. They were moving over her shoulders, back, and ass in ways that had her clenching on him tightly.

  “Here?” he asked, stroking her slowly, his fingers digging in slightly in massage. “Or maybe here?” His hands moved yet again to another spot. “Perhaps here.” His words whispered over her skin as his hands moved once more, one landing on her pussy, fingers finding her clitoris, the other on her breast to toy with her nipple.

  “Oh hell yes, there,” she moaned. “God that feels perfect. You should totally touch me there. Because that’s just where I want and need you.” She shuddered. “I love the way that feels,” she whispered.

  Plucking her nipple, he thrust into her, sliding his cock in deep. “Arch your back more,” he growled out. “Push your ass toward me as I slide in. Let’s see how deep I can go.” Nipping at her throat, he swirled his tongue over the spot as he began to fuck her in earnest, his hips slamming forward at an ever-increasing pace.

  Rissa did as he instructed. She presented her ass to him more firmly and she pushed back as he pushed forward. She moaned, shivered, and began to ride the wild mating dance that he had set for them. She moved with him, baring her shoulder to him and biting her lower lip. “Please.” She was so very close, ready to go over, but she needed his bite. Wanted his bite. Wanted his mark of possession.

  His tongue slid slowly over her skin, and then his teeth lightly scraped. When she groaned again, he whispered her name before sinking his teeth into her flesh, the skin breaking. A low growl rumbled over her back and out his throat and mouth by her ear.

  She moaned and shuddered. Her body clenched hard on his cock, and as she did so she felt the knot forming in the base of his cock and cried out loudly as she did so. She shuddered and felt the sweat pouring off of her body, and her knees felt like they were going to give way just as her arms did.

  Together, they slid onto their sides and Gabriel let out a low growl. His arms tightened around her as his tongue licked at her new mark. “You still alive?” he asked softly. He pressed a kiss to her neck, and then one hand moved to stroke her hair back.

  “Oh, yeah,” Rissa whispered and pushed back against him once more, moaning again as she did so. “God,” She whimpered. “That feels amazing.” She yawned, but grinned a silly grin. “I think that I could get very, very used to being loved like this.”

  Chuckling softly, he rubbed his finger over her cheek. “It will be so much more when it’s more than just one of us with you.” Lifting up onto an elbow, he looked down into her face and smiled. “I think we should go and find something to eat. It smells like there is food cooking as we laze here.”

  “Michael.” She whispered his name with a smile, love evident in her tone just as it was when she whispered any of their names. “All right. You sold me. Let’s get up and go eat. I, for one, am starving, and I am very ready for some food because someone, or a couple of someones, rather, gave me one heck of a workout.”

  Gabriel didn’t move right away, just watched her, his finger tracing over her lips. “I can hear him and Raphael talking,” he murmured. He tipped his head slightly and, after a moment, chuckled. “We’d better get up. I think Michael’s finally talked himself back into storming in here.” Withdrawing from her body, he groaned before he rolled off the bed to his feet. Standing there, he stretched slowly. “I plan on getting used to this Princess, fair warning has been given.”

  “That’s very good. I want you to get used to it because I want to get used to it as well. I need this every bit as much as you do, as well, I think,” she said softly. “I happen to really, really love having you both with me, and I really and truly believe that it would be marvelous to have you all three inside of me in some way, shape, and form.”

  “We’ll make it happen, Princess,” he promised with a grin. Grabbing up his pants, he tugged them on and tied them at his waist. Snagging his shirt, he pulled it over his head as he walked to her. Reaching out his hands, he took hers and pulled her off the bed with care. “Did you want something to wear? There might be a couple of shirts still in here since he didn’t clean it out fully.”

  “A shirt would be lovely. I don’t think that Michael would be very happy with me if I were to walk out there naked. I could, of course, always wrap a blanket around me, but I don’t think that would work very well, so yes, please, a shirt.”

  “He would be delighted if you walked out there naked. You might not be, as he would likely interrupt any plans you had to eat for a good amount of time.” He chuckled. Moving to the dresser, Gabriel pulled open drawers until he tugged out a shirt. “It’s one of his, so it should pacify him a little more and will cover you practically head to toe.”

  She took the shirt and inhaled the scent that was clearly Michael and smiled. Tugging it on, she slipped her hand into Gabriel’s and gave it a squeeze. Smiling, she winked at him. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen so that I can get warm in front of the fire again.”

  “One second,” he said, facing her. Tugging his hand free, he tightened up the laces on the front a bit and nodded. “Better, sort of. Well, honestly, I like the fact your breasts were practically spilling out, but for Michael’s sanity.” He patted her chest lightly. “Better.” Taking her hand in his, he led her out of the room and toward the main part of the house.

  She laughed and shook her head. “You are too funny. Michael wouldn’t mind if they were spilling out, we both know it,” she tease
d him. When they walked into the kitchen, she smiled. “Are you going to come and give me a hug, or are you going to stand there growling at Raphael?”

  “I wasn’t growling,” Michael rumbled, moving toward her. Lifting her up in his arms, he hugged her to him. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he set her back on her feet again. Rubbing his nose to hers, he pushed the neck of the shirt slightly off her right shoulder and nodded, but said nothing beyond another kiss to her lips. “There is food, you should come and eat.”

  “Not until you give me another kiss, give me another hug, and tell me you love me,” she demanded. “I mean it. I need and want you to give me a little more loving. I missed having you there,” she admitted very softly, for his ears only.

  “I didn’t think I could be there, not without breaking a promise never to hurt those I considered kin of brotherhood, if not of blood. Apparently I do have limits and that was pushing one of mine,” he murmured. Pulling her tight to his body, he leaned into her and caught her mouth in a deep kiss.

  She kissed him back. Rissa wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body as tightly to his as she possibly could. She loved it, loved him. Finally, when they pulled apart, she licked her lips and shuddered. “Goodness,” she whispered. “Okay, I have to ask you something,” she asked softly and leaned into him. Her lips brushed over his once more, and then she pulled back. “Are you going to be okay with this? With all four of us?”

  Nodding, he stroked her back slowly. “I will be fine with it. It may take me a little time. I’ve not exactly been around others for a while. I will be fine with our arrangement as it is now. But I do ask for a little leeway for a time. I still want you to take me to task when I go too far, but I need some time to fully settle this in my own head.”


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