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The Big, Bad Wolves [Mischievous Fairy Tales 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 14

by James, Honor

  “I’ve always seen you as the woman you would be one day, Rissa. I see who you are now, love,” Michael said, pulling her to a stop once more. Turning, he looked down at her. “Why do you think you’ve gotten away with so much where others had not? It wasn’t because you were a Princess, little one. It was and is because you are my mate,” he lifted hand to cup her cheek. Suddenly he stepped in closer to her, his heat wrapping around her, his thumb stroking her skin. “I wanted and needed you to live to the fullest you could,” he said quietly.

  “And I did, I am,” Rissa whispered. “And now I think that you need to kiss me again. I need you, Michael. I want you to make love to me again. Out under the moon for all I care, just love me.” And he did. She knew that he did and smiled happily with that knowledge.

  “I do love you, Rissa, I always will.” He smiled slightly for her, only her. His head lowered, and then their lips met and meshed perfectly. His body pressed along hers as his hands slid under the cape to grab her closer, ever so gently, and yet so demanding.

  Rissa parted his cape and pulled closer to him. Her hands moved over the enclosures of his pants, and she began to finally stroke his flesh when she bared him to her. Biting his lower lip, she whimpered, “Lift me and take me, the tree there, just now.” God, she was burning up. “Will it always be like this? Will we always be this needy?” God she prayed it would be so.

  “It will grow for a while yet before it levels out,” he said, pulling at her skirts until he had them bunched at her waist. He backed her to the tree she’d pointed out and lifted her up. “Guide me into your body, Rissa, now.”

  Holding his cock in her hands, she teased him only a moment in the moisture gathered between her thighs and moaned. “There,” she demanded and began to push down on him. “Now.” It was a growl of her own, a demand pure and simple.

  He thrust his cock into her deep and fast, hitting her womb. Lifting her up higher, he slammed into her again and again, his arms keeping her back from hitting the tree. “Mine,” he growled out deep. His mouth was on her neck, his tongue sliding over her skin as his cock slid in and out of her pussy.

  “Always,” Rissa agreed and tightened her legs around him. “Harder.” God, she was so close, his teeth scraping her shoulder until she tilted her head slightly and then screamed, coming with a blinding flash of light when his teeth bit down and hard on her shoulder at his mating mark.

  Moving faster, he came a moment later, her tight muscles milking him for everything he could give her. His growl poured out into the woods around them. It was long moments of hard breathing before either of them could even speak. Lifting his head, Michael slid his lips over her skin. “Beautiful.”

  “Couldn’t agree more,” she whimpered and smiled, her cheek dropping to his shoulder as she sighed happily. “I think that you and I both needed that, you most of all,” she teased him. He had been tense because of her making love with Gabriel and Raphael, but now he was her Michael once more.

  Growling softly, he squeezed her ass, his cock jerking in her pussy. “I don’t know what you mean,” he said softly. His teeth nipped at her shoulder over his mark and he breathed her in, his nose rubbing over her flesh.

  “Yes you do,” she replied on a pant and moved on him again. “God, you are so hard again already. Please tell me that you are ready for more? Only this time do you think that we can do it without bringing your men running, only to turn around when they understood just why I screamed?”

  Chuckling softly, he lifted his head to look at her. “Saw that did you?” he teased. “They won’t be coming back anytime soon even if you do scream. They know you’re with me now and won’t be coming back, not if they want to keep their heads attached.”

  “This is very true.” She moved against him once more and sighed happily. “So, what are your thoughts, darling mine? Should we try this all over again, I really hope? Or do we continue our walk, boo-hiss-hiss?”

  “Not very subtle, Princess,” he said quietly. Then he rocked his hips forward, his cock sliding in deep before he moved faster. Turning, he moved them to a spot of clear, lush moss and lowered them both down, his cock moving in and out of her pussy, not slowing even once.

  She arched up when her cloaked back hit the moss, and she pulled him closer. Moaning, she felt her toes curling in as she pulled him closer. “I’ve never been one for subtlety, not when it came to you.” She knew that he would understand that. She had always been one to tell him exactly what she needed.

  “I love the fact you are straightforward, honest, and nearly brutal with your words. It speaks to the beast inside,” he whispered. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he lifted her ass and slammed his cock into her over and over, his hold on her hips the only reason she didn’t go sliding on the ground.

  “It’s because I recognize him as mine. I know that he’s a part of me just as you are. We all belong together, and I wouldn’t use subtlety or lies against you because that would be something that would come between us.” She gasped and tugged him deeper with her heels on his ass. “We are one,” she added before crying out softly.

  “Forevermore, Princess,” he said through his teeth. Pressing one of his thumbs to her clitoris, he rubbed at the tight bud as his cock slid in and out of her pussy. “Scream for me again, Rissa. Let everyone of pack lands know how well loved you are.”

  Rissa would never, could never deny him anything. She did just as he demanded and she screamed. Rissa’s voice caught in her throat with the loudness that welled from deep inside of her and spilled out through her shout of pure pleasure and release.

  Michael didn’t stop though. His cock kept pushing through her tightened inner muscles. Pushing her through one orgasm, straight to another. His cock started to swell, and then he shouted out his release. His body arched up as he drove as deep as he could and filled her with his seed.

  Rissa gasped for air, every single part of her body reacting to the orgasms that just shattered her and built her right back up again. It took her awhile but finally, with a slightly hoarse voice, she whispered, “Goodness gracious that was fantastic. I really love being out in nature with you.”

  He was rubbing his nose to her jaw slowly, but she felt the rumble of his laugh. “We’ve spent our share of days out here. I’d have thought you’d be happier indoors with a fire and bedding. Especially given your girly requirements and complaints of things like bugs and such.”

  Her eyes went wide and she shuddered, “Bugs?” She whimpered and squeezed her eyes closed, pulling him even closer than before, if that was possible. “Please tell me there are no bugs on me, please?” she begged.

  “Not a single bug would dare to touch my mate,” he said next to her ear. His large hand stroked over her hair as he held her to him. “I promise, no bugs, Rissa. Relax, little one, you know I’d never put you in a situation like that. It’s why I chose the moss, the bugs don’t like something it excretes from its leaves.”

  She relaxed immediately and sighed. She then began to giggle. “God, you must think that I’m impossible. I know that I’m a total lost cause where bugs come into play as well, as anything to do with riding a horse. I wish I was better.”

  “Don’t do that, Rissa.” Michael moved slightly so he was looking down at her. “You are who you are, and you are perfect. Everyone is afraid of something, and if they say they are not they are liars. I will not tolerate anyone making you less than you are, especially you, little one.”

  “And what are you afraid of, Michael? You have never once shown fear of any sort, so what is it that you are afraid of?” Her tone was cautious, halting, unsure.

  “Losing you,” he told her quietly. “That’s been my greatest fear from the moment I first saw you and knew who you were. I tried my damndest not to let my protective nature stifle you. I wanted you to have a life, a normal life. One where you could grow and become who you were meant to be, Rissa. But every day was a fight with my beast not to wrap you up and take you somewhere I could guard you every minute of every

  “And you will never lose me,” Rissa assured him. “I love you, Michael. I’m in your life now and I do not plan on ever, ever letting you go. I’m keeping you for forever, so you need to find another fear because that one is no longer valid.”

  “It doesn’t work that way,” he said softly. “Fears are not rational, and there is no pushing them aside. Not when it’s something like that. I could lose you in a hundred different ways, Princess. Most of them give me nightmares just contemplating them.”

  “I love you. You will do whatever it takes to keep me safe because you love me. It’s what we do. We will always watch out for each other, and now you will have to help keep me safe. Things are as they are supposed to be, right?”

  He gave a slow nod. “Yes.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he withdrew from her embrace. His cock slid free of her pussy, rubbing over her sensitized lining as he sat on his heels. “Come on, little one, we should get back so you can sleep.”

  “All right. And you will be sleeping with me?” She had been sleeping, a lot, but she would never turn down a chance to have her three wolves cuddled up around her and holding her close. Nope, that was far too close to heaven for her to deny it.

  “I will be with you, yes.” He nodded. Standing, he tied his pants shut and reached down to draw her to her feet. Once she was up, he shook out the cape and made sure it covered the fact she wasn’t wearing much of anything at all.

  Slipping her cloak back on, she adjusted the cowl so that it hid her face and slipped her hand into his once more. “All right, I’m as ready as I’m going to get here, babe. Let’s get home, and then I will let you strip me and check me for buggies,” she teased. “But make sure that you are very, very thorough in your check.”

  “I am always thorough, woman,” he growled at her, snapping his teeth for effect. “Silly female, questioning me like that.” Michael just shook his head. Tucking her close to his side, he guided her back through the trees, muttering under his breath the entire time.

  She grinned and shook her head. “That’s what I am supposed to do. Make sure that you check my body, very, very carefully.” She added in what she hoped to be a suggestive tone, one that would make him realize what she wanted.

  Pulling her to a stop, suddenly he growled. Next thing she knew she was over his shoulder and they were…Holy hell, they were up a tree! When had that happened? “Shh,” he breathed against her ear as he settled her on a branch. “Don’t move an inch,” he whispered, wrapping his body around hers and shielding her as he stared out into the forest.

  Rissa went deadly still. If he had them in a tree, then there was something happening and she was determined to not let him be hurt because of her. Her fingers clenched his tunic, holding onto him where he had placed her and watching the forest along with him.

  Michael’s fingers rubbed over her back slowly, lightly. Skin to skin, so no sounds would betray them. He was tense, every muscle coiled and ready for whatever was out there. After a very long time they heard a series of howls and yipping sounds. Only then did he relax and ease back from her a little.

  She looked up at him with a frown. “What happened?” she asked softly. She wasn’t sure what it was that had happened, but she wanted to know.

  “Intrusion at the perimeter,” he said quietly, sitting back on the branch. “Neighboring pack juvenile,” he told her, looking her way. “Nothing major, but any intrusion is something they take seriously and deal with just as seriously. Luckily, it wasn’t a real threat. We’ll wait for the all clear from the sweep before we head home.”

  “They won’t hurt him, will they? If it’s just a child, they wouldn’t dare harm a child, right?” She knew that the pack lands were heavily guarded and marked to ward off predators, but surely to goodness they wouldn’t harm a child for its curiosity.

  “No, they won’t hurt him. It’s part of pack life to try and breach another pack’s perimeter,” he said softly. “It’s how they learn. Luckily, it’s a pack we have a treaty with, so they’ll just take him home and he’ll get a glower or two from his Alpha. Then he’ll end up in more training since he obviously didn’t pay attention the first time around.”

  That had her shaking her head and grinning. “And if he were to bring me home to his Alpha? That would so not go over well. I don’t know who would be more upset with the kid, me or his Alpha as he tried to apologize to you.”

  “Anyone touches you, they’ll be lucky to only have another Alpha to deal with.” The words were silky smooth, but the underlying promise, not a threat, was clear. He held up a hand and then reached for her. “We’re clear to go home. They’ve got the kid back on his lands and are heading in with their patrol to see the Alpha.”

  “I think that kid is going to have a heck of a lot of additional work to do around the pack lands. If his or her mother is still around, you will also likely get an apology.” At his look, she shrugged. “It’s what moms do. They make their kids that misbehave apologize.”

  “His maybe, but not all,” he shrugged, the action making it clear he didn’t want to discuss it. He then wrapped her close before he jumped from the tree. They landed with a bit of a jolt and she was on her feet once more. “Maternal females are scary enough on the best of days. I have a feeling he’ll be in trouble for years to come.”

  “Well, just know if we have children I will never, ever let them get by with something like that without making them apologize to whomever they wronged. I mean it. I want and need for any child that we have to have manners, no matter what. How about you?”

  “I have manners, I just don’t always use them,” he said. Looking her way, he rolled his eyes. “Oh, the kid we may have. Yes, children need to learn proper respect and manners. They also need to know what their boundaries are. And they need to know the consequences for straying, especially within a pack, are severe and fitting the transgression.”

  “This is very true. You will ensure that they learn the ways of pack as well, right? I’m struggling to learn right now, but I want to be able to learn. I want to be able to know that I’m not going to give you trouble. I want to know that I’m not going to shame you,” she whispered softly. “I just really and truly never want to shame you, ever.”

  “Hey,” he said, stopping her. Turning, he put a hand to her cheek. “You have never shamed me, you could never shame me. You are perfect as you are, but yes, I will ensure you know the pack laws and ways.” Dipping his head, he looked into her eyes. “Most of it’s common sense, of which you do have a great deal when you choose to use it, Rissa.”

  “Thank you,” she told him softly. “I’m trying to think through things. I really am. I think that with your guidance and my common sense I will finally figure it all out. Some way and somehow. I just want to be everything that you want and need in life, honey.”

  “This is not you, Rissa, you do not self-doubt. So what is wrong, little one?” he asked quietly. “I love who you are, darling. Just who you are. Believe in yourself and trust your instincts. As long as you are with an escort on pack lands for the next while, you won’t get into trouble.”

  “I’m working on it, but the only wolves that I have ever been around are the three of you. I love you three so very much, and I don’t want to mess this up. I guess that is part of why I’m so worried. I’m worried that I won’t be good enough for your pack.”

  “So, let me just make sure I have this all straight. You’re good enough for the pack Alphas but not the rest of the pack.” Michael tipped his head and made a face. “I’m sorry, Princess, but somehow I’m just not seeing the picture you are. You’re perfect for us, and you love us, and for that alone the pack will worship you.”

  “I love you guys, and you love me. I just don’t know how to deal with new people. You know that as well as I do.” Rissa was a painfully shy woman and had always struggled being Princess of the realm. She wasn’t like many of the other princesses of the realms, she was instead shy and would rather ensure her people were truly taken care
of more than anything else.

  “Princess, we’re not mere people, we’re different. You know that very well. I know you don’t like meeting new people, but you met some tonight without much effort. I’m not going to call them all together and just toss you into the mix. We’ll introduce you to a few at a time, nice and easy until you’ve met them all.”

  It took her a moment, but finally she smiled. “I hadn’t thought about it,” she whispered. “I really had forgotten that I was meeting new people. I like it though. I was able to meet new people without doing what I typically have done.” And that was a monumental improvement for her.

  “That is the plus of stumbling on people out on the lands, Rissa. You are meeting new people without even realizing it. And you’re more relaxed out here, too, than you ever were around the Palace,” he said softly.

  “Because while I was in the palace, I was so frustrated, because I had so many demands and burdens of the crown upon me. I love it that I’m able to simply be me. I’m happy that I’m able to simply enjoy life as it is.”

  “So do you not want to go back?” Michael asked, his tone serious. “Would you rather let the crown fall to the next in line or be held in trust until we have a child? I won’t pressure you to go back, Rissa, you know that, darling, but you need to make the choice.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “As much as I would like to be able to just stay here on pack lands with you, we both know that we really can’t do that. We can’t let the crown to fall to another. The crown is what should one day go to our child, and we have to ensure that our lands don’t fall apart in the meantime.”

  He nodded slowly. “Then we will go back when you are ready. We still have things to figure out before we can, anyway. So for the time being, we will introduce you to the pack. In a couple of days, we will revisit the idea of going to the palace once more. If you want to still have staff there, we need to decide it sooner rather than later.”


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