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Woman of the House Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle)

Page 9

by Anya Merchant

  “Oh god mom,” he whispered. “Please, don’t talk like that.”

  “You were using my panties to masturbate before, you dirty boy,” she said. “If you want to be a pervert, than you should cum for your mommy, like a pervert.”

  That was too much for Derrick. He rocked his hips forward and let out a moan, spraying his seed into the clean white towel his mom had wrapped around her chest. She continued jerking him off for a moment more, smearing his semen into her hand and against his leg.

  “There you go, sweetie,” said his mom, smiling. “Go take a shower and get cleaned up. There should still be some hot water left.”

  Derrick nodded, and then after pulling his pants up, left the room, feeling more confused and conflicted than he ever had before in his entire life.


  Surprisingly, the shower water did help Derrick clear his head. What had just happened between him in his mom must have been some kind of accident, or mistake, he realized. There was just no way that she could have really touched him like that intentionally.

  His heart continued to race, however, as if serving to contradict his rationalizations. His mom had looked so sexy wearing her towel, and he found himself wondering about whether or not he could have taken it off her. She had jerked off his dick, and as sick and confusing as it was for Derrick, part of him seriously wanted more.

  He took his time in the shower, and when he finally got out, it was dinner time. His father and his sister, Kaitlyn, were already sitting at the kitchen table when he made his way down.

  “Hey little bro,” said Kaitlyn. “How was your day?”

  “Fine!” he answered abruptly. Kaitlyn shot him a slightly suspicious look.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Quit badgering him, Kaitlyn, I’m sure Derrick’s fine,” said his dad. “Probably just his teenage hormones getting him riled up.”

  “Oh, we can’t have that, now can we?” Derrick’s step mom stepped out from the kitchen, wearing a low cut shirt, tight jeans, and a pink apron. She set the platter of food she was carrying down on the table and then gave Derrick a hug.

  “Oh no, I’m fine,” he said nervously. “Really everyone, I’m just fine…”

  “You need to find more ways to have fun, have a little release,” Stacy whispered into his ear. None of the other members of his family seemed to notice her hand wandering down and in between his legs, and rubbing his cock into a hard erection.

  “I, I’m sure I’ll find something, mom,” he said.

  “Make sure you get your homework done tonight, Derrick,” said his dad. “Your grades on your last report card were abysmal.”

  “Of course, I will,” he said, breaking away from his mom. “In fact, why don’t I bring my food upstairs and work on it while I eat?”

  He didn’t wait for his parents to answer, quickly scooping himself some food and walking towards the stairs.

  “Hmm, maybe he is growing up a little, after all,” said his dad. Derrick heard his mom let out a girlish laugh in response.

  It was just too hard for him to be around her. He didn’t know what to say, or what to do. Part of him was curious about just how far his mom would push things, but another part of him was terrified to find out. In the end, Derrick decided on a strategy of avoidance, figuring that things would work themselves out within the next few days, and hopefully return to normal.

  He ate his food, and then took a stab at his homework. He found it more than a little hard to focus, but kept working on it until it was well past 9. He retired to bed without leaving his room again, feeling as though his body was too electrically charged for him to handle any more contact with his mom.

  An hour went by, maybe less. There was a soft knock at Derrick’s door, followed by the sound of the knob turning and the ambient noise of the hallway drifting in.

  “Honey?” whispered his mom. “Are you still awake?”

  “Mom…” he said. “What are you doing?”

  “I just wanted to say goodnight to you, sweetie,” she said, closing the door behind her. “You ran off during dinner, I was a little concerned.”

  She walked into his room. It was dark, but there was just enough moonlight shining in through Derrick’s window for him to make out her features. She had changed into a small, see through night gown, and he could clearly see her large breasts and perfect pink nipples through the thin cloth.

  “Why are you doing this, mom?” he asked. It was hard for him to restrain his bewilderment. Stacy sat down on the bed next to him and ran her hand across his crotch.

  “I’m just trying to help you out, baby,” she whispered. “You seem so pent up, and frustrated. Don’t you want your mommy to help you out, in her own, special way?”

  She pulled the sheets back. Derrick was already hard, and had no idea if it was from his dreams or from her. His mom climbed on top of him and leaned forward, letting her cleavage spill out and nuzzling her tits against his face. She began to grind against his crotch, and gently guided his hands up to her breasts. They felt amazing and soft, and Derrick felt himself giving in to his desires.

  “Mom…you’re so hot,” he said.

  “Oh yeah baby,” she said. “Go ahead, show mommy how hot she is.”

  Stacy began to kiss her son, passionately and wildly. Derrick wrapped his arms around her and began to thrust his hips up, dry fucking her through his boxers and her gown. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and he could feel moist heat emanating from her pussy.

  “Yeah baby, it’s okay,” she said, moaning. “Let me have it baby, say goodnight to me!”

  “Stacy?” The sound of Derrick’s dad knocking on his door sent fear racing through his awareness. Strangely, he found it hard to stop himself from kissing his mom, and rubbing himself against her. His cock had popped out through the flap of his boxers, and he was guiding it towards her hot entrance.

  “Sorry, babe, I’m just saying goodnight to Derrick,” she said, slowly letting the head of her son’s cock tease at her folds. “I’ll be out in a second.”

  “Uh, okay?” said his dad. “Is everything alright in there?”

  Stacy hopped off Derrick in the bed in one smooth, silent motion, and made it to the door right as her husband opened it. She seemed totally composed, as it nothing had happened between her and her son. It was hard for him to know what to think.

  “I just thought he could use a talk,” she said. “He seemed so stressed out during dinner, but he was asleep when I came in.”

  “Oh,” said Derrick’s dad. “Okay. Are you coming to bed?”

  “Of course, sweetie, let’s go.”

  The two of them left, shutting the door and leaving Derrick alone with a mess of emotions and his throbbing cock. He found himself feeling incredibly guilty and ashamed as he thought about his dad, and what he and his mom were doing behind his back.

  He rolled over in bed, trying to ignore his erection, and the intense sexual thoughts and urges that seemed to be centered on one thing and one thing alone. After a couple of minutes, he drifted off to sleep.


  When Derrick woke up the next morning, it took him a while to discern his dreams from what had happened the day before. He slowly pulled himself out of bed, getting dressed and heading downstairs all while holding out hope that things would be completely back to normal.

  Kaitlyn, his dad, and his mom were all already on the move, eating breakfast and preparing to head out of the house. Derrick helped himself to some toast and orange juice, doing his best to stay under the radar.

  “Sorry, I have to be at the office in ten minutes,” said his dad. “I won’t have time to stop by the school with you.”

  “That’s alright, hon, I’ll just ride in with Derrick.” His mom was looking at him with a coy smile on her face. She sat down at the dining room table next to him and ran her hand a small way up his arm.

  “What?” he asked. “I mean, why do you need a ride?”

  “You don’t
mind, do you sweetie?” asked Stacy. “I have to meet with your principal to work out some of the volunteer arrangements for the fall. One of the other moms offered to give me a ride back, but I still need a way to get out there…”

  “Derrick, if your mother wants a ride, be a good son and give her one,” said his dad, fixing his tie and stuffing a couple of papers into his suitcase. “You don’t want to let her down, let me tell you!”

  “So is it okay, Derrick?” asked his mom. “Can you give me a ride?”

  The look in her eyes was pure seduction. Derrick felt his cock twitching in his pants and slowly rising to attention.

  “Okay mom,” he said after a moment. “If you want a ride, I’ll give you one.”

  The family finished up breakfast, and then everyone was out of the house. Derrick waited in the front seat of his car as his mom slowly made her way out. She was wearing a tight dress and red lipstick, a combination that elevated her from her usual sexiness up to a new, higher level of attractiveness.

  “I wanted to thank you for helping me out, Derrick,” she said as you climbed into the car. “You’re being such a good boy for mommy. She’ll have to give you a special reward.”

  For some reason, as she began to massage Derrick’s crotch, a strange anger came over him. She was enjoying the effect she had on him, and the power it gave her, he realized.

  “Why are you doing this?” he asked, his voice sharp and cutting. “Mom, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Oh, baby, are you mad that mommy has this effect on you,” she said, teasing his cock with her fingers as it slowly hardened. “It’s not my fault that you’re such a dirty boy, with such dirty thoughts.”

  Derrick glared at her, but made no move to put a stop to what she did next. Stacy unbuckled her seatbelt and reached across the center console of the moving car, bringing her face in close to her son’s package.

  “Mom, you have to stop this,” he whispered. “It’s…it’s not right.”

  Stacy unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out into the open air.

  “Do you really want me to stop, or do want mommy to suck you off until you give her a taste of your hot, young cum?”

  Derrick felt his face flush red, and after a moment, he gave a small nod. Stacy smiled, and went to work.

  She started by rubbing just her lips all up and down his member, keeping her mouth mostly closed and giving his cock soft kisses. Derrick groaned, and forced himself to focus on the road.

  “Ooh, you like that don’t you?” asked his mom. “You’re such a bad, bad boy. Mommy’s going to have to teach you a lesson.”

  She began licking his cock, sending such intense pleasure shooting into Derrick’s body that he almost couldn’t believe it. His mom brought her tongue slowly up and down his dick, wetting with her warm, silky saliva.

  “I need you to say it, sweetie,” she whispered. “Tell mommy what you want her to do to your cock, like a good boy.”

  Derrick wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Things had gone far enough, and he was already deeply ashamed of his role in the new, sickening relationship dynamic that had taken hold between them. Unfortunately, his body and hormones seemed to have a will that trumped the wishes of his rational mind.

  “Please, mom,” he said slowly. “Suck my cock.”

  Stacy instantly snapped into action, bringing her son’s cock into her mouth and working it with the tender love and care that only a mother can provide. She sucked hard, and twisted her head as she brought her lips down and across his shaft, making the blowjob even more sensual and intense.

  “Oh god, mom,” he said. “Mom, hurry…we’re almost there.”

  He was driving down the road to his school, keeping the car going at the lowest acceptable speed. Stacy increased her pace, but right as he felt like he was going to cum, one of the tires dipped into a pothole and his mom’s rhythm was disrupted. He ended up being forced to pull into the school parking lot, finding a space to park in a less active section of it.

  “Quick mom,” he said. “Oh god, I’m almost there…”

  Unfortunately, he didn’t get there quite quick enough. The car that had been behind the two of them pulled in next to them. His teacher, Mrs. Carson, stepped out of it, and smiled at him. She was a petite woman, and from her height it was impossible to seen into the raised inside of the SUV. She couldn’t see his lap, or his mom’s head bobbing up and down over it.

  “Hi Derrick,” she said. “Did you study for the test today?”

  “The…test?” It was hard for Derrick to speak single words coherently, much less carry on a conversation. “Oh…yeah, I made sure to do a lot of studying for it.”

  “I’m glad.” His teacher moved closer to his car. She was an attractive woman, and from the angle he was looking at her from, he could see down her low cut shirt. “It’s going to a big and hard one.”

  “Oh, Mrs. Carson.” Derrick tried to disguise a moan that slipped out. “You like the big and hard ones, don’t you?”

  “Oh, of course I do, young man,” she said. “The big and hard ones are my favorite.”

  That was too much for Derrick. His cock began to explode, spraying out milky white hot strands of cum deep into his mom’s mouth. He stared down at his lap as she drank every drop, with his teacher watching him with a puzzled look.

  “Uh, anyway, I’ll see you in third period, Derrick,” she said. “Have a good morning.”

  “Oh…you too.”

  She walked off, and Stacy finally lifted herself up. She fixed her hair in the flip down mirror, and then smiled at her son.

  “Come straight home after school, sweetie,” she said. “Your father’s going to be at work, and your sister doesn’t get done with field hockey until five.”

  He nodded at her, and watched as she opened the door and walked towards the building. Derrick felt terrible on the inside, but also, strangely excited.


  Derrick tried to think of a reason, any excuse or justification that his mind could possibly produce, to not head home after school like his mom had suggested. But in the end, he came up completely short, both on logic and on willpower.

  He drove straight back after his last class had finished for the day. His cock had begun to feel excited before the last bell had even rung. He’d been in Mrs. Carson’s class, and just looking at his teacher seemed to trigger the same type of inner sexual ferocity that he had felt during the blowjob that morning.

  The drive seemed to take an eternity, and every second of it was filled with thoughts of his mother. It didn’t make sense to him, any of it. Desiring her like he did, and having her working so hard to seduce him, it made him feel ashamed and guilty, as though they were breaking some type of ancient law.

  And they were, surely. It was immoral, the acts, and the sneaking around, and more than anything Derrick wanted to put an end to it and make sure that nobody ever found out. But on top of that, there was his lust, which seemed as though it was now taking control, and sitting in the real driver’s seat.

  By the time he pulled into his family’s driveway, his cock was totally erect. Derrick didn’t even try to hide it as he got out and walked inside. He kicked off his shoes, dropped his backpack in the living room, and then sat down on the couch.

  “Right on time, honey,” called his mom. “I’m upstairs, come find me.”

  He walked up to her room and opened the door. His mother was wearing a night robe, sitting on her bed with her legs crossed and a smile on her face.

  “Mom, we have to stop this,” he said. “There’s no way that this can go on any longer.”

  “Honey, don’t say that,” she replied. “You’re going to make your mommy very, very sad.”

  She stood up, and the hem of the robe opened slightly, giving him a view of the side of one of her breasts. His cock was still rock hard, and only seemed to ache even more at every new inch of exposed skin that she offered him.

  “What if dad found out about this?” he asked. “What if
…Kaitlyn did?”

  “Sweetie, I love you,” she said. “I just want to reward you for being a good boy. Or punish you, if you decide to be naughty. Come here and give mommy a hug.”

  She untied the robe and opened it, exposing her naked body underneath. The sight of his mom’s big, beautiful breasts was so sexy and alluring that it was almost painful. She had trimmed her pubic hair for him, leaving only a small landing strip down below.

  Derrick slowly walked over to her, feeling as though he was getting dangerously close to the final line. All he wanted to do was give her a hug, he told himself. The two of them could end it after that, after one last hug.

  The second he wrapped his arms around his mom, she began to rub against him like a cat in heat. Her body was warm, and his cock pulsed as the two of them began to kiss. Stacy was quick with her hands, lifting Derrick’s shirt up and over his head and unzipping his jeans before he had time to protest.

  “Why don’t you join mommy on the bed, sweetie?” His mother leaned back on the mattress, sprawling out seductively and spreading her legs for him.

  It was almost like a sexual demon had possessed Derrick. He frantically pulled off his boxers, moving as quickly as he could, and climbed on top of her. His hands groped at her breasts, and as he slid his cock up into her warm opening, it was enveloped easily.

  “Oh yeah, baby,” moaned Stacy. “If you don’t like mommy’s teasing, why don’t you teach her a lesson?”

  “Mom!” he cried. “Why are you doing this?”

  It was almost as though he was playing right into the role that his mother had set up for him. Derrick began to fuck her wildly, enjoying the feeling of pounding his own mother’s tight little cunt. Stacy began to cry out in ecstasy, as if she had achieved sexual nirvana. From all the work that Derrick had seen her put into his seduction, he considered that it might not be far off from the truth.

  The room was hot, and their bodies were even hotter. A thin layer of sweat coated their skin as they continued moving against each other. Derrick pushed harder and harder into her, the woman that he loved and looked up to and respected. Stacy gripped his shoulders and exhaled hot breath onto his neck, urging on her son, the child that she had been tasked with protecting and raising.


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