Teach Me: A Bad Boy Professor Romance (The Me Series Book 1)

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Teach Me: A Bad Boy Professor Romance (The Me Series Book 1) Page 7

by Penelope Marshall

  I leaned in, pressing my lips against hers, tasting all of her for the first time. She melted against me as I pressed my body harder on hers.

  She broke our kiss. "Mr. Donovan, I—"

  I stepped back, realizing too late I'd made her uncomfortable. I was so lost in my own intrigue that I'd forgotten she had a say in this.


  "I've never kissed anyone before," she interrupted, holding on tightly to her locket.



  "I don't even know how to respond, except—how? How has someone as beautiful as you never been kissed?"

  "I just haven't."

  I'd taken her first kiss, and a part of me was proud to have claimed her, but the other part felt like the biggest asshole in the world. I'd taken something from her that she was probably saving for someone special.

  "Is that weird?" she asked timidly.

  "No, I just never…" my words trailed as I eyed the locket she wouldn't let go of. "Who's in the locket, if you don't mind me asking?"

  Her eyes smiled. "My mother. She—"

  "Regan!" Sophia bellowed from a few feet away.

  I spun around. "Sophia."

  "Where have you been?" Her hands planted on her hips.

  "I was—"

  Cher stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Ms. Casey. Mr. Donovan saw me crying, and he came over to see what was wrong."

  Sophia's hands fell to her side. "Crying? What's wrong?"

  "It's—it's my mother. She passed a while back, but sometimes it just hits me out of nowhere."

  "Oh, you poor girl," Sophia cooed, holding out her arms as she walked toward Cher.

  I could see the horror in Cher's eyes, realizing Sophia was about to give her a hug. So I stepped in. "I think we should let her be."

  Cher stepped back. "Yes, I'd like to be alone. I think I'll head home."

  "Are you sure?" Sophia asked.

  "I'm positive." Cher crossed her arms and shuffled her shoe in the dirt.

  "Okay, then. You let me know if you need anything. Mr. Donovan knows where to find me."

  Cher glared at me. "I'm sure he does."

  I set my gaze on the ground, still able to taste the strawberry gloss from her lips. When I looked up, Cher had already started to walk away, leaving Sophia and me alone under the bleachers.

  She inched toward me. "Well doesn't this remind you of high school?"

  "High school?"

  "You know, making out under the bleachers."

  I shook my head. "No, it doesn't."

  She pressed her hand against my chest. "You're lying. A guy like you?"

  "A guy like me?"

  "Handsome. Debonair. Intelligent."

  Her words became hazy as I narrowed my eyes, trying to catch the last glimpse of Cher disappearing into the darkness behind Sophia.


  Why did Sophia have to come and ruin our moment?



  I left them behind, but I could still feel his body against mine. I touched my fingertips to my lips, reliving each electrifying second, wondering why I had waited so long to have my first kiss.

  I couldn't get his scent out of my mind, or the way his heartbeat felt against my chest. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he'd been nervous. Not quite the playboy I pegged all handsome, well-versed men to be. I made it out from under the bleachers, hoping no one would see me. Thankfully, they were all busy paying attention to the game.

  The game. Reese! Shit!

  What kind of woman would I be if I continued on my date with Reese after kissing another man? I wouldn't be able to focus, that's for sure, and it wouldn't be fair to either or us. I couldn't stand him up, so I'd have to meet him and let him know I wasn't interested.

  The VIP section was definitely going to be off-limits for the rest of the night. If I had to see Ms. Casey clinging onto Mr. Donovan again, I might've clawed her eyes out. Deciding to stay in the shadows, I leaned against the side of the concession stand watching what I could of the game through the small cracks in the crowd. The night air had cooled off some, and the chill set off goose bumps along my arms.

  What I wouldn't give to have Mr. Donovan—Regan—wrap his arms around me and set me on fire like he did with that kiss. My thoughts drifted off to what class would be like in the morning. Would seeing him during professional hours be awkward now that we shared a tawdry secret? Or would it make the rest of the year exciting?

  I bit my lip, trying to hold back the overwhelming lust quivering between my legs as I held on tightly to my locket.

  What should I do, mom?

  I didn't think she would actually say something back. But there was a sense of calm which suddenly washed over me—one I hadn't felt in years. Not since the last time I held her in my arms.

  The crowd roared, followed by a loud buzz from the scoreboard.

  The announcer's voice blared over the speaker, "And we have thirty seconds left in the game. This is going to be a close one, folks."

  "Thirty seconds?" I pushed myself off the wall.

  Where had the time gone? Ever since I'd met Regan my days had turned into hours, and my hours into minutes. I could barely catch my breath, let alone comprehend what was happening between us. Slowly, I began to walk toward the parking lot, despite knowing I'd have a long wait while Reese celebrated then showered. At least I hoped he'd shower. I shook my head in disgust when I spotted Mr. Donovan and Ms. Casey once again sitting in the VIP section, her arm holding his hostage at her side.

  How could he be so dismissive about our moment? His lips were just touching mine, and now he's sitting there with her. Maybe he was the playboy I pegged him to be? So why was I in such a rush to let down someone who was actually interested in me? I looked away, unable to take any more of the jealousy raging in my brain.


  "Sophia." I began, removing her arm from mine. "I'm not interested in you this way."

  The skin between her eyebrows wrinkled. "I don't understand. Am I not pretty enough for you?"

  How can such a beautiful woman be so insecure about her looks?

  "You're as beautiful as the day is long, but I'm not the one for you. Surely you see that?"

  "But we're perfect for each other," she whispered in my ear.

  "Maybe on paper, but we don't live on paper. We live in flesh and blood, and my heart has its own mind."

  She shook her head. "Charming—even 'til the bitter end. Can't you at least pretend to be an asshole to make this easier for me?"

  "I guess I could. Do you wanna start from the beginning?" I smiled.

  She pouted. "I'm trying really hard to hate you right now."

  "I just don't wanna lead you on. I really don't."

  She looked into my eyes. "She's one lucky girl."

  Does she know?


  "The girl who breaks down that wall of yours."

  I chuckled nervously, slightly relieved she had no idea about Cher.

  "Can you walk me to my car?"

  "Of course I can see you to your car."

  She clasped her hands on her lap and crossed her legs intently looking out into the field.

  "Are you ready now?"

  "No, I want to watch the cheerleaders' victory show. I was a cheerleader in college, and this was my favorite part. Do you mind?"

  I couldn't say no upon seeing the excitement on her face. "Of course not."

  I sat back in my chair, watching as the cheerleaders threw each other into the air, defying all laws of gravity. "Wow, they're good."

  "It's a sport, you know. But no one ever gives it its due credit," she stated proudly.

  I nodded. "I can see."

  Another thirty minutes passed before the last girl was tossed into the air. Although it was a sight to behold, I could go the rest of my life without seeing another cheerleading show and still die a happy man.

  Sophia stood from her seat, clapping wildly for the girls. "Bravo,
ladies!" she yelled.

  "Are you ready?" I asked, standing from the hard, uncomfortable metal chair.

  "Yes. That was wonderful."

  "I agree. Quite energetic."

  She laughed, flirtatiously pushing my arm. I made sure not to return the gesture for fear of starting the vicious cycle over again, wanting to keep our relationship exactly where it was—platonic.


  God, it's cold.

  I paced around Reese's car, trying to think of a way to let him down without sounding like a complete bitch. The crowd had already dissipated, so it was just me and his Land Rover keeping each other company until he arrived.

  Maybe I could say I'd made a mistake and I wasn't ready to date? Or maybe I could say he wasn't my type? No. I couldn't say any of those things because he would just try to persuade me otherwise. I'd have to tell him honestly that I'd met someone, and it wouldn't be fair to string him along.

  "Cher!" Reese's voice echoed across the parking lot.

  He waved, jogging toward me. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a white, V-neck tee shirt, hugging onto his muscular arms for dear life.

  Anxiously, I waved back, scared out of my mind. He made it over to me in a few seconds, his chest heaving from the jaunt over.

  "You guys won. Congratulations." I smiled.

  "Yeah, well, I was playing." He pretended to dust his shoulders.

  His arrogance proved to be a significant turn-off. I'm sure there were women in the world who enjoyed that sort of exuberance of ego but I, unfortunately, was not included in that bunch.

  He unlocked the passenger door. "Are you ready?"

  I grabbed his wrist as he moved to open the door for me. "I don't think I'm gonna go."

  The excitement left his face. "Why? I just won. We need to celebrate."

  "Yeah, you just won. You need to celebrate. Honestly, I'm really not interested, and it would be a waste of both our time to pretend that I could be," I said, loosening my grip on his arm. "I'm so sorry."

  He reached out, pressing his palm to my cheek, leaning in to whisper in my ear, "Don't I get to decide what is a waste of my time, or who?"

  "You certainly do, but this is not one of those cases."

  He backed away, his eyes turning into fire as he wrapped his fingers around my wrist.

  "You're hurting me, Reese."

  "You don't think you're hurting me? Why do you always have to be such a frigid bitch, Cher?" His grip tightened as the seconds past.

  "What are you talking about? Let me go," I begged, struggling against his strong grasp.

  "No. You're the prettiest girl in school, and I'm tired of you telling me no," he growled, grabbing my other wrist.

  A flash of heated anger and fear flooded my body. "What are you doing? Stop!" I yelled, forcefully kneeing him between the legs.

  His face turned red, his grip loosening a bit, but not enough to free myself. "I just want to talk to you."

  "That's not what it feels like. Let go!"

  Something large brushed by me, followed by the sound of a loud crack.

  "Let her go," Mr. Donovan yelled after punching Reese in the jaw.

  Reese's hands flew off my wrists and onto his face, wiping the blood that had begun to stream from the corner of his mouth.

  "What the fuck?" Reese grunted.

  "She told you to leave her alone."

  "You're a fucking teacher."

  "And you're a fucking asshole. Get the fuck outta here before I call the cops."

  "The cops? For what?"

  "You were about to assault her!"

  "No, I wasn't. Tell him, Cher. Tell him I was just trying to talk to you," he screamed in my face.

  I covered my gaping mouth. I couldn't believe what was happening. Reese's eyes darted back and forth wildly between Mr. Donovan and me.

  "Fine. She's a fucking crazy bitch anyways. I don't need this shit messing up my draft pick chances," Reese cursed as he straightened his posture and backed away, walking around his car to the driver side.

  I stayed quiet, watching as he slammed on the gas, causing his wheels to spin uncontrollably before gaining traction. He peeled out, leaving a cloud of burnt rubber and streaks of black across the pavement.

  I wanted to wrap my arms around Mr. Donovan and thank him for saving me—for being my knight in shining armor, but I held back.

  "What a fucking asshole," Mr. Donovan said, staring at the Land Rover disappearing around the corner.

  "I don't wanna call the cops on him. I just wanna forget tonight. All of it."

  He turned to me. "All of it?"

  I knew what he was alluding to. "Yes, all of it."

  "What are you still doing here anyway? Didn't you leave after—"

  "After the kiss?"

  He nodded.

  "I was telling him I wasn't interested in going on our date—"

  "Wait, that was your date?"

  I nodded.

  He shook his head, rubbing his knuckles.

  "What's that look for?"

  "You could do so much better than that guy."

  I turned to him. "You think so, huh?"

  "I know so."

  That was it. I was tired of the banter, and the endless back and forth between us. I needed to know. "What is this, Mr. Donovan?"

  He turned to me—his face stern. "Regan. I've asked you to call me Regan."

  "Why did you kiss me, Regan?"

  "You needed it, and so did I."

  His words set me on fire. "How can you assume to know what I need? You're just like every other man, thinking you can take what the fuck you want when you want."

  He inched closer. "Tell me you didn't want me to kiss you. Tell me with truth in your voice, and I'll leave you alone."

  He stared into me, and I gazed back, unable to speak. I couldn't say the words out loud; they would be a lie. I wanted him to kiss me then, and I certainly wanted him to kiss me now. In fact, I wanted more than that—my body wanted more. I wanted to feel his weight pressed against mine.

  "I can't."

  "Tell me you want me."


  He reached out, pressing his palm against the side of my neck, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I closed my eyes to revel in the sweet moment.

  "Say it," he whispered. "Say you want me."

  My lips parted. "I want you."

  He grasped my neck and tugged me closer. "Tell me you want me in you."

  "I want you in me," I exhaled into the cold night air.

  He grazed his bottom lip against mine as his fingers raked down the nape of my neck, stopping at the small of my back. The trembling between my legs could no longer be tamed. I was fully and unequivocally captivated by this man.

  He pressed his lips to mine, wrapping his fingers around my wrists, lifting them behind his neck. His fingertips trailing down the length of my arms, finding rest on my hips which he clutched onto tightly. I'd never had a man touch me this way, and I didn't know how to respond. I was nothing more than an innocent lamb caught in the snares of this charming wolf dressed in designer clothing.

  I pulled away. "This is wrong."


  I tugged her close, holding her in place. "It couldn't feel more right."

  Kissing her felt like home to me. This was where I needed to be—where I wanted to be. There we stood, alone in the vast darkness with only a hazy parking lot lamp to light our rendezvous.

  If I'd taken her first kiss, this was all new to her, and she wouldn't be ready to go any further. I wasn't ready to let her. Her first time had to be special, even if it wasn't with me.

  "Let me take you home."

  Her eyes were still closed, and her lips were slightly parted.

  "Cher," I whispered, loving her sheer innocence.

  Her lids fluttered open. "Home?"

  I ran my fingers through her soft hair which smelled like vanilla and strawberries all at once. "Yes. You've had a long night. Let me take you home."

  "I do
n't think—"

  "Shhh. I'm just taking you home."

  She nodded, tugging at the hem of her shirt as she backed away.

  "Are you okay?"

  She let out a short laugh as she shuffled the toe of her shoe across the loose gravel. "Like you said, it's been a long night."

  I pressed my hand to the small of her back, leading her to my car. She was quiet during the walk, and I wondered what could be running through her mind. Was she regretting the kiss? Was she regretting me? I'd never wondered these things. I'd always been so sure of myself and what I brought to the table. But with her, I could only offer her two things—my experience and my heart. One of which I'd never offered a woman before.

  I walked ahead of her to open her door.

  She blushed. "Who says chivalry's dead?"

  I winked at her. "The un-chivalrous."

  I closed her door and walked to my side, admittedly a little nervous to be alone with her. I felt like I was in high school going on my very first date.

  "Are you hungry?"

  She shook her head and crossed her arms in front of her. "No. I'm okay."

  "Are you cold?"

  "A little."

  I pulled my sweater off and gently laid it on her shoulders, turning on the heater after starting the car.

  "Thank you. Why are you being so kind to me after the hell I've put you through?"

  I turned to her and smiled. "Crazy, I guess."

  "You certainly are different from any man I've ever met," she said, fiddling with the sweater.

  "So, I'm not ordinary?"

  She looked up from her lap. "You never were. It was a feeble attempt to push you away."

  "For what?"

  "One, you're my teacher, for God's sake, and two, I don't want to be in a relationship. My father left us. I saw what it did to my mother and me, and I promised I would never do that to myself."

  "But I'm not your father. Neither are a lot of other men."

  "My brain knows that. My heart, however…" her words trailed as we left the parking lot, and turned onto the street.

  "That's my building over there."


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