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Page 4

by Shannon Simmons

  Pulling out onto the road, I watched Murphy pull out and keep a safe distance. I hoped the ride home would give me time to lecture my hormones and collect myself but every time I glanced in my mirror I could swear I could see him baring that taunting grin. Arguing with my body was becoming difficult.

  We pulled into the driveway that led to the garage and I hopped off to open up the shop. After rolling the bike inside and storing it, I shoved the second and third garage doors open and found Murphy seated on the hood of his blue Chevelle with a cigarette hanging loose between his lips. With his shades off, his eyes squinted against the sunlight and shifted from one end of the garage to the other. He nodded and looked me over as I moved from the office down to the third door where the lift was. With my arms crossed over my chest I smiled.

  “This is my baby. Welcome to Marshall’s Motors. We are open Monday through Thursday, nine to whenever. Sometimes work is slow, other times my yard looks like a used car lot. With the end of the month rolling around, we will have a lot of oil changes. I do have one client bringing in a 1952 Chevy Bel Air on Monday. He won it in a bet. It’s a piece of shit right now but he wants it restored. Hope you are up for it,” I informed him and slipped out of the shop to stand closer to him and turned to look at the place. “There is a single out back for body work. I like to keep my grease and paint separate.” He nodded and turned to look at his car.

  “Do you mind if I oil her up,” he asked and I smiled.

  “Only if you do mine too,” I replied and tossed him my keys. I pointed to my 1962 Chevy pick up across the yard by the house. He arched a brow as he looked it over and then nodded.

  “Needs a paint job too,” he commented. I nodded. I would get to that eventually.

  “There are some coveralls in the office. Help yourself when you need them. I’m going to go work in the house for a bit. If you need anything just come on in.” I was offering him his one and only shot at any trust with me. If he messed up my shop, I’d kill him. Hoping he knew what he was doing, I turned on heel and headed across the dry yard towards the back of the house.

  While I listened to the shop tools outside and the radio in the kitchen I gathered the laundry basket and headed out to the line to pull and fold the dry clothes. I could see the shop from the back yard and casually glanced that way while I took my time. I could see that his car was jacked up and all I could see of him were his legs and boots sticking out from beneath it. The sound of a socket wrench was comforting and made me think back on times when I was in the yard and it was my father working in the shop. I really missed him.

  After carrying in the folded clothes, I hung the wet set from the washer and called “quits” on the laundry for the day. I made some sweet tea and gave it time to cool while I paced the kitchen for a while. I wanted to go out to the garage and help or watch but I had a feeling it would be trouble, at least for my hormones. I wondered what the attraction was. I had a gorgeous boyfriend and we weren’t lacking anything. Murphy was rugged, a little cheesy and…dangerous. That was it. He was dangerous. Greyden was your typical good guy. He could hammer someone’s head if it was necessary but he wouldn’t start a fight or provoke trouble. I always got my way with him and he was easy to boss around. That wasn’t completely a bad thing but I liked a little resistance from time to time. Greyden wasn’t a challenge.

  I stopped pacing and mentally slapped myself. I had to stop all this analyzing or I was going to talk myself into some serious trouble. Just as I let it go, there was a knock at the front door. My boots became cement blocks and I stood there staring at the front door for a moment. Finally, I picked up my feet and opened the door. Murphy stood grinning as he wiped his hands on a red, grease smeared rag.

  “Want some sweet tea,” I asked as he pulled the screen door open and stepped inside. I turned my back to him and showed him the way to the kitchen. Without an invitation he had a seat at the table and leaned back in the wooden chair. I poured the tea over ice and sat it on the table with the pitcher.

  “Thanks,” he said as he began to empty the glass. I could hear ice breaking between his teeth and cringed. It made my own teeth hurt just to listen to it. I hoisted myself onto the kitchen counter and watched him in and his attempt to cool off. He had been working pretty hard for almost two hours now. “Love the shop,” he said as he sat his empty glass down.

  “I’m glad. Coming back on Monday,” I asked him and he gave me a quick nod. “I’ll enjoy the company out there,” I added and he nodded again.

  “I’ll take care of your truck and then I am going to head out for the weekend. I have other…business to tend to. I will be back in time for work on Monday,” he informed me with that deviant smirk of his. “I’ll show you some tricks with that Bel Air when it arrives. That ought to be a good time.” I liked that he seemed excited about working with me. I was definitely going to appreciate his help with the Bel Air. I could do all the restoration work but I was slow with it. His help would be a major plus.

  My legs swung from the counter’s edge and I turned to look out the back window into the backyard where my clothes were drying. With my cheek turned, I could still feel his eyes on me. I was nearly across the room and could feel his heat. A soft electric hum pulled at my ears. Chill bumps flourished over my flesh as I felt what seemed like static fingers touch the nape of my neck. They prickled over my shoulder and down to trace my collar bone.

  The phantom touch slid around the outside of my right breast, tracing its curve through the thin cotton of my white shirt. I felt my core quake. My lips parted and I sucked in a deep breath as if I had forgotten to breathe for the last five minutes. Slightly startled by the sensation, I turned to look at Murphy. I felt my face turn red as my eyes found his wicked smirk awaiting me. I tilted my head and narrowed my brow. I was confused. How was he toying with me like this? No better way to find out than to just ask. “How do you do that to me,” I asked quietly but sternly. My teeth found my bottom lip and my eyes searched him over, hungry for answers.

  “Do what to you,” he asked. His abrasive voice held a slyness to it. One that told me he knew exactly what I was talking about and that he wasn’t going to offer an answer. I felt my blush turn from embarrassment to frustration.

  “I know you know what I am talking about,” I informed him and slid down off the counter. I headed for the front door and just as I walked past him, I felt those static hands trail low on my waist to the small of my back. My jaw tightened as well as my sex and I turned to glare at him. Glancing at him over my shoulder his defined lips curled back over his perfect teeth and he held his hands in the air. I wanted him so badly and I also wanted to know why. What was his power over me? I had a perfectly good man and I had no reason to tangle myself in the web of this one.

  “A man can’t help it if you are attracted to him,” he said smugly and stood from his seat at the table. I turned sideways in the front doorway. Crossing my arms over my chest, I watched as he got the hint and headed slowly towards me and the exit. His grey eyes stayed on me and that wicked smirk remained smeared over his tempting mouth.

  “You can go now. I’ll take care of my truck this weekend. I have no other plans,” I said with a sharp tongue. He chuckled and shook his head. I held my hand out for my keys. He unclipped them from his belt and dangled them above my palm. Before I could take the keys and move away, his hand circled my wrist and he pulled me swiftly against him. A strong current vibrated between our touching bodies and a shocking chill rippled though me as his breath whispered over my lips.

  “Don’t hate me because I’m a real man,” he jabbed as he made a stab at Greyden. His arms seemed to struggle for a moment in an attempt to not react to the current between us. I felt anger hit my cheeks and shook my head. He didn’t even know Greyden and sadly I knew exactly who he was talking about. Greyden was a man! He just had a few weaknesses that made him easy to walk on; not a good thing when dating me. Speaking of weaknesses…the electricity between us nearly took my knees out from under me.
I pushed myself back and the door frame bit into my lower back.

  “Shut up and I’ll see you on Monday,” I said through gritted teeth and he laughed out loud as his hands slid away from me and he swung open the screen door. His laugh was more like a howl and it resonated through my essence. I stomped out of the doorway and slammed the door behind him. I watched him saunter down the front steps and turn to watch me through the windows like a predator circling his prey. Once his back was to me I leaned my back against the door and exhaled loudly. I was confused, curious, angry and extremely turned on.

  I listened with my eyes closed; his Chevelle slowly pulled out and drove off. I eventually made my way out to the shop to clean up and lock up. He had already left the place spotless. As I pulled the last door down and locked it, I heard someone pull into the drive way. I turned to see Greyden on his Harley and a slight tinge of guilt sunk into my gut. I hadn’t done anything wrong...yet.


  His fingers curled into a fist at the nape of my neck. He pulled hard on my hair sending my lashes crushing to my cheeks and my lips parting as I gasped. The air was hot, sticky and sweet on my tongue. I felt his mouth hungry on my neck. His tongue traced the pulse in my neck accompanied by grazing teeth and strong lips. I could feel my bare chest against his hot flesh. My back arched as I rolled into him; straddling his lap. With my arms around him I buried my nails into the flesh of his back and listened to the deep purr that rattled within him as his static pulse enveloped me.

  A firm hand slid between us and down to the top button of the jeans I still had on. His strong hand found its way past the zipper, down the front of my panties and molested me in tender circles. He knew what he was doing. I felt my body shiver against his and the hunger of my body grew more intense. I wanted him inside me. His mouth found my left breast and he began biting and suckling at my nipple. I rocked against his touch and moaned against his lobe.

  My hands left his back and searched low for his jeans only to be pushed aside. He stopped caressing me and slid me off his lap. My body wanted to scream in protest but was silenced when he pulled my jeans down and away from me. Before I had time to move on my own I was pulled back over his lap and down against his naked body. I could feel his hunger between my thighs as his erection pushed firmly against me.

  His lips eagerly found mine and we kissed feverishly. My lips seemed to vibrate against his as our electric touch buzzed. My fingers tangled in his hair as his hands slid to my hips and around to my ass. He lifted me gently and then pulled me down with force onto his hunger. My back arched as he sunk into me and sent my passion ablaze. I literally felt the heat begin to burn. His hands eagerly rocked me over his excitement as my mouth gave in to his. I could feel him deep inside of me and though it was nearly painful, I wanted more.

  With my eyes still closed I let my head fall back as he kissed my neck and nipped at my breasts. I came down hard against him and felt his heat crawl over my skin. It flared intensely once again and a growl rattled in his chest, a growl of passion. I felt my legs begin to tighten up as my climax grew close and he moaned against my neck as his did too. His pull on my hips gained forced and the pain within pulled me closer to the edge. The heat between us was almost smothering now. I was panting hard and felt like I couldn’t breathe because the air had grown so thick with an electrical charge. He forced me over him and sunk his teeth into the flesh of my shoulder as I began to cum. The tightening and pulse of my sex shoved him over the edge with a violent thrust and his head flew back as his lips parted and he howled into the darkness. I felt myself wanting to scream his name…

  My eyes flashed open and my body quaked against his. The room was not pitch black. Moonlight poured through the kitchen window and over bare flesh. The heat was gone and the air was startlingly cool. His lips kissed my shoulder as I laid my head on his and stared off into the next room. I shivered and his arms wrapped around me. We sat in a single kitchen chair in the middle of the room in silence, catching our breath and recovering. I tried to pull my mind from fantasy and back into reality. I finally untangled myself from Greyden and sauntered down the hall to a small bathroom.

  I closed the door behind me and waited in the darkness. After I heard him lumber up the stairs; I flipped on the light and looked at my reflection. My blonde hair fell limp against my damp shoulders and stuck to my temples. I pushed my hair aside to take a look at my shoulder where he had bit me and found…nothing. I narrowed my brow and ran my fingers over my flesh. Had I imagined it? Much like I had imagined I was in the arms of another man? I exhaled and turned on the water. I rinsed my face and yanked my hair up in a sloppy ponytail before heading upstairs. Greyden was already in the shower. I waited instead of joining him.

  I walked down the hall and opened the door to my old room. The walls were still painted dark purple and black sheets still blanketed my bed. A little dark for a young girl but I loved these colors. My bare feet took me across the room to the single window on the far wall. From here I could get a full view of the shop and the endless sandy lot beyond it. I leaned against the window frame with my hip and watched my breath cloud the glass and fade away. Something caught my eye. Headlights flashed nearly half a mile away. I watched the specks of light until it appeared the car had turned and drove away. I pulled away from the window, naked and slid back into the shadows. There was no way that anyone could have seen me from that distance. But something inside me told me that they were letting me know they were there. I was sure I knew who it was and the sudden pain in my shoulder that I had sworn had been bitten told me I was right.

  I drew in my bottom lip and closed my old bedroom door behind me as I stepped back into the hall. The shower had stopped and Greyden stood in the doorway drying his hair. He flashed a smiled and vanished into our bedroom.

  “What got into you tonight,” he asked loud enough for me to hear. I ducked into the bathroom and paused before answering.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I said as I pulled the elastic band from my hair and let it fall to my back. I turned on the water in the shower, thankful that he saved some hot water for me. I heard his footsteps approach as he entered the bathroom and I climbed in the shower.

  “When was the last time you jumped me after dinner in the middle of the kitchen,” he asked and laughed.

  “Are you complaining,” I asked as I lathered my hair with cocoanut shampoo. The smell was soothing and the hot water had worked out my remaining tension.

  “Not at all, love. Not at all. Just wondering what I did to get so lucky so I can do it again,” he replied and then left the room. I enjoyed the silence that was left in his wake and I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold. After drying off I slipped into a long sleeved black thermal night shirt that fell just short of my knees.

  I climbed into bed after wrapping my wet hair into a bun and listened to the loose window pane rattle while I let visions of Murphy swim in my head. They only created question after question. Sleep never found me. I riddled myself with how Murphy had such pull on me. I wanted to know what his secret was, why he toyed with me and how he touched me…without touching me. I wanted to know why he was out in the desert watching, if he was watching and if he had anything to do with my visions and the bite. All I knew for sure was that he had a mental hold on me and I wasn’t exactly fighting it off.

  Saturday nearly slipped away from me. I kept myself busy in the garage until Greyden yelled to let me know he was heading to work at the bar. He kissed my grease smudged cheek and drove away as the sun began to set. I managed to finish my oil change, laundry and clean the house in the next hour and a half. I fought back and forth on the idea of going to the bar or sitting at home alone. I didn’t want to lose my head in all my confusion tonight so I cleaned up and headed to the Watering Hole.

  The parking lot was packed. Inside there were enough ex cons to fill a small prison and enough ill will to actually return them to it. I could hear conversations about drugs, the black market and one about carr
ying out a hit. I didn’t bother to look and see who was planning on killing someone for pay. I knew no one had a reason to put a dollar sign above my head and that’s all I needed to know. Around here you were better off not knowing what lurked in the shadows.

  My table had been taken and the assholes that were seated there didn’t look like they wanted to be disturbed. I found a vacant seat at the bar and was quickly greeted with a kiss over the counter from Greyden. The television was still on the news channel and it looked like there had been a string of murders along Routes 6 and 375. Route 6 ran north of us and 375 to the east. I had no doubt that the killer was from our area or had at least passed through Silverbow. Sometimes I wondered if we gave Sin City a run for their money on crime infestation.

  The news reporter said that they all looked like robberies but that the actual attacks were devastatingly grizzly and looked as if an animal had attacked the victims. The cops were puzzled at this point and would be until DNA results came in. That could take a long time. I could hardly imagine how many times the bad guys had had substantial amounts of time to escape before DNA test results returned. There were no suspects at this time and I had little faith that they would ever come up with any.


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