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Bad Boy Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 9)

Page 5

by Harmony Raines

  “I deal in good vibes,” Zak told Dean. “Life is a high in itself.”

  “You really did do good, son.” Dean beamed a huge smile. “Makes my life worthwhile.”

  “Hey, it’s not just me that has made you proud. That picture gallery of yours is filled with before and after pictures of kids that came good.” Zak took a breath and then continued, not sure where he wanted the conversation to go. “I’m sure Louise will come good too.”

  Dean hesitated and looked out of the window for a moment before saying, “I hope so. She’s got it harder than most, having a baby and all.”

  “Maybe she’s met the right man who will help her,” Zak said.

  Dean chuckled. “Is that your way of giving me a compliment?” Dean remarked.

  “No. Well, yes. But that isn’t what I meant.”

  Dean rinsed the last of the dishes and turned to face Zak, wiping his hands on a towel as he studied him. “Is there something I need to know?”

  “Damn, this is harder than I thought.” Zak set the last plate down on the pile. “Don’t get mad. Because you know I can’t help it…”

  “She’s your mate?” Dean reached out and took hold of the counter. “Well, I’ll be...”

  “How did you guess?” Zak asked.

  “You have been acting a little strange. Just little things, and I didn’t think it was from living upside down for a year or more.” Dean recovered himself and stood looking at Zak, his expression hard to read. But at least he didn’t look as if he was about to warn Zak off.

  “You aren’t mad?” Zak asked.

  “Confused, but not mad.” Dean frowned. “Why would I be mad at you?”

  “Well, I’m not exactly good boyfriend material,” Zak replied, a crooked smile on his face. “You know all about my past.”

  “Which is why I can’t think of a better man for Louise. She needs someone who can relate to her. Who realizes life throws you lemons, and it’s damn hard to squeeze the juice out of them to make lemonade.” Dean approached Zak, his face serious. “And most of all, I know you won’t ever run out on her. If I could get my hands on the guy that cut her heart up so bad, I swear I’d rip his throat out.”

  “Yeah, I am with you there.” Zak raked his hand through his hair. “Although that leaves me with a conundrum.”

  “It does?” Dean asked.

  “If Storm’s father hadn’t left her, she would never have come here, and I would never have met her.” Zak shrugged at Dean. “Does it make me a bad person, that part of me is glad that happened?”

  “Zak, son, we can’t help the way we feel.” Dean patted him on the shoulder. “Does it help that I feel the same? Having those two ladies in my house has brought me such joy. They’ve both grown. Storm in the way babies are supposed to, and Louise in confidence. I’d be sorry to lose them to anyone but you.”

  “You aren’t going to lose them,” Zak insisted.

  “You are going to want a place of your own, you are not going to want an old man like me spoiling your fun.” Dean walked away from Zak. “I am going to bed. Help yourself to whatever you need.”

  “Dean, I mean it when I say, I’ll always want you to be a big part of my life,” Zak said.

  Dean came back and stood before Zak. “I want you to promise me one thing.”


  “You don’t hold back on what you two, or three, want to do. Not for me. Go live your lives to the fullest. But Storm is another thing…so make that two promises. You also treat that little girl as if she were your own. I know you can do it.”

  “I promise.” Zak smiled sadly. Dean was right, they would want their own space. But not right away, there was no rush to make a decision about where they lived.

  Zak chuckled as he caught his train of thought. He hadn’t even told Louise they were mates yet. And he had no idea she would accept him. He might have to work at it before she fell madly in love with him. Something he was more than willing to do.

  As long as she didn’t tell him to get on his bike. Literally. Because there was no way he was leaving. No way.

  They finished the dishes together, and then Dean said, “I’m going to turn in early too. Good night, Zak. It’s good to have you home.”

  “It’s good to be home,” Zak replied truthfully. “Good night.”

  Zak listened to the sound of Dean’s footsteps on the stairs. He remembered his first night here at Sunnyside. Was he really that same kid who wore a mask for the world to see that said he was tough, and he didn’t give a damn about anyone else? The same mask Dean had gently stripped away. But not before Zak had been in more scrapes than a young man should.

  Zak realized it was only because of Dean that he hadn’t wound up with a criminal record. One of the many things he owed Dean for. And he wanted to find some way of paying it back.

  A chuckle escaped him as Dean’s words rattled around in his head. I don’t need you to pay it back. I need you to pay it forward.

  That’s what he would do. Here in Bear Creek he would find a way to pay it forward.

  His bear stirred. Their mate was approaching.

  Zak felt her presence before he heard her light footsteps on the stairs. He stood for a moment, wondering if she knew he was here. Had she come downstairs, thinking everyone was asleep? He didn’t want her to think he was lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce.

  Clearing his throat loudly, he went to the sink and filled a glass with cold water. He made enough noise that even a non-shifter would easily hear. Zak heard her pause on the stairs, a moment’s hesitation, before she continued on her way to the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Louise said. She had an empty bottle in her hand, and her hair was still damp from her bath.

  “I don’t mind. I like the company,” Zak said.

  She smiled shyly. “You don’t have to say that.”

  “I mean it,” Zak said, the words you are my mate longing to burst out of his mouth. But once it was out there, he would never be able to take them back. Perhaps it would be better if she got to know him first?

  “I don’t expect you figured you would come back here and find a single mother and a baby.” She ran the bottle under the tap to wash it out and then placed it in a sterilizer.

  “Babies have never been Dean’s thing. He usually prefers older kids, who are on their last chance. He likes to turn them around.” Great, good job selling yourself, he thought to himself.

  “Well, maybe that part hasn’t changed,” Louise said, her voice far away, before she yanked it back. “I know how lucky I am.”

  “I know how lucky I am too,” Zak agreed. He frowned, did that come out the way he meant it to? It must have, because Louise was smiling back at him.

  “We both were blessed to have Dean enter our lives.” Louise dried her hands, and turned to face him. “Although I have other people I am indebted to as well.”

  “I’m sure they are happy to see the success you are making of your life,” Zak replied.

  She gave a short laugh. “Working at the animal shelter is not exactly making a success of my life, is it?”

  “You are juggling it with motherhood. And since you had a rough start there too, I think you need to give yourself a break,” Zak said firmly. He hated hearing Louise put herself down.

  “It’s difficult. I see the same old me when I look in the mirror. Does that ever change?”

  Zak grinned. “You are asking the turnaround kid.” He held out his arms. “Look at me, the kid who escaped his past.”

  “Do I hear a hint of sarcasm?” Louise asked.

  “More than a hint.” His face sobered. “Honestly, I get it. Even now, I see the kid who should have ended up a drug dealer, addicted to alcohol, and with no prospects. But when I do see that person in the mirror, I give him a hug and tell him it gets better.”

  “That is so sweet,” Louise replied, her eyes misting up with tears.

  “The one piece of advice I can give you, is that y
ou have to be your own best friend. You are the one who has to carry yourself through thick and thin, good times and bad. Sure, there are people who are there for you, who pick you up, and dust you off and push you back in the ring. But the one constant in life is you.”

  Louise nodded, her brow wrinkled as she thought over what he’d said. “I get it.”

  “You do? Great!” He smiled widely. “Dean would be so proud.”

  “He does like to play those mind tricks on you, doesn’t he? You know, he spouts his mumbo jumbo and before you know it, you are growing as a person.” Louise stifled a yawn. “I should go to bed. Thanks for the chat.”

  She moved toward him, and he had to swallow down his desire. He could smell her scent on the air, and as she brushed past him, his body nearly exploded. His hands itched to reach out and touch her, to lift a lock of her hair to his nose and inhale deeply.

  “Are you OK?” Louise asked.

  Zak jumped at her words. “Yeah, why?” His voice was thick with emotion. Clearing his throat, he tried again, “Yes, why?”

  “You were growling.”

  “I was growling.” He nodded. Was he?

  Yes, his bear replied. Or at least I was growling. With annoyance, you are about to let her walk away.

  His bear was right. “Louise.”

  “Yes?” She looked suspicious as she searched his face.

  “You know I’m a shifter?”

  “I do,” she answered, still looking suspicious.

  “And you know about fated mates.” He was talking slowly as if she were a two-year-old.

  “I do.”

  “What if I told you I had found mine? My fated mate.”

  Her expression faltered, and his heartbeat did the same. Then she forced a smile onto her face, which confused him even more. “So that is why you came back?”

  “Yes. No.” He shook his head. “I met her today.”

  “Oh. I figured you had come back to tell Dean you had found your mate.” Louise nodded, her smile sliding off her face, before she picked it up and put it back on again.


  “You work fast.” Was that disappointment in her voice?

  “I met her on the road this morning. I stopped to fix her car.”

  Louise’s brain was working, processing the information. He knew the exact minute where she understood what he meant. Her face paled, and she shook her head. Not exactly the response he expected. He was going to need to talk fast to stop her from running out of the kitchen.

  Chapter Nine – Louise

  “Is it that terrible?” Zak asked.

  Louise put her hand to her mouth, and backed away from him. “Is this funny to you? Some kind of a joke?”

  “No joke, and definitely not funny. This is about as serious as it gets to me.” Zak tried not to reach out to her, but she was not going to fall into Zak’s clutches.

  “Did Ollie put you up to this?” Louise asked, feeling betrayed.

  “Oh, you think Storm’s dad is setting you up?” Why was he playing her like this?

  “Ollie is not Storm’s father. Did he tell you he was?” She could not believe Ollie would do such a thing, but there was no other explanation. If Zak really was her mate, why hadn’t he spent the day falling over himself to tell her?

  OK, so he had fixed her car. But then he’d walked away. No strings attached.

  “OK.” He took a deep breath and held his hands out to her, trying to calm her down. “I should have come clean earlier.”

  “But you didn’t because you are disappointed in me, because I have a baby?” Louise tried to keep her voice calm.

  “No.” He shook his head. “Damn, it’s hard to think straight when you are so close.”

  “Then let me fix that for you.” She went to storm past him but he caught her in his arms and held her close, even when she fought against him.

  “Please. Let me explain.” He sounded as if he was in agony.

  “Let me go,” she hissed, and pushed at his arms.

  “If I let you go, will you allow me to explain? Please. And if you still feel the same way, I promise I will walk away. I’ll get on my bike and leave here forever.” His voice showed the strain of his words, but she was not going to feel sorry for him.

  “You have five minutes.” She bolted to the other side of the kitchen as soon as he released her. “I will scream the house down if you touch me again.”

  “I’m sorry.” He raked his hand through his hair, his breath shuddering through his body as he fought for control.

  Unless he was some kind of maniac, she was beginning to believe he might be telling her the truth. But she needed to be convinced because she was not going to be fooled by any man again.

  “When I saw you this morning, I knew,” Zak began. “But I didn’t know you. I didn’t know if you knew about shifters, and the quickest way to frighten a person off is to tell them you have the natural ability to turn into a bear.”

  “True.” She couldn’t argue with him. It had taken Ollie months to work up the courage to share his ability to shift with her.

  Zak visibly relaxed. “Added to that, you seemed flighty.”

  “Flighty?” Louise snorted.

  “Yes. The way you shied away from shaking my hand.” He arched his eyebrow and nodded. “Anyway, I thought that maybe you were….”

  “What?” Louise asked.

  “An innocent daddy’s girl.”

  This time Louise snorted with laughter. “Wow, you could not have gotten that more wrong.”

  He smiled. “I don’t know. You are not like a lot of the girls I have met on my travels. And Dean is like a dad to you.”

  Her eyes dropped to the floor, as she went over their first encounter. She could understand how he had read the situation. “Are you disappointed?”

  “Disappointed…” He took two steps toward her and then stopped. She liked his self-control. “No. Not at all.”

  “Then why not tell me when you saw me again?” Zak had had ample opportunity since she had come home.

  “Because I wanted to know Dean was all right with it,” Zak said.

  “You mean he might not approve of his golden child’s choice of mate?” Louise asked.

  Zak nodded. “Something like that.”

  “You bastard!” Louise spat.


  “That is not how fated mates are supposed to be. Aren’t you supposed to be so in love with me, that you wouldn’t care if Dean approved of me or not?” Her voice shook with anger.

  “Wait, no. I was worried Dean would think I was a bad choice for you.”

  She huffed as she tried to comprehend what Zak was saying. “But you and Dean…”

  “And you and Dean…” Zak pushed back at her. “He loves you and Storm. I can see how proud he is of you.”

  “He’s just doing his job,” Louise said.

  “And that is why he spent a fortune on your car?” Zak asked.

  “It was a fixer-upper,” Louise insisted.

  Zak nodded, and she knew she had missed something again, but she wasn’t going to try to figure it out now. One problem at a time. “He wants the best for you. And I can see why. You’ve had it rough. So I had to be sure me telling you was the right thing. If Dean had told me to get the hell out of town, then I would know I was the wrong guy for you.”

  “So you would have left?” She could not understand how a shifter, who was supposed to give his undying love to his mate, could simply walk away on the say-so of another man.

  “If it was the best thing for you and Storm.”

  “So it isn’t this mad, unbreakable love?” Louise felt cheated. Ollie had always told her they could not be together because when he found his mate, he would love her above anyone and anything else.

  “It is.” Zak placed his hand over his heart. “But part of that love, is always putting my mate first. And I wanted to know that is what I would be doing.”

  He stood before her, humbled by her presence. Ther
e was no way to deny that he was suffering; it was as if someone had ripped his heart out and thrown it away.

  “I can’t fall in love with a dream,” Louise said softly. “If this is true, tell me, if it isn’t, have the decency to turn around and walk away.”

  Zak took a step toward her, faltering in case she was going to tell him to stay back. “I promise you, this is real. Unexpected. But real. It’s like having a child, the bond doesn’t have a handbook. It hit me out of the blue, and I didn’t know how to handle it.”

  Louise wiped her hand over her face, feeling the salty wetness of tears she didn’t know she had shed. “I can’t be let down again. I just can’t.”

  “I know that.” He held out his hand and cupped her cheek in his palm, his thumb brushing her tears away. “It breaks me inside to see you crying because of me.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, they aren’t all for you.” She smiled weakly. “I have a lot of baggage.”

  Zak shrugged. “We could compare.”

  “Sometime. But not now.” She frowned and nodded.

  “Whenever you are ready,” he said gently. “You set the pace, I am not going anywhere. I’m here to stay. Forever. If you want me.”

  Louise squeezed her eyes together tightly. She had longed to hear those words. First from Ollie, and then from Ajax. Two men she knew, two men she had once loved. It was weird to hear a stranger say them. A man she neither knew nor loved.

  “I’m going to need time to get my head around it,” Louise told Zak.

  “As long you tell me you’ll think about it, that is good enough for me.” Zak let out a long breath. “That was more nerve-wracking than the first time I went on stage.”

  “I’m sorry if I gave you a hard time,” Louise said, feeling guilty.

  “No, really, I should have handled it better.” He shrugged. “But we’re good?”

  “We’re good.” They stood there like a couple of kids on a first date, not knowing what they were supposed to do. Should they kiss, they were, after all, bonded mates? But she didn’t want to kiss Zak. Not because she didn’t like him, or wasn’t attracted to him, but because she didn’t want to rush their relationship and risk spoiling it. He’d said they had forever, and she wanted to take some of that forever and enjoy it.


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