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Broken Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Stephany Wallace

  My chest constricted in response, and I leaned even closer. Her gaze seeped into mine, and for the rest of the song it seemed as though she was singing to me. Her eyes never left me, even after she began to walk off stage. I should have stood, I should have gone to her, but I was rooted in place by some inexplicable force. She walked to a table near mine, and drank every drop of the wine she had left in her glass. A tear spilled from her lashes, sliding over her skin as the server refilled her drink. She gulped it and returned to the stage for another song.

  As the night progressed, I was incapable of anything other than staring at her, mesmerized, hypnotized somehow. The nerves left her as she continued to drink, but each song she sang was more emotional than the last. Her voice was still soft and sensual; the melody in it simply enchanting. I was captivated. A burgundy lipstick covered her full lips, and I had half a mind made to smear it off of her with my mouth when the lights began to dim. I looked around me only to realize that the piano bar—which had once been full—was empty, and the waiters were picking up the chairs around us.

  My eyes went to the watch I wore, it stated 12:15 a.m. When my gaze returned to the woman, I saw her stumble as she walked down the steps, and before I knew it, I rushed to her, catching her in my arms.

  She gasped, her eyes meeting mine. Her delicate neck strained to look up at me and I smiled. I liked having her in my arms. “Careful there, I don’t want you to fall.”

  Her hands were splayed over my chest and she gripped my shirt as she tried to regain her balance, but I didn’t let her go. I couldn’t.

  “Thank you. I get a little clumsy when I drink, and I’m afraid I might have had a glass too many tonight.”

  “I saw that. You were very nervous at the beginning there,” I nodded towards the stage and she chuckled.

  “Always. It takes a few glasses of wine to give me courage, but I love singing—it brings me peace—so I always push through. Although, I normally only do it in the shower.” I laughed and she swallowed nervously, obviously affected by my sex appeal, or whatever it was that made women respond to me this way. “You can let go now, I can walk.”

  I observed her, judging whether or not I should. My hands were holding her waist tightly, and pressing her against me. There were many things I wanted to do in that moment, but letting go of her was not one of them.

  “Damn, you are tall,” she whispered more as an observation, while she strained to look at me. I grinned and forced myself to pull my hands away, stepping back so she didn’t have to force her neck anymore.

  “I’m Ash. Nice to meet you.” I wasn’t sure why I told her my real name—I always used my false identity while on Earth. I guessed there was a part of me that didn’t want her to call me anything else.

  “Ash?” She narrowed her eyes at me, and as if possible, my lips stretched even wider. “Fine, I’ll go with that. I’m Gabriella, but my friends call me Gaby.”

  I lifted her hand to my lips, kissing it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Gaby. Do you live close by? Can I walk you home, or maybe call you a cab and wait with you?”

  Gaby snorted. “Smooth.”

  She turned and awkwardly walked to her table, the effect of the wine evident on her. I followed her as she reached for her bag—it was large and definitely not for the evening gown she wore.

  Gaby looked me up and down slowly, taking in every inch of my body, and I gladly stood still, letting her take me all in. It wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last, that a woman looked at me that way. I knew what came next. When her eyes met mine once more, she actually sighed, biting her lips, then cleared her throat. “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

  I laughed. Now that was something I had never heard before.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine, you are hot, really hot—like melt my panties off hot, actually—but I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl.” I quickly realized her words where a little slurred. Her small hand slapped my chest and she casually felt my muscles. Gaby frowned, dropping her hand. “I’m sorry, big boy.”

  She walked out of the bar, and each step she took was excruciating. I hurried after her. There was no way I was letting her leave. My pulse had started racing just by seeing her walk away.

  “Gaby, wait!” I rushed to catch up with her while she stepped onto the street. “Please, let me walk with you.” I held her elbow as she swayed on her heals.

  “It’s a free country.” She attempted to walk again, only to lose her balance once more.

  My arms wrapped around her and I pulled her against me. She looked up and a contented sigh escaped her. I smiled. “Be careful.”

  “I’m fine, don’t get your panties in a twist.” Gaby huffed then gasped. “Wait! Are you wearing panties?” She frowned. “Wait. Am I wearing panties?” Her eyes widened, wandering around us as she tried to figure it out. “Pfft.” She waved at me dismissively, and laughed. “Of course I am. Am I wearing panties… what kind of question is that?” She sighed, looking up at me once again. “I like your face.” Her fingers poked at my cheeks, pushing my skin around, then she pulled at my bottom lip. “Yummy.”

  I frowned, she had drank a lot more than I realized. Gaby pushed me away, and took off her heels.

  “Okay, maybe it’s not such a bad idea for you to walk with me. Come on, big boy, we are almost there.” She waved me forwards continuing down the street and rounded the corner.

  “Aahh!” She screamed, losing her balance.

  I caught her before she hit the sidewalk of the darkened parking lot. She couldn’t even walk a straight line now; it was like the alcohol increased its effect on her by the minute. It became obvious to me that she had never drunk this much before. Her chest rose and fell sharply against mine while she looked at me, startled. She didn’t speak, but I could feel the change in her as she felt my hard body against hers.

  Gaby’s palms once again rested on my chest, but this time she let them wander over my pecs, shoulders and arms, leaving a tingling sensation along every inch she touched. The way she felt in my arms was doing things to me. She squeezed my muscles and when her gaze returned to mine, there was a gleam in her eyes I had seen many times before. Gaby wanted me.

  She cleared her throat and tried to step back, except I didn’t want to let her go. She whimpered as I pulled her even closer to me, causing her breasts to strain against my chest. I turned us, and caught her between my body and the car behind her. Her eyes dropped to my lips and I tried to remind myself we were on the street, she didn’t even know me, and I was trying to help her get home safe.

  “My car is right there.” She breathed, trying to maintain her composure, but she seemed deeply affected by me.

  “Car??” You are not driving like this!” Fear began to claw at me, clearing the sensual haze that a second ago engulfed us. I couldn’t let Gaby leave, but how did I make her stay without looking like I wanted to commit a felony?

  I reluctantly loosened my grip, and she stumbled towards a navy blue Toyota Camry. It was an older model but well taken care of. I picked up her shoes from where they had fallen, and noticed Gaby had already opened the door and sat inside. I grunted, stalking towards the car, and swung the door open. “Move,” I ordered.

  “What?” She looked at me with the keys in the ignition.

  “Scooch to the other side, I’m driving you home.”

  “No, wait. I just—”

  “Move, woman!”

  “Ugh, I hate bossy men!” Gaby got on her knees, and crawled to the copilot seat like a child. “Your hotness just went down like ten points by the way.”

  “On a scale of one to ten?” I asked, getting in the car and she nodded. “How many did I have before?”

  “Like fifty.” She answered, showing me all ten of her fingers.

  I repressed a smile, setting out to adjust the seat to fit my long legs, and the mirrors. She turned on the air, and the radio, setting it on a ballad station, then placed the volume on low.

  “Where do you live?”

/>   Gaby didn’t answer and it took me a moment to realize she was half asleep. Her movements were slow; she had pushed the seat back, and pulled a pillow from behind her. Lying on her side, she faced the window, and pulled a blanket from the floor to cover herself. I frowned looking at the back seat, and dread filled me as I noticed for the first time that it was filled with her stuff. There was a suitcase and a leather bag, a few pairs of shoes lined the floor, along with an empty coffee cup and a bag of chips that she had left discarded.

  “Gaby, are you living in your car?” My worried gaze returned to her as she looked over her shoulder at me, her half lidded eyes sparkled at me again. “Please, tell me. I can help.”

  She shrugged. “Why would you? Nobody else cares. Besides, it’s only temporary.”

  My chest tightened once again. I leaned closer and caressed her cheek, trying to wake her, but Gaby’s eyes were already closed. “Why are you sleeping in your car?”

  “He left me.” She mumbled, and a mixture of emotions rushed over me.

  Who the hell was “he” and why had she lost everything? Had her ex left her on the street? What kind of man did that to a woman? Taking a calming breath, I turned off the car and stepped out. Walking around, I opened the passenger door, and bent down. My hands gently cupped her face.

  “Hey, Gaby, wake up.” I gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb while I looked at her, willing her lids to lift. “Please,” I whispered, and brushed my lips against hers, unable to stop myself—I had wanted to kiss her all night. Her lids fluttered open but her eyes were hazy with sleep. I brushed my lips against hers again, placing a small kiss on them, her lips closed over mine in response. She tasted like sweet, juicy plums.

  “Okay, we can have sex, but can you do it without waking me up? I’m really sleepy.”

  I grinned, and gave her a small peck on the lips. “We are not having sex, Star, I’m taking you to sleep in a comfy bed tonight.” Gaby’s eyes closed once again, but her arms wrapped around my neck as I carried her out of the car.


  I placed Gaby’s purse on the console at the entrance of the penthouse, threw her shoes on the floor, and walked towards my room. Pulling back the covers, I laid her down on the bed, noticing she was sweating from the heavy sequin fabric. I carefully removed her dress, attempting not to wake her, and leaving her bare to my eyes—it wasn’t really the first time I had seen a woman naked, so it wasn’t a big deal. At least that was what I told myself while my gaze roamed her beautiful form.

  Gaby’s soft breasts fell naturally on her chest. They were perfect, not too big, not too small and fully rounded, with tempting, blushing nipples. Her waist was small, and the lacy thong that rested on her curvy hips had me sweating too. Her skin slightly glistened with her perspiration, making her look absolutely irresistible to my wants.

  I forced myself to stop being a pervert and stood from the bed, covering her with the white sheet, and the down comforter. I set the air conditioner lower, making sure she was comfortable tonight. It was summer in New York, which meant high temperatures all around.

  After returning to her car, and bringing her belongings into my apartment—including the second suitcase I had found in the trunk—I brushed my teeth, removed all of my clothes, and got into bed with her. It was normal for people to sleep naked on Earth, too, right? Sighing, I forced myself to remain on the left side of the bed, although I wanted to bring her into my arms.

  My gaze roamed over Gaby’s features, feeling a strange sensation rush through me, a strong urge to keep her close settled in the pit of my stomach. After seeing the sadness in her, and learning she’d been sleeping in her car, all I wanted was to protect her. She could stay here, with me, for as long as she wanted… or as long as I was here. I had been pissed when the Bloodcroix Witch unexpectedly dropped me in New York, yet oddly enough, now I didn’t want to leave.

  I leaned closer, and cradled her cheek while my lips closed over hers again. Damn it, I was a pervert. The kiss became lingering and soft, the taste of her was addicting. I brushed my lips against hers over and over, begging her to wake up so I could make love to her. Every inch of me was begging for it, I’d never needed a woman more.

  “Mmm.” Gaby sighed as I left another small kiss on her lips, and my gaze roamed her face, admiring her.

  I was just seeking relief in her, to lessen the ache I felt after everything that had happened, I knew that, but I needed her nonetheless.

  “Goodnight, Star…” I whispered against her lips, kissed her forehead, and returned to my side of the bed.

  To my shock, I did the one thing I had never done before… spend the night with a woman, without making her mine.

  I guess there was a first time for everything.

  Chapter 5. The Stranger



  I was so comfortable here.

  I felt myself waking up slowly, but I didn’t want to move. The down comforter was soft, light and fluffy, like a cloud over me. I was completely engulfed by its warmth, although the room was nice and cold. I loved sleeping with the air on low, especially during the hot summers here in New York. My cheek caressed the soft, yet hard, chest it rested on and I almost purred—the skin felt like velvet. Strong arms tightened around me, pressing my body to his and making me never want to leave. The warmth came from him, I realized, accompanied by a sensual earthy scent of pines, snow and cinnamon, that reminded me of Christmas trees for some reason.

  God this felt like heaven.

  I snuggled closer, enjoying the hardness of his body against mine. Our legs had intertwined, and I moaned, feeling his thigh gently rub my sensitive skin. I could feel every inch of him against me. And I meant every inch. Molten heat began to ignite in my core, melting me like a puddle in his arms. Damn, my body was tingling with desire now. I pressed myself against him even more, and a heavy moan escaped his lips, it was more like a grunt as my nipples grazed his chest.

  “Star…” he grunted, half asleep.

  Star? Wait. Who the hell was I with? My breath caught as his voice resounded in my ears.

  “Star, I’m taking you to sleep in a comfy bed tonight.”

  “Goodnight, Star…”

  My lids flew open as bits and pieces of last night returned to me. “Hell’s hairy balls!” I whisper-scream, my gaze roaming the broad chest I lay on. My pulse began to race, my eyes continued up and I realized I was in bed, naked, with the man I had met at the bar. A perfect stranger. Okay, he was so hot it physically pained me, but still. I had just met the man.

  OMG, OMG, OMG! Now I was hyperventilating. What the hell had I done last night? And where the hell were my panties? Holy flying pigs! My heart slammed against my chest as I tried to pull away from him, but his bulky arms instinctively held me closer. Shoot. I blinked, clearing the remaining fog from sleep, and the sharp pain of my lovely hangover hit me. Great. I was in bed, naked, with a sizzling hot stranger in what seemed like… I let my gaze travel over the room… the Buckingham Palace?

  Okay, I guess if we put things into perspective, waking up in the arms of a scorching hot ass man, who was obviously filthy rich—by the looks of his apartment—and whose body was pretty much the fantasy of every woman, was not the worst thing that could happen to me. I lifted the sheet and looked at his naked muscles. My eyes widened once they settled between his thighs. Damn. Yep, perfect. I took a longer look than I should have—you know, just to make sure it was real—and dropped the sheets.

  Did I have sex with… what was his name again? Ash. Yeah that was it. I sighed. Leave it to me to have my very first one-night stand, with the fantasy of all women, and I couldn’t even remember. It figured.

  “Well done, Gaby,” I mumbled, feeling his chest rise and fall steadily against my cheek.

  I moved again and his arms flushed me against him. Possessive much? I quickly realized there was no getting out of his arms unless he let me go. The man was huge. I guess it was a good thing he was a gentleman. After all, Ash had broug
ht me here after learning I was “temporarily” sleeping in my car. I cringed, ashamed, and felt the deep blush spread over my cheeks. No one was supposed to find out about that. It was just for a few days anyway, until I could find a place I could afford with my small salary. Who was I kidding? I was screwed.

  I sighed, resigned to Ash’s prison of love, and set my cheek back on his chest. If I were honest with myself, I would have to admit that it felt amazing to be in bed with him like this—it was tantalizing—although, that didn’t ease my shock. How had I even agreed to have sex with him? I had barely met the man and I was not a one-night stand kind of woman—not that there was anything wrong with that—I was just too insecure and awkward to pull that off. The very thought of it mortified me, and I had sworn never, ever to have one.

  Ash had quite the sex appeal though, so perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. I had almost thrown myself at him from the stage, after I first laid eyes on him back at the piano bar. That lightly tanned skin, black hair, black eyes and the way the dark green of his shirt contrasted with, well everything, was a major YUM. He was tall and hella sexy, and to top it all off, that smirk of his promised delicious, wicked things to come. I had no idea what it was about him, but damn if he didn’t make me want to ravage him. It was a hell of an effect to have on a woman. It also explained how cocky he was, though. But if the sex had been as good as his eyes promised it would be, then he was totally forgiven. I briefly hated myself for not remembering.

  His fingers began to roam my back and I looked up, hoping he had awakened. I needed to pee.


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