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Winter Spire: Den of Desire

Page 1

by Anya Merchant

  Winter Spire: Den of Desire


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2016 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers. None of the characters engaging in sexual conduct in this work of fiction are under the age of 18, legally unable to give consent, or related by blood.


  Winter Spire: Den of Desire




























  Tendrils of wispy gray smoke swirled through the air, accented by tiny, glittering magical sparkles. There was no fan or smoke hood in Stella’s bedroom, but the fumes rising up from where the small cauldron sat on an industrial strength hot plate seemed to fade as readily as they formed.

  Felix Honlan watched from where he sat on Stella’s bed, frowning slightly. He set a hand to his chin and watched the sorceress carefully, noticing the serious expression on her lightly freckled face, framed by reddish blonde hair that looked luminescent in the strange light emitted by the cauldron.

  “Pass me the small blue bottle,” said Stella. “Second from the right.”

  Felix reached over to the large suitcase which appeared to store the majority of Stella’s alchemical ingredients. It was black with a keyhole on the top, and looked like something that would survive an explosion, or work handily for smuggling drugs. Felix mused for a second over whether that was a mischaracterization of the utility Stella derived from it.

  “This one?” he asked, passing her a small vial full of navy liquid.

  “Careful!” snapped Stella. She leaned forward, her robe shifting slightly and revealing the alluring cleavage of her ample bosom. Felix wondered if she was wearing a bra or anything at all underneath her robe.

  She poured the liquid into the cauldron. The concoction inside of it made a whooshing noise, like the sound a gasoline burner makes when turned on, and emitted a quick flash of blue light. Stella dipped her staff, which was currently giving off light of its own, into the cauldron and stirred.

  Felix watched in silence. He’d been in North Spire for only a few days, but long enough to land him in several different kinds of trouble. It was a tiny town, with most, if not all of the residents living in a single, ten story building. And like any tiny, isolated town, Felix was bound by the unwritten rules and eccentric customs of the locals upon arriving.

  It wouldn’t have been much of a problem for him, as a practical vagabond, if it weren’t for the volatile weather of northern Alaska and the 200ish miles that separated him from the nearest inhabited location. Felix was stuck in North Spire for as long as the circumstances held, stuck in the town, in the tower, and in the middle of a supernatural maelstrom.

  “Lover’s touch,” whispered Stella. “The red vial.”

  Felix found the next ingredient and carefully freed it from the suitcase. The glass felt warm under his fingertips, and the liquid inside of it was a pinkish red that reminded him of the color of femininity and body parts usually hidden from the light. Stella took it from him and unceremoniously added a portion into the cauldron. A sweet smell flooded Felix’s nose, and he had to work to keep himself from inhaling gratuitously.

  “Good,” whispered Stella. “We’re almost there.”

  How Felix came to be living with Stella was more incidental than planned. He’d come to the North Spire in the name of adventure photography, and made a spirited attempt of documenting one of the more magically charged nearby locations. Afterward, Stella had made the effort to take him into her home and under her wing, partly in light of the mayor and the local sheriff giving him a frosty reception.

  In the end, he’d helped Stella and her teenage daughter, Danica, against a threat from supernatural world, a frozen woman with intentions and abilities that Felix still didn’t fully comprehend. But there had been a complication in the end, something that involved him personally, and a territorial conflict that he was now a part of.

  “Felix,” whispered Stella. “I’m going to need a drop of your blood.”

  Felix nodded and held out his hand. Stella moved around to his side of the cauldron, pulling an old fashioned, though perfectly preserved, feather quill out of her robe. She met Felix’s eyes with her own, and Felix couldn’t help but admire the intensity of the green, flecked with jade, emerald, and hazel.

  “Your finger,” Stella whispered. Felix held it out. She stepped in closer toward him, the fabric of her robe pulling a little bit tighter and exposing the outline of the curves of her fantastic body underneath. Felix bit the inside of the lip, doing his best to ignore his arousal, as he had so many times over the course of the past few days.

  Stella flicked the quill against the tip of his index finger, drawing out a single drop of blood, which she immediately dipped into the cauldron. She stirred several more times with her staff, and then nodded.

  “Perfect,” she said. “It’s time.”

  “Don’t you have to, you know, wait for it to cool, first?” asked Felix.

  Stella flashed a condescending smile and raised an eyebrow.

  “You understand why this needs to be done, do you not?” She licked her lips slowly, watching him with eyes that seemed to bore underneath the surface.

  “You’ve explained it to me,” said Felix. “But, uh, seriously, this feels like something out of a role playing game. Drinking the potion, the potential side effects, the… magic.”

  “You’ve seen it for yourself,” said Stella. “You saw the wolves for yourself, too. They’ve chosen you for a reason, and this potion is my best attempt at masking whatever it is they’ve taken a liking to.”

  Felix frowned. He rubbed his temples and scowled into the cauldron. The liquid inside looked pink and smelled almost sickly sweet, like flowers mixed with honey laced with artificial sweetener.

  Stella pulled out an empty vial, dipped it into the concoction, and held it out for Felix to take. He hesitated for only a moment before accepting it.

  “Alright,” he said. “Here it goes.”


  The taste wasn’t as bad as what Felix had prepared himself for, and even though the liquid was hot against his tongue, it had a soothing quality to it that balanced things out. He licked his lips after draining the last drop and shrugged.

  “Not bad,” he said. “So this will, what, make it so the wolves won’t like my smell?”

  “Nalya and her daughters are wolfborn,” said Stella. “Lycanthropes born to lycanthropes. Powerful monsters, capable of using natural magic, transforming into beasts at will. You, on the other hand, are wolfbound.”

  “Wolfbound…” repeated Felix. “Does that mean that I-”

  His question died on his lips as a disconcerting tremor rippled through
his abdomen. Felix groaned and fell to one knee, leaning his back against Stella’s bed.

  “How do you feel?” she asked.

  “Uhh…” Felix put a hand to his forehead. “I feel…”

  He trailed off, focusing on his body. The pain in his stomach began to fade, and he could feel the other effects of the potion setting in. Needless to say, they weren’t what he was expecting, even based on what little Stella had told him.

  Felix was getting excited… physically. He leaned back slightly, spreading his legs apart as a massive, painful erection pushed out against the inner fabric of his boxers and jeans. He stared at it, feeling a strange, throbbing sensation take hold of him, starting in his loins and pulsating outward.

  “Uh, Stella?” he asked. “Is it supposed to…?”

  He blinked, his eyes focusing on Stella. She was smiling at him, and her robe fluttered strangely against her body, not like it would from the wind, but rather, like the distortions caused by viewing something through several feet of shifting water.

  “Felix?” said Stella. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel… really, I mean, wow…” Felix muttered the words, trying to string together enough of them to make sense. “Stella, you’re the sexiest woman I think I’ve ever seen!”

  It was true, but there was more to it than that. Felix felt his inhibitions sliding away as the effects of the potion took hold. The walls of the room shifted, and geometric patterns in the carpet suddenly became fractals, extending into infinity.

  Stella, herself, began to look different. Her robe fluttered once, and then twice, and then disappeared altogether, revealing her nakedness underneath. Her breasts were exactly how Felix had imagined them, large, well-formed, and entirely natural. A small landing strip of reddish blonde hair extended vertically up along her crotch.

  Felix blinked, and her naked form wavered, shifting. Her breasts became smaller, and then large again. She stepped forward, holding a hand in front of his eyes. Felix saw a condom in it. HE looked at her other hand, noticing for the first time that the staff she held was now a long, thin penis, the tip of it dripping with the wet remnants of a recent orgasm.

  “What the hell is going on?” shouted Felix. Stella shushed him, holding a finger to her perfect lips.

  “Try to relax,” she said. “Something went wrong with the potion. Here, lay back on my bed.”

  She lifted him up by the shoulder, pushing her apparently naked body into close contact with him. Felix groped at her breasts and nuzzled the nape of her neck, too horny to stop himself. His cock ached with sexual need, and she was right there, beyond perfect, magically gorgeous and irresistible.

  “Oh, Stella.” Felix didn’t sit down on the bed immediately. “Have I ever told you that-“

  “Nope, and there’s no need to,” she said, cutting him off. “Felix, my lust magic set something off in the potion. It’s effecting your perception of reality. Don’t say anything you’d regret.”

  “Stella!” Felix tried to kiss her on the lips, instead finding her cheek. His hand ran up her waist, and Stella swatted it away. For a split second, the seemingly comely expression on her face flickered to frustration and annoyance.

  “Lie down on the bed, Felix,” said Stella.

  Felix ground his erection into the side of her leg.

  “Why don’t… we both… lie down?” he whispered, his mouth forming words at the instruction of his aching cock.

  “Just you.” Stella pushed him hard in the center of the chest and Felix fell backward, bouncing once before coming to a rest. From behind Stella, there was a knock at the door, and it opened a crack before either of them had time to react.

  “Mom?” Danica, Stella’s daughter, stood in the doorway. “Is everything okay?”

  Felix could only see a portion of Dani’s upper body, but her smallish breasts were naked and exposed, dotted with hard, eager nipples. Her face was blurry and partially covered by strands of brown hair, but he could see her pursing her lips at him, and then forming them into a perfect circle, miming the motion of sucking.

  “Stay out for now, Dani,” snapped Stella. “I’m dealing with something.”

  “Dani!” shouted Felix. “Dani, you’re so fucking hot!”

  Even through the potion’s veil, Felix could make out Dani’s embarrassed reaction. She bowed her head slightly as her normally pale face turned bright red. After a moment, she nodded to her mother and slammed the door closed.

  “Felix, this will go a lot easier if you close your eyes, shut your mouth, and try to let yourself think clearly,” said Stella.

  “I’m thinking more clearly than I ever have before in my life!” shouted Felix. “Stella, my god! I want to kiss you all over! I want to slide my cock deep inside your-“

  Stella waved her phallic staff in Felix’s direction, and his voice cut out, as though somebody had disconnected the only set of speakers from a computer. He blinked and watched Stella watch him, the frown on her face deepening.

  “There’s only one way for me to release the latent lust magic kicking around in your system, Felix,” she said. “I don’t think you’ll mind, but I’m going to have to hold you down, for my own safety.”

  She waved her staff again, and several things happened at once. Felix’s pants unzipped and unbuttoned on their own, sliding down his legs and off his body. His boxer briefs went next, pulled by invisible magic that Felix would have laughed outrageously at, had he the power to make noise.

  Finally, his arms and legs pulled outward against the bed, trapped at the wrists and ankles by the invisible magical force. Felix was naked from the waist down, but oddly enough, he felt totally alright and unashamed. Stella was naked too, or was she wearing her robe? He couldn’t tell. She was still frowning at him and let out a soft sigh.

  “Alright,” she said. “Let’s get this over with.”

  She knelt down beside the bed and ran one of her hands up Felix’s leg. He began to thrash against his bindings in elated sexual excitement, almost unable to control his eagerness for what he knew would be coming next.


  Felix was babbling silently, trying to tell Stella that she was hot, sexy, and gorgeous in a dozen different permutations of the sentiment. Stella held her staff in one hand and rested the other on Felix’s thigh. She chanted something under her breath, and a purple glow came from the tip of the rod.

  Several feminine shapes appeared in front of Felix. He was familiar with the spell, a bit of illusion magic Stella had used on him in similar circumstances in the past. They shapes drew in close, flickering as they came into contact with him, and then fading from view altogether.

  “Drat,” muttered Stella. “The potion must be stronger than my illusion magic.”

  She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Felix tried to ask her what that meant, but the words came out in silence.

  “…Alright,” she said, her face settling into a resolved expression. “I’m going to take care of this myself, Felix. It’s a better option than waiting for it to wear off.”

  She ran her hand further up Felix’s leg and another surge of excitement tore through him. From his perspective, Stella was wearing her robe again, though it was open, and he could see her vaguely naked form underneath. It was just a hallucination, but his mind, and more importantly, his cock, didn’t seem to care.

  “I’m going to touch you, Felix,” said Stella. “In a… sexual way.”

  Her fingers danced across his hard shaft, and an enduring smile spread across her lips.

  “Don’t get any weird ideas,” she said. “I’m just taking responsibility for my own mess. Nod if you understand.”

  Felix nodded slowly, his entire body quivering with pleasure. Weird thoughts raced through his mind. Stella’s fingers slowly closed on his shaft, and Felix silently shouted out in ecstasy. His hips jerked forward toward her hand, and Stella slowly began to stroke.

  “This shouldn’t take long,” she said. “You’re young, eager, and under a

  Her thumb ran across the tip of his cock. Felix couldn’t see the expression on her face, but he could sense her reluctance. She let her palm slide down his shaft, as though taking account of his girth and size.

  “Well, you’re certainly enjoying this,” she said. “And that’s okay. Just don’t let it make things weird afterward.”

  She bobbed her hand up and down. It felt warm and insanely good. Felix tried to lock eyes with Stella, but she kept her gaze on either his crotch or his chest. All he could do, in his restrained state, was to shift his hips and pump the muscles of his cock.

  “Let’s see…” mused Stella. “What would make this go faster?”

  She smiled, watching Felix’s lips moved as he tried to answer with soundless words. Felix was shouting for her to lick, to suck, to strip off whatever clothes she wore and climb onto his shaft. Stella’s smile deepened, and she looked somewhat flattered, though he couldn’t tell if it was part of his hallucination or not.

  “I’m not going to do any of those things,” whispered Stella. “But… I suppose a bit of dirty talk isn’t out of line.”

  Felix nodded, twisting against his restraints for the umpteenth time. Stella licked her lips, moving her other hand onto his shaft to stroke it in its entirety. Felix wondered if his cock had always been that long, or if the potion had affected it, or if it was another element to the hallucination.

  “When I was a young sorceress,” said Stella. “A very, very young sorceress, I miscast a spell that involved lust magic.”

  Her hands pumped the cadence of her words into a rhythm of her cock. Stella’s voice was a thing of seduction, silky smooth, each word dripping with sexuality.

  “I ended up in a… similar state, to the one you’re in now,” she said. “Of course, as a woman, and a magically capable individual, I had more control over myself. That is, until I attempted to ride the train back to my lodgings.”

  Stella stroked faster, getting into the story. Precum dribbled from the tip of Felix’s cock. He closed his eyes, imagining the scene as Stella continued to paint it in his mind.


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