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Blood of the Succubus

Page 24

by McGeary, Duncan

  The usual preliminaries ensued, up to and including anal sex, but on the second night, Naamah lay on her back and let him enter her. Pietro was a vigorous lover, almost too vigorous, and he prided himself on his stamina. She tired eventually, so she rolled on top of him, doing her little tricks, and he came with a howl that echoed down the beach. The neighbors shouted back with good humor.

  Pietro quickly regained his energy, and this time didn’t hold back but went straight for the orgasm. He ground into her, paused, then shuddered. He laid his head on her shoulder.

  Ordinarily, Naamah wouldn’t have let him rest. Once she’d started, it was nearly impossible for her to stop until she had totally drained her conquests.

  But then she did something that the Daughters of Lilith had agreed not to do. She bit into her finger and let a drop of Blood form, then she stuck the finger into his mouth. She let him rest before twitching her vaginal muscles just enough to get him going again. He started with micromovements that were so sexy she almost came herself, which rarely happened before the final draining.

  Pietro came for the fourth time that night. He was becoming lethargic as his fat was drained away (and he’d never had much fat on him to begin with). His muscles were taken next, all but the heart. Naamah had learned early to keep the heart muscle pumping till the last and the brain going even beyond that, for maximum pleasure.

  Pietro was powerless now, unable to move, though his cock was bigger than ever.

  “What are you?” he asked in Italian.

  “Your lover,” she said, trying to sound sexy, but her true nature had manifested and it came out as a snarl, and her tongue forked between her lips and lapped against his cheek.

  It was time. His eyes had rolled back in his head; his thoughts were dissipating and unfocused. His final climax approached.

  Naamah’s hands were claws now, her fingernails long and pointed. She aimed at her chest and stabbed down, and Blood trickled into the valley between her breasts. She flicked some of the Blood into her man’s mouth just as he came.

  “Oh, God!” he cried. His body filled out again, and his eyes popped open. “More!” he demanded.

  She flicked a second drop into his mouth, curious. No man had survived more than one resuscitation before, but Pietro was young and vigorous, and he not only survived but slammed into her, making her gasp, and she screwed him like a dying, heaving beast late into the night, until the neighbors howled—not in good humor now, but in anger—at the noises coming from the hut.

  Finally, Naamah disengaged from her conquest, and was amazed to find them both alive and complete. It was almost, but not quite, as good taking him completely.

  When Pietro awoke, his eyes were filled with fear, as though he had endured nightmares all night long. But Naamah was so cheerful, so solicitous, sashaying around the hut naked, dancing over to him and giving him long, loving kisses, that the nightmares were soon forgotten.

  She didn’t let him regain his equilibrium. When he tried to get up, she came over and pushed him down again. When he tried to sleep, she awoke him. And always there was sex, whether consummated or not, and he finally gave up trying to do anything else and just lay in bed as his big, sad eyes followed her.

  The nightmare in his eyes lingered on the second morning, then on the third, no matter what Naamah did. But she liked him too much to let him go, so she gave him a good sucking and the tiniest bit of Blood, and he stayed, entranced, captivated, unable to move except for his eyes, watching her cook, listening as she sang. His eyes were filled with death already, though his cock was ready for the taking.

  She intended to keep him alive for a long time.

  Naamah was annoyed when Eisheth’s summons came. She was going to ignore it as she always did and continue her prolonged pleasure with Pietro, but then Agrat Bat’s response came.

  She sighed regretfully as she trailed her fingers over him.

  “Sorry, my lovely boy,” she said as she mounted him. “I must be going.”

  Chapter 34

  Serena awoke in Cary’s arms. She untangled herself and went to the bathroom. As she headed back to bed, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. For a moment, she didn’t think anything of it; it was her inner image of herself, after all, the way she had looked in her early twenties.

  Then she stopped in midstep, turned on her toes, and gasped. She had never looked this good. There was not a single blemish on her. There was not an ounce of flab on her, either. She looked as if she ran marathons, slept nine hours a night, and ate nothing but fruits and vegetables. Her eyes were bright; her slightly offset nose—broken in a long-ago skiing accident—was perfectly straight. She ran her hands over her body, cupping her perky breasts, gaping in disbelief. They were firm and high, as they hadn’t been in years.

  “Admiring yourself?” she heard a voice say.

  She turned, embarrassed.

  “You should,” Cary said. “I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman, not in life, not in the movies. Frankly, you look eight years younger than me, instead of the other way around. Not that you ever looked that old.”

  “It’s the Blood of the Succubus,” Serena said. “I’m not sure I really believed the legends until now. I was in such a fight for my life last night, and biting her was a last resort. But I couldn’t believe how strong it made me.”

  He came up behind her, but stayed a polite distance away. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, then turned to face him. They were eye to eye, and Serena was suddenly aware of her morning breath.

  Cary seemed to know what she was thinking. “Even your breath is fresh, though I’m not so sure about mine.” He pushed past her. “I’m going to take a shower,” he said. “Be out in a minute.”

  “OK.” Serena felt vaguely disappointed. She’d been trying not to stare at his lean body, not letting her eyes drop below his neckline. He’d been clutching his clothes at his waist.

  As the water started running in the bathroom, she resisted the urge to join him. Instead, she booted up her laptop.

  Serena: I was attacked last night by Eisheth.

  Rick: Are you OK?

  Serena: I used her own Blood against her.

  Rick: Good for you. I’m on my way. Stay in the hotel with your friends. Stay together. Unless I miss my guess, Eisheth will call for her sisters. We may finally have them all in one place.

  Serena: Anything we can do?

  Rick: Barricade yourselves in your rooms. They will be coming for you.


  When Cary emerged from the bathroom, he was dressed. He was glad he’d thought to grab his clothes on the way in. The sexual tension was so intense that he couldn’t hide his erection.

  Serena hurried past him, and he heard the water start up. It was her turn to take a cold shower. She stayed in there a long time.

  When she came out, she quickly and efficiently dropped the towel she’d wrapped around herself and started dressing, her back to him. Cary watched her, admiring her movements. Serena never seemed to give a thought to what she wore or how she looked, but everything she did oozed style and class. He looked down at his T-shirt and faded jeans. What chance did he have with a woman like her?

  They didn’t look each other in the eyes, both ashamed of their dreams, unaware that their dreams were the same.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked. The question was fraught with implications. Did she sleep well next to him? Because he was near?

  She was brushing her hair. Her hand froze for a just a moment. “Thank you, Cary, for being so understanding. It must have been…difficult.”

  He walked over and stood behind her. He didn’t touch her, though he wanted to take her in his arms. “Absolutely. You needed to feel safe, I get it.”

  “I want you to know that I like you.” She said it brusquely, the way you might say, “I like bagels.”

  “I like you too,” he said, and his voice quavered. “I like you a lot.” It sounded lame to him, but also simple and true.
  Serena finished putting in an earring and turned abruptly, somehow managing to get past Cary without brushing up against him.

  In the ensuing silence, Cary turned on the TV news. News of the massacre at Howard’s Bar blared from the screen.

  They sat down at the end of the bed and watched, and Serena’s hand reached over and clutched his. When the reporters started repeating information they’d already reported several times, Cary muted the TV.

  “It’s her,” he said.

  “Of course it’s her,” Serena said. “It’s how she gained enough glamour to impersonate me.”

  “Will she try again?”

  “She’s wounded,” Serena said, taking the newscast off mute. “Besides, everyone is on the alert now.”

  They watched TV for a while longer, but there was no new news about the massacre.


  The others were waiting for them in the restaurant.

  Food and newspapers covered the table, all of them emblazoned with headlines about the massacre at Howard’s Bar. Someone had spilled a cup of coffee and tried to mop it up with the ad section of the paper. Serena caught the waitress’s eye and smiled, as if to promise a big tip. The waitress nodded back.

  Serena grinned at how relaxed her young charges looked, despite the traumatic events of the previous night. Apparently, there was a lot of sexual healing going on. Jeremy and Lucinda were holding hands and giving each other puppy-love eyes.

  Though Serena hadn’t specified a time, they had all showed up just as the breakfast crowd was clearing out.

  “I’m hungry enough to eat a porcupine,” Bobbie Jo proclaimed.

  “Me too,” Adam said, grabbing a roll and eating it plain.

  They ordered huge breakfasts, and were soon laughing and talking as if they were old friends. The waitress came over to refill their coffee. “Newlyweds?” she asked.

  Again, they broke into laughter. “Newly something,” Jeremy said, finally.

  “Yeah, you could say that,” Lucinda giggled.

  When they were finished eating, Serena added a big tip for the waitress onto the bill. “Would it be all right if we stay for awhile?” she asked.

  “Stay as long as you want,” the girl said. “There’s a doughnut shop next door. We get them for free. Want some?”

  “Yes!” Bobbie Jo cried.

  “Doughnuts! Doughnuts!” Jeremy chanted.

  “So now we know which ones get hungry and which ones get sleepy,” Serena said.

  “I get both,” Bobbie Jo said. “After fucking, I usually fall asleep with a sandwich in my mouth.”

  Serena was a little shocked by such language so early in the morning. Then she smiled ruefully. Yeah, a real proper lady I am, contemplating robbing the cradle.


  Cary watched Serena’s face. The sexual tension hadn’t dissipated one iota, despite being out in public. She was flushed. She glanced at him, and he saw in her eyes the same desire he was feeling.

  “Rick thinks that all three Succubae are coming here,” she said. “He said we should barricade ourselves in our rooms and…”

  Adam broke in. “We need more guns. We have Serena’s Glock, but that’s not enough.”

  “Has everyone handled weapons before?” Cary asked. “I mean, do you know how to load them, take the safety off, and all that?”

  Cary had seen Serena handle the Glock, so he knew she was up to the challenge, but he wasn’t so sure about everyone else having a gun, including himself. Cary had subscribed to the rule: don’t keep a gun in the house, but don’t tell anyone you don’t. But that had been before he knew Succubae were a thing.

  It was getting hard to concentrate on the conversation. He felt his jism rising in his groin, wanting out. Just a touch from Serena and he’d explode.

  Cary noticed that Lucinda’s eyes were following Jeremy’s every movement. Cary smiled. Young love, he thought. Every once in a while, Jeremy would look at Lucinda and give her a shy smile. They were so in love, and trying so hard to hide it that it made it all the more obvious. Cary’s eyes wandered back to the woman beside him. He felt the same way about Serena. He’d just had more practice hiding his true feelings.

  “It’s too late to get guns,” Serena said. “We’ll just have to hope for the best…” He voice drifted off, as if her heart wasn’t really in the conversation.

  Cary jumped as Serena’s hand landed on his lap and then playfully approached his crotch. What are you doing? he wanted to say.

  Meanwhile, across the table from them, Bobbie Jo and Adam couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It was almost embarrassing. At one point, Adam let out an involuntary screech. Bobbie Jo smiled maniacally. The newspaper draped over the table near their laps was flapping suspiciously.

  Cary cleared his throat loudly, and Bobbie Jo looked up, startled. The newspaper stopped rustling. Cary frowned and looked around to see if anyone else in the restaurant had noticed.

  “You look…different,” Jeremy said.

  Cary realized he was talking to Serena. The young man was looking at her appreciatively. Cary shot a glance at Lucinda to see what her reaction would be.

  But Lucinda was also examining Serena. “Yeah,” she said, with narrowed eyes. “You’re looking very nice.”

  Serena was at a loss. “I…ah…”

  “It’s the Blood of the Succubus,” Cary said. “It heals you, gives you energy.”

  “No shit?” Bobbie Jo said, elbowing Adam gently. “Extra energy?”

  Adam nodded, a big grin on his face.

  “I wonder…” Lucinda said. They all looked at her.

  “I mean…I wonder if that’s why she is the way she is. The Succubus. I’ll bet you anything people have hunted her for her Blood.”

  “There are stories,” Serena admitted. “Some not very nice. But that doesn’t excuse her. You must understand: she has taken many, many more lives over the years than can ever be justified, no matter how horrendously she was treated. Whatever her reasons, she’s dangerous and must be stopped.”

  “I know, I know,” Lucinda said. “But…I…I feel sorry for her.”

  “Don’t.” Serena said firmly. “When the time comes, don’t hesitate. She must be stopped.”

  Plates crashed to the floor behind them. Cary looked back to see the waitress pressed against the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room. The cook was standing behind her with his hand up her dress.

  What the hell is going on?

  Cary expected the girl to slap the cook, who looked twenty years older than her, but instead, she was laughing, leaning into him.

  Cary frowned again and looked away. Serena’s hand landed on his erect cock, and he restrained a shout. Almost to his surprise, he didn’t climax right then and there.

  Out the window, he caught a glimpse of motion on the sidewalk. An older man and woman were in each other’s arms, kissing furiously, and the woman had her hands wrapped around the man’s ass. As he watched, Serena’s hand suddenly shot down inside his pants, grabbing his cock.

  “What are you doing?” he gasped.

  Serena snatched her hand away as if burned. “I…I’m sorry. I don’t know what…why I did that.”

  He stared at her. God, she’s beautiful! Why did I stop her?

  Lucinda and Jeremy were kissing passionately, oblivious to everything else. The newspaper was flapping over Adam’s lap again, and Bobbie Jo was staring intently into her boyfriend’s eyes.

  What’s happening? Cary wondered, beginning to freak out.

  The previous night’s dreams came back to him, and as he remembered the vivid details, he realized that these weren’t normal dreams.

  There was an apartment building across from the restaurant. Cary glanced over and noticed that, in front of the building, the older couple was now making love on an old rickety lawn chair like teenagers.

  What the…?

  Serena spoke up, interrupting the goings on. “If you guys can manage to take your hands off each o
ther for a moment, you need to hear this.”

  The other two couples reluctantly broke apart and stared at her.

  “We’re in trouble, big trouble,” she said. “The Daughters of Lilith are here.”

  As soon as she said it, she forgot why it had seemed so important. Cary was close. She could smell him, the Cary-smell that she found on his shirts, a whiff of which gave her a serene feeling.

  “Trouble?” Bobbie Jo responded, as if from a distance.

  “When the Three Daughters of Lilith appear in the same place, the erotic energy is multiplied,” Serena managed to say. “People lose control.”

  “No shit,” Bobbie Jo said. “I’m horny all the time, but I ain’t this horny!”

  “What do we do?” Adam asked, the newspaper over his lap rattling with unprecedented speed.

  Serena had been planning to say something, but she forgot what it was. The only thing that mattered right now was the man sitting beside her, who was kissing her neck. She tilted her head up to give him access. He started unbuttoning her blouse, right there in the restaurant.

  She managed to push his hand away. “Our room,” she said. “Now.”

  They hurried away, barely making it to their room before tearing off their clothes. It felt so wonderful to finally give in to her desires that Serena didn’t question it. Cary was the man she’d been waiting for her entire life—and it was this knowledge that had scared her. But all fear was gone, and now she saw only his handsome face and his confident smile. He loved her just as much as she loved him.

  They nearly tore off their cloths, wanting them to just be gone, to be skin to skin. As they embraced, Serena’s body filled with a soothing mixture of comfort and pleasure. She sighed deeply as Cary tilted her head up and kissed her.


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