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Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Alicia White

  “I need your trust, Emma. I’m going to show you something, and I really need for you to stay calm.” She gave him a funny look but nodded.

  “Okay. What do you want to show me?”

  “Please, sit on the couch and don’t scream. Okay?” Again she gave him a weird look, but in the end she moved to the couch slowly and sat down, never once taking her eyes off of him.

  Taking a deep breath, Chayton connected with his inner beast. As slowly as he could, he shifted right before her eyes. His eyes never left her face. Emma threw her hand over her mouth, climbing up further on the couch, backing against the wall. Her eyes were wide, full of fear, and Chayton felt his heart shatter. He couldn’t take her being afraid of him.

  * * * *

  Emma held in her shrieks the best she could, biting down hard on her hand. Chayton, her beautiful man was changing right before her eyes. Dark-brown hairs spread out all over his body, growing and lengthening slowly. Emma’s entire body was shaking uncontrollably. She never once looked away, even though every survival instinct she had screamed, “Run!” This couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t stop shaking her head. Denial in its purest form. How could this be? She had to be losing her mind. Maybe she was dreaming. It sure didn’t feel like a dream to Emma. It was too real and standing in her living room in the form of something other than her Chayton.

  Going to the ground in front of her, Chayton’s body began to change. His bones seemed to stretch, and his skin thickened. What seemed like only seconds passed, and a giant brown bear stood still in her living room. She had no idea how big he was, but his body filled the small space, making her feel tiny. He didn’t move, didn’t approach her, and for that she was grateful. Emma stayed on top of the couch, rubbed her forehead, and wondered if she was still asleep in bed. Maybe she hadn’t woken up? That had to be it. Emma pinched herself and winced. This was no dream.

  The massive bear grew smaller, his front paws moving to the side of his body and lengthening, thick, glossy coat shrinking into his skin, and human flesh appearing. He changed back slowly, probably for her benefit, showing her she had nothing to fear.

  She watched his long teeth shrink into his mouth and the shape of his head change. Silver eyes changed to dark brown, and brown fur grew in length to turn the hair on his head back to the black strands she loved to play with.

  “Emma,” he said simply, when his mouth had the ability to form words. It looked like he wanted to say more, but stopped himself.

  She stared in awe at the gorgeous naked man in front of her. He hadn’t completed the change yet. He was in between forms, both human and animal. His chest muscles remained too large for a normal man. Her gaze dropped quickly to inspect the rest of his body. Her mouth went dry as she stared at the cock that hung, not quite erect, between his legs before looking back up at his face.

  Once again, Chayton stood in front of her, back in his human skin, no trace of the animal remained. He was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and she wondered how nervous he was, or if it took a lot of energy to change forms. Wait, am I really wondering this? Shouldn’t I be running out of the apartment, screaming for my life? She tried to analyze her thoughts, but one thing was for certain, she both trusted and loved Chayton Youngblood.

  “Mate,” she said, and he nodded, “I get it now.” She felt lost, unsure of what to say or where to begin. Chayton put his pants back on, covering himself. He didn’t make a move toward her. Instead, he stayed at a distance. “Tell me the story again.”

  Chayton nodded and took a seat on the floor. He sucked in a deep breath and began telling her about his family, their native tribe in the Dakotas, and finally the move to Alaska many generations ago to join the Novikov Clan. He was a brown bear shifter. Most of the other shifters in the clan were polar bears. His kind was extinct, which was one of the reasons they’d left the Dakotas to start over in a more remote location. Emma was aware of most of the stories, since he would tell her bits and pieces every night.

  “How do you know I’m your mate? Why would your brothers think that the four of us could be together? I’ve never even met them.”

  “When you walked into the bar, the cool breeze carried over to me, and I caught your scent. It drew me to you instantly, and I knew you were my mate. I could barely believe it was really you, in the same room with me. You stole my breath, Emma. I could scent that you were upset, hungry, and tired. My only thought was to protect you and care for you.”

  “What did I smell like? I hadn’t showered for three days, so I’m assuming it was pretty gross.”

  “Nothing about you is gross. I can’t really explain it, a subtle scent of soft vanilla and brown sugar. I’ve told you that the youngest brother goes in search of the mate and brings her home to share. I’ve kept you to myself for over a month. It’s not fair to them, Emma. They want you home.”

  “Maybe I’m not their mate. What if I’m not?”

  “You are. I know you are, without a doubt. We can scent our mate, our true one, the one that fate picks for us. It draws me to you.”

  “Fine, my scent drew you to me. How can you be so sure that I will be with your brothers? I can’t even believe I’m having this conversation.” She shook her head, rubbing her forehead. “Why would you want to share me? I just don’t get it.”

  “It’s our way. The younger brother goes in search of the mate that will be shared with all the brothers.” Scooting toward her, Chayton leaned against the couch. He extended his hand and waited for her to take it. He laced their fingers together. “I know that this is all really new and probably a bit unbelievable. That’s why I’ve been telling you bits and pieces, wanting to prepare you.”

  “I thought those were all just stories.” It was so unbelievable. He had just changed into a bear in the middle of her living room.

  “I know.” Chayton kept his hand open, allowing her to touch and comfort him.

  “You’ve been talking to your brothers every night? And now what…they want you to take me back?”

  “Yes, they want to meet you.”

  “Why? Why should I go back there?”

  “My brothers have been waiting many years to meet their mate. I found you, and I’ve kept you to myself because I’m a selfish ass.” Shaking her head, Emma was ready to defend his actions. “It’s true, Emma. We aren’t completely human, it’s different for us. I fell in love with you in only a couple days. I know that you’re the one for me, for us. Mahkah and Takoda are missing you, craving you. I can’t keep you to myself any longer, it’s not fair.”

  “What about my life?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realized she didn’t have much of a life. There wasn’t anything of value to give up, except for maybe her one-bedroom apartment and a job going nowhere at the bank.

  “I know this must be difficult. I’m proud of you. You’re handling this better than I had ever hoped.”

  “Is there some sort of timeline on all this? I mean…I’m…this is a lot to take in. I love you, Chayton, I really do. I–I just don’t think I really want to go home with you right now. It feels like…like my future is set. You know?” Moving off the couch, Emma paced around the living room, trying to take it all in. To say she was afraid was an understatement.

  How could she be a mate to not one, but three men? Was she really okay with Chayton shifting in her living room? He freakin’ changed into a bear. What the hell was wrong with her? She should be running out of her apartment screaming or at least telling him to leave, but she really did love him. She’d never felt like this for anyone, had never been in love, for that matter. Pushing her fingers through her hair, she stopped and stared at him. He looked afraid and insecure. Does he think I’m going to kick him out? Silly man.

  “I know this is a lot to take in, I was hoping the stories I told you at night would make this easier on you when the time came.”

  “The story about Chloe and her mates, Katie with her four men, and your mom and dads…those are all true?�
� she whispered. Emma could feel her heart pounding in her ears. This was just too bizarre. This sort of thing just didn’t happen. Shifters and mates, it was too much to take in.

  “Yes. Please come and sit down.” Emma reluctantly moved back to the couch and tried to relax. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, considering everything she’d been told. She remembered most of the stories Chayton told her while she fell asleep each night. His voice both lulling and calming her.

  “Conner found Chloe in Oregon. I’m not sure what his plans were, but his job was to bring her home to his brothers, our Alphas. He didn’t, and after five years together”—he shook his head, and Emma could see that he felt guilty—“Conner ended up dying. He never brought her home, never introduced her to his brothers. They suffered for Conner’s selfishness.” Chayton sighed and moved to sit on the couch next to her. “Emma, I’m doing the same thing to my brothers.”

  She didn’t know what to say. “Can we talk about this later? I’m really tired, and I have work in the morning.”

  “Yeah.” Smiling sadly, Chayton helped her to stand and guided her back in the bedroom.

  Emma didn’t say a word as she climbed back into bed. Pulling the covers over her head, she faced the wall and closed her eyes. Chayton moved in behind her and pulled her close to his chest. For the first time since they’d met, Emma felt sick and a little worried, unsure of what the future held for them.

  Chapter 8

  Running out from the tree line to their house, Mahkah felt like his heart might explode. After their phone call with Chayton, he had left the office, needing to let off some steam. His brother knew what the consequences were for keeping their mate away. They all knew firsthand the kind of pain it caused. After sitting front and center while Adam and Brandon waited five years, Chayton had promised never to do that. Yet, here they were.

  Mahkah shifted back to his human form and strode up the stairs to their home buck naked. He was tired and irritated. How much longer did Chayton think they would wait? How much longer would he have to go without his mate while his younger brother claimed her and fucked her alone? As the eldest, that was his right. He should’ve been the first, and it was killing him that he was sitting on the sidelines waiting.

  He slammed the front door and went into the living room, letting the blazing fire warm him. He stared at the flames while they danced and wondered what Emma was doing, thinking, and feeling. Had Chayton even told her about them? Was his own brother trying to keep her all to himself? It didn’t make any sense.

  “Are you feeling better?” Takoda asked, sauntering into the room. He threw his body down into one of the chairs and sat silently.

  “A little,” he grumbled. “I don’t know what he’s thinking, and I just keep wondering how long we are going to have to wait.”

  “Why should we wait? You’re the head of the family.” Mahkah knew exactly what Takoda was saying. He was good at making suggestions without really saying the words.

  “Years ago, I wouldn’t have waited a second. I would already be on my way to Anchorage and just take Emma away. Now, it’s not that simple.”

  “Yes, it is. We don’t have to wait years to meet our mate. We can go there, grab her, and bring her back.”

  “That’s exactly what I want to do, but I don’t think that’s the right decision.” He went over the different scenarios in his mind. He didn’t want their future mate to hate them, but at the same time, waiting years was out of the question.

  “Why not go there and grab both Chayton and Emma?”

  “I want Chayton to bring her home of his own free will, and I want Emma to come here knowing the truth.” He gave Takoda a pointed stare.

  “Do we give him more time then?”

  “I don’t know.” Leaving the living room, Mahkah headed for his bedroom. It was really early in the morning, and he was beyond exhausted.

  He was haunted by decisions. His mate was close, within his grasp, and there was nothing he could do. He wanted to see her beautiful face, touch her soft skin, and experience the love that Chayton shared with her. He felt so lost and alone, had been waiting years to finally meet her. He’d dreamed of her and wondered what kind of woman fate had destined him to be with. Mahkah climbed into bed with only a sheet covering his big body and stared at the ceiling.

  “What the hell am I going to do?” he said aloud, though there was no one to hear him.

  * * * *

  Takoda watched his brother leave. It had already been six weeks of waiting and wondering when Chayton would bring their mate home. Pushing himself up and off the chair, he paced around the living room. Should he act? Should he go to their home in Anchorage and take Emma? Would Chayton keep her indefinitely? There were so many damn questions and never an actual answer.

  Grabbing his cell phone off the counter, he dialed Chayton. The phone rang repeatedly, and he assumed he was no doubt in bed with Emma. Hitting the end button, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and grabbed his keys. With his mind made up, Takoda made his way to his truck.

  He knew he was playing with fire by going to Anchorage, but he couldn’t stand being separated from his mate for another minute. Was Chayton really being selfish by keeping their life mate from them? Staring the engine, Takoda drove out of the long driveway and headed toward the interstate.

  His mind was a complete mess, had been since this whole thing started six weeks ago. He drove in silence for hours until downtown Anchorage was in view. His heart beat a staccato in his chest. His nerves had been on edge for miles. Takoda took a deep breath and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. He knew where she lived from the background check they ran. Without thought, his truck drove to her apartment complex. After four hours, Takoda got out of his truck and stretched, cracking his back. This was it, the time for reckoning.

  He leaned against the side of his truck and waited, staring at number 118. It was very early in the morning. The sun just started peaking up in the sky. Emma would be emerging soon. No doubt she had to work today. Taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly, he waited, wondering what his first move should be. Should he take Emma or corner Chayton and demand answers? Takoda ran a hand down his face, cursing his brother for putting them in this position.

  The ringing of his cell phone got his attention. Takoda glanced at the screen seeing Mahkah’s name flashing. “Yeah?”

  “Where are you?” Mahkah demanded.

  “Anchorage,” he simply said, not needing to expand. He had no doubt his brother knew exactly where he was.

  “Takoda, don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “You know. Don’t take Emma. We can talk to Chayton and convince him to bring her home.”

  “What if he doesn’t? He could run with her, Mahkah. We can’t risk it. He’s not thinking straight right now.”

  “He won’t. Chayton wouldn’t do that to us, Takoda, you know that.”

  “He already has. He’s kept her to himself for six weeks. How much more can we take? How much rope are we going to give him before he hangs himself?”

  “Takoda, listen to me, don’t take Emma. Let her come to us willingly. Chayton will tell her the truth. He’ll convince her to go with him. We have to be patient and give him the time he needs. If we jump the gun, it could ruin everything. Think, man, this could make things worse, then what? Drag her here against her will? Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. I want her here as much as you, but we need to exercise caution.”

  “I don’t know…” Clicking the end button, Takoda hung up the phone. He didn’t want to argue with his brother, at least not Mahkah. They were both suffering because of Chayton’s selfishness.

  The front door opened, and Chayton stepped out of the apartment, closing the door behind him quietly. He watched his brother stop and sniff the air before turning and spotting him standing next to his truck. Chayton mouthed, shit, before walking in his direction. He could see his brother was a bit nervous and wondered what he must be thinking.

Takoda,” he said stiffly before looking around, probably wondering where Mahkah was.

  “Chayton.” He arched a brow. “Surprised to see me? When are you planning on bringing Emma home?”

  “You came all the way here to ask me? Or did you come here to just take her?” He stood in front of him defensively, arms crossed over his chest. He was definitely in fight mode. “Honestly, I came here to see Emma. How much longer are you planning on keeping her from us, Chayton? Are you trying to run with her? There’s nowhere you can run if that’s the plan.” His words came out angry and accusatory, and he watched Chayton’s jaw tighten. He knew his twin like he knew himself, and a few different plans started to formulate in his mind.

  “Chayton,” a sweet voice called out. Takoda looked over his brother’s shoulder and saw the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. He stared at her, openmouthed, wanting to hear his name on her tongue.

  “Please, don’t do anything stupid, Takoda. I’m begging you,” Chayton whispered quickly before turning around to greet Emma. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. For the first time in a long time, Takoda felt envious. He wanted what Chayton had, and soon, she would be his as well.

  “Ciqala, this is my brother, Takoda.” He was shocked for a minute at Chayton’s pet name for their mate, but it fit perfectly. Chayton pulled Emma to his side, tucking her securely under his arm.

  Takoda studied her, staring at her heart-shaped face with her big doe eyes and plump lips. She bit her bottom lip, hard, and he knew that she was nervous. He could read her facial expressions easily. She studied him for a while, before looking up and peering at Chayton. They were identical in every way, and he wondered if she could tell them apart. Their own parents had a tough time.

  “It’s good to meet you, Emma.” Holding out his hand, Takoda waited for her to take it. She gifted him with a shaky smile as she laid her palm against him. Almost immediately, Takoda felt a jolt run through his hand and up his arm, confirming what he already knew. She was his mate.


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