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Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Alicia White

  “Takoda?” She sniffled, and he smiled. Perhaps she would be the one to tell them apart when no other could.

  “How did you know?” he teased, wanting to calm her as much as possible.

  “You called me sweetie.” She pulled back a little, and Takoda reluctantly let her go. “Where is Chayton?” She asked before closing her eyes. Memory flooded back instantly, and Emma’s eyes flew open. Takoda could see the panic on her pale face.

  “Oh, God. I need Chayton…” The tears welling in her doe eyes nearly broke his heart. She wanted his brother, she didn’t want him.

  “It’s going to be okay, sweetie. He’s in the back and we’ll be home soon.” He didn’t elaborate. Emma turned and immediately started opening the window in an attempt to reach his brother. It wasn’t very graceful as she slid through the opening into the back.

  “Oh, my God! What happened?” Her voice sounded scratchy as she screamed. Takoda wasn’t sure how to answer. Was she asking about the bear, the blood, or the bullet wound? “Chayton?! Chayton, can you hear me?”

  “We aren’t completely human, Emma,” he started to explain.

  “I know!” She interrupted, and he felt a little better. Thank goodness she knew. He really didn’t want to have that conversation while driving. “Why is he still in bear form? Is that blood?” she cried out while trying to maneuver around on the seat. She began making crooning noises to the bear.

  Takoda listened to her talk to his brother. “Oh, Chayton. What happened, love? Can you hear me?” She lifted her head and gave him a questioning look. “Why hasn’t he shifted, Takoda?”

  “His body is trying to heal. He needs to stay in his bear form. Otherwise, there could be some serious complications. The clan doctor is waiting for us. Emma…can you please come back up front?”

  “No, I’m staying with Chayton.” Looking through the rearview mirror he watched as Emma took off her jacket and shirt. She balled up the material and held it against the wound in Chayton’s chest.

  Takoda tried not to look at her milky skin, he really did, but he couldn’t stop his eyes from straying down to her full breasts. He bit the inside of his cheek hard to prevent himself from moaning. The bra she was wearing barely concealed anything. Firm, soft skin called to him, and Takoda stared. A loud horn got his attention, and he jerked the steering wheel trying to right the truck. What are you doing, man, trying to kill us all?

  “You should probably keep your eyes on the road…” she chastised, and Takoda chanced another glance in the mirror. God, but she was beautiful.

  She shook her head and leaned against Chayton, holding her T-shirt to his fur. At that moment, he would have given anything to trade places with his injured brother. As stupid as that sounded in his own head, he would love to have his mate shirtless and leaning into him while covered in fur. He imagined what her hands would feel like stroking him. To have her looking at him with longing and adoration. Takoda shook his head. He would be putty in her hands.

  “What happened?” she asked him.

  “We found you in the middle of the road with a wolf covering you. Chayton gave chase. I stayed back to make sure you were okay. By the time I heard the gunshot and found him, he was already down. The wolf didn’t fare so well.”

  Emma’s eyes grew round. “Was it dead?”

  Takoda smirked. “I’d bet money on it.” She appeared relieved at the last statement.

  “I hope he’s going to be okay. He’s such a wonderful man.” Emma laid her head next to Chayton, and Takoda couldn’t believe how comfortable she seemed cuddled up next to a bear. There was no fear coming from her.

  “Yeah, he is,” he agreed. There wasn’t much more he could say.

  “He saved me,” she said, petting Chayton, and Takoda wanted to correct her. He wanted to tell her that they had saved her. Didn’t she realize she wasn’t only meant to be with Chayton, but with him and Mahkah as well?

  Takoda stared at the road in front of him and counted the yellow lines. He wasn’t ready to think about what the future held for them all. Not yet.

  * * * *

  Emma wondered how much time had passed. Leaning against Chayton, she was worried that he might not make it. She had finally found a man she loved, and the thought of losing him was killing her. I don’t want to live in a world where he doesn’t exist. Chayton was the first man she met who was always honest, loving, and kind. How much longer would this take? Why was Takoda driving four hours away instead of getting medical help right away? Questions ran through her mind as she curled her body onto Chayton.

  Emma continued to hold pressure on Chayton’s wound. She prayed it was doing some good. She watched him take deep, steady breaths. He had yet to move or to open his eyes. Remembering Takoda’s words, she hoped being in his bear form was good. A chest shot would definitely kill a normal human man. Emma banished her negative thoughts. Everything would be okay, and Chayton would recover. He had to. She refused to believe otherwise.

  Chayton let out a low growl and moved for the first time. Emma’s heart skipped a beat, but she never released the pressure on his wound.

  “Drive faster,” she demanded, hoping they would be arriving at their home soon. Takoda said they needed the clan doctor, but she wondered if they should actually take Chayton to the nearest vet. Yeah, that would be a great idea, then, Chayton could change on the examining table. Shaking her head, she yelled louder, waiting for Takoda to answer her.

  “I am,” he growled at her. “I’m going as fast as I can.”

  “How much longer? He’s starting to move, I don’t want him to wake up.” Emma tried to calm herself down.

  “Listen, he’s my brother. I don’t want anything to happen to him, okay? We should be home in about an hour.”

  “Shit! That’s too long.”

  “I’m doing my best here, Emma.” She could hear the frustration in his voice. He loved his brother and was no doubt worried just as much as she was.

  “I’m sorry, I know you are. I didn’t mean to yell. I’m just afraid.”

  “Pet him.”

  “What?” She asked, unsure if she heard him correctly.

  “Pet him. That should help calm him down a bit. You’re his mate. He knows you’re there. He can smell you. Lay against him.” Emma did what Takoda instructed and inched as far up Chayton’s form as she could without hurting him.

  Emma opened her fingers and pushed her hand through the thick fur. He was softer than he looked. She assumed the texture would be thick and coarse. Instead, his fur was buttery soft. Rubbing a few strands in between her fingers, she realized that Chayton calmed down considerably. Maybe Takoda was right, and Chayton could sense her. She stared at the massive bear under her and studied his features. It was still so strange that her man was inside this huge beast.

  Emma exhaled and turned some of her attention toward Takoda. She barely noticed the scenery in her vision through the windshield. The truck was silent except for the sound of Chayton breathing and the wind outside. She shivered and cuddled closer to the bear, as she stared at the back of Takoda’s head. He was an exact match to her Chayton, except when he spoke. There was just something about him that made her feel a tad uncomfortable, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

  “I can feel your eyes on me,” he said, and Emma froze. She wasn’t sure if she should deny his claim or just ignore him. “Nothing to say? I already told you that I’m driving as fast as I can.” He seemed irritated.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what more I can say.”

  “You should come up front where it’s warm.”

  “I can’t leave him.”

  “You’re not leaving him. Come up here or I’ll pull over.” His demeanor had changed, and it irritated her. One minute, he was charming and the next, demanding. Emma didn’t want to leave Chayton’s side, but testing Takoda seemed unwise at the moment.

  “He needs me,” she pleaded with him softly, hoping to make him understand. Instead, she felt the truck slowing down.
  Anger surged through her. How dare him. Seeing this was one argument she wasn’t going to win. Emma nuzzled against Chayton and moved toward the window once again. Slowly, she climbed through and was instantly surrounded by warmth. Takoda was right, damn him. The cab of the truck was a lot warmer than the back. Emma avoided touching him as she went to the passenger seat and pulled her seat belt on. She sat there feeling the hot air blow on her from the vent until she was able to relax a little. Emma glanced behind her. Chayton…

  “Does the air feel good?” His voice was gruff, and Emma wondered what he was thinking. It felt strange looking at him. I’m his mate. Talk about strange. She wouldn’t think about that now. Not yet. She turned her head to stare unseeing out the window. So much had happened. She needed time to process it all. “He will be okay, Emma.” His voice brought her out of her reverie.

  “I should be back there with him.” She looked pointedly at Takoda.

  “Fine. Do whatever you want.” There was a hard edge to his voice, and Emma stared up at his profile. He wouldn’t look at her, and she could feel frustration pouring off him in waves.

  His jaw was hard, but the look on his face said it all. He was pissed. She didn’t take time analyzing him. Her mind was only on Chayton and his well-being. Guilt ate at her, and Emma screamed in her mind, wishing she had a few minutes alone to think.

  Emma took a few seconds attempting to process her feelings. She knew Takoda was angry, but she couldn’t help that. Chayton was her priority right now. Then why do you feel guilty for leaving him alone up here? Emma shoved her fingers through her hair. She was torn. She loved Chayton with all her heart. On the other hand, there was a certain attraction to his brother she couldn’t deny.

  Emma freed her seat belt and went to her bear. He was sleeping soundly, and she cautiously cuddled up to his side. Within minutes his body heat seeped into her. She sighed and snuggled closer to him. Emma stared at the back of Takoda’s head from her perch behind him. His stiff posture and jerky movements worried her, but he remained quiet.

  * * * *

  Takoda drove in silence, wishing he knew how to handle Emma. He regretted snapping at her, but knowing that she favored Chayton hurt more than he cared to admit. He was hoping getting her back into the cab would be a good first step. She could get warm and relax, maybe even get to know him, but she didn’t. She had no desire to speak or even be near him. Jealousy and anger ate at him until he was about to explode. His bear was there at the surface, barely contained. It took a considerable amount of effort to contain him. He would claim her when the time was right. He drove on, more determined than ever to do this right.

  Emma said Chayton told her everything, but maybe his brother hadn’t been completely honest. Her hero obviously didn’t mention that she belonged to them all. Maybe if Chayton really had been honest, she would be in the truck with him. He gripped the steering wheel hard and counted to ten. He had to take several deep breaths to calm the beast. He couldn’t afford to act irrationally, not when he was responsible for getting both Emma and Chayton home safely.

  Takoda could feel Emma’s eyes on him, burning a hole through the back of his head. It took everything he had not to raise his eyes to the rearview mirror. Maybe it was too late for him and Mahkah after all. Maybe she had fully bonded with Chayton and wouldn’t accept them. It had been known to happen, although it was rare.

  The story of Chloe and Conner came to mind. They got married and stayed separated from the clan for five years. She’d still been able to bond with Adam and Brandon, but Conner hadn’t marked her the way Chayton had Emma.

  Doubt began to take hold and consume him. It didn’t matter that Chayton was in the back of the truck with a chest wound. His mind refused to stray off Emma and her obvious rejection of him. She’d chosen Chayton over him, and his heart broke.

  Chapter 11

  Emma jerked awake to the sound of the tailgate of the truck dropping. A gust of cool air swept in, making her shiver. Rubbing her eyes, she looked out and found herself caught in his gaze. Her heart leaped to life, pounding fast, and she panted. Who was this imposing man? They stared at each other, both frozen in place until he smiled. That smile melted her insides and weakened her knees. She was grateful to be sitting down.

  “Emma?” That came from the beautiful god. She could only nod. He held out his hand and she went to him, feeling his warmth penetrate her skin. “Let’s get you inside, so we can have the doctor check you out.” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his side. Looking over his shoulder, he said, “Takoda, can you take care of Chayton? The guest room is set up and ready.” His voice was calm and smooth. It washed over her like a fine wine, and she found herself leaning into his warmth. It took a minute for his words to sink in, and Emma jerked to a stop.

  “Baby? We need to get you inside by the fire so you can warm up.”

  “Wait, I need Chayton. I’ve got to make sure he’s okay.”

  “Takoda and a few of our friends are bringing him inside. He’ll be fine.” He guided her in, and Emma tried to shake the potent power he seemed to have over her. Why was she willing to follow this man anywhere? What the hell was wrong with her?

  Walking up the stairs toward the house, Emma looked over her shoulder and watched as a few men grabbed Chayton and lifted his huge bear form out of the truck. When the door closed behind her, she took in her surroundings. A huge fireplace dominated the main room, and the man at her side walked her toward the dancing flames.

  “Have a seat, Emma, and let the doctor check you out.” He gestured to a huge, brown overstuffed chair, and Emma complied. She leaned back and yawned. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so tired. Her lids were heavy and drooping.

  “Excuse me. Are you one of Chayton’s family members?” She felt like she was coming out of a deep sleep when he stepped away.

  A warm blanket was pulled over her shoulders, and Emma looked to the side. A beautiful, petite blonde was standing next to the chair with a sad smile on her face. “Hi, I’m Chloe. The man that was fussing over you is Mahkah. He’s helping the doctor prepare to do surgery on Chayton. He’ll be back to check on you soon. How are you doing? Are you feeling okay?”

  “Um…yeah, I’m okay.”

  “Do you want some tea? Are you hungry?”

  “I–I’m fine. Thank you.” Emma wasn’t sure what to say. She was in a house full of strangers and didn’t have a clue of what was happening. Chayton was being taken care of though. That’s the only thing that mattered, except, now she knew that Mahkah was the gorgeous god that escorted her inside the house.

  Emma leaned and stared at the fire, trying to make sense of her emotions. Mahkah looked similar to Chayton and Takoda, but the aura around him was one of complete control. He was bigger, too, his chest wider, hair cropped short and deep brown eyes like his brothers. She felt so at ease with Chayton, so calm, but around Mahkah, he bought out a riot of wild, untamed emotions. He made her want things she never had before, and it scared her. Pulling her legs up on the chair, she leaned her head against her knees.

  A hand on her shoulder got her attention, and Emma looked up and into those devilish brown eyes. He was aware of his effect on her, and it was obvious it pleased him greatly. It excited her, but Emma tried desperately to hide her emotions.

  “The doctor is going to check you out before he starts on Chayton,” he began, and she immediately started shaking her head.

  “No. I’m fine. Only a few scrapes and bruises, I swear. He needs to take care of Chayton,” she pleaded, raising her voice. The last thing she wanted was for his condition to worsen. He needed the doctor’s attention more than she did.

  Mahkah turned away from her to speak with both the doctor and Takoda. She could hear his whispering but couldn’t make out any of his words. She prayed he was sending the doctor to his brother. Takoda strode across the room, and picked her up in one fluid motion. He pulled her against his chest and held her tight, too tight for her to fight him or move. Sh
e attempted to struggle, wanting him to put her down. She needed to see Chayton. She wanted to be there with him during the surgery.

  “I’m taking you upstairs to bathe and clean your wounds.” His voice was firm, and she stopped moving.

  “I’ll be up in a minute. Please start the bath and make sure she’s warm and comfortable,” Mahkah said as they passed.

  Emma stared over Takoda’s shoulder as he walked up the stairs. She knew there were quite a few people in the house, but from her new angle, it was now obvious the house was full. Strangers looked at her with open curiosity, but none of them said anything. The only person besides Chayton’s brothers to speak to her was the petite woman in the middle of the room, Chloe.

  Was it because Chayton was shot that no one spoke to her? Did they blame her, or think she was somehow responsible? Emma forced her gaze away to study the photos on the wall. She knew quite a bit about Chayton’s family, but she wasn’t comfortable enough to ask questions. Takoda was angry with her. She could feel his emotions as if they were her own. She noticed a muscle tick in his jaw and was unsure of what to say from there. The five-o’clock shadow only added to his demeanor.

  Takoda put her down gently, making sure that her body slid down his, touching every muscle along the way. When her feet hit the floor, he kneeled down and took her shoes off before reaching for the button on her pants.

  “Wow, wait a second. What are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you take your clothes off. I need to check you and make sure you don’t need the doctor. Mahkah will be here in a minute to help and then we’re going to put you into a nice, hot bath.” He sounded as if she had just interrupted his job. What the hell was the matter with this guy?

  She pushed his hands away and stepped back, needing some personal space. He crowded her, moving closer, and Emma pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to calm her frayed nerves. She was exhausted, hungry, and worried about Chayton. She couldn’t handle this right now.


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