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Claiming Emma [Novikov Clan 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Alicia White

  When the small town came into view, she pulled over at Mack’s and parked the truck. She had nowhere to go. Running to Anchorage seemed silly and childish. There wasn’t anything there for her except an empty apartment and a nine-to-five job at the bank. Shutting off the engine, she pocketed the key before heading into the bar.

  The door opened before she reached it. An elderly gentleman wearing a hat that had seen better days held it open for her. “Howdy, ma’am.” He tipped the brim and staggered by her. The smell of alcohol burned her nose as he wafted by. She managed a quick “thank you” as she inched around him and entered the establishment. She glanced around the place before deciding on a stool at the bar.

  “What can I get you?” a gorgeous blonde asked, and Emma gave her a weak smile.

  “Um…I don’t know.” She shrugged. She hadn’t thought that far in advance. She just wanted to sit somewhere and think. Somewhere away from the Youngblood brothers.

  “I’m Emily.” She stuck out her hand, and Emma mirrored her action.

  “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Emma.”

  “I work here a few days a week to help out. I’ll surprise you. Do you want regular or unleaded?” The blonde shot her a mischievous look. “I’m pretty good at mixing.” She smiled kindly, and Emma took a deep breath. She hadn’t had anything with alcohol in years, not since that damn accident.

  “With—” She paused. Did she really want to have a drink? “No alcohol. Please.” She did want a drink. She wanted to forget her ridiculous problems for a while, to drown them away.

  “Okay.” She winked before turning around and grabbing a couple glasses.

  Emily really was a beautiful woman, very graceful. She had long blonde hair, crystal-blue eyes, and an athletic, slender body. Emma looked up into the mirror above the bar and stared at herself. She felt plain with her short black hair, brown eyes, and petite, chubby body. It didn’t matter how many times Chayton commented on loving her curves or the fact that both Mahkah and Takoda looked at her as if she were a goddess.

  “Where are your mates?” Emily asked, setting the glass down on the bar in front of her. Surprised, Emma accepted the drink and stared at the contents. Emma tried to smile, but she couldn’t. She was in self-pity mode.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? I can tell something is bothering you. I’m a good listener, and I won’t bite you, unless you don’t tip.” She grinned. “Bartender joke, sorry.” Her attempt at humor lifted Emma’s mood somewhat. She really did want to talk. To have another female to open up to sounded kind of nice at the moment. Emma smiled back and noticed the sparkle in the other women’s eyes. She wasn’t sure how, but she trusted Emily.

  “How did you know I had mates?” Grabbing the glass, Emma took a sip and enjoyed the mixture of juices with the combination of carbonation.

  Emily tapped her nose and gave a small smile. “I have good senses, and I can smell Mahkah, Takoda, and Chayton all over you.”

  “Oh. So you’re a shifter, too?” She knew her voice came out a little high. It shouldn’t surprise her, but it did. The blonde just nodded and continued to wipe the counter. “Are you all so perfect?” She hoped she didn’t sound bitter, but it was horrid that shifters were all so gorgeous and fit when the rest of mankind was stuck looking so normal. She hated feeling like her looks didn’t compare with her men. She was waiting for that moment when someone would ask, how did she get them?

  “We aren’t perfect.” Emma started shaking her head, ready to interrupt when Emily continued. “We have our own set of problems. I’ll tell you my story, if you tell me yours.”

  “Show and tell, huh? Okay.”

  “Come on. Let’s head over to a booth.” Emma grabbed her glass and followed Emily over to a far corner. She sat down and got comfortable on the old wooden seat and waited for Emily to begin.

  “You may think that we are all beautiful, but that doesn’t mean our lives are perfect. I’ve lived here all my life. I feel completely alone and lost even though I’m surrounded by my own kind.” Emma felt her pain. She’d felt that way for the better part of a year. She felt her shoulders sag, leaned back, and nodded for Emily to continue. “I don’t have a mate or mates. There is nobody for me to go home to at night. Yeah, I have short relationships with men here and there, but they will never love me, and I know that.”

  “You can’t know that,” Emma stated with confidence. How could a man not love her? She was absolutely beautiful, and it was obvious that she was kind as well. She’d taken the time to talk to her. Maybe they both needed a friend.

  “I do know. Mates are a sacred thing, and for my kind, we know right away. Not just the scent of them, but it’s an all-consuming feeling. It’s not just love at first sight, its life changing. I can’t really explain it. I’ve never felt it before, but I’ve seen it. I’ve been tossed aside within seconds of a mate being found.”

  “Damn, that sucks. I’m sorry.”

  “No.” She laughed a little. “That’s the point. Mates are that important. We wait our entire lives to meet the one fate has chosen. Your mates will always love you”—she shook her head—“no matter what. You will be cherished, protected…forever.” Emma bit her lip and stared at the other woman. She knew in her heart what she said was true. She smiled warmly at her and took another drink.

  “Where are your mates, Emma? Are you running away?”

  “I thought about it, but I realized that I don’t have anywhere to go, so I stopped here.” Her eyes filled with tears, and she blinked them back, not wanting to cry in front of her new friend. She was done feeling sorry for herself.

  “I’m glad you came in. Don’t run away. They’ll just chase after you. Now…do you want to know how to control them?” Emma’s ears perked up, and she leaned closer, intrigued. If there was a secret to handling three Alpha men, then she needed to know. “Your happiness is very important to them.” Emma hung on to every word. “When you left, what were you feeling?”

  “Embarrassed, hurt, confused.” She shrugged, although now she wasn’t sure how she felt. She loved them. That was real. Nothing else seemed to matter any longer.

  “Tell them. You need to let them know how you’re feeling. It’s that simple. You are their mate. Everything they do is with the ultimate goal of having your love, joy, and happiness. If you’re honest with them, they will move mountains for you.”

  Emma took another sip of her drink. “Thank you, Emily.” She meant it. The door crashing open caused both women to jump and turn in that direction.

  “Emma!” The brothers ran into the bar, their eyes sweeping the small space until they found her. They stalked toward her, and she swallowed hard.

  “Just be honest,” Emily whispered as she climbed out of the booth and headed back to the bar.

  “Ciqala,” Chayton growled softly, moving into the booth next to her.

  * * * *

  Chayton rushed into the small bar with both his brothers on his heels. The whole morning had been a huge disaster. He accepted the blame for her running off. His beautiful Emma had lain next to him crying and begging him to wake up. He’d thought he was doing the right thing, but it was painfully obvious it was one of the stupidest mistakes of his life.

  His eyes quickly scanned the dark bar before spotting Emma sitting in one of the booths. Without wasting another second, he went to her.

  “Ciqala,” he growled, relieved that she hadn’t gotten very far. His worst fear was that she was already headed back to Anchorage. At least now, the three of them could finally work together and win her heart. He closed his eyes for a moment in an attempt to get his emotions under control. He needed to show her the man he could be, not the wild animal clawing to get out. The desire to drag her out of the booth, throw her over his shoulder, and run home was strong. It had been too long since he had touched or loved his mate.

  He inhaled deeply, and several scents assailed him. Her sadness, regret, and even the tears she had shed. Guilt ate at him, and Chayton slipped a hand under the table, h
oping she would accept it. Instead, she stared at him and held even tighter to the glasses as if they were her lifeline. Pulling his hand back, he moved over, giving both Mahkah and Takoda some space to sit down. Everyone was silent, and Chayton bit the inside of his cheek, wanting to break the tension. He was at a loss, not sure how to begin.

  “Emma, I’m sorry,” Takoda said, and Chayton watched as Emma’s face changed slightly. She hadn’t expected his brother to apologize. What did Takoda do? I thought Emma was only upset with me.

  “I haven’t really been treating you well, and that all stops now. I don’t want you to leave.” Chayton froze, feeling even more confused. What the hell had Takoda done?

  “It’s not you I’m upset with, Takoda, but thanks for apologizing.” Her voice was shaky, and Chayton took a deep breath, mentally preparing his speech.

  “You didn’t leave because of me?” Takoda seemed kind of upset. Insecurity was written in his expression. It would be almost comical if the situation wasn’t so dire.


  “Then why the hell did you leave?”

  “It’s my fault,” Chayton said, finally speaking up. Emma gave him a slight nod but stared at Mahkah. Two of them sat on one bench, across from their mate, while Chayton sat on her right. How did one woman not even realize the power she had right at this moment? She could break them. For the first time, Chayton knew why his fathers did the things they did for their wife, their mate. He would do anything just to see Emma’s smile.

  “I love you,” he blurted out. Emma smiled slightly, but her eyes filled with tears. What could he do to make her happy again? He was afraid. For the first time in a very long time, he felt real fear. Being shot didn’t petrify him like this did. He couldn’t lose her.

  “Emma…I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and I’m so sorry. I know you were worried about me. It was wrong of me to deceive you, but, baby, I didn’t do it to hurt you. I thought I was helping you. I realize now how wrong I was. If I could take it back, I would. Please, Emma, you have to forgive me.” He lifted his big hands and cupped her face. She stared back at him with those soulful eyes, and his heart cracked.

  “You’re not mad at Chayton. You’re mad at me and the paperwork you found in my office.” Mahkah’s voice rang out from the other side of the table, and Chayton stared at Emma, unwilling to break eye contact. He held her face in his hands and refused to let her turn to acknowledge Mahkah and his statement.

  Hope soared when he realized that she was in fact more upset with Mahkah and the background check than at him and his deceit.

  “He’s right, isn’t he? You’re a little upset with me for deceiving you, but you’ve already forgiven me. I can tell. What’s really upsetting you is that we know all your secrets. You’re feeling afraid, vulnerable, and hurt right now. I’m right, aren’t I, ciqala?” Chayton watched her. She swallowed, tightened her stubborn jaw, and pursed her lips. Holding back a smile, Chayton leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. She relaxed a bit, her shoulders dipping down.

  “Ciqala, tell me you love me,” he whispered against her lips, and Emma’s body language changed completely. She melted into him, kissing him back, and Chayton breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I love you.” Emma sniffled a bit. It was a start, but Chayton knew they still had a long road ahead of them. He also knew that she loved him, but would she accept his brothers? That question haunted him. Right now wasn’t the time to ask though.

  Their lips met, and Chayton held on to her tight, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer into his body. This was where she belonged, in his arms, in their home and their lives. He wanted her to feel for his brothers what she held deep for him. He wanted her to make love to his brothers, to bond with them. This was the one person that the three of them had been waiting for. They needed to work together to convince her of this as well.

  Chayton licked her lips, and Emma opened her mouth on a deep moan, giving him the access he wanted. Turning his head, Chayton slowly eased his tongue into her mouth and tasted her. Her scent changed, filling his head with her sweet arousal. This was the woman he loved more than any other. He growled in his throat.

  Lifting her up, he put her across his lap and held her close. He could sense both of his brothers watching them, full of envy, and Chayton pulled back, holding Emma against his chest. He looked over her head into their eyes. The silent message he sent was answered in kind. They understood. He would make this right. Guilt was a living thing in his chest. His brothers deserved the same happiness he did.

  Chapter 16

  Mahkah’s heart felt heavy in his chest as he watched Chayton and Emma kiss. There was so much passion, love, and understanding. So many emotions filled him, but Mahkah couldn’t seem to get a hold of them. He loved her, had loved her since the moment he’d laid eyes on her. He knew that it would take time for her to love him and Takoda. Waiting was almost more than he could bear. He wanted to be where Chayton was. He wanted to be the one holding her, kissing her, making her moan. He watched her cling to Chayton and deepen the kiss.

  Mahkah glanced at Takoda and watched the play of emotions on his face. He understood how his brother felt, all too well. They were outsiders. Chayton and Emma had a relationship and love, something they weren’t a part of. He felt the clock ticking away in his head and tried desperately to get ahold of himself.

  Takoda gave him a questioning look, and Mahkah could only shrug. He had no words of encouragement, no real knowledge to help the situation. Yes, he had his moment with Emma earlier that day, but she hadn’t acknowledged him since. What did the future hold? He felt bleaker as the minutes passed. Both Chayton and Emma were lost in each other.

  “Emma, let’s go home,” Chayton whispered, and Mahkah said a silent prayer, hoping she would agree.

  “Okay.” That one word was music to his ears, and he gave Takoda a little wink. It was their time now. The three of them could finally work together, love her, and show her she could accept them as equals without guilt being involved. He knew eventually she would love him and Takoda. He just needed to be patient.

  Following Takoda out of the booth, Mahkah stood and waited for Chayton and Emma to join them. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, but somehow he was able to control his breathing and remain calm. Just thinking of Emma made his pulse jump and his heart race frantically. Their one moment together in the shower wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy him. He needed her, wanted her beyond reason, and hoped the waiting would end soon.

  The animal inside him started to rise, and Mahkah beat it back, having a silent war inside his own body. He was trembling slightly, and his heart grew tight in his chest. Seconds turned into minutes as he stood frozen, and then warm, beautiful brown eyes made contact with his. The shaking stopped, his heart immediately slowed, and the animal that was so close to the surface stared with him at their mate. Warmth flooded through his system when she smiled, and for the first time, Mahkah was able to exhale. The panic was gone, and in its place the realization that he would do anything for the woman sitting in front of him. His mate.

  * * * *

  Emma could feel Mahkah staring at her. His gaze was a living, breathing force, and even though she was upset with him, she moved away from Chayton and stared at him. He looked calm, but his eyes told a different story. The color kept changing, and she wondered what he was thinking. She could feel his love like a heavy blanket, and as she gazed back at him, she smiled.

  These three men had crashed into her life and turned her emotions inside out. Looking at them now, she was grateful. She had no family or home any longer, and they were offering her everything she could ever want or need. She would be stupid to turn away, to not forgive. Chayton climbed out of the booth, and Emma followed his lead until she was standing in front of Mahkah and Takoda with Chayton standing at her back. She could feel his heat, and it comforted her.

  Without much thought, Emma held out her hands to Mahkah and Takoda, and they instantly reacted, moving closer
and twining their fingers. Feeling more confident, she looked over her shoulder and winked at Chayton before heading toward the front door of the small bar. She was ready to go to home. The last thing she wanted was to run away, to leave these men. She knew deep down, if she did, she would always have regrets, always wonder what could’ve been.

  Takoda opened the front door, and the four of them walked out together into the clean, fresh air. She lifted her face and closed her eyes briefly. It felt good to let the sun soak into her skin. Everything was going to change. She knew her whole world would be different. She waited for the usual questions to arise, but her mind was silent for the first time. She wasn’t thinking of any what-ifs. Instead, she was in the moment, focused on the present.

  “Let’s leave your truck here, Takoda. We can take mine back to the house, together.” Mahkah opened the passenger-side door, kissed her hand, and helped her up. “Scoot over, baby. You get middle.” Mahkah winked and stepped back, walking around the front of the truck.

  Stepping up, Emma crawled in the cab and moved over, leaving plenty of room for Takoda. She knew that Chayton would sit in the back seat. He wanted to give both of his brothers a chance with her, and she was feeling more open to the idea of all three of them. Sitting silently in the cab, she half listened to the men chatting. Why had she been against the idea of the three of them? Was she nervous to be with them at the same time? Did she think that her love for Chayton would somehow diminish once she opened herself up to Takoda and Mahkah?

  “You’re thinking too hard,” Takoda whispered in her ear, and she jerked her head around and bit her lip. Reaching out, he rubbed the line that formed on her forehead every time she was deep in thought. It seemed that these men really did watch her too closely. She wished she could stop thinking, stop overanalyzing, stop worrying, but she couldn’t seem to. “Everything is going to work out.” His calm voice washed over her.


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