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Dungeon Spawned: Dark Dungeon 01

Page 11

by D. R. Rosier

  I could also feel the magic objects on her, and hoped that one of them was a spell book. If she would just… die. It would make my day complete. Then all I’d be lacking on is magic in the water sphere, not that I couldn’t stand to learn new things about all the spheres, including dark. I was still convinced the dark sphere had to have more than inimical spells in it. After all, I’d made some myself.

  Dark protections, and the new mind trap spell which I should rename.

  April said, “We should go back Nils, and take the exit back up on level four. I’m low on magic.”

  The paladin looked back with a frown, “Just use it sparingly, hold back until the boss fight, the rest of us can pick up the slack. It’s not much farther, maybe a few fights.”

  There were four people in that party, the paladin had a glowing white sword, and armor with an enchantment on it. April didn’t look happy with his suggestion, but I was thrilled by it. The other two were a cleric, and another warrior that wasn’t a paladin. Just a guy with armor, shield, and a sword.

  I could see the indecision on April’s face. The caution that had served her well, and had gotten her to this point warred with going against the orders of her party leader, and his unwise and frankly in my opinion, unneeded greed. My dungeon and rewards would still be here tomorrow after all. Of course, I wanted her to make the stupid decision. Her spell support had been critical on level four, and holding back would be a disaster for them. At least, I could hope it would be.

  I wasn’t exactly a bloodthirsty being, I didn’t want her death, so much as I really wanted her spell book. It was the knowledge I craved.

  April sighed, “Fine, but if I run out saving your ass, again, I’m leaving.”

  Nils rolled his eyes arrogantly, “We’ll be fine, promise. We got this. Everyone ready to kick this level’s ass?”

  I almost laughed at that, they were already most of the way through, and had struggled to win the last fight. They could win, but it wouldn’t be an ass kicking.

  They walked forward and around a wall, not seeing anything Nils kept going. The cleric said, “Wait!” but Nils took another step setting off the trap.

  The wall collapsed behind him, cutting off any retreat, and two demon warriors blocked the way forward. Two demon archers were fifty feet beyond them standing on another wall, and standing on the wall between them was a demon mage.

  I laughed.

  Ebony asked, “Enjoying yourself.”

  I replied, “Yes sexy, immensely.”

  Ebony’s giggle and posing cheered me immensely, she really was over me hiding my secrets. Lila’s throaty laughter in my mind was sexy, but no longer laced with a threatening edge.

  Nils charged forward, and grunted when he got shot by an arrow for his trouble, and kept going.

  The two demons prepared for his charge, and he heard and saw that the other warrior in the group cursed, and then belatedly joined the charge.

  The cleric was casting, and raising a large amount of mana.

  The second archer took a bead on the cleric and fired, but with a quick word and wave of April’s hand, a piece of stone from the collapsed wall rose off the ground and blocked the arrow.

  Nils cried out and used a paladin ability, and lunged sword first. The demon tried to dodge and parry at the same time, but that didn’t stop Nil’s glowing white sword from impaling his chest.

  The second Demon took a free swing, and its sword buried itself in Nils side, causing Nils to scream in pain. The other warrior got there a second late to prevent it, but took a swing at the demon.

  The demon couldn’t get his sword out of Nil’s side, it was stuck in the armor, so he let go and dodged the warrior’s strike, jumping backwards as Nil’s collapsed on top of the dead demon he’d impaled right through the heart. Nil was still alive, but he was bleeding out quickly.

  April cursed, and then cast the same one word spell again, a stone the size of a cantaloupe shot from the ground and nailed the archer on the right, crushing its chest, and knocking it backwards off the wall.

  The demon mage, and the cleric, finished casting at almost exactly the same time.

  A bolt of darkness shot out and hit the second warrior, which made him wilt, and the demon soldier moved back into melee range.

  At the same time, a bolt of light left the cleric’s hand, a banishment spell if I ever saw one, and it burned through the demon mage’s shields like they weren’t there, and sent him back to hell. Powerful spell, no wonder it took so long to cast.

  April looked to be on her last legs magic wise, and cast a simple speed spell on the standing weakened warrior, much like he’d seen the princess cast. The warrior evaded the demon’s clawed attack, and moved his sword as fast as a whip, and his sword cut through the armor and into the demon.

  The demon lunged forward and tackled the warrior, as he bled freely, and tore his throat out with his claws. He stood up, took two steps forward, and then passed out from blood loss. I myself got a huge energy hit from the dead warrior’s life force, and started to transmute his life force to magic where I was low, and then gave the rest to the succubus to hold.

  April didn’t have enough magic to rub two stones together, and the cleric was damned low as well. The Paladin was out and dying, and the other warrior already dead. That said, the demons were out of it as well, only one of the archers still undamaged.

  The archer took careful aim at the cleric and fired.

  The cleric dove to the side, and the arrow went through her arm, instead of her torso.

  April ducked down and joined the cleric, and grabbed a slab of stone to hide behind.

  April said, “you alright?”

  “I’ll live, just keep him from shooting me, I think I have enough magic left to take him. If we live through this let’s find another leader. Assuming we can even save that jackass Nils before he dies.”

  April nodded, “This was stupid, and you’ve got a deal.”

  The cleric started casting again, while April held the heavy ass stone up for their cover, at least three arrows bounced off it before the spell was complete, and a golden shaft of light hit the demon, and put a hole through his torso.

  Damnit, the mage survived. I would have sighed in annoyance, if I had a body.

  Both of them ran up and started to attend to Nils. April pulled the sword out, and the cleric hit him with a heal spell which was only partially effective.

  “I’m out of magic too, got anything in your backpack?”

  April nodded and pulled her pack out, and reached in for a healing potion, and after a moment of hesitation grabbed two.

  April said, “One for you, let’s get that arrow out.”

  The cleric smiled, “Thanks, I owe you one. Maybe you should be our next leader, and we can order around the dumb warriors?”

  April laughed, and they moved forward to push Nils on his back, and feed him the potion.

  I laughed gleefully in the depths of my mind.

  She’d moved far enough from her pack where I could access it, and I didn’t waste any time. I learned both healing potions, and an air enchantment off of a mirror that had to do with communication. It was one of a pair and I wondered who had the other one.

  I also devoured the spells in her spell book. Copied them really, she would never know.

  My mind wandered as I broke down all the air and earth spells she knew to their component parts, and only barely kept track of the party as they backtracked and left the dungeon. Something told me Nils would have problems finding another party to lead when this story got out.

  The fight would have been different if April had more magic. Hell, the fight would have been different if Nils had waited for and charged with the other warrior, instead of being a reckless overconfident idiot.

  Air magic organization was different, but not hard to understand as I studied it. The first thing I did was build enchantments into the walls, to circulate air, instead of constantly using my own supply of raw air magic to do so. It use
d less than a quarter of the magic that way, and was far more efficient besides. Secondly, I created a few air and earth spells, or just plain stole the ones she knew, and taught, or rather imbued the knowledge, on my undead mages with those affinities.

  I made a few more random rewards with much better enchantments for level six. Swords that not only wouldn’t dull, but were so sharp they’d cut through un-enchanted steel like butter. With knowing enough earth magic now, I could make more sophisticated traps to move things in a proscribed manner, as opposed to simply knocking walls over and turning them to rubble.

  It was a good day, and I didn’t even have to kill the mage to get the knowledge.

  It was about to get a lot better, and I didn’t know it.

  Lila commented sourly, “At least one of us is enjoying themselves.”

  “Would you like to enjoy yourself? I made a new spell, almost from scratch.”

  I felt that she was skeptical, but she asked, “New spell?”

  “Yes, it doesn’t target the greatest anything, it just focuses on, well hundreds of things honestly, and helps come up with a something desirable, and a fantasy, but not one that is overwhelming.”

  I hoped.

  She asked pointedly, “You thought the last spell would work well, what if you fuck up again?”

  “Well, I was kind of hoping…” I trailed off.

  She sounded incredulous, and somehow sultry at the same time, “You want me? You want to join me and fuck my brains out, don’t you Nurien?” her voice teasingly accusing, but also quite delighted at the end.

  “Yes, yes I do. So, what do you think? If it goes wrong I can break you out of it right away, instead of waiting outside until I figure out there’s a problem.”

  She pouted, “Is that all you wanted? To protect me?”

  I laughed, “No, not at all. I… care about you, and want to feel what it is to have a body, and share intimacy and pleasure with you once again Lila. I long to feel you against me again. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  She chuckled sexily, “I’d like that very much Nurien.”

  A part of me wondered if that was because she liked me, or because in some way, it would give her power over me. Even if she’d never be strong enough to take advantage of it. Well, she was a demoness, so the best I could probably hope for, is both things being true. Just because she swore her loyalty and service, doesn’t mean she would resist a mostly harmless balance of power change in her favor.

  This time, I left my partitioned mind alone, so that I could pay attention in both places. Truthfully, I doubted I would ever reconnect it. I wasn’t exactly keeping heavy secrets there, just keeping a few things private, and it was a place I could work on surprises. Then I brought up the complicated spell form, and shaped the dark magic to it. I cast it through our bond, and then followed it with my mind…

  Chapter Seventeen

  She frowned at me, “Why that form?”

  I looked down, and it was the same body as last time, including the rather large…

  “Your head, your fantasy. I didn’t choose this body Lila.”

  As for Lila herself, she was in human form right now. Raven black hair, bright green eyes, and a surprisingly soft and beautiful face. Heart shaped. Her body though, was clearly built for sin. She looked more waspish, instead of having an hourglass figure, and her breasts were huge, yet stood up firmly with bright pink nipples. Just looking at her made my body react and harden.

  We were both naked already, and in a bedroom of some kind with a large bed, a dresser, a mage light for a lamp, and the walls and floors were smoothly polished stone, although not marble.

  Even besides Lila, just the body I was in was ridiculously distracting, there were so many sensations, and my desire at her naked form was almost overwhelming. It took a real act of self-control and will not to step forward and grab her. And then do… something.

  She smiled, “Well, it is rather well built. Are you sure about this? More than one master has been corrupted by laying with a succubus.”

  She was right about that. Demons were much like any other race including humans, but they were chained with twisted dark magic that made them hate, desire pain and death, and also had a desire to consume the power of others. To corrupt and destroy. It was apparent to me though, that they were like everyone else underneath, and were truly just slaves to their own corruption.

  If that weren’t true, how else would her greatest fantasy and desire be, to be an angel serving a god?

  “That shouldn’t be an issue, all we can share is pleasure, and our feelings. This is a dream, a made up world, and unlike in reality your hellish gifts can’t reach here.”

  She scoffed, but stepped closer, “I wouldn’t call them gifts, demons are cursed. So, you’re saying that lying with me won’t have an effect?” She arched her eyebrows in challenge.

  I smiled, “Oh it will, but a completely natural one.”

  She sensually closed the distance with a slow strut, all I could do was feast my eyes.

  I leaned down, and wrapped my arms around her, as hers went around me. The sensations of her naked body as it conformed to mine, pressed against mine, were far better than I’d remembered. I leaned down as she looked up, and our lips met for the first time.

  It was a little slow at first, exploring, but became demanding very quickly. She was a sex demoness and she was very much in need of quenching that part of herself. Her scent of arousal was intoxicating as my hands caressed her back and down to her ass, where I picked her up.

  Her legs went around my middle, and her arms around my neck as she deepened the kiss. Our tongues dueled as I carried her to the bed. Her soft needy moans didn’t sound at all artful, as her nails played with the back of my neck, and her satiny moist heat ground against my length. I drowned in the sensations of having a body, and reveled in the sensation of her in my arms.

  I laid her back on the bed, and grabbed her legs and pulled her toward the edge, and then slowly joined our bodies together as one. It was even more intense than last time. I don’t know if the memory of last time was paling, or if her core was just that much more pleasurable than her mouth.

  She twisted and pulled her own nipples as she looked up at me, and I echoed her moan as her soft moist heat tightened and pulsed around me.

  Maybe she was right, I could get lost in this, in her.

  She ground up as I pushed in, and then our bodies developed a rhythm as old as time, the velvety liquid friction and the way she arched her back and thrust to meet my every descent into her body’s tight, wet, and warm embrace was overwhelming as the pleasure built up inside my body, and started to overshadow my ability to think.

  All I could do was feel, as we both gave and took pleasure from one another. It was pure ecstasy, and only my second time in a body. She was a succubus starved of sex. Needless to say perhaps, we both came to our peaks and reached our pleasure quickly. She tightened around me, and convulsed as she cried out, and my body grew weak, as a tidal wave of pleasure raced from my center and drowned my body and mind, and I filled her with my essence.

  It was one of the best experiences of my life, and I wasn’t even in the bed yet…

  Several hours later, and rounds, we lay in the bed with her against me. The sensations were still overwhelming, and the feeling of her body against me pure bliss, but I was also sated.

  She caressed my face with a thoughtful look on her face.

  “This won’t work you know.”

  I tilted my head, “What won’t work?”

  She snorted, “This. I can feel how you feel about me, you care, and it’s growing. I’m not immune to it myself, I’m drawn to power after all, and you’re…” she trailed off as if not knowing how to explain it.

  She finally sighed, “We can have these little trysts for a while, but it will end once I have my body back, and you have your own.”

  I asked, “Why?”

  She shook her head, “Because I’m a succubus, and I will need to
feed. I could never be faithful to you, which would quickly sour what seems to be growing between us. We also wouldn’t be able to sleep together anymore, bound or not I couldn’t resist pulling for your soul. I really don’t want to do that, even if you could control it. It wouldn’t be the same anymore, it would be hunger unsatisfied for me, and this intimacy we both feel would be destroyed.”

  “I see. What if I could change that? Would you allow it?”

  She snorted, “Might as well change the tides. As for allowing it, I trust you and gave you my true name, you can do whatever you wish.”

  I decided this would take more thought, because I sure as hell didn’t want to give this up when I got a real body.

  She asked, “Got one more in you before I break out of the spell?”

  I kissed her softly, and wondered if she really could be growing to have feelings for me, like I was for her. It did seem doomed in a way, but I’d figure it out somehow.

  “Let’s find out,” I suggested with a smile.

  She laughed throatily…

  “Hey sexy,” I called over to Ebony.

  She flew over, and landed on my crypt, swung her legs off the side and then crossed them. She looked cute and irresistibly sexy in a new black dress that was almost conservative, but didn’t quite make it. She was a major flirt, and seemed to like me, but I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be if I suggested anything to do with a certain spell.

  Size wouldn’t be an issue, not inside her head.

  I also wasn’t sure how Lila would feel about that. Like last time, I felt a little empty without a body again, fake or not, and was already looking forward to next time. Not just the sex either, though I’ll admit that was a large part of it. But just to truly see, touch, smell, hear, and taste with a real body, to look at Lila, and hold her. The sensations, all of them. Even a simple breath was overwhelming for me.

  Ebony asked, “What is it master?”

  “There are some creatures burrowing in from the east. Any ideas what they are? They’re moving fast, and should be breaking into this room in about fifteen minutes. I could crush them but…”


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