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Page 6

by Lori Wilde

  “It’s the only way you will know for sure if you can trust her, son. You know how important trust is in any relationship. You’ve got to know that Sophia will be loyal to you and the company no matter what.”

  Rex winced. “I suppose you’re right, but it feels so underhanded.”

  “Sometimes the means justifies the ends.”

  “She lied to me,” Rex murmured more to himself than his father.

  “Lied?” His father tilted his head in the comforting manner he used when he wanted someone to open up to him. “About what?”

  “She said there was no one special in her life.”

  “Perhaps there’s not.”

  “Then what do you call Mike the handyman? She kissed him…me.” He folded his arms over his chest, feeling wounded.

  “Son.” Thurgood placed a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t have the answer. This is something you’ll have to work out on your own.”

  “I need your advice.” Nervously, Sophia wrung her hands.

  It was two o’clock in the afternoon, and she was in the Exploration and Production division, sitting in the office of her friend Sienna Sontag.

  They chatted for a few minutes about Sienna’s upcoming marriage to her fiancé, Jeff Henderson and Sophia’s role as a bridesmaid. Then uncharacteristically, Sophia blurted what was really on her mind.

  “Oh?” Sienna’s eyes sparkled. She leaned forward in her chair. “How can I help?”

  Since turning thirty and transforming herself from a hard-driven, career-oriented geologist into a calm, confident woman who risked everything for personal happiness, she had won. She had snagged both a big promotion and the man she loved.

  “It’s about Rex Barrington.”

  “Do tell.” Sienna grinned.

  Sophia nodded. “I’ve got a crush on my boss.”

  “There’s a lot of that going around.” Sienna chuckled and waved her left hand, which sported an enormous engagement ring.

  “That’s why I need your advice,” Sophia said, keeping her voice low.

  “It’s a touchy issue, mixing work and an office romance.”

  “But you and Jeff pulled it off.”

  “It was a little easier for me since I was in the field and not constantly in the office with Jeff. But he wasn’t always so cooperative.”

  “Really? What happened?”

  “Jeff didn’t realize he was ready to fall in love.”

  “What changed his mind?” Sophia asked.

  “Do you want to know what worked?”


  “I stopped caring.”

  Sophia frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “When I turned thirty, I realized that life was passing me by. I was busting my butt, waiting for Jeff to notice me as a woman, but he never did. Oh sure, he told me I was a great geologist. He complimented my work, but he never saw me as a desirable woman until I stopped caring what he thought and started living life for myself.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Stop holding your breath waiting for Rex to come home and sweep you off your feet.”

  “But, Sienna, you don’t understand. I’ve got to have Rex. I can’t give up.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why do you have to have him?”

  “Sienna, Rex is kind and considerate, hardworking and dependable. He’s everything I ever needed in a man, and I care for him deeply.”

  “But if he’s not crazy about you too, what’s the point?” her friend asked.

  It was a valid question.

  “Rex might be crazy about me. It’s hard to tell when he’s so far away.”

  “Has he said or done anything that led you to believe your relationship was anything other than professional?”

  Sophia considered the question. Rex was friendly, but she couldn’t say that he was flirtatious. “He sent me flowers for my birthday.”

  Sienna gave her a look of pity that said she was deceiving herself. “Don’t let that stop you from going out and having a good time. He’s in Brazil, and you’re here. You’re young and beautiful. You should have the time of your life and not stay home pining for him.”

  “But Rex is coming home in a few weeks.”

  “Your attitude is holding you back. As long as I sat around mooning about Jeff, he never worried about me. He knew I would be there. But when I took charge of things and got on with my life, he realized some other guy might snatch me up. Let me tell you, Sophia, the man did a complete one-eighty. Try not caring. You’ll be amazed at how things change. If not with Rex, then with you.”

  Easy for Sienna to say. Jeff had been there to witness Sienna’s transformation. But with Rex, Sophia faced a different problem.

  How could they bond without proximity? How could she make Rex jealous when he was thousands of miles away? How would he even know if she was living her own life or waiting pitifully by the phone?

  “I better get back to work.” Sophia got to her feet. “Thanks for the advice.”

  “Anytime, but hey, I also wanted to warn you.”

  Sophia’s stomach pitched. “Warn me?”

  “About the handyman.”

  “Mike Barr?”

  “Yes. Jeff saw the two of you riding on Mike’s motorcycle last night.”

  “Mike was simply giving me a ride home.”

  “Just be careful. Okay? Even though I’m advising you to stop mooning over Rex, I don’t know if Mike is the right person to stop caring about him with, if you get my drift.”

  Sophia frowned. “Why not?”

  “Mike has a reputation.”


  “You know.” Sienna lowered her voice. “Jeff says he’s a player. I also hear he likes to party a little too hearty.”

  “I don’t think Mike is like that, and I don’t want to spread gossip.”

  “I’d hate to see you get hurt. Be careful, Sophia. Don’t fall for the bad boys. They can’t change.”

  “I’m not falling for Mike.” She spoke with more force than she intended, as if trying to convince herself and Sienna. “Rex is the one for me.”

  “All right, then. Good luck.”


  Great. Sienna had been little help. On the one hand, she advised Sophia not to put her life on hold for Rex, but on the other she warned her away from Mike.

  Sighing, Sophia wandered back to her office thinking she might just give up on men entirely.


  “Ready to call it a day?”

  The moment she’d been dreading had arrived. Sophia grasped the edges of her desk so tightly that her knuckles ached.

  “Hello, Mike,” she said.

  Despite her best efforts to play it cool, the minute she spotted Mike lounging casually with his shoulder against the wall, one corner of his mouth quirked up in a knowing grin, her heart leapfrogged against her rib cage.

  Stop looking at me like that!

  He was handsome with a thick lock of hair laying across his forehead. Sophia imagined that buttoned-up Rex never looked so casual and carefree.

  But Rex had a lot of responsibility. He didn’t have time to waste. He had a billionaire-dollar business to help run. Cowboy Mike could afford to be disarmingly boyish. He had nothing else going for him beyond his looks and his charm.

  And some dynamite kissing skills.

  Sophia would not fall for it. She was loyal to Rex. No matter how tempting Mike might be, she had to clip this budding relationship before it flourished and damaged them both.

  “Nice flowers.” Mike sauntered across the room with his easy swagger. Sophia decided that Rex did not swagger. She imagined he strode purposefully into a room, commanding everyone’s attention.

  Mike bent over to smell the flowers. “Nice. Where’d they come from?”

  “Rex Barrington sent them to me for my birthday.”

  “Oh.” Straightening, Mike pressed his lips together in a disapproving line. “Makes my g
lass kitten look sort of pathetic, doesn’t it?”

  “No, Mike.” Sophia adored that little glass kitten, and it had been sweet of him to remember her birthday. “I love that figurine.”

  He made a face. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say that to make me feel better.”

  “I’m telling you the truth. I don’t lie.” What was it about this man? If he wasn’t sweeping her off her feet, he was irritating the heck out of her.

  He raised his palms. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest you were lying. Are you ready to head for home?”

  “Er...” She’d spent the entire afternoon trying to think of a way to get out of giving him a ride home. “I have so much work to catch up on. How about I call you an Uber on me?”

  “Nah, don’t worry about it. I can wait. I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

  That, Sophia thought, was the crux of Mike’s problem. He had no plans, no structure, no ambition. But she kept her opinion to herself. Instead, she said, “I could be hours.”

  It wasn’t a lie. She could always find plenty of work to keep her occupied.

  “I’ll wait,” he said firmly.

  Great, what now? The last thing she wanted was to be left in the building alone with this man she found devilishly attractive. A man who could ruin her chances with the guy she really wanted.

  “Mike, I’m sure you’d rather go home and have your supper. Really, I don’t mind paying for Uber. I owe you after you fixed my car.”

  He pushed the flowers aside and nonchalantly sat on the corner of her desk. “You need to eat, too.” He reached for the phone. “I’ll call for pizza. What kind do you like?”

  Sophia stared.

  He winked.

  “Pepperoni,” she murmured.

  “How do you feel about mushrooms?”

  She nodded.

  “Green peppers? Black olives? Onions?”

  “Get the works.” She laughed. “But no anchovies, please.”

  “Gotcha.” He pointed his finger like a gun and pulled an imaginary trigger.

  Yes, you do. Unfortunately.

  He pulled out his cell phone and ordered a pizza.

  She sighed and sank down into her chair. The guy did not take no for an answer. Fine. He could sit there bored while she dragged out her work.

  What if one of their coworkers came by, she fretted, and caught them having pizza together in her office? That would only add fuel to the already flaming office gossip. And what if Rex got wind of this innocent incident? Would he think she had lied to him about having someone special in her life?

  Sophia winced.

  “Something wrong?” Mike cocked his head.


  His gaze snared hers. He leaned closer across her desk. His tangy scent caught her nose, tantalized her. His warm breath lightly tickled her skin.

  Sophia realized with a jolt he’d splashed on fresh cologne. For her?

  He narrowed his gaze. Sophia noticed his eyes had turned a darker shade of green, murkier, colored by desire. Her glance traveled down his face, paused at his mouth.

  The mouth that had caused her so much trouble.

  Would Rex kiss like Cowboy Mike? Would his lips send red-hot rockets shooting through her body? Or would his mouth be soft and gentle? Would his kiss be hot and hard like Mike’s?

  Which did she prefer? Fireworks or comfort?

  Getting way ahead of yourself, Soph. You haven’t kissed Rex yet.

  “See something you like?” Mike asked.

  Realizing she’d been staring, Sophia yanked her eyes from his face and peered down at her desk. Her pulse quickened at her throat. Was the man a magician or a mind reader or both?

  “You’re in my way.” She pointed at a sky-blue chair located halfway across the room. “Go sit over there.”

  He smirked and did not move.

  “Shoo.” She motioned him away with both hands.

  Still, he didn’t go.

  “I can’t work with you staring at me like that. If you don’t want to spend all night here, I suggest you get off my desk and let me get this stuff taken care of.”

  “I’d spend the night with you anywhere, Sophia.”

  She did not want to blush! Oh, no! But her cheeks heated.

  “Why are you so shy? You’re a beautiful woman.” Mike reached over and took her hand.

  “Please don’t,” she whispered. “What if someone passes in the corridor and sees us?”

  “What if they do?”

  “We’ll be the talk of the office.”

  “So? Let them talk. I don’t care. Do you?”

  Sophia wrenched her hand from his. “Yes. I do care. Very much. And that is exactly the reason I can’t be involved with you, Mike. You don’t care. About your job, the impression you make on people, anything.”

  That seemed to sober him for a moment. He drew back and slanted her a sultry look.

  Her heart leapt into her throat.

  “Is that the real reason, Sophia, or is it because you’re determined to hook up with Rex Barrington and don’t want to blow your chances with him by dating me?”

  She sat up straight, and even though it took every ounce of courage she possessed, Sophia stared him in the eye. “I care for Rex a great deal, yes. He’s my boss.”

  “Tell me something.” Mike reached out to caress her cheek with his fingertip. “If I were the rich one, the one with all the money and cars and homes, would you forget all about Rex?”

  “No,” Sophia said sharply, but she feared it was true.

  No man had ever set her ablaze the way Mike did. She wanted him desperately. Her body ached for him twice as much as her heart longed to be Mrs. Rex Michael Barrington. But Mike wasn’t rich; he wasn’t ambitious. He couldn’t adequately provide for a family. He had no desire to settle down. He liked to play and party just as her father had. How could she choose a man like that?

  She could not, would not follow in her mother’s footsteps and fall into bed with a man simply because he was hot, and her hormones were raging.

  And yet she wanted Mike! Blindly, stupidly, with every fiber of her being.

  “Are you being honest, Sophia?” He lowered his head and his voice. “You seriously find that uptight Harvard graduate more attractive than me?”

  “Attraction has nothing to do with it.”

  “Sweetheart,” Mike said, and that single word sent a shaft of delight arrowing through her. “Attraction has everything to do with it. Do you deny that what happened in your car this morning was anything less than earth-shaking?”

  “I don’t base important decisions on the surge of passion,” Sophia replied primly.

  “You think too much.” He moved closer until mere inches separated them.

  Just when Sophia feared Mike would kiss her, the pizza delivery guy showed up, bringing with him the smell of yeast, garlic, and tomato sauce.

  Grateful for the interruption, Sophia hopped up from her chair and smiled at her savior. She rummaged in her purse, then extended the delivery man a twenty-dollar bill. He swapped her the pizza and some change.

  She watched the delivery guy go with anxiety. Two seconds later, she was alone again with Mike.

  “I’ll hit the vending machine for drinks,” Mike said. “Unsweet iced tea, right?”

  She nodded. How did he know? He’s been paying attention to your likes and dislikes. But here was the question.


  Mike left Sophia’s office and went to catch the elevator to the break room and the vending machines. What did he want from Sophia?

  He wanted her to want him for himself. Not his money. Not his name. Not for the stability he could provide. He wanted to know that he, ordinary Mike, could please her without having to be Rex Barrington, successful oil and gas executive. He wanted to put a smile on her face and a song in her heart. He wanted to make her moan with delight in his bed.

  But Sophia resisted his every effort because she was so hung up with the thought of her boss.

ike wandered into the break room and fed quarters into the drink machine.

  She was such a sexy woman. She carried herself with a calm confidence. He knew her potent sensuality was natural, not put-on. He also knew she did not know how to deal with the desires she unintentionally raised in men, so she hid from her sexuality.

  What should he do? Give up pursuing her? And turn his back on what could be the love of his life? Mike wasn’t getting any younger, and lately, whenever he gazed at Sophia, he experienced the most overwhelming longings that included a wedding and honeymoon, babies and happily ever after.

  Yes. He was falling for her. But was she falling for Mike?

  He could reveal his true identity. She’d sure as heck want him, and then he’d never know for sure if she loved him for himself, or if, like his ex-fiancée, Erica, she was simply after a trophy husband.

  Mike grimaced.

  There was really only one alternative. And it was a dangerous one. He must seduce her as Mike the handyman and yet he had to keep a firm grip on his own emotions in case she turned out to be like Erica. He never wanted to go through betrayal like that again.

  But Sophia was worth the risk. If she could surrender herself to a man she believed too irresponsible and unambitious, if she could give up her desperate need for security to find real love, then and only then would he know if she was the woman for him.

  Sophia heard him coming down the corridor. The building was silent except for his footsteps.

  Her heart thumped in response—wham, wham, wham.

  Darn it, but she wanted him. Wanted his kisses, his hands on her skin, his body pressed against hers.

  When he was near, Mike dominated her senses, wove his spell, made her forget all about Rex and her vow to woo and win her boss.

  No matter how illogical it was, her body longed to join with Mike. The man from maintenance. The here-today, gone-tomorrow rolling stone who could promise her nothing.

  Despite all that, she still wanted him.

  Remember what happened to your mother!

  The sad tale Jannette had told her a thousand times throughout Sophia’s childhood rang with sharp clarity. She could not depend upon her heart to lead her in the right direction. If she followed her body’s basic urgings and allowed herself to make love with Mike, what then?


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