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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

Page 8

by Trinity Blacio

  “Beth, I don’t have time for riddles,” he snapped and in an instant later regretted it, seeing the hurt flash across her face.

  Doors blew open, candles flickered along with the lights, and chairs shook along with the table. “They’re here,” was all Beth said and turned to leave.

  Stunned at the spirits moving round the room, Edward didn’t move till his father pushed him toward the door. “You fool, go say you’re sorry,” his father growled. “Even I saw the hurt on her pretty face.”

  Taking her hand into his, Edward pulled her reluctant body out of the hall and around the corner. He backed her up against the wall and titled her chin up. “I’m sorry, Little Witch. I had no right snapping at you. It’s been a long night already and all I want to do is crawl into bed with you and love you till you can’t stand.” He rested his forehead against hers.

  She twined her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. “I love you Edward and I know this a lot for you to deal with so please let Dred help you. I was talking with Avril as we were going over the ancient scrolls. I believe Dred is supposed to be at your side helping. The two of you are powerful by yourselves, but together nothing can stop you. Even Rock knows this.”

  Nipping his chin, she smiled at him. “You haven’t fed yet?” Beth asked baring her neck for him.

  “No, you just woke up. I’ll feed from Dred later, but you’re right. I’d plan on announcing this at our wedding, but it needs to be done now. Come, you can stand at my side while I to this.” He carried her back into the hall refusing to allow her to escape.

  “Put me down, Edward. This is embarrassing,” she whispered in his ear and nipped it.

  “You didn’t just bite me, did you?” He let her slide down his body, but refused to let her go.

  “You deserved it. Now make your announcement so your Mom and I can make plans.” He didn’t release her, but moved her so that she was between him and Dred.

  Looking out over his men, Edward waited till all eyes were on him before he begun. “I was going to wait till our wedding, but it seems now would be a better time to announce that my mate Dred will be standing beside me. He will rule at my side as King. His brother Rock, my other mate, will be our personal enforcer. Any security matters will be run through him.” He turned and smiled at his Little Witch.

  “We’ll see you soon.” He bent down and kissed her softly, before biting her bottom lip.


  She laughed and turned to Dred. He held her face in his hands. “I love you, Beth, and tonight I plan on claiming this body,” he said, before covering her mouth with his. His lips were firm, but soft, as were Edward’s, but Dred put everything he had into his kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth, stroking her tongue, as if he would be thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy tonight.

  Clearing his throat, Edward leaned down. “You might want to release her. Others are getting ideas and I’d hate to behead someone tonight,” he teased, as Dred moaned.

  “Go, before I follow you to devour you.” Dred released her and she slipped out of the room with Edward’s mom next to her. Behind them were Avril and Rock.

  “You are going to be one busy lady, my dear.” Edward’s mom laughed and took her hand as she led her down a hall Beth didn’t recognize.

  “Where are we going? I’ve never seen this part of the castle before and I thought I’d seen all the halls.”

  “This is our private wing. When my husband and I decided to sleep, we closed off this part of the castle. Only in a great emergency would it be visible to Edward, but no one else, and the same goes for your wing. Now tell me what you’ve already planned for the wedding,” Faith smiled and guided her into a large homey room.

  There was a fireplace at one end of the wall, a flat screen TV on another, surrounded by three large couches and a couple of rocker and a pool table and bar at the far end. She had to do a double take because in the middle of the room was a small fountain.

  “My God, it’s beautiful.” She walked round it noticing the tiny fairies perched on top of the rock. Different colors swirled around the top of the falls.

  “Thank you. It reminds me a little of home.” She smiled. “You see, I was half fae and half human when my man found me.”

  “That explains it. When I first came here I knew I could feel something, but it was different than our magic and I knew Edward carried something inside him, but I just could never figure out what.” They sat down on a couch facing each other while Avril and Rock sat on the chairs next to them.

  “Where are you planning on having the ceremony?” Faith looked from her to Avril.

  She sighed. “I wanted it on the beach, but if all these people will be there and the threat is still around us, I just don’t know? It might be too risky to have an open ceremony there.” Beth leaned over and took drawings Avril had done for her. “While I was out of it, Avril came up with this idea, but it won’t work with all the people and there’s no way to protect everyone.” She opened up the blue prints and showed them to her soon to be Mother-In-Law.

  Scanning the plans, Faith tapped her finger to her mouth. “You know, we could use Tybee Island. It’s big enough and it would be easier to protect. What do you think, Avril? You’ve been there before?” Faith asked and Avril frowned for a minute.

  “It could be done, but the island itself would have to be closed down at least three weeks ahead of time so we could set up security and get deliveries in there. There are a number of guest suites too. Matter of fact there should be enough room to hold everyone. As soon as anyone shows up here, we could escort them by buggy there.” Avril looked up at her and smiled.

  Beth laughed and sat back. “You know something, if Edward even thinks about taking you back as his assistant, I might have to turn him into a frog. I think the buggy ride would be great and I know I can protect a buggy with a charm so whoever rode in it would be safe.”

  “Great, Avril you call Thomas and have him start canceling all the island reservations for the month of December and the first two weeks in January. Tell him I want every hotel opened and cleaned out. Rock, you’ll want to talk with a man named Doreen about security for the island. He’s old, but he knows every nook and cranny of that island.” She produced a paper out of thin air and handed it to him. “This is where you can contact him. I’d call him now so he can start planning right away. Now, is there a theme for the wedding other than Christmas?” Faith asked, turning to her.

  “I never really thought of having a theme for the wedding other than Christmas. It would be kind of fun.” She thought about it as Faith nodded and then the idea came to her. “How about a Dickens Christmas theme? You know like in the old days, with the top hats and all.”

  Edwards’s mother laughed and nodded. “We might not celebrate Christmas, but we sure love a great story and that was one of the classics. It would be perfect. How about your dress?”

  The more they talked, the more excited she became. Beth pulled out the picture Avril had found for her and showed it to Faith. “I think this will go along perfectly with the theme. What do you think?”

  His mother whistled and held up the paper. “What colors were you thinking?”

  “Green and red of course. I thought I’d have an antique white dress with traces of green and red in it.” she said before Beth remembered that Rock was in the room. He looked at her while he was on the phone and his gaze heated. “Shit, you weren’t supposed to hear that.”

  Everyone laughed when the ground started to shake. “What?” She stood and walked around the room. “This isn’t Brian this time, Rock, but it has a taste of him.” Beth pushed her power out and stopped the fountain from falling over. “Enough!”

  She worked her hands in the ancient patterns, but before she could do anything, Edward was in front of her and he grabbed onto her hands. “No! I don’t want whatever this is traced back to you. Please allow me.” He kissed her nose and turned.

  Together Edward, his father, and a man she�
��d never met joined hands and started whispering words that reeked of old, old Earth magic. The ground rolled twice more before everything stopped and a large shriek filled the halls of the castle, hurting her ears and others.

  “What the hell was that?” Rock grumbled and shook his head.

  The stranger turned and looked at her. “My brother, you see you are not the only one to have to deal with a family member that has gone bad.” The man bowed. “I am Travis Warlow.”

  “No!” she threw up a shield and stepped back, suddenly afraid. “You worked with my brother. I saw you.” Beth was terrified and could not understand why Edward would allow this dark man in their home.

  “Easy, Little Witch. Let him explain,” Edward said, stepping right through her shield and shocking her once more.

  “What is going on? Why do all of a…” Then she remembered and nodded to Edward. “But that does not explain why you would allow that man in our home.”

  “He’s been trying to work from the inside, but his cover was broken by his brother, his twin. Travis also happens to be one of my best friends, Little Witch. Do you really think I’d allow someone in here that would hurt you?”

  “Damn it, Edward how do I know he’s your friend? I’m sorry if my questions hurt, but the last time I saw this man he was with my brother using his magic to trap me. So please forgive me if I’m a little afraid.” she snapped and tried to shove him away from her. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m all of sudden tired. Mother Faith, I’ll speak with you tomorrow and it’s great to have you around. Travis, if what Edward says is true then, I apologize, but I want you to know this: I will be watching. You better not have anything to do with the Black Wizard Alzono.” She yanked away from Edward’s grasp and ran from the room with Rock behind her.

  “Wait Beth!” he yelled, but she wouldn’t. All she wanted now was a hot bath. The taste and smell of Travis’ magic had made her sick to her stomach thinking back fifteen years ago. It had been a bad year and one she’d hope to forget.

  Strong hands grasped her around her waist and turned her. Rock stared down at her with concern on his face. “Tell me.”

  “Bath. I need to wash this smell off please.” He released her just when Dred and Edward came strolling down the hall toward them, but she didn’t wait.

  Beth fled towards their private wing before the shakes and tears came. She would not break down in front of them. That man gave her the creeps. Beth didn’t care if he’d been undercover or not, he could have stopped him using that spell. The three of them had almost killed her, draining her to the point where she could no longer stand.

  For over a week, Nora and her Aunts had come and taken care of her. She couldn’t even talk for two days afterward because the spell scrambled her brain so much. Yes, being caught out of her home that Halloween had been the last time she’d left it on that holiday except for last year.

  Even this year, Beth had refused all invites for Halloween. She’d hidden in her room and refused to leave. The door to their private wing opened. With a few words she knew the tub would be filled with hot water for her along with her Jasmine, favorite scent.

  Stripping off her clothes, Beth stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind her, locking it. She stepped into the tub, sinking into the bubbles. Nora and her aunts knew something had happened to her, but she had told them nothing, only that she’d been attacked.

  The invisible hands and the groping had given her nightmares for close to a month afterwards. She snatched the soap up and started to scrub her body. Beth didn’t know how she was going to face that man again.

  Chapter Ten

  Edward paced back and forth, waiting. Beth had locked the bathroom door on all of them. Sure, he could have opened it with no problem, but he wanted her to trust them and to open up to them. How could they help her if she shut everything down?

  “I’m not shutting down. I needed to get his smell off of me.” She stood in the doorway with a towel draped around her body and another over her hair. Beth stepped into their bedroom and headed to the bed, sitting down.

  With Edward next to her on one side of the bed and Dred on the other, while Rock sat at her feet. They waited. “Tell us, Beth so we can understand what happened.”

  She unwrapped her hair, throwing the towel to the bathroom floor. Taking the brush from her hand, Edward started to untangle her hair.

  “It was ten years ago on Halloween, well eleven if you count this year. I went to meet a friend when the attack happened. It was a magical attack, I could see, smell and feel them as they started to drain me. Thank God I wasn’t far from home, Nora was with me. She drove since I couldn’t.” Beth stopped and tried to relax. “It was as if there were hands all over me, touching me. The spell scrambled my brain just enough so that I couldn’t fight back. I could hear them laughing and I could smell the orange-flavored pipe tobacco. I finally managed, with the help of the house, when Nora pulled into the driveway to block them, but not before I was totally zapped. It took a good week for me to get back on my feet. My aunts and Nora fed and helped clean me up. Hell, for two days I couldn’t even talk, my words would come out all jumbled.” She leaned back against Edward after she was done.

  “It was almost like they mind-raped me, you know? The three of them were searching for something, but at the same time they were draining anything they could get. They came close to killing me that day. Ever since then, I stay inside for Halloween. It took everything in me to go out last year to save Nora, but I did. I’m not as frightened as I was, but Halloween is still one of my least favorite holidays. I’m sorry if I was rude to your friend, Edward, but he was there that day.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest.

  “Dred, why don’t you and Rock stay with her. Go ahead and start to eat. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Then we’ll have the whole evening to ourselves.” He kissed her bare shoulder. “No clothes, Beth remember you’re in our private rooms.” He picked her up setting her onto the floor and held out his hand. “Towel please.”

  She smiled and slipped the towel off. “Is this better, Sir?”

  He stood and looked down at her. “Yes it is, but I think we need to add a few things. Dred will make sure you are properly dressed.” He ran his fingertips over her nipples. scrapping them with his nail. “You know where everything is Dred.”

  “It will be my pleasure to dress her before we eat and yes. I remember you showing me the drawer.” Dred glanced at him before he left. “If you need me...”

  “I’ll be fine. It’s time I reconnect with my friend.” He turned and made his way down the hall out of their private wing and down the corridor to the visitor’s wing. Edward stepped into the hall and noticed Travis there leaning against the wall.

  His gaze met his and he nodded to the small room to the right of him. Stepping into the room, Edward closed the door behind him. “Why didn’t you inform me of what had happened when you got here? Why did I have to hear it from my woman’s mouth while she shook in my arms, afraid.” Edward was inches from his friend’s face.

  “I’ve told you from the start, Edward, that I’d have to go in deep. Do you think I like doing what I did? God, do you know how many times they tested me.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I had to even hurt my own mother, Edward. So go ahead kill me, ease the ache in My Heart, because nothing you say will take away the guilt I carry.” Not waiting for another word, Edward buried his fangs into his friend’s neck, taking his blood.

  Not once did Travis yank away or ask for more. His memories and thoughts became Edwards'. The guilt he endured would have crippled a normal person, but his friend Travis held strong. Edward sealed the holes and stepped back. “Thank you and I’m sorry I doubted you. I just had to make sure. My woman has been hurt too many times.”

  “There was no choice. You had to do what you did, just as I had to do what I did. Please inform Beth that I’m truly sorry for what happened that night so long ago. I’ll try and stay out of her way while I’m here.”

“No. She needs to know what you have sacrificed for us. We will see you tomorrow. Get some rest now.” He turned to leave, but Travis touched his shoulder.

  “That wasn’t my brother or hers earlier trying to get in. We stopped whatever it was, but we didn’t hurt it.” Travis stiffened before screams filled the castle.

  “Edward, we need you here now!” Dred shouted in his head as the vision of Beth buried beneath a wall of bricks made him shake.

  One second he was in one side of the castle, but once he’d seen the image in Dred’s head, Edward moved through the castle at a speed that even shocked him. Stepping into the room, Dred, Rock and two of their guards were throwing stones off the pile.

  “Beth walked over to grab a sandwich and the wall just seemed to fall in on her. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “That’s what I figured. They weren’t attacking your parent’s wing, they were searching for your private grounds, setting this trap,” Travis said behind him and started helping them remove the rubble.

  “Move out of the way, gentleman,” his mother said and started to weave her magic, stones lifted and dissolved, but when they got to the bottom Beth was gone.. Edward’s heart sank. Dred and rock snarled. “Where is she?”

  “Quiet!” he shouted going out into the hall. Safe Edward sighed. “Dred, Rock let’s go. Dad…” His dad waved his hand. “Go, bring her back.”

  Nodding, Edward took off running. “She’s safe, but where she is, I don’t know. I’m just following what is inside me.” Edward said to both of his men. He stopped at the entrance to the main hall. “Where?” he whispered and turned in a full circle when he felt a pull to the right, towards the rundown section of the castle.

  “I thought you said this part of the castle hadn’t been updated, that it was dangerous?” Dred asked as Edward flew down the steps to the underground extension and stopped.


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