The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin) Page 20

by Trinity Blacio

  “Little Witch, I swear I’m going to tie you to my side from now on,” Edward whispered, tears filled his eyes and a knot formed in his throat. “Come home to us, Beth.” The doors opened and he stepped in to see Lucas pacing back and forth.

  “Konrad, I’ve never asked for help, but I need it now. I don’t know how long I can last without her here.” Lucas looked up and stared at him. “Thank you Konrad. I’ll keep the line open.”

  “What did you find out?” Edward came to his side. “We’re here to help. I know we are not your mates, but we must stick together. The three of us can help you through this time, till we find he,r and we will.”

  “I have to leave. The other contact I told you about refuses to link with me.” Lucas turned and started to pace. Papers flew off his desk and curtains blew around the windows. The chairs and tables shook.

  “There is only one reason why Nail won’t speak to me and I plan to find out. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but if you hear anything, you’ll be able to reach me through our tie,” he said as Dred and Rock came into the room.

  “Take Rock with you. It will help having one of us with you. The tie you created for all of us will help ease the shadows.” Edward stepped in front of him and placed both of his hands on his shoulders. “I’d go myself, but we can’t leave…”

  “Don’t. I know you would come and that this is tearing you up, just as it is me. We’ll find those who did this and I promise you, they will pay for this,” Lucas said and turned to Rock. “Do you want to do this? It will be different traveling to another world.”

  The wolf stepped forward and bowed to Lucas. “It would be my honor to travel with you. Please let me help any way I can. It’s what she would want, all of us working together.”

  “So be it. My brother is meeting us on the planet where I believe she might be. We’re going into a deep jungle. It’s the only place to get into the city without being noticed. This planet has a mix people that come there so we will not stick out too bad, but your skin color…That should do it.”

  “Pink?” Rock looked at him and Lucas shrugged as his skin also turned pink.

  “There is a race that is close to humans and their skin is pink. Many of them travel to this worl. It will give us some kind of cover.” Lucas nodded to Edward and placed his hand on Rock’s shoulder. Both men vanished from the room.

  “I’ll never get used to that. My brother is much braver than me,” Dred shook his head and sat down, looking up at Edward. “What do we do now?”

  “You’re wrong, Dred. You’d be there too if need be and all we can do now is wait.” Edward plopped down next to him, looking around the room and wishing like hell he could give their woman a normal life, a life without the dangers of being a ruler.


  Beth felt like a pin cushion and she hurt. She had two bullet wounds. The last bullet had hit right before Terk had picked her up ,one in her shoulder and one in her side. Beth shivered and looked around the cave she was in.

  The only plus was that it was warm and her wounds seemed to be healing slowly. She knew that she’d passed out, but woke up once seeing someone…She lifted her skirt and tears formed in her eyes. He’d bit her in her thigh. “What else?”

  No, she’d know if he done something to her, but Beth needed to feed badly with the amount of blood she’d lost. She had no idea where she was and how much time had passed. Once more she scanned her surroundings, but nothing was familiar. Even the air seemed to be different.

  With her wounds mostly healed, Beth said a few words of a spell for clean clothes, but nothing happened. “Well, this really sucks,” the pink shirt she wore had blood stains all over it and her skirt was a total lost. “God, I stink….”

  “I’m so going to kill someone,” she mumbled and tried to stand, falling twice when the pain shot through her, but finally Beth managed to get to her feet with the help of the wall. Inching forward, she made her way towards the light and out of the damp cave, but what greeted her scared the living crap out of her. “Not on Earth, not good,” she mumbled and tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

  What appeared to be grass was blue, most of the plants around her were red and Beth was in what looked like the middle of the jungle. She jumped as she heard the snap of branches off to her right. “Edward, Lucas…Dred, Rock now would be a real good time to come to the rescue please. I’m not really this brave.” She tried to send to this message to them, but there was no connection. Leaves parted and some kind of strange cat came out of the jungle, staring right at her. At least she thought it was a cat.

  It had four black eyes, two horns on the top of its head, and strips like a zebra, but when it opened its mouth, she just about fainted. Not only did the thing have fangs, but it had a forked tongue like a snake’s, and Beth hated snakes. “Nice animal…You don’t want to eat me…” Her voice squeaked as she stepped back, twisting her ankle. “Damn it,” she cried and hugged the wall trying to get through the pain.

  As if it understood her words, the creature lay down and watched her. It was the size of a lion so she knew it could easily kill her. But right now, Beth had a bigger problem. Her legs were shaking so badly, and she knew her ankle would now swell. She was so weak that she had no choice to slowly slide to the ground.

  “I give up…I can’t do this anymore.” Big fat sobs racked her body as Beth waited to be killed. Her hands covered her face and she was scared half out of her mind. She pulled her legs up ignoring the pain in her ankle and rested her head on her knees. “Edward, Lucas, Dred, Rock…” She pictured each one of her men, wishing they were before her.

  Beth loved her other men, but Edward was her rock. He was the one who held everyone together and right now she craved his arms around her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Beth watched as the creature inched its way closer to her. Its clawed paws were bigger than her hand and pulled its body forward till it was lying next to her. “I don’t know what you want. If you’re going to eat me, I wish you would get it over with already.”

  The strange creature nudged her leg with its big head. Slowly so Beth wouldn’t scare the animal, she brushed her tears away and lowered her hand down onto its head. “Please, all I want to do is go home.”

  Its tongue ran across her arm, making her jump and shiver. Never once did it lunge. It just waited. She lowered her hand back down and ran her fingers through the soft fur. “I wish I knew more about you. I need to find water and food, but the thought of going out there…”She rubbed her cheek on her knee, trying to curl up, so cold.

  “Kat-kat-kat…Kat-kat-kat,” came out of the its mouth. Its eyes were focused on her when it sat up and moved in front of her, blocking out the wind. Once more the tongue came out and licked her arm, before she felt the scrape of its fang against her skin.

  A small dot of blood rose up and the thing licked her blood away. It was like a switch was turned on in her head at once. Beth could read the creatures thoughts and was amazed at how intelligent it was.

  “You’re not going to kill me?” She cocked her head to the side. “Feed, you want me to feed from you?” Beth was shaking her head. “No. I can’t do that. I don’t want to hurt you, plus I don’t know if I can take your blood. Thank you though.” Beth relaxed and lowered her legs as her eyes closed.

  With a nudge to her shoulders, Beth watched as Zeron, that’s what the animal called itself, opened up a vein in his upper leg with his fang, holding it out for her. “Eat!”

  “God, even on this world there were Alpha males,” she grumbled, but once seeing the dark liquid come out of the vein, Beth lowered her head and drank.

  His blood was thicker, but tasted sweet with a hint of mint, and boy did it pack a punch. After a few swallows, Beth closed the hole feeling 100% better. “Thank you. Now if I can find my way home. Do you by any chance know how I got here?” She mumbled to herself, but the creature answered, shocking the crap out of her.

  Zeron snarled and looked up at the sky. “Ruler of
people, bad…”

  “Great and I bet he’s watching right now too. Or listening.” She rubbed the bite mark, worried. With a deep breath Beth stood, and brushed off her skirt. Her ankle was swollen, but she could limp “Well, let’s go explore, shall we? Or am I caged in?” Her ankle was tender, but she could make it anywhere as long as it was away from where he put her.

  Turning away from her, Zeron walked into the strange forest and came back with a long stick in his mouth. “Help walk. Come-home, won’t find.”

  She picked up the stick and leaned on it the best she could.“Now that sounds like a plan, but I still need to get to my home, Zeron.” Beth was worried, Lucas needed her. She knew he would have the hardest time with her gone.

  For the next two hours, Beth followed her new friend, her ankle now burning even with the help of the stick, but she refused to give up. She hoped that somehow her men would find her, but she didn’t know how it would. With each passing step, fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Up and up they moved, at one point Beth looked back over her shoulder and could see for miles, but there was nothing there but the strange forest they were trudging through. “Does anyone live on this world? People like me?” Beth asked as she moved around what looked like a boulder to stop in her tracks.

  In front of them was some kind of cave. Five of the same kind of animal sat in front of the structure, watching her. “Home.”

  Behind the animals, Beth noticed a shadow and stepped back as a man dressed in only a tarp wrapped round his waist stepped out of the enclosure. He bowed. “I am called Nail.” He stood up and smiled at Zeron.

  “Good work, Zeron.” He looked to the sky. “At least she’ll be safe here, where they can’t hurt her anymore.”

  “Who? What are you talking about? Who could be so powerful to bring me here from a different planet? How can you speak English?” Beth said and stepped back again.

  The cats parted and he held out his hand. “Please, come inside and we’ll speak. We still have to be careful. The drones come by every so often to search for me and now they’ll be looking for you.”

  She moved forward a few steps when he sniffed the air and dropped his hand. “Lucas…You’re his mate?” The man snarled and Beth whimpered as she stumbled back, all of a sudden scared. She couldn’t protect herself and Beth didn’t need another man touching her.

  Zeron stepped in between them and growled at the man causing him to stop. “It’s because of Lucas that I’m here!” He glared down at the cat before he stepped back. “When did he wake?”

  “Lucas wouldn’t bring me here, not when he was accepted on my world. I don’t know how long I’ve been here? In my time it was two days ago, but…” Beth rubbed her arms. “I have no idea and someone…” She touched her leg and dropped what she was going to say. “I was hurt and I woke up here. I think I’ve been here a while.”

  She looked up at the sky. “He needs me. The shadows were so strong in him.” She turned away from him and looked back out over the land.

  “Earth time and here are different. The animals knew you had been dumped here, but that was about a week ago. In other words, you’ve been here over two weeks.” He took a deep breath. That means it wasn’t Lucas who attacked.”

  “What do you mean attacked? Lucas just woke up and he’s gone nowhere. Lucas stays close to me.” She snapped at him, angry and tired. She turned to glare at the man who just nodded.

  “I know that now, but what that means is that Lucas is walking right into a trap. Planned by none other than his own brother.” He waved at her.

  “Please come in now.” The man looked to the skies as Zeron ran behind her and pushed her forward. “Hurry, I hear them.”

  Believing there was a threat. Beth stepped into the dark only to be surprised by what she saw. A strange colorful wooden table, some kind of sleeping mat in the back, and what looked like weapons on the far wall.

  “I take it you’ve been here a while.” She nodded to the weapons and the table.

  “Yes, over three of your Earth years. My world is not far from here. We were attacked, but we didn’t know who attacked. No one could see anything. Men started to disappear, then the women, but nothing. I was walking outside talking to my next in command when he fell to the ground burning and I ended up here.” Nail sat down at the table and nodded at the fruit.

  “Please help yourself. Anyway, I’ve been here ever since. At first I believed my people might be here. So each day I would go out and search, but nothing. Zeron there was the first to come to me. He almost had to drag me here I was so dehydrated and hungry. After he showed me what to eat, and I got my strength back, we caught one of those.” Nail pointed to a work bench where something metal lied in pieces.

  “The best I can make out is that they are like cameras. It records all that goes on around here. I’m thinking Lucas’ brother is using this place as his jail so to speak, but what he didn’t count on was the intelligent life forms living here.”

  Taking a seat across from him, Beth sighed and picked up a strange fruit. “Do you peal it?”

  He was already shaking his head. “No. You eat the whole thing. There is a seed in the middle. It’s small. They are very good, and from what I’m told, they help keep these animals alive.” He nodded at Zeron.

  “They eat these and other food, but also survive on the blood of others. Like you, I guess.” Nail sat back and studied her. “Lucas isn’t your only mate is he? I smell others on you and there is no way he’d allow that unless you’re mated to others.”

  “Yes, but right now that doesn’t matter. I’m stuck here with no means to find help.” She took a bite and moaned. “Damn, these are good. So what made you think Lucas was attacking your world?”

  His gaze met hers. “He’s the only one I know who is powerful enough to do what happened. He can flash or whatever you call it to other worlds without a thought. I’ve seen him wipe out a whole regiment of warriors with a wave of his hand. Of course, I never thought of his brother, Konrad. I only met him once and even then he was a cold bastard. He has his own world to control so I believed he'd be too busy with trying to take out mine.”

  “Maybe he’s decided to expand his territory.” Beth said. “There are many men on our world who would start wars to gain more power. I’m sure it happens elsewhere. The only thing I can’t figure out way is he why he is so bent on keeping me from my men?” Beth took another bite.

  Nail snorted. “Konrad has always been a jealous man. From what Lucas used to tell me when they were growing up, it was always a competition to him. Who had the most power and even women? You’re a gorgeous lady and any man would be lucky to have you.” His gaze flicked down to her breasts, before he met her eyes. “Not to mention the power I feel inside you. But if I’m not mistaken, it’s blocked, right?”

  Nodding, Beth swallowed the knot in her throat. The way this man looked at her was not a good thing. Three years without a woman and company of other beings. “Lucas…”

  “Where are you?” His voice was faint, far away. She looked up at Nail, but he hadn’t heard a word.

  “I don’t know. I’m stuck here with your friend, Nail on a strange planet.” Was all she said before the connection was gone and Nail jumped up looking at her with hope.


  Chapter Twenty One

  Curling up on the blankets in the back of the cave, Beth sat there petting Zeron while Nail paced back and forth. It had been a whole night before they had heard anything again from Lucas and he had been closer.

  “He’s having a hard time getting on here. Seems there is some kind of field around this planet. His brother is smart, but Lucas is older and wiser. He’ll figure out how to penetrate the field.” He turned and looked at her.

  “Did you sleep okay? I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable earlier, but looking at animals for three years…well I can’t help wish I was in Lucas’ place.” Nail pulled out the chair and sat down again.

  “Thank you, I slept
okay. I’ll just be glad to be back in my own bed. Hell, I even miss Deception.” She smiled thinking of the strange creature. “Did you have a woman back on your planet?”

  He shook his head, his short dark hair hardly moved. Beth noticed the scar on his cheek, but it did nothing to distract from his appearance. His eyes were a dark blue and he was almost as tall as Lucas.

  “There is no need for you to be looking at this man. I will take care of your needs soon My Heart. Rock and I almost have this shield down. Are you alright? Your blood was all over the floor in the bathroom,” he asked.

  She rested her head on the rocks behind her, suddenly afraid. “I’m a little sore, but the wounds have healed thanks to these wonderful animals here. I’m sorry about your brother,” Beth said and took another fruit Nail handed her. She rubbed her thigh. The bite marks were still there. They hadn’t disappeared as she hoped they would have overnight.

  “They’ll be here soon. I can’t wait to get back to my world.” Nail stared out the entrance as Zeron lifted his head and snarled.

  Beth never saw him move, but Nail stood ready at the entrance to his little place. “I know you’re there, Konrad, I can smell your stench.”

  “Do not draw my brother’s attention to you. I’ll be there soon,” Lucas promised disconnecting the link and making her feel lost.

  As if sensing her nervousness, two of the other large animals came over and surrounded her on all sides. Beth didn’t say a word as she curled up onto the blankets, watching. Had he taken her? Tears filled her eyes and her lip started to shake. Zeron knelt down next to her and she reached out, hugging him.

  “Would you really protect the woman when you can leave?” A man stepped out of the plants and stood before Nail. From what she could see, he looked like his brother Lucas, but with no hair and markings on top of his head. “Have you tasted that tender morsel yet? Her blood is like a power ball, a ball of instant energy. One I will enjoy many, many times. Now step aside, Nail and I’ll allow you to leave.” He stepped aside and waved his hand expecting him to leave, a small whimper escaped from her as she buried her head into Zeron’s fur.


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