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Ebony Slumbers

Page 2

by Nova Blake

  I started to move away, but she laid a hand on my arm and I tensed up, not sure what to expect. But when I turned back she was holding out a sweet little comb with red roses painted along the top.

  "Red like your lips," she said.

  "Are you sure?" I reached for the comb, curious and blown away by her generosity.

  "Yes, go on. Take it."

  Our fingers touched briefly as she passed the comb over. I flashed her a smile. "Thank you." And then I turned away again, rushing back down the street towards home. At least, I thought it was home. Everything was fuzzy and I couldn't be sure - I had been following the music to town and now there was nothing to lead me home.

  I glanced up at the moon and shivered. It didn't seem so inviting now, not after my hood had fallen free. I couldn't stop the gnawing worry in my gut about it. What if I'd blown my cover? What if someone had seen me and now they'd follow me home?

  Footsteps thudded on the pavement behind me, and not even the smell of Colton on my hoodie could make me feel better about it. A hand grasped my arm and spun me around so fast that I didn't have time to even scream before I was confronted with deep green eyes that sparked with fury.

  "What are you doing here," Colton hissed. He scanned the street but we were alone. His stance relaxed ever so slightly and then he spun me back, shifting his grip on my arm and hauling me down the street.

  I wrested my arm free and planted my feet. "I was out for a walk, what are you doing here? I could have been anyone. Do you just go around grabbing random women?"

  "I knew it was you. I could spot you a mile away." He turned back, his jaw stiff as he dragged his fingers through his thick brown beard. It looked like he was gritting his teeth, biting back the words he really wanted to say.

  Shame I struggled not to egg him on... It was just so easy.

  "Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do."

  "I know that you're not meant to be out here. I know that you're jeopardizing everything we've been working towards for what?"

  My shoulders slumped. He was right. But then, I had a right to my life as well - the way I wanted to live it - and they were infringing on that. "I know that this is against the rules. But you don't know what it's like cooped up in that house day in, day out. I just wanted to see what it was like for normal people-"

  "Come on," he said, turning away and setting off without a backwards glance. I crossed my arms, but then followed after him when he didn’t slow down. It was probably the only way I'd manage to get home tonight.

  He was muttering under his breath when I came up beside him, but he tamped that down, casting a glare at me and shaking his head.

  The disappointment stung. I hadn't expected to get caught, hadn't thought much beyond getting out of the house if I was honest, but I'd needed it so bad. It had been an itching over my skin and now I felt fresh, cleansed in a sense, like I'd seen something, done something with my life.

  Even if it was just knocking over an old lady's stall and hearing some music. It was better than nothing.

  "Will you tell the others?" I asked.

  We'd turned a corner, and I could tell our house was up ahead. The lights were still off, so maybe no one had noticed I was missing.

  "I have to tell Hunter. You know that." The words were quiet, but full of irritation. I think the only person he got more annoyed at than me was Hunter.

  We got to the gate and Colton grabbed my arm again, keeping me on the pavement.

  "You did a dumb thing tonight, Ebony. I can't believe you put us at risk like this, and for what?"

  He indicated my hand and I realized I was still holding the little comb the woman had given me.

  "It wasn't for this." I shook it in his face. "It was for this." I flung my arms wide and turned, indicating the night, the world. "Keeping me trapped in there is driving me insane. Endless washing, stupid television shows, and only ever hearing about life, not experiencing it."

  He stepped towards me, his face stone hard, his eyes furious. "You chose this, Ebony."

  "I don't remember choosing it! I don't remember anything, and none of you will answer my questions, you just keep me in the dark and expect me to be okay with that." My finger got up in his face, and I thought he might bite it off. I dropped my hand before he seriously considered it. "I'm not a naive girl, but I certainly feel like an idiot for agreeing to this. If I did."

  "You did. And you're acting like an idiot, like your life isn't worth more than a night out on the town. Because it is. To me, to the others. Your life is the only thing that matters."

  "It's not a life worth having if I can't actually live it." I snapped the words out, surprised at the truth behind them, and stormed up the path and into the house, slamming the door behind me. It didn't matter who woke up now, they'd all know about my little excursion soon enough.

  If only I could forget the pain behind Colton's fury, like I'd wounded him personally with my words. With my actions. I locked my door and threw myself down on the bed, feeling like one of those stupid girls in those stupid drama shows.


  Despite the roiling tide of emotion, I managed to fall asleep and only woke when the sun was bright enough to drag me from my slumber. I padded over to my bedroom door and pressed my ear against it.

  Nothing but the gentle murmur of the TV downstairs. I sighed in relief and headed for the shower, washing off the funk of weird dreams and anxiety before dressing in my favorite jeans and tee. Not exactly a power combo, but at least I'd be comfortable when Hunter gave me the dressing down of a lifetime.

  I'd never breached the rules before. Not like this. I'd snuck a peek at the news now and then, I'd searched for my name online, but nothing had popped up, leaving me to wonder whether it actually was my name.

  It was enough to make a girl crazy.

  I'd use that as my defense.

  The unforgettable sound of Hunter's car pulling into the driveway made me tense, and seconds later there was a knock at my door.

  Wonder who they'd sent to drag me downstairs... It had better not be Colton, because I wasn't ready to face him just yet.

  Steeling myself, I unlocked the door and flung it open to find Felix waiting, a devilish grin on his face had me smiling in return, though I shut that down as fast as I could.

  He still noticed.

  "Good morning, Princess. I believe you slipped the castle defenses last night and our good savior Hunter is here to ream you a new one."

  I quirked an eyebrow. "Ream? Now that's an image I didn't need." My shoulders slumped and I leaned against the door frame. "How bad is it?"

  Felix glanced towards the stairs and then back at me, scrubbing his chin with a hand. "It's pretty bad, Ebony. But if you need someone to lighten the mood, just give me the heads up and I'll do something crazy." He raised his eyebrows theatrically and I couldn't help but laugh.

  "You're too good to me." I laid a hand on his arm, squeezing it gently. The use of my actual name hadn't passed me by and it brought home how serious this was.

  "I do it for the laughs, Princess. Always for the laughs. Come on, time to get yelled at." He ushered me towards the stairs with an elegant sweep of the arm - like I really was royalty, and not a criminal on her way to the chopping block.

  Everyone was there. They were sitting around the table in the dining area, and leaning against the breakfast bar in the kitchen. Hunter sat at the head of the table, his dark eyes glowering, his long dark hair tied back professionally, and the crisp white shirt looking stark against his dark skin.

  And there was one empty place, directly in front of him. At least I had the length of the table to keep me safe.

  I slipped into the seat. Sheehan was next to me, and I gave him a small smile, grateful that there would be silence on one side. Felix stood behind my chair, close enough that his presence gave me comfort, and then I took a deep breath and looked Hunter in the eyes.

  "Have you got any idea how much trouble you've caused?" He kept his f
ace straight, serious.

  So I shrugged. "I went for a walk. Aside from leaving the house, I didn't do anything wrong."

  "If you don’t think that’s such a big deal-“ He boomed. “You agreed-"

  "You say I agreed," I interrupted. "I don't remember agreeing." I put my elbows on the table and leaned forward.

  Hunter mimicked my motion, and then reached down and pulled a piece of paper from his bag before sliding it down the table to me. It was utterly unfair that it came all the way, seamlessly, like in the movies. I had to admire his flair.

  "What's this?" I glanced down at the paper. There was something familiar about it, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I refused to look at the words too closely just yet though.

  "It's the agreement you made," Hunter said the words with more calm than I thought he could muster, but his frustration at me ebbed through. "Read it."

  I looked at the date. Six weeks ago. The hand writing was mine, I couldn't deny that, but I didn't remember the words.

  Dear Ebony,

  If you're reading this it means you've done something stupid. I know this whole situation is hard, but you have to trust these guys. You've got to let them look after you. It's not just about you - I know you know this. You can feel it in your bones, right? This is bigger than just you, you're important, and if you do stupid things and get yourself killed? Well, more than these men will suffer. You'll have let everyone down and you don't want that. You are responsible.

  I know it's frustrating not knowing what's going on, but we decided this was for the best - you decided as well. Until things are in place and it's safe to take our shot, you're to stay hidden, stay safe.

  And trust these men. They will protect you with their lives, they are loyal beyond words. They care about you, and you care about them too. Look at them. Look at them now. And then promise that you'll follow the rules. I don't know what you've done to break them, I just hope the consequences aren't dire, that it's not too late.

  Look at them.


  I pushed the piece of paper away and glanced around the table. Sheehan, quiet and deep. Brax, private and down to earth. Rafe, a stubborn provider. Colton, passionate and moody. Hunter, solid and determined to do things the right way. His way. Zeph, with his pouty bottom lip, and his ability to see all sides of an argument. Felix, still behind me, but always ready with a joke to make me laugh.

  And Arien, who we could always rely on to stand up for what was right, for the truth.

  I turned to him now. "Did I really write this?"

  He took a moment to answer, but then nodded. "You did. No one forced your hand, it was your choice. Your words. I'm sorry Ebony. But this-" He waved a hand at the house, at the shuttered windows and the closed door. "It might have been his idea.” He glanced towards Hunter. “But you agreed to it.”

  "We don't do this because we want you to suffer, Ebony. You have to believe that," Hunter said. His words were careful, his fury tamped. "But you have to do your part too. You've got to play by the rules because it's the only way we can keep you safe. Do you understand that?"

  I might understand it, but I didn't like it. Actually, I didn't even understand it, because this still didn't tell me anything. I grabbed the piece of paper and screwed it up into a ball before tossing it at Hunter.

  "No. I don't. I might have written this, but it all it tells me is that pre-attempted murder Ebony was a secretive bitch who didn't even trust herself. I don't understand why the secrecy. Sure, hide me from the world, but from the truth about what's going on? No. I need to know."

  "We told you yesterday, we think we've got a witness willing to give us the evidence we need," Rafe said. "Someone will go and pick him up today, question him."

  "And then what? When does this end?" I stood, my hands moving wildly as I spoke. "When do I get to go out of this house and have a life? Because it's all very well and good being alive, but this isn't living. I'm a creature in a cage and it should be no surprise to any of you that I want out. I'm so sick of this fucking house." I slapped my hands down on the table, trying to calm my ragged breath.

  They were looking at me like I was a wild animal. Like they didn't know me.

  And I realized I didn't know me either.

  I pushed off the table and headed for the safety of the backyard.

  THE CLOUDS FROM LAST night had returned to cover the sky by the time I'd exited our little 'meeting'.

  I knew they had a point, but so did I dammit, and just because there were more of them than me it didn't mean I shouldn't get a say.

  I sighed, then sank to my knees in front of one of the garden beds, not bothering to slip gloves on before I dug my hands in the earth and pulled loose some weeds. There was something about the action that always helped to calm me.

  The door opened but I steadfastly ignored whoever might have followed me and focused intensely on the task at hand. The weeds would take over if we didn't stay on top of them. It was like as soon as I took a day off they grew back.


  Dammit, they'd sent Brax. He was the youngest, sweet and deep, with a touch of innocence that the others didn't have. He was never the most confident, at least, not around me.

  That said, I couldn't be a bitch to him the same way I could to some of the others. He was just too sensitive for that.

  "Brax," I replied. I dug out a few more weeds before turning. He'd walked across to me and was standing there with his hands in his pockets. The cloud dulled sunlight still managed to reflect off his soft brown eyes and hair that matched. Even his skin was a deep tan, with just the slightest bit of stubble gracing his firm chin.

  "You'd make a fine warrior, the way you're attacking those weeds," he said, dropping to sit on edge of the raised garden.

  "I'm only attacking the weeds so I don't go all nails and teeth on Hunter's face. Can you believe him?"

  "I believe he wants to keep you safe. I believe he thinks he's going about that the right way."

  "And the rest?" I looked him in the eye then, dropping the weeds to the pile on the ground and wiping my hands off on my jeans.

  He took a seat on the garden edging, just a little down from me. "It's nice out here. Fresh air, peace. I can see why you'd want more of it. I don't blame you for wanting to explore what the world has to offer, but..."

  I arched an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish. He scuffed his foot in the grass and then caught my gaze.

  "When you talk like that it makes it sound like none of us matter. To you. And that's a bit hard to hear, considering we're spending our whole lives devoted to making sure you stay alive." Color flooded his face and he looked away.

  I rocked back on my heels, stunned by his words. Of all the people to say it, I hadn't expected that to come from him. In all my selfish desperation to get out of this place I'd made them feel like they meant nothing to me.

  "Brax," I said, standing up and taking a step towards him. He looked up at me, those brown eyes so warm, so full of caring. "I didn't mean it like that. I don't want to get away from you. Not from any of you. I just want to do more than fold washing and hear about the world. I want to see it too." I collapsed onto the wooden edging beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, pulled me snug against him and held me there.

  "I know that, they probably know that too, and even if it wasn't the truth, we'd still be here protecting you. It wouldn't change our resolve. You just have to think about the way others feel now and then. See it through their eyes." He was braver than I gave him credit for, coming out here and delivering a truth bomb. But no one else could have said this to me and had me listen. I had to find a way to make sure they knew I cared, while at the same time getting them to hear me too - things needed to change because I couldn’t keep going on like this.

  I looked into his eyes, tried to imagine what he could possibly see in me that made him stay. I was the living witness to some crime, sure, and he was getting paid to be here, but that didn
't explain the level of devotion. There was something I was missing - no doubt one of the many things they wouldn't tell me.

  All of those thoughts disappeared when he smiled. I wanted that warmth, that sweetness, and I leaned in, brushing my lips against his. He pulled back ever so slightly and my heart raced, thinking I'd read the situation wrong, but then he leaned into it, his hand brushing the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair as he kissed me. It was soft at first, but then he slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss and I moaned at the pleasure of it.

  Maybe this was all I needed, more intimate contact rather than the outside world. I let myself get lost in the feel of his lips on mine, one hand in my hair, the other caressing my back. I wanted to climb onto his lap, to press every inch of me against him, a need I didn't know I'd had rushing through my body.

  Instead, I pulled away, taking a deep gulp of air to try and calm myself. What I wanted more than anything was to take his hand and lead him to my room, to explore this new side of him. One I hadn't experienced before. But I couldn't.

  If I was just trying to fill this void inside me with someone else, it wasn't going to make anything better. Not for long. And it wasn't fair to him either, he was too good, too kind for that.

  Now, one of the others...

  I turned to look at the door, but no one had come in search of us. When I met Brax's gaze, I wasn't sure what to expect. Hell, I didn't even know how I felt about what had just happened. He stroked my cheek, a smile playing on his lips.

  "Don't worry. I won't tell them," he said, stroking hair back from my face.

  I frowned. "I don't-"

  "It's no secret we all adore you, Ebony." His eyes glimmered, lust lingering in them. "But what happens between you and me? I just want it to be between you and me. You can do whatever you want, with anyone you want to. I honestly don't mind, as long as when you're with me, it's just us."


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