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The End of the Rainbow

Page 4

by Dontá Morrison

  The two began talking on the phone, not really seeing each other face to face because of their conflicting schedules. Tyrin first thought of Khalil as a gorgeous piece of ass that he couldn’t wait to get inside of. But once Khalil proved to him that he wasn’t down with one night stands, he respected him on another level, one that is hard to find amongst gay men. After nearly a month of trying to arrange a date to meet, their career paths afforded them the opportunity to work together on another project. Once in the physical presence of each other, it was obvious to both of them that this relationship would offer them more than sexual gratification.

  “Anyway, I want to get back and see what this clown is really talking about. I need to find out how he got my home number.” He continued.

  “Yeah, you need to get to the bottom of that home phone shit. That’s a little suspect.” Craig chuckled still looking at traffic.

  “What’s on your mind C? I can tell you thinking about something.”

  “Ain’t shit, just waiting for my ride to get here.”

  “Don’t lie fool. Spit it out.”

  “Man I ain’t got to lie to you, you ain’t nobody. I lie to them bitches.” Craig said as the valet pulled up with his Infiniti. The two hopped and headed to the Century City Mall for some post lunch shopping.


  “Tyrin, there’s a Darion Carson here to see you.” Kim said his phone intercom. “Thanks Kim, give me a few minutes and I will be right out.” He finished responding to an e-mail and made a quick stop in the bathroom, before getting started on this Darion Carson business. He walked through the office and was stopped by one of his interns that had a question in regards to her school schedule, and how she needed less work hours. He listened to her plea –which she could have avoided because he totally understood- and told her to stop by his office in a couple of hours to further discuss the situation.

  When he arrived at the receptionist desk he noticed a thin, clean cut brother, wearing a pair of beige Dockers and white button down shirt, sitting on the leather sofa reading a copy of the latest Vibe magazine. Tyrin eyed him for a moment and noticed that he did look like he could be a relative of Déjà’s, but he still needed to know what the dude was really all about.

  “Mr. Carson, how are you?” Tyrin professionally asked.

  Darion looked up and placed the magazine back on the coffee table, before he grabbed his attaché case and stood up to make Tyrin’s acquaintance. “Hello Tyrin, how are you?” he asked as he extended his hand in greeting. Tyrin returned the handshake and asked him to follow him back into his office.

  Darion was about 5’9” and fairly attractive, but he had a sense of urgency about him. He followed Tyrin back through the office and noticed how everyone looked rather intense and sure of themselves. Darion nodded his head at those that were looking at him, but still stayed close to Tyrin like he was scared to lose him.

  Tyrin stopped at Treys’ desk, inquired about the Joe CD cover, and insisted that he set up a meeting with the representative that was in charge. He introduced Trey and Darion to each other and continued to his office. “Come on in and have a seat.” He held the door open for Darion as he walked through with a little hesitation. He noticed the action but blew it off as him being nervous about the meeting. He closed the door, walked around his desk and took a seat facing this unnerved caller.

  “How can I help you?” he asked, his hands folded in front of him on the desk.

  “Do you honestly remember my sister?” Darion asked.


  “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “Didn’t we discuss this on the phone?”

  “Yes we did.” Darion took a deep breath and exhaled before he continued. “You said that the last time you saw her was right after you graduated from college.”

  “And as far as I know she went to Europe to further her education. What does this have to do with the movie you are making?” Tyrin asked, annoyed by the repeat questions.

  “Did you talk to her after you got back to L.A?” he quizzed.

  “O.K. Look Darion, I’m really busy, and if you came here just to figure out why your sister and I broke up, you’re really wasting our time. You said on the phone you needed some assistance on a business level, now unless you get down to business, I am going to have to ask you to leave.” Tyrin was now leaning back in the chair with his arms folded across his chest.

  There was a moment of silence and then Darion opened his attaché case and started thumbing though some documents. Tyrin, finally feeling like some work was about to be discussed saw no problem with asking an ice-breaking question. “Anyway, how is Déjà doing?” Darion looked up with a cold glare, causing Tyrin to feel a little uneasy, “She’s dead.”

  The mood in the room shifted and Tyrin couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of him. He felt as though he was looking at a ghost. It all started to make sense as to why Darion seemed so on edge. He had dealt with his share of tragedies in his life and he knew how it felt to lose a sibling but for some reason it was as though Darion had lost more than that. “Man, I am so sorry, what happened? When did she pass?” His voice was very apologetic and that seemed to ease Darion a little.

  “Did you know she was diabetic?”

  “No. I didn’t.” Tyrin tried to show in his expressions that he was really sorry about her passing. “She never mentioned it.” He added.

  “Yeah, well she liked to keep that side of herself fairly private. Anyway she pretty much started to develop major complications from the illness after Caleb arrived?” Darion placed a few manila envelopes on the glass desk and closed his case.

  “Who’s Caleb?” Tyrin asked as he glared down at the envelopes that were placed between the two of them.

  Darion focused his eyes directly on Tyrin’s and without hesitation or any type of emotional restraint he blurted out two words that would forever change the basis of their meeting, “Your son.”

  Tyrins’ mouth dropped open like he had been punched in the stomach. Had he just heard this complete stranger tell him he had a son? He leaned into Darion to make sure that he was hearing correctly and calmly asked, “What did you just say?”

  Darion looked at this stranger and realized how much Caleb resembled him. He observed his characteristics and demeanor and could now better understand the behaviors of his nephew. As Tyrin sat across from him stupefied by the news, he wanted to chuckle but knew that now was not a good time.

  “Caleb is your son. Deja gave birth to him on December 14, 1992. He is eight years old and I can now say that he looks exactly like his father.” He said coolly. Tyrin leaned back in his chair rubbing his head, trying to think of a way to retaliate to the news he just heard. “Hold up, let me get this straight. Are you telling me that I have an eight year old son?”

  “Would you like to see his picture?” Darion smoothly asked as he reached for one of the envelopes.

  “Hell yes!” Tyrin’s heart rate had accelerated and beads of sweat were starting to form at his temples. This has to be some kind of joke, why would they wait eight years to tell him he had a son? She’s dead, and her brother must be here to drop the kid off, or better yet he wanted to collect on an unpaid child support balance. It was all a scam, Deja is really alive and trying to get backat him for breaking up with her, so she waited until his net worth was well over a million dollars before she made her move.

  Darion opened the envelope and displayed picture of a little boy that could have easily been a model for Gap kids. He glanced at the pictures of the chocolate brown child with deep dimples and beautiful smile, and at that moment knew Darion wasn’t lying. He let out a deep breath, stood up, and turned toward the window. He was hoping that the sights of the street would allow him to get his thoughts together, but all they really did was further add to the confusion.

  “I know that this is all a shock to you. But I’m here for yet a far more important reason.” Darion said. Tyrin turned around at looked at Darion, then at the photos
of Caleb, and finally at the black and white picture of himself and Khalil. He closed his eyes and nervously said aloud, “Oh God, there’s more?”


  Khalil and the crew rode the boat to Alcatraz Island and did a little touring of the facility before meeting with the performers to start work. His primary concern was that his staff did an outstanding job, because this was a major video shoot for a group that he felt had the potential to be major. He knew his crew could handle it but sometimes they got a little antsy and wanted to get in, get out and get loose; especially Kerrion who could not wait to get to Oakland to get his party on.

  Khalil and his team were busy setting up their stations in a corner of the prison, while the camera and lighting crews began to prepare for the first day of shooting.“Hey you guys.” The group Siren said, as they waved and smiled at their stylists. “Hello, ladies.” They all replied.

  “Thank you so much Khalil. You are a definite lifesaver.” Sacha, the lead singer of the group said, as she walked over to Khalil and gave him a huge hug. “No problem. Make sure you remember this just in case I ever need a favor from you.” he joked. The 18-year-old songstress giggled and agreed, as she made her rounds to the rest of the crew. The eight of them laughed and got re-acquainted for a moment before Khalil stepped in and informed them that it was time to get started. Two of the girls made their way to a chair while the others kept on chuckling with Kerrion and Lea.

  Two hours later all four girls had either grown eight-inches of hair or changed hair color altogether. The backup dancer where on the other side of the room with Lea getting ponytails, cornrows, or twists. While Kerrion was working his magic with the remarkable tool known as a flatiron, making waterfalls and wraps so fierce they should be on the cover of Black Hair Care magazine.

  One thing about doing a major video shoot is that no one is ever prepared and what happens to hair usually happens right there on the spot. After the makeup was applied and the wardrobe was put on, all they had to do now was walk around between shots, doing touch ups and making sure that the hair looked exactly like itdid in the last shot. Easy money in the bag and that is why Khalil loves his career so much.

  The video shoot ended around midnight and after arriving at the hotel Khalil called home but got no answer. He then tried Tyrins’ cell-phone and it went straight to voicemail. Khalil was puzzled but too tired to give the situation extra energy and thought. He left him a message saying goodnight and left it at that. He then scrolled through his cell, found his sisters number, and hit the call button.

  “You’ve reached Lauren and unfortunately I am either in class, at work, in the library, or sleep. Do the normal at the beep.” Beeeeep “Lauren, this is your brother, I’m in Frisco and was wondering if you would be available for lunch or dinner before I head back to L.A. Hit me up on my cell. Love Ya.” Khalil was trying to get in touch with her before he flew back out but he knew that more than likely he wouldn’t. Lauren kept a busy schedule, but as long as he knew he made the effort he wouldn’t feel so bad.

  He was exhausted and in dire need of rest, so he took a quick shower to relax his muscles and hopped in the bed hoping to get a good night sleep. Right when he was about to doze off there was a knock on his door. He quietly lay there assuming that whoever it was had the wrong room and would walk away upon realization. The person knocked again and then he heard Kerrion’s voice. “Bitch, I know you ain’t sleep. Come open this damn door.”

  He reluctantly got out of bed and slowly walked to the door. He opened it and stood there in his black Calvin Klein boxer-briefs waiting for the performance he knew Kerrion was about to put on. “OH HELL NAW!!! Get up and get your ass dressed.” He said as he forced his way past Khalil and began turning on lights in the room.

  Khalil turned around and followed him into the room, shaking his head at the fact that he was dressed and scented for a night out on the town. “Kerry, I’m going to bed. I’m tired, and we have to be back on the set at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. I need to get some sleep.”

  “We are in San Motherfucking Frisco, home of the gay. I am not going to miss one night of clubbing in the capital. Now get dressed before I dress you myself.” He walked over to the closet and opened it, only to discover that it was empty of anything club worthy. “Where is your gear?” he said in disgust as he rifled through the hanging garments.

  “At home with my man. I’m not going anywhere.” Khalil sat on the bed and pulled the blankets up over himself. “Where is Spencer?”

  “In his room getting dressed. We’re about to hit it hard and I suggest you come with us.”


  “Because we never go out anymore. All you want to do is cook and lay up under Tyrin. We miss your wild ass.” He was trying to sound sincere, but Khalil saw right through it. He knew that if he went he would end up sitting in a corner by himself warding off all of the wanna be pimps, players, and hustlers; while watching Spencer and Kerrion dance the night away with every Tom whose Dick was Harry. “Look at you, you are one of the finest motherfuckers I know. Hair flawless, eyes gorgeous, body immaculate, sexy as hell, and on top of that you got cash for days. If you weren’t my homeboy I would scoop your ass up.”

  “Bull……Shit. You ain’t robbing me blind. I know your kind, have seen them coming and going.” Khalil said.

  “Fuck You. OK. F-U-C-K-Y-O-U. How about that? Anyway, are you coming with us or not?” Kerrion was not moved by the insult that Khalil just gave him because he knew it to be true.

  “I will see you in the morning. Don’t have a hangover and you better not get arrested. Goodnight.” He positioned himself under the blankets and turned his back to Kerrion and proceeded to try and get some sleep.

  “Whatever. I’m going to find me some bay area dick.” He turned and began to walk towards the door.

  “Do me a favor.” He said from under the blankets.

  “What, bitch? What do you want?”

  “Turn off the light. Thank you, love you, have fun.”


  Tyrin sat on the patio drinking his third French Connection, mentally overwhelmed by the day’s events. The liquor, as well as the cool ocean breeze was relaxing and soothing, but the compounding pressures of the decisions he had to make were killing the mood. Tosha lay at his feet being as supportive as she could in his moment of despair.

  It turns out that Deja died when Caleb was three years old and his uncle had been raising him ever since. She informed Tyrin she was pregnant after he had already moved back to Los Angeles; but because he firmly stated that he wasn’t ready to be a parent, she promised to get an abortion. Instead, she went back home to Philadelphia and gave birth to their son.

  As the story goes, her body couldn’t take the strain that childbirth caused, and it began to weaken. She was on dialysis for three years before she passed away in February of 1997. Before she died she made Darion swear that he would never notify Tyrin of her fate or of the livelihood of Caleb.

  Darion was forced to break the vow he made to his sister when Caleb was diagnosed with the same illness as she. His desperate need of a kidney and an insufficient donor list put pressure on them to seek other options. Darion did not need Tyrin for money, nor did he want his sympathy, all he wanted was one of his kidneys. He made it clear to Tyrin that once the procedure was complete; he would never have to worry about being asked for any type of monetary support.

  Tyrin heard the plea and was at a total loss for words. Even though there was no connection between them whatsoever, just the fact of knowing that he had a son was enough to make him bow down. The first thing that would need to be done is a series of tests to make sure the two were compatible. If found to be a match, the surgery would be scheduled, conducted, and Tyrin would be back to work within two weeks.

  It all sounded so simple, especially the way Darion broke down every scenario. He had documentation on everything, even the doctor that would be taking care of the procedure. Tyrin however knew that he would somehow hav
e to be in his sons’ life. He had too much to offer Caleb to let it go to waste, but his issue was Khalil. How was he going to explain to him that he was a father? Had he been single, the thoughts of explaining the situation would be non-existent; he would just take time off of work and be back when he got back.

  As the third cocktail began to take effect, he realized that he had to deal with everything head on. He had already told Darion that he would help in any way possible to save Caleb’s’ life, so that part was set in stone. His next move was to break the news to Khalil and get him to support him in his plight. He felt it wouldn’t be too hard once he got him to realize that the life of a child was at stake. Of course he expects there will be lots of questions regarding the procedure and would make sure that Khalil was in on every part of the situation, from the screening with the doctors’ all the way down to the surgery. “Come on Tosha, let’s go inside. It’s getting cold out here and I’m fucked up.”


  “Hello” A groggy Tyrin said into the phone receiver.

  “Man, what’s up? What happened on yesterday? Are you alright?”

  “Craig?” He asked, trying to get his thoughts together.

  “Yeah fool. What’s going on? You stormed out of here yesterday without saying anything to anybody. What type of meeting did you and old boy have?”

  “Let me call you back.” Tyrin hung up the phone, squint his eyes at the sun that was staring him in the face. “What time is it?” he muttered as he rolled his body over to face the back of the couch. Craig’s’ phone call proved that yesterday was not a dream, and neither was the liquor induced headache.


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