The End of the Rainbow

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The End of the Rainbow Page 9

by Dontá Morrison

  “Damn! Yeah, she was white, because a sister would have broken his neck in return. Fuck court she would have handled the shit on her own.” Tyrin said with laughter.

  “Well, I went last night and the shit was jam packed. I got there close to midnight and brothers were lined down the street and around the corner waiting to get in.” Marcus answered.

  “You’re lying. They still do it like that?” Khalil questioned.

  “Please, it ain’t changed. I mean, I went because I wanted to get my groove on and just simply get out of the house; but once I got there I was instantly over it. It was ridiculous. I was tempted to start shooting my gun in the air just to get motherfuckers to scatter, so I could get to the front of the line.” He continued.

  “You’re better than me because I would have done just that. The party would have been a wrap.” Spencer said, as he broke out into laughter.

  “And that is why Marcus is the cop and you’re not! You’re so damn hostile.” Khalil said with a comical smirk.

  “Marcus, you got your gun on you, because I’m finna shoot this bitch.”

  “Where is Kerrion?” Dennis asked.

  “He should be here shortly. If I’m not mistaken I think he went out last night. I know that he has a new friend, so I’m not sure if they made it to the club or not.” Khalil said.

  “What the hell? Who the fuck would date his self centered ass?” Marcus asked.

  “Uhmm, you at one point in time. Don’t cut Kerrion down because he wouldn’t give you a piece of the pie.” Dennis said in defense of their friend.

  “Whatever. I’m just saying that whoever it is had better be ready for some drama.”

  “Shut up Marcus. Anyway, continue with the story” Dennis said with a wave of his hand.

  “Some brother he met in Frisco.” Spencer answered.

  “Frisco! What kind of trade did he bring home from the bay?” Brian asked.

  “They met in the mall at a record store. They hung out all night last Saturday and then the dude asked if he could come and stay with him this weekend for the festival.” Spencer answered.

  “See that’s how the shit always starts. A brother asks if he can crash at your house for the weekend, then he never takes his ass home. Why didn’t you stop that shit Spencer?” Eric asked.

  “Wait a damn minute! Now first of all he is a grown ass man. If he wants to invite somebody home then he has every right to do so. I don’t pay his rent and he for damn sure doesn’t pay my mortgage.” Spencer said in his own defense.

  “I hear you Spencer. Little brother Kerry has seen the shit that we have all been through and if he wants to go through it then that’s on him.” Dennis added.

  “But if we are supposed to be his friends then we have an obligation to let him know if he is setting himself up for a letdown.” Eric responded, amazed at how his friends were being so nonchalant about the situation.

  “Y’all are acting like he has let the guy move in and shit. Slow down before you start playing Dear Abby; because all of you know that when your noses were open you didn’t want to hear the shit your friends had to say.” Brian said as he stared at Eric.

  “You’re right. But I know I don’t want none of ya’ll to go through the shit I’ve been through. The piece of me that the last brother didn’t kill, the virus is working on. This medication ain’t no fucking joke and if I would’ve listened to my friends, I would still have my health.” Eric said as he took a drag from his Newport.

  “Bitch you’re healthier than me and I ain’t got the virus, so shut the fuck up.” Brian said trying to lighten the conversation.

  “And you need to put down that damn cigarette. You may not die from AIDS, but you’re damn sure in the running for lung cancer. Now I can’t do the AIDS Walk and the Cancer Walk, so you need to mash out that damn Newport.” Spencer said with no remorse.

  “Don’t worry, he and the new guy are coming to our house after the beach to kick it and get dressed for the after party. Rest assured that I will check him out and make sure he is on the up and up.” Khalil said.

  “Whatever the case may be, if the shit starts to go the wrong way I’ll put my two cents in. Kerry is my boy and I will beat a fool’s ass if he tries to fuck over him.” Spencer confirmed.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” Eric said, taking another drag of his cigarette.

  Tyrin and Khalil lay posted up on the blanket in their own little world. This environment was what they needed to break up the weight of the recent news that came into their lives. Khalil had the opportunity to meet Darion and even though he knew it was an inevitable event, he was still uncomfortable about the situation.

  The three of them sat in the doctor’s office as she explained what was needed from Tyrin in order to help Caleb survive. Tyrin gave a blood sample to test his compatibility, and Khalil and Darion actually had a very nice conversation about his visit to Los Angeles. He shared that he wished his entire family were with him to take in the sights. The talk allowed Khalil to discover that he was a sincere man who wasn’t doing this to vindicate his sister’s death; but was merely fighting to keep his only nephew alive.

  Khalil had entertained the thought of letting him stay with them at their house but it was short-lived. He saw no need in allowing this complete stranger into their home. For all he knew this whole scenario could still be a set up, so until the results of the blood tests come back he is better off at the hotel.

  Tyrin has also been more cheerful than he’s been in a long time. The thought of having a son has really opened a bright spot in him that hasn’t been seen in quite awhile. The worries he had about losing his life partner behind this situation have subsided, and he is highly anticipating the fact of actually having a complete family; something that was taken from him when his parents and brother died. He wasn’t looking forward to the surgery because he didn’t like the idea of being cut on, but the thought of saving his son’s life was quickly making him more accepting of the process.

  The two of them giggled under the umbrella and fed each other grapes and cherries out of the basket they packed the night before. They were oblivious to the others in their company and was enjoying their moment of togetherness.

  “Uhmm, hello? Do the two of you want to take part in this conversation, or do ya’ll plan on being hugged up all damn day?” Dennis asked.

  “Ya’ll two are getting on my damn nerves,” Marcus added. Tyrin and Khalil looked at the rest of their entourage and tried to understand why there was so much hostility towards their affection.

  “Who the fuck do y’all think you are, J-Lo and Puffy?” Dennis asked.

  “Whitney and Bobby?” Marcus added.

  “Rick and Vanessa?” Brian said.

  “Janet and… what’s that Mexican motherfucker’s name?” Eric asked.

  “Rene you dumb bitch. And he ain’t Mexican he’s Puerto Rican.” Spencer replied.

  “Yeah Rene… Shit.” Eric continued throwing his hands in the air

  “For your information we are like Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee,” Tyrin said.

  “Classy, ageless, and destined to endure the test if time.” Khalil added.

  Khalil leaned back into Tyrins chest, and as Tyrin placed his chin on top of Khalils head the two of them made the perfect picture; beautiful, black and filled with love.

  “Fuck y’all, I’m about to open this bottle of Remy, who wants some.” Dennis asked as he headed into the tent to get a round of drinks for the crew.It was now twelve thirty and as the sun began to force its way through the clouds, the occupants of the Malibu shore began to come out of their clothes like a banana taking off its peel. Khalil stood up and observes the competition. Coming to the conclusion that there isn’t any, he slowly removes his sweat-top; revealing a six-pack, beautifully sculpted chest, and chiseled arms. He sits back down in front of Tyrin and passes him the bottle of Coppertone. Tyrin knows exactly what his baby is doing and is more than happy to make sure he is protected from the sun’s rays.r />
  As Tyrins’ strong hands rub the lotion into his body, all of those within eyesight try to sneak a peek. Khalil’s gorgeous tone garners a few head nods by admirers trying to see how faithful he is to the man rubbing his body. Once his layer of protection is applied, he stands, takes the band off his ponytail, and allows his hair to flow freely in the breeze. After he removed his pants and revealed the painted on Dolce & Gabbana trunks -that shaped his ass to perfection- he was satisfied at the new standard he had set.

  Tyrin cracked a smile at how his baby enticed the men on the beach with his effortless beauty. He was secure and knew Khalil was his. Watching the onlookers try to hide their stares, made him grow cockier by the minute. However, he couldn’t let Khalil have all the fun, so he decided to really give the beach a show.

  He up stood next to his man on the warm sand and gracefully removed the articles of clothing that were imprisoning his body. He stopped the sun in his Gucci trunks, and lends an ear to the whispers of the surrounding neighbors telling each other to take a look. As he sits down between the legs of Khalil, who was prepping to grease his body like a muffin pan, he confidently knew that they had just shown everyone watching how it was supposed to be done.

  “Look at my brothers. Beautiful bitches ain’t they?” Spencer says with pride, lifting his glass into the air to toast the comment.

  “I must agree. Y’all are two bad looking motherfuckers.” Dennis chimed in.Andre sat in the passenger seat admiring the California coastline leading to Zuma Beach. The night before was an eye opening experience for him, and today was part two of what was sure to be even more educational. However, he was pleased to be in Kerrion’s company and felt that they were really hitting it off.

  “This is a nice drive.” he said while continuing to look out the window.

  ”Yeah it’s cool.” Kerrion responded as he tried to focus on the road amidst a mild hangover.

  “Last night was cool, too. I was amazed at how many people you knew. You’re a little celebrity aren’t you?” he said with a chuckle.

  “I wouldn’t say all that. But, I guess from what you saw last night you could easily draw that conclusion. I do know one thing for sure; I need a fucking B.C. powder because this headache is getting on my nerves. ” He said with as he adjusted his sunglasses.

  “You want me to drive?”

  “Excuse me. I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked if you wanted me to drive.” Andre repeated.

  “Uhmmm, this is a BMW.”

  “Yeah, and in my wallet is a driver’s license, which means I am certified to drive all cars, even a BMW.” Andre was a little insulted by the comment but kept his cool.

  As the road to the beach continued to curve and wind, Kerrion couldn’t help but notice the other vehicles headed in the same direction. There were cars with rainbow stickers, occupied by persons who were joyfully passing cups of their favorite alcoholic drink. Young queens driving top of the line rentals and wearing outfits that were both acquired with fraudulent checking accounts or credit cards. Kerrion smiled in remembrance of the days when he used to be in that crowd. He thanked God for Khalil, who watched him climb to the top of the ladder in that phase of his life; when he crashed and burned, Khalil helped him get back on his feet again. He gave a head nod to the crew in the Audi next to them as they pressed passed his leisurely driving BMW.

  “I really appreciate you letting me stay with you this weekend. I always heard about and wanted to come to L.A. Black Gay Pride weekend; but the fellas I hang with don’t know about my sexuality, so I just keep a low profile.” Andre said.

  “What do you mean they don’t know about your sexuality? Are all of your homies straight?” Kerrion inquired with a raised eyebrow of concern.

  “Yep. 100%. I want to be like you and just be free, but I guess I am scared of the rejection.”

  “How can you say that you are scared of the rejection when you stepped to me at the record store? Most brothers that are in the closet don’t usually make the first move, especially when it’s in the general public.”

  “I guess it was something about you that sparked my interest and removed a lot of my fears. The way you stood there in those jeans looking all sexy and shit just made me finally say ‘fuck it’; and now here I am with you on this beautiful drive along the coast.” He said while gently massaging his hand across Kerrion’s.

  “Please, is that the best you got? You have to do better than that when it comes to moving me.” He responded with a smirk while staring straight ahead.

  “Damn. I was giving you a compliment and you just brushed it off.”

  Andre leaned back in his seat thrown off by the nonchalant attitude and callous tone of the vehicles driver. Kerrion was trying to decipher whether or not he had offended him with his piece of sarcasm. Coming to the conclusion that maybe his brazen sense of humor was a bit harsh for his new friend, he felt a little bad inside. Most people that are close to him can usually hang with his sharp tongue, but he now sees that Andre needs to be broken in. “I was only kidding. Please don’t tell me you’re sensitive?”

  He kept looking out the window like he hadn’t heard a word that was said. It was obvious that he was ignoring him, and the wheels in his head were turning at full speed. He knew they were in the infantile stage of getting to know each other, but he had long resolved that he would never be with anyone who was cold and defensive. At the same time Andre was getting his thoughts together, Kerrion was doing his best to maintain his cool and ignore Andre’s moment of bitch-like behavior. After a few moments of silence, he politely repeated his last statement. “I said I was only kidding.”

  “I heard you the first time,” he mumbled “and no I am not sensitive. I just don’t like it when I am made to feel unappreciated. I didn’t just come down here to go to all of this gay stuff. I came because I think you’re cool and I wanted to spend more time with you. I really had a nice evening with you last weekend, and the few conversations we had throughout the week really gave me a good vibe about you.”

  “Well in that case I apologize. I wasn’t trying to belittle what you said to me, it’s just that most brothers always try to give compliments when they want a piece of ass or something. I will admit that I am a little on the defensive side when it comes to meeting new people, primarily due to past experiences. But I know that everyone should be allowed to hang themselves and I should not include you in my past before you have given me reason to. So once again I am sorry.”

  “Apology accepted. Can I say something else?”

  “Sure.” Kerrion said.

  “I know that I look a certain way and you may perceive me to be this ruff neck type brother; but when it comes to dudes I really don’t have a lot of experience. To be totally honest, I don’t have any experience.”

  “Are you telling me that you are a virgin?” Kerrion asked staring at him out of his peripheral vision.

  “Not exactly. I have had many women. I was even about three months from walking down the aisle. But I have never totally been with a man.”

  “What do you mean totally?”

  “I mean, I’ve gotten my dick sucked and played around with a few dudes, but I’ve never been inside of a man and I don’t know if I could ever have a man inside of me.” He said.“Oh, well this is interesting.”

  “What is?”

  “I’ve never met a twenty six year old man that was into guys but never totally had one. All of the dudes I know your age have been worn out and run over like a pair of old house-shoes. I commend you for being so wholesome at your age. That is something you really don’t see a lot of in this lifestyle.”

  “So have you been with a lot of guys?” Andre asked.

  “We’re not talking about me. Anyway as I was saying, when it comes to sex and the gay man, it is so hard to find one that everyone has not either sucked or fucked. Those brothers are going to try and eat you alive at the beach, today.”

  “Why.” He questioned.

, you are a new booty. Two, you are from out-of-town, and that means no contact after the encounter.”

  “But why would anyone approach me like that if I’m there with you?” He asked in bewilderment.

  “Because they don’t give a fuck about me. This is how it works; you go to the beach with me, and if they can trap you in their web, then that means you were never mine to begin with. Dick is dick and loyalty is not a word that is commonly used amongst many gay men. That’s why so many brothers end up in fist-fights over a dude that was somewhere he had no business being. I personally will never fight a brother over a man that put himself in an uncompromising situation. Do you watch Jerry Springer?”


  “Why in the hell does the so-called main woman, always want to fight the other woman? Beat that brother’s ass; he is the one that made a commitment to you, not her.” Kerrion firmly expressed.

  “Calm down baby.” Andre said while patting Kerrion’s thigh.

  “Sorry, I got a little wound up. That cheating bullshit just burns me up”

  “OK, how about this. When we get to the beach I don’t leave your side. I honestly came to spend time with you and you only, it just so happens that this is the big party weekend. I would have loved to come regardless of all this other stuff that is going on.”

  “Are you serious?” he asked with skepticism.

  “Yes, I am. Did I try to get you into bed last weekend? When I asked you out, where did I ask you to go, a club or to get coffee? It was to get coffee. And in case you forgot, I slept on your couch last night. I honestly want to get to know you better, is that so hard to believe?”

  “Alright already, I believe you. You’re getting me nervous with that sincere shit.” Kerrion moved his body like he was trying to avoid the plague.

  “So let’s get this straight right now. When we get to the beach, I am with you. If another brother tries to talk to me, I will give him so much shade he’ll think its nighttime. Now how you handle your end is totally up to you, but I am in L.A. to be with Kerrion.”


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