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Banking On Love

Page 14

by Anna James

  Rachel gazed at the panoramic view of the city. “This is fabulous!”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her back against him. Did he ever stand here with his arms around Sandra like this? No, damn it. She wouldn’t think about Ethan with Sandra.

  “The Champs Elysees is below us. Do you see the tall obelisk off in the distance?”

  She nodded.

  “That’s the Obélisquede Luxor. It was originally located at the entrance of the Luxor temple in Egypt. Now it stands in the center of Place de la Concorde. We’ll work our way down while we shop. The arch you see is the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel.

  “That’s the smallest of the three, right?”

  Ethan laughed. “You have been studying. Yes.”

  “Where is the Louvre?” Rachel asked.

  “The buildings behind the arch make up the Louvre. We’ll visit there tomorrow. Just beyond the Louvre,” he pointed to a spot Rachel could barely make out, “Is La Grande Arche de la Défense. It’s the third of the three arches and much newer than the other two. You may have noticed it on the drive over here.”

  “No, I didn’t. It’s near your apartment?”

  “Yes.” He turned to the left a quarter of the way around. “Do you see the Eiffel Tower? We’ll visit at night so you can see it lit up. It truly is spectacular.

  Did Ethan and Sandra share romantic kisses at the Eiffel Tower as she hoped to do? Enough! Stop the madness. She pinned a smile on her face. “I can’t wait to see it.”

  They made a one hundred and eighty degree turn and now faced the opposite direction.

  “Over there is Notre-Dame Cathedral.” He pointed straight ahead. “We won’t be able to visit on this trip. We’ll come back again when we have more time.”

  He turned her again, back to where they started.

  Rachel drew in a breath and sighed. “This is really incredible.”

  “I agree.” They stood for while taking in the scenery. “Would you like to spend some time in the museum before we go shopping? You can learn about the architectural design and construction of this arch, and there are some interactive displays you can play with.”

  “I’d rather shop if you don’t mind.”

  Rachel grinned, tugging Ethan closer as they browsed among the multitude of shops and boutiques, methodically working their way down the Champs Elysees.

  “Are you glad you came with me?” he asked.

  “Are you kidding?” She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “More than I can say, but being in Paris isn’t what’s making me happy. It’s sharing this adventure with you.”

  His eyes glittered, and she lost herself in their fathomless depths.

  He pulled her closer, brushing his lips over hers with the lightest of touches, and oh, the sweet tenderness of his caress. Her heart skipped a beat, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She never felt this way before. Not even with Ryan.

  “I’m glad you’re here with me, too.”

  Ethan gave her a lopsided smile, and everything seemed right with her world. Had she ever been this happy? Rachel couldn’t remember a time in recent years. Oh, yes. She could get used to this, all right.

  She grinned again and grabbed his hand. “Come on. There’s so much more I want to experience with you.”

  Much later, Rachel stood staring as water spilled from the center of the Fontaine des Mersat Place de la Concorde. A ball of fire descended toward the horizon, disappearing at a rapid rate. The warmth from earlier in the day a distant memory as a chill settled in the early evening air. Rachel snuggled against Ethan and watched the cast of burnt oranges, yellows, and purples fade until twilight blanketed the heavens. What an amazing day they’d shared together, and they still had four more to go.

  And four nights.

  Ethan brushed his warm lips over her ear, and she shivered.

  “If you’re tired, we can take a rest before we get ready for dinner.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not tired. How much time do we have before we head back?”

  Ethan glanced at his watch. “About an hour or so, enough time to make one more stop if you’re sure you’re up for it.”

  “Where are we going?” He shifted her position. She now stood to the side of the fountain. She gasped. “The Eiffel Tower. It’s beautiful.”

  “Would you like to see it up close?”

  “Are you kidding? I’d love to.”

  A few minutes later, Rachel stood admiring the massive structure. “This is incredible Ethan. I know I keep saying those words over and over, but they’re true.”

  He clasped her hand in his. “Let’s head up.”

  “Please tell me we’re not climbing all the way to the top. There’s got to be more than a thousand steps.”

  Ethan laughed. “Over twenty-seven hundred, but you can’t actually go to the top any more. You can only go to the second level.”

  “How come?”

  “It’s not safe.”

  “How many steps do we have to climb to reach the second level?

  “I haven’t actually counted them, but I’d say somewhere between nine hundred and a thousand.”

  Rachel’s jaw dropped open. “There’s no way I’m walking up that many stairs, even in these flat shoes.”

  He gave her a devilish grin. “Don’t worry, we’ll take the elevator. We’d better get going if you want to check out the view from the top platform before we have to head back to get ready for dinner.”

  The elevator ascended quickly. When the doors opened, they stepped out on the platform to find throngs of people jockeying for a position to catch a glimpse of the sites.

  Ethan grasped her elbow. “Let’s work our way to the outside. The view is better.”

  The wind picked up as they made their way through the crowd, and Rachel shivered from the sudden chill. Ethan put his arm around her, and she huddled close, amazed how perfectly she fit in the crook of his arm.

  The view didn’t disappoint. Rachel stood, transfixed by the array of modern structures, historic architecture, and grand gardens twinkling in the night sky. They called Paris ‘The City of Lights,’ a perfect description from her point of view. “Ethan—”

  “I know, it’s incredible.”

  She smiled. “Actually, amazing was the word I was going to use, and being here with you makes it so much better.”

  “I feel the same way. I love seeing everything through your eyes. It’s like being here for the first time all over again.” He checked the time. “We have a few minutes. Do you want to go into the mini museum? We can buy a postcard and send it to Emma from here.”

  Rachel shook her head. “Emma doesn’t exactly know you’re in Paris with me so—”

  “What do you mean, doesn’t exactly know?”

  “I didn’t tell her you’d be with me.”

  Ethan stood silent for long moments. “Does she know about us? That we’ve been seeing each other?”

  Rachel lowered her eyes. “No.”


  The disappointment in his voice nearly broke her heart.

  “I don’t understand. Why haven’t you told her?” he asked.

  Rachel wrung her hands together. “I—”

  “I thought you wanted to be with me?”

  “I do, Ethan. I absolutely do.”

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t seem that way from where I’m standing. She’s the most important person in your life, and you haven’t told her we’re a couple.”

  She reached for him. “Ethan.”

  He shrugged off her hand and turned away.

  “Ethan.” Her voice shook.

  “Why haven’t you told her about us?”

  “It’s not that easy. What if…”

  He cocked his head, his brows furrowing. “What if what?”

  “Do you understand what it means to involve her in this relationship? Because that’s what telling her about us means. It won’t be just you and me anymore. She’ll have expectations.
What happens if you can’t or don’t want to meet them?” She held up her hand to stop him from responding. “I don’t want you to answer me now. I want you to take some time and think about the future and what you want.”

  “I know what I want, Rachel. I want you and Emma.”

  “Maybe today and maybe even six months from now, but what about a year from now? What if you decide you don't want us anymore? Emma would be devastated.”

  “I'm not Ryan. I know what I'm getting into, and in case I haven't made this clear, I'm in this relationship for the long haul.”

  She gazed up into his eyes. He was right. He wasn’t Ryan. She had to stop comparing them. Just because Ryan hadn’t wanted her, or Emma, anymore didn’t mean Ethan would do the same thing. Lord, why did she always believe the worst would happen, and why couldn’t she let herself be happy?

  His lips came down on hers. He kissed her, softly, tenderly. Rachel’s heart did another crazy little flip, and she finally admitted the truth. She’d fallen for him. Might even love him. Could she trust him, risk everything and give into her feelings?

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Rachel woke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee. She inhaled deeply and let out a soft sigh, slowly stretching her muscles. Her eyes fluttered open and found Ethan propped up on one elbow watching her, a contemplative expression on his face. “What?” she asked.

  “I’ve decided watching you wake up in the morning is pure heaven. You’re exquisite.” He dropped a quick kiss on her surprised lips and then reached for the mug sitting on the bedside table and handed it to her.

  She levered up into a sitting position and, closing her eyes, inhaled the robust aroma. After taking the first sip, she sighed. “Ah, this is wonderful.”


  She opened her eyes. “You’re not drinking coffee.”

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Then how do you know it’s wonderful?”

  “I’m not talking about the coffee, I’m talking about you.” He leaned down and kissed her again. “Do you have any idea how sexy you are when you stretch and flex?”

  She exhaled a sharp breath and lifted her cup for emphasis. “Maybe, I’d better put this down.” After placing her mug on the nightstand, she reached for him. “Now, where were we?”

  Ethan pulled her into his arms and rained tiny kisses over her face and along her neck. “Do – you – still – want – to – go – to – the – Louvre – today?” he asked, punctuating each word with a kiss.


  He eased away. “We’d better get going. It’s already after eleven.”

  She jerked up into a sitting position and clutched the sheet to cover her naked breasts. “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner? Half the day is already gone.”

  He held up both hands in a sign of surrender. “Hey, I tried. I brought you fresh brewed coffee, but you started moving on your own.” His eyes went dark and smoky blue. “And what a site to see. I had no choice but to climb back into bed and enjoy the show. Come on, we’ll shower together and save time.”

  Ethan moved to her side of the bed, his powerful sculpted body gloriously aroused. He scooped her up as if she weighed nothing at all. Laughter bubbled up inside her as he strode down the hall. “Showering together does not save time,” Rachel insisted. “Didn’t we learn our lesson the last time we tried it?”

  Rachel wandered into the kitchen, a satisfied smile on her face. Their shower together lasted more than an hour, but she wouldn’t complain. Not when she felt this good. Oh, what the man could do with those strong hands and his delicious mouth…

  “Here you are.” She crossed to where Ethan sat at the table, leaned down, and kissed him. “You disappeared while I was getting dressed.”

  “The Concierge was at the door. Gave me this message.” He waved the slip of paper in his hand.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked when he didn’t elaborate.

  “No. Apparently Eileen has been trying to get a hold of me since yesterday.”

  “Why didn’t she call you on your cell?”

  “She did, several times from what the message indicates, but I haven’t received any of her calls.”

  Rachel frowned. “Did you update the network coverage when we arrived yesterday?”

  He nodded. “As we left the airport.”

  “Maybe there was a glitch with the connection. Why don’t you try it again?”

  “I will, but in case there’s a problem I’ll leave you the number for the bank, so you can reach me when we’re not together.”

  She nodded. “Did Eileen have an update on the offer you put in before we left?”

  “The message only said she’d been trying to reach me. I need to call her back.” Ethan stood and grabbed the receiver from the landline.

  Rachel listened intently but only heard one side of the conversation. He turned to her several minutes later, but his expression gave nothing away. She gave him an expectant look. When he said nothing, she asked, “Things didn’t work out?”

  A grin broke out across his face. He scooped her into his arms and twirled her around. “We got the house.”

  Rachel threw her hands around his neck and laughed exuberantly. “That’s terrific. When’s the closing?”

  “In four weeks. Even though I’m paying cash, the sellers aren’t closing on their new property until then.”

  “Still… You got the house! That’s great news.”

  Ethan swung her around again, then lowered her to the floor. He looked deep into her eyes. “This will be a new beginning for us.”

  “Yes.” Rachel lifted up on her tiptoes and threaded her fingers through his luxurious hair. “You, me and Emma.” She brushed her lips over his, savoring the soft sweetness.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  She nodded and put the strap of her purse over her shoulder.

  “Is your phone buzzing?”

  Rachel frowned and peeked inside her bag. “I must have missed a call.” She fished out the Blackberry and keyed in her password. The message appeared on the screen. Her heart slammed against her ribcage, the painful pounding making it hard to breathe. “Oh, shit.”

  Ethan’s head jerked up. “What’s wrong?”

  She didn’t answer him, couldn’t.

  Ethan came over to her, placed his hands on her shoulders and shook her gently. “You’ve gone sheet white. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

  She stared up at him. “They know I’m here. With you.”

  “You’re not making any sense. Who knows you’re here with me?”

  “My bosses.”


  “Is that all you’ve got to say? I could lose my job.”

  “You’re overreacting, Rachel.”

  A red haze filled her vision. “How can you say such a thing? Losing my job affects more than just me. It affects Emma as well. She’s relying on me to take care of her. I’m all she’s got.”

  “I know, and you’re right.” He started pacing around the room. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just frustrated. I want to be with you. I care about you so much, Rachel.”

  She rubbed her hands over her face. “Don’t you think I want the same thing?”

  “Then why are you letting your job stand in our way? If you found a new one, this would all go away.”

  Rachel let out a harsh laugh. “It’s not that simple. We’re in a recession if you haven’t noticed. Jobs aren’t easy to come by. Besides, I don’t want a new job. I like the one I have.”


  “Why can’t you give up your job?” she asked, a note of challenge in her voice.

  “I can’t walk away from my family. Besides, I’ve worked hard—”

  “And you think I haven’t? Over the last few years, I went from being a stay-at-home mother to associate partner at my firm. There’s a good chance I’ll make full partner by the end of this year. That’s a big deal for me. I’ll finally be able to put the
turmoil since Ryan’s death behind me. Do you have any idea what these past three years have been like?”

  A wealth of compassion radiated in his glittering gaze. He grasped her hands and held them tight.

  “Tell me.”

  He pulled a chair from the table, and she sat and waited for him to take the seat next to her. “I don’t think I slept more than two or three hours a night that first year between working full time during the day, going to school at night so I could finish my degree and taking care of Emma. And money… You’ve never had to worry about it, but I have. Let me tell you, it’s not fun. Living from paycheck to paycheck, having to rely on others…”

  He nodded. “I know how much that upsets you.”

  “I hated the fact I couldn’t always provide for Emma. Having to rely on Connie and Frank… Well, you already know how I feel about that.” She sucked in a deep breath and released it. “I’m almost there, Ethan. I’ll finally have everything I’ve worked for when I make partner at the end of the year. Please don’t ask me to give it all up. Especially, when we can both have what we want in a few months’ time.”

  Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but the shrill of her cell phone cut him off before he had a chance to begin. She snatched it up from the table. “It’s Jarrod Hirsh.”


  Ethan sat silently and waited for Rachel to finish her call. Not once had he considered what her life had been like since he’d gone away. He’d contemplated the emotional impact Ryan’s death had had on her, it was why he’d decided not to disillusion her by telling her the truth about her husband, but he hadn’t considered the rest, and never would he have imagined the picture she’d painted. And Ryan… His muscles quivered as he considered what Rachel had suffered because of him. Was it any wonder she’d reacted the way she did?

  If she lost everything because of him… No. He couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “I’ll be there,” she said and ended the call.

  They stared at each other for long moments. When the silence got to be too much he asked, “So… Do you still have a job?”

  She nodded. “But there are two conditions—and you’re not going to like either of them.”


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